St John Paul II Banksia Grove Parish in Banksia Grove, Western Australia | Religious organisation
St John Paul II Banksia Grove Parish
Locality: Banksia Grove, Western Australia
Phone: +61 422 422 773
Address: 6 Kurrajong Blvd 6031 Banksia Grove, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Acts 2:1-2 Let us fulfill the mission to spread the good news as today marks when the church began its mission.
25.01.2022 SJPII Flower Sale for Mother's Day There are flowers for sale starting today at the Presbytery 79 Joseph Banks Blvd, Banksia Grove WA 6031 Proceeds will go to the Orphanages. - Tuyen Nguyen
25.01.2022 Calling all the youth of SJPII , rego for ACYF2019 ( ) on parish will be closing on Sunday, 8 September 2019. To register please contact Ken - 0466 268 707 or send a message here. Let the young people have the opportunity to be inspired, engaged, and challenged at #acyf19 ! #listentothespirit #identity #catholic #vocation #bethere #registernow
25.01.2022 Mass time for ASH Wednesday (26 February 2020). 8:00 AM 8:45 AM (Student Mass) 7:00 PM... Ash Wednesday is the start of the Lent Season. "...repent and believe in the Gospel" - Mark 1:15
25.01.2022 April DGama and Eldi Novo-Poliran have been commissioned last night along with the other catechist from other parishes officiated by Archbishop Timothy Costelloe. Also, Monique Gintzburger received the Archibishops Award. Let us continue to support and pray for all our parish catechist. ... Photo by: Tuyen Nguyen (PREP Coordinator)
24.01.2022 The SJPII Youth will be joining the Australian Catholic Youth Festival 2019 to be held in Perth later this year. Parents of the SJPII Youth are invited to attend a parents information evening, to know more about the event and learn more about the Youth ministry. There are 3 locations and 3 different dates for you to choose. Please also invite other parents who have an interested youth to join this event.
24.01.2022 You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you. - St Augustines Confessions St Augustine, pray for us!
23.01.2022 Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. "From Mary, we learn to surrender to Gods Will in all things. From Mary, we learn to trust even when all hope seems gone. From Mary, we learn to love Christ her Son and the Son of God!" - St John Paul II... Its a Holy Day of Obligation, please dont forget to attend mass.
23.01.2022 A message from His Grace Archbishop Timothy Costelloe ************************** Today, Wednesday 18 March 2020, the Prime Minister has expressly communicated a ban on non-essential gatherings of persons of one hundred or greater in indoor areas. The governments existing ban on non-essential outdoor gatherings of five hundred persons or greater, which came into effect on Monday 16 March 2020, remains in effect. I commit the Archdiocese of Perth to the support of, and compl...iance with, both of these government directives and the associated and instructive public health advice. The Western Australian and Federal Governments continue to issue ongoing public health advice in relation to COVID19. The Archdiocese of Perth continues to be guided by this advice through our ongoing commitment to monitoring any threat posed by COVID19 to Catholic communities across our Archdiocese. I write to share with you a revised and expanded series of directives which come into effect today, Wednesday 18 March 2020. These directives are in addition to the previously issued directives to the Archdiocese of Perth of Wednesday 4 March 2020 and Monday 16 March 2020. The website of the Archdiocese of Perth has a dedicated COVID-19 web page on which all statements from the Archdiocese of Perth can be found. You can access this information on the Archdiocesan website via I assure you of my continued prayers and practical support as together we as an Archdiocese seek to continue to witness and proclaim our Christ-centred hope within a global context that is collectively seeking to respond to the uncertainty and reality of COVID-19.
23.01.2022 On behalf of Fr Vinh, Sr Duyen, Sr Tuyen and the SJPII Parish we wish you a Merry Christmas. "May baby Jesus bring you and your family lots of love. May the hosts of angels fill your life with joy and bliss. Merry Christmas to you and all your loved ones."
23.01.2022 Happy 100th Birthday St John Paul II St John Paul II, pray for us. Photo CTTO: USCCB Know our Saints:... See more
22.01.2022 SJPII Flower Sale for Mothers Day There are flowers for sale starting today at the Presbytery 79 Joseph Banks Blvd, Banksia Grove WA 6031 Proceeds will go to the Orphanages. - Tuyen Nguyen
21.01.2022 *MODIFIED MASS SERVICES TO RESUME* It is with prayerful anticipation that we look forward to a small move back to ‘normality’, with the resumption of Mass services, albeit in a modified and reduced capacity. With modified Mass services having resumed, the Parish of SJPII are grateful for the efforts of all involved to assist in our Mass services and extend our thanks for those whohave come along to celebrate Mass and pray for our community.... We especially thank Fr Vinh and Fr Chinh for their efforts in ministering to our Parish. To accommodate for as many parishioners as possible, Fr Vinh, along with the support of Fr Chinh, will hold Mass services twice a day with an additional Communion service to be held on Sunday morning. Parishioners are requested to nominate a day and time to attend Mass and ‘book’ in by adding their name, phone number and address to the booking form, each Sunday, for the week ahead. This is to include each family member that will be in attendance, including children. Parishioners are also requested to only select one time slot per week, to allow for as many faithful to attend Mass as possible. Please follow the signs and social distancing requirements. The following Mass times will be held until further notice: Monday to Friday: 6.00pm and 6.30pm; Saturday: 5.00pm and 6.00pm; Sunday: 8.30am and 9.30am; Distribution of Communion from 10.30am to 11.00am. When you attend Mass, please ensure that your name is checked off on the booking list. Additionally, parishioner chairs are not to be moved, regardless of whether you are a family group or not, as these will be correctly spaced to meet required guidelines. If further clarification is needed please email or message Fr Vinh, Sr Duyen or Sr Tuyen. At this time, while we hope to provide services to as many as possible, the faithful continue to be dispensed of their obligation to attend Sunday Mass.
20.01.2022 ONLINE EASTER SERVICES 2020 with Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB HOLY THURSDAY EVENING MASS OF THE LORDS SUPPER... Thursday 09 April 2020 at 7pm GOOD FRIDAY CELEBRATION OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD Friday 10 April 2020 at 3pm EASTER VIGIL MASS Saturday 11 April 2020 at 6pm EASTER SUNDAY MASS Sunday 12 April 2020 at 11am ctto: Catholic Archdiocese of Perth
20.01.2022 HOLY WEEK AND EASTER MASS TIMES 2019 Holy Thursday No 8.00 am Mass; Last Supper at 7.00pm with Adoration from 8.00-9.00pm.... Good Friday No 8.00 am Mass; Stations of the Cross at 10.00am; The Lords Passion at 3.00pm; Easter Saturday No 8.00am Mass; Easter Vigil at 7.00pm Easter Sunday - 9.30am Mass
19.01.2022 SJPII Parish Feast Day 2019 Celebration 20 October 2019
19.01.2022 Feast of Saint Monica Today we honour a saintly woman called to that most important Christian vocation of motherhood. St Monica was born into a Christian family toward the beginning of the fourth century in North Africa. Not much is known of her childhood or young adult life, but she eventually married Patricius, to whom she bore 4 children, the eldest of whom was St Augustine, whose feast is celebrated tomorrow.... St Augustine lived a very wayward life as a young adult, giving himself up to all sorts of youthful exuberances, even fathering a child himself out of wedlock. In so many ways he fell into a life of excess, impurity, and even embraced a false religion of the Eastern Roman Empire. Yet St Monica, like every good mother, never gave up on her son. She kept praying for his conversion, shedding so many tears. One day she met St Ambrose, to whom she explained the situation of her son. He then told her the words which have since become famous. "The child of those tears shall never perish." These prophetic words came true 17 years later, when St Augustine embraced the Catholic faith, eventually becoming a priest and then a bishop. St Monica died less than a year after her sons conversion. Augustine recorded the words she spoke to him when she realised death was near. "Son, nothing in this world now affords me delight. I do not know what there is now left for me to do or why I am still here, all my hopes in this world being now fulfilled." What an incredible example for us of patience, and how efficacious our prayers and tears are when we perservere. St Augustines conversion didnt happen overnight. It wasnt the result of just one or two prayers, or even a novena of rosaries, but 17 years of persistent prayer and tears which won her sons conversion. Now, he is one of the greatest doctors of our Church. We too should have the same conviction in our prayer. No one is beyond redemption, and our Lord invites us to persevere constantly in our prayers, and even to shed tears, for those who need the grace of conversion. Today in a particular way, let us entrust our family and friends who are in need of conversion to the prayers of St Monica. St Monica, pray for us!
19.01.2022 St. John Paul II, pray for us!
18.01.2022 All Saints Day and All Souls Day Mass Times: Masses for these important days will be held on Friday, 1st November at 8AM and 7PM; and Saturday, 2nd of November at 8AM and 6PM. If you would like to add the name of a relative or friend to the Book of Remembrance, please speak to Fr Vinh
18.01.2022 Message from Archbishop Timothy Costelloe
17.01.2022 Feast of St John Paul II The future starts today, not tomorrow. - St John Paul II St John Paul II, pray for us.
16.01.2022 Let us continue to pray for our priest.
15.01.2022 Message from Fr Vinh: *********************** Dear Parishioners, Just wanted to let you know that Mass will be celebrated this coming Monday 18th May 2020 at St John Paul II, Banksia Grove Parish with limited number of attendees.... Its also St John Paul IIS 100th birthday... St John Paul II, pray for us. * Please read the attachment.
15.01.2022 The Archbishops 2019 Christmas Appeal for LifeLink is aiming to raise a minimum of $650,000 for people in need across Western Australia. Full website for LifeLink >>> Watch the 2019 Christmas Appeal Video: ...
09.01.2022 May we get inspired by the life and faith of St. Mary MacKillop. St. Mary of the Cross MacKillop, Pray for Us. #feastday #marymackillop #calledtobesaints #happiness #trustingod #justice #youth #marymackillop #prayforus
09.01.2022 Wishing all Mothers, a blessed Mothers Day!
08.01.2022 Please join us in praying for the Australian Catholic Youth Festival 2019 happening on 8-10 December 2019. Our SJPII Youth will join the other pilgrims from all over Australia.
08.01.2022 Wishing all Mothers, a blessed Mother's Day!
07.01.2022 Catholic Archdiocese of Perth Livestream: Palm Sunday of the Passion of the LORD
07.01.2022 Happy Easter! On behalf of Fr Vinh, Sr Duyen, Sr Tuyen and the parish of St John Paul II we wish you a wonderful and peace-filled Easter. Fr Vinhs Easter Message 2020:
05.01.2022 In this uncertain time, we pray that you are all keeping well and where possible following the health measures identified, to protect yourselves and your loved ones. Following the Prime Ministers latest information release, Archbishop Costelloe has directed the temporary suspension of all Sacramental celebrations, including Mass celebrations, effective immediately. For our parish, this specifically means that our Weekday 8.00am mass services, our Saturday evening 6.00pm Vi...Continue reading
05.01.2022 PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAMME (PREP) Enrolments for our Parish Religious Education Programme will be held this Tuesday, 11th February between 4.00pm and 5.00pm in the school Kindergarten classroom (the first classroom on your right, in the building, as you head towards Fr Vinhs morning Mass room). Classes will officially begin on Tuesday 18th February at 4.00pm with prayer, outside the classrooms. Contact Sr Tuyen 0415148582... Or email: [email protected]. Faith is a beautiful gift we can give our children. Tuyen Nguyen
04.01.2022 The Solemnity of Pentecost Sunday "May the precious gift of the Holy Spirit, whose coming at Pentecost we remember today, be poured out on church in great abundance and may we all be open to receive this gift with gratitude and embrace it with Joy and with Hope." - Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB
04.01.2022 Message from Fr. Vinh: This coming Sunday will be Palm Sunday. I intend to celebrate Mass, bless the palm leaves and put them out in the front of the presbytery. Parishioners are welcome to come around any time on Sunday and pick up a palm. Also, if you have a small, empty bottle that has been washed clean and labelled with your family name, please leave it at the presbytery. On Easter Sunday I will bless the water and then families will be able to collect their bottle and use this to bless themselves. St John Paul II pray for us. Fr Vinh Dong
03.01.2022 St John Paul II Banksia Grove Parish PREP (Parish Religious Education Programme). It caters for children from year 2 to Year 6 and upwards who attend non catholic schools in preparation for the Sacraments. We follow the diocese curriculum Gathered in My Name which has been launched very recently. The enrolment for 2020 now is open. If you would like to enrol your child please contact Sr Tuyen for enrolment form on mobile phone 0415148582 Or email: [email protected]. Faith is a beautiful gift we can give our children.
01.01.2022 MISA DE GALLO St John Paul II Parish will host the Misa de Gallo this Christmas in Fr Vinhs morning Mass room. This is a Filipino Christmas tradition similar to the Novena. It will begin on Sunday 15th of December and be held at 7.00pm each night with a shared supper to follow. Please bring a plate of finger food to share. Please note that on Saturday evenings it will begin at 6.00pm.... Everyone is welcome to attend!
01.01.2022 Please take time to read and pray. Pastoral Letter from the Most Rev Timothy Costelloe SDB - Coronavirus [Ref: 2020.4]
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