St John the Baptist Russian Orthodox Cathedral, Canberra in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory | Eastern Orthodox church
St John the Baptist Russian Orthodox Cathedral, Canberra
Locality: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
Address: 1 Matina St 2604 Canberra, ACT, Australia
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24.01.2022 Dear brothers and sisters, I need your help! As many of you would be aware through my presentations on classical Christian education, it is my deepest desire t...o see us as Orthodox Christians establishing a classical Christian school to allow us to educate and raise our children in the christian faith. The church fathers make it clear: responsibility for educating our children lies with us, the parents! However, I cannot do it alone. I need your help. I am looking to form a small founational committee for the school. Although the intention is to establish it around Queanbeyan (near Canberra) if we can successfully accomplish this, through Gods grace, we could then replicate it in other parts of NSW e.g. Sydney. You dont need to live in Queanbeyan as much can be done online. However, I am looking for people with the following traits: - must be someone who is actively living and engaged in their faith and the life of the church. We must set the example for our children. - a commitment to classical Christian education and to its objectives and ethos - preferably with particular skills they can bring to the table e.g. HR, property, accounting etc. However, this is not a must as there is much to be done. - Finally, people who will commit to praying day and night for the school and for the intercessions of St John of Kronstadt. I realise we are all busy but the education of our children, especially in these times and those to come, is of vital importance. If you are interested, or would like to discuss any aspect of this, feel free to either give me a call 0415 93 66 96 or by email on [email protected]. God bless you all.
23.01.2022 Dear brothers and sisters, We need your views! Our next Faith&Wisdom: Family Edition will be on Sunday 20 September with guest speaker Dr Nadia Crittenden (see our events page). Dr Nadia is a registered psychologist with more than 20 years experience both counselling and university teaching. She is a practising member in the Russian Orthodox church and has given talks over the years at Syezd and also to Parish groups in Sydney. She had worked with families, adolescents, and the elderly. Dr Nadia will speak for approx 30-40min and then the floor will be open to questions. We are looking for your feedback on the preferred topic so that we can best address the needs of our families. Our two shortlisted topics are: communication and conflict resolution within Christian marriage. Please let us know your preference in the comments below, or, if you have another topic that you would like Dr Nadia to address then let us know. Comments need to be in by no later than Friday 10 September so we can give Dr Nadia appropriate time to prepare.
23.01.2022 Please note there will NOT be a class for the Daniel and the Three Youths Ministry this Sunday 6 Sept. Next class will be Sunday 13 September. May the Lord bless you all.
22.01.2022 We spend the whole year moving through the various liturgical cycles but do we know what they are, how each works and the various texts that make them up? We will be discussing this at Faith&Wisdom, Sunday at 1.30pm via Zoom: All welcome!
22.01.2022 Please note that tonight's bible study will NOT be held. Bible study will resume next Monday 16 November where we will continue with the parables. God bless your week.
21.01.2022 For bible study this week, we continue with our series of talks on the parables of Christ where we will be covering the parable of the wedding feast. Tonight at 6.30pm via Zoom: All welcome!
21.01.2022 For Faith&Wisdom this Sunday we will continue our talk on the Proskomedia and look how the Lamb is prepared. Sunday at 1.30pm via Zoom: If you missed last weeks talk please attend and we will catch you up. All welcome!
21.01.2022 Please note schedule update - no service on Saturday 7 November. Schedule of Upcoming Services Due to COVID-19 restrictions on numbers, worshippers must contact Fr Alexander (phone 0411 165 925) before attending the Sunday Divine Liturgy.... Saturday, 24 October 5:00 pm: All Night Vigil - 20th Sunday after Pentecost Sunday, 25 October 9:00 am: Divine Liturgy - Contact Fr Alexander before attending - 20th Sunday after Pentecost Saturday, 31 October 5:00 pm: All Night Vigil - 21st Sunday after Pentecost Sunday, 1 November 9:00 am: Divine Liturgy - Contact Fr Alexander before attending - 21st Sunday after Pentecost Saturday, 7 November 5:00 pm: No service - 22nd Sunday after Pentecost Sunday, 8 November 9:00 am: Divine Liturgy - Contact Fr Alexander before attending - 22nd Sunday after Pentecost Saturday, 14 November 5:00 pm: All Night Vigil - 23rd Sunday after Pentecost Sunday, 15 November 9:00 am: Divine Liturgy - Contact Fr Alexander before attending - 23rd Sunday after Pentecost Saturday, 21 November 5:00 pm: All Night Vigil - 24th Sunday after Pentecost Sunday, 22 November 9:00 am: Divine Liturgy - Contact Fr Alexander before attending - 24th Sunday after Pentecost Saturday, 28 November 5:00 pm: All Night Vigil - 25th Sunday after Pentecost Sunday, 29 November 9:00 am: Divine Liturgy - Contact Fr Alexander before attending - 25th Sunday after Pentecost Расписание Предстоящих Служб В связи с ограничениями в настоящий момент просим вас обязательно связываться с отцом Александром (номер телефона 0411 165 925) если вы хотите посетить Литургию в воскресение. Суббота, 24 октября 5:00 веч.: Всенощное Бдение - Неделя 20-я по Пятидесятнице Воскресенье, 25 октября 9:00 утра: Божест. Литургия - Просьба связаться с отцом Александром перед посещением Литургии - Неделя 20-я по Пятидесятнице Суббота, 31 октября 5:00 веч.: Всенощное Бдение - Неделя 21-я по Пятидесятнице Воскресенье, 1 ноября 9:00 утра: Божест. Литургия - Просьба связаться с отцом Александром перед посещением Литургии - Неделя 21-я по Пятидесятнице Суббота, 7 ноября 5:00 веч.: Нет служб - Неделя 22-я по Пятидесятнице Воскресенье, 8 ноября 9:00 утра: Божест. Литургия - Просьба связаться с отцом Александром перед посещением Литургии - Неделя 22-я по Пятидесятнице Суббота, 14 ноября 5:00 веч.: Всенощное Бдение - Неделя 23-я по Пятидесятнице Воскресенье, 15 ноября 9:00 утра: Божест. Литургия - Просьба связаться с отцом Александром перед посещением Литургии - Неделя 23-я по Пятидесятнице Суббота, 21 ноября 5:00 веч.: Всенощное Бдение - Неделя 24-я по Пятидесятнице Воскресенье, 22 ноября 9:00 утра: Божест. Литургия - Просьба связаться с отцом Александром перед посещением Литургии - Неделя 24-я по Пятидесятнице Суббота, 28 ноября 5:00 веч.: Всенощное Бдение - Неделя 25-я по Пятидесятнице Воскресенье, 29 ноября 9:00 утра: Божест. Литургия - Просьба связаться с отцом Александром перед посещением Литургии - Неделя 25-я по Пятидесятнице
20.01.2022 For bible study this week, we continue with our series of talks on the parables of Christ. Tonight at 6.30pm via Zoom: All welcome!
20.01.2022 A quick reminder that today is the last day to have your say regarding the topic for the next Faith&Wisdom: Family Edition talk to be given by Dr Nadia Crittenden on Sunday 27 September. The options are: communication or conflict resolution in marriage. Please provide your feedback in the comments below. We look forward to seeing you all on Sunday 27 September.
20.01.2022 For Daniel and the Three Youths Ministry this week we will be reading about the birth of Moses and his escape from death as a baby. Sunday from 12.30pm-1pm via Zoom: These classes are for children aged 5-8 years old. IMPORTANT NOTICE... For the safety of our children online, these classes require a passcode to join. Please send me an email on [email protected] with your name, the parish you attend and the parish priest in order to receive the passcode. If you have previously sent me an email with these details there is no need to send a further email, the same passcode can be used. You will also require a webcam to join the class to ensure we can properly identify attendees. Attendees that do not have a camera turned on will be removed from the class.
19.01.2022 Dear brothers and sisters, For those of you who could not attend the Faith&Wisdom: Family Edition talk last Sunday, it has now been uploaded to Youtube for you to view: Thank you again to our blessed Fr Nicholas Karipoff and Fr Nicholas Dalinkiewicz from Holy Protection Virgin Cathedral for their insights and wisdom about the common problems in marriage. ... A special thanks to Chris Rathborne for hosting and editing on our behalf. And thank you to all for attending. We pray that this talk was helpful to you and your family.
19.01.2022 For Faith&Wisdom tomorrow we begin a series of talks on the liturgy starting with the Proskomedia, a service very few of us get to see. We will be going through the steps of this part of the service and see the preparation of the lamb. Sunday at 1.30pm via Zoom: All welcome!
19.01.2022 Dear brothers and sisters, The blessings of the New Year be with you all. This calendar year has certainly been a challenging one and I know that for many of you it has been stressful both materially and spiritually. We have travelled through the unknown, been cut off from family, our friends and even our churches. Please remember the words of the Lord in the book of Isaiah: ... Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! Our great and most compassionate God never forgets us, never leaves us, in fact He is closest to us in the midst of our struggles. And also be assured that you are not forgotten by us, your clergy. From the depths of our hearts we continue to pray for you all, especially standing at the altar of the Lord through the intercessions of the Mother of God and all the Saints. May our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ bless, keep and strengthen you always.
18.01.2022 For Daniel and the Three Youths Ministry this week we will continue to read about Moses and the Israelites as they journey through the wilderness. Sunday from 1-1.30pm via Zoom: These classes are for children aged 5-8 years old. And don't forget our competition for the children to memorise and recite the prayers 'O Heavenly King' and 'It is truly meet'. Each child will have an opportunity to recite these prayers at the beginning and end of... each class and will have their prize mailed out to them. IMPORTANT NOTICE For the safety of our children online, these classes require a passcode to join. Please send me an email on [email protected] with your name, the parish you attend and the parish priest in order to receive the passcode. If you have previously sent me an email with these details there is no need to send a further email, the same passcode can be used. You will also require a webcam to join the class to ensure we can properly identify attendees. Attendees that do not have a camera turned on will be removed from the class.
18.01.2022 Apologies for the late notice but there will be a working bee tomorrow morning at 10am in the church hall to make piroshki. If you are able to attend and assist it would be greatly appreciated as we need to fill orders to make up for not having our bazaar. Please contact Irene Ovchinnikov on 0411 029 026 and let her know if you can assist.... Thank you and may God bless your efforts.
17.01.2022 Please note that the Faith&Wisdom talk for this Sunday has been postponed and will NOT be held. Next Faith&Wisdom talk will be on Sunday 8 November at the usual time. God bless your week.
17.01.2022 Please note that the Faith&Wisdom:Family Edition talk to be given by Dr Nadia Crittenden will now be held on Monday, 28 September 2020 at 7.30pm. Here is the Zoom link: No password is required. We apologise for having to move the talk a second time but it was necessary to avoid a clash with another live streamed talk by Pokrov Cathedral. Dr Nadia will be speaking about communication within the family. Dr Nadia will speak for 30-40 min th...en it will be open for questions. Please see our events page for more details. God bless you all and we hope to see you on Monday 28 September.
16.01.2022 A reminder that for updates for the Faith&Wisdom talks and the Daniel and the Three Youths Ministry for this weekend, please go the new Faith&Wisdom Ministries Facebook page: God bless you all.
16.01.2022 Dear brothers and sisters, May the blessings of the Joyful Feast of the Dormition be with you. On this wonderful day, the Ever-Virgin and Birth Giver of God reposed and become our constant intercessor. The Theotokos took her rightful place on the throne as the Queen of Heaven. ... There is no greater intercessor on our behalf and as a loving mother she cannot help but answer our prayers. More honourable than the Cherubim and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim! Holy Theotokos pray to your Son and our God for us.
15.01.2022 Dear brothers and sisters, Please note that the Faith&Wisdom:Family Edition with Dr Nadia Crittenden that was due to be held on Sunday 20 September will now be held on Sunday 27 September 2020. We apologise for the change but as 20 September is the eve of the Birth of the Most Holy Mother of God, vigil service will be held that Sunday evening.... I hope you can all join us for what will be a very informative talk. God bless.
15.01.2022 For Faith&Wisdom this Sunday we will be discussing the spiritual journey that we are taken through during the Great Vespers service. Sunday at 7.30pm (Sydney/Canberra time) via Zoom: All welcome!
15.01.2022 For Daniel and the Three Youths Ministry this week we will continue to read about Moses and his encounter with the burning bush. Sunday from 12.30pm-1pm via Zoom: These classes are for children aged 5-8 years old. And dont forget our competition for the children to memorise and recite the prayers O Heavenly King and It is truly meet. Each child will have an opportunity to recite these prayers at the beginning and end of each class and... will have their prize mailed out to them. IMPORTANT NOTICE For the safety of our children online, these classes require a passcode to join. Please send me an email on [email protected] with your name, the parish you attend and the parish priest in order to receive the passcode. If you have previously sent me an email with these details there is no need to send a further email, the same passcode can be used. You will also require a webcam to join the class to ensure we can properly identify attendees. Attendees that do not have a camera turned on will be removed from the class.
14.01.2022 Troparion to St John of Kronstadt: With the apostles thy sound hath gone forth into all the earth;/ with the confessors thou didst endure sufferings for Christ;/ thou didst resemble the holy hierarchs in thy preaching of the Word;/ and with the venerable hast thou shone forth in the grace of God./ Therefore, the Lord hath exalted the depths of thy humility above the heavens,/ and hath given us thy name as a source of most wondrous miracles./ Wherefore, O wonderworker, who l...ivest in Christ forever,/ take pity in thy love upon people in misfortunes;/ and hearken unto thy children,/ who with faith call upon thee,// O righteous John, our beloved pastor. May the blessings of the wonderworker, St John of Kronstadt, be with you all. St John, pray to God for us!
14.01.2022 Dear brothers and sisters, A new Facebook page has been created for Faith&Wisdom Ministries. This will provide all future updates on our Faith&Wisdom talks (including Family Edition), Daniel and the Three Youths Ministry for children and for our weekly bible study. Please note that updates to these services will no longer appear on the St John the Baptist Facebook page.... We look forward to seeing you at these services soon. God bless your week.
14.01.2022 Dear brothers and sisters, Please note that due to pressing commitments, we will need to postpone the bible study tonight and on Monday 9 November. Next bible study will be held on Monday 16 November. We apologise for not being able to provide this important service but will resume in 2 weeks to continue our study of the parables of Christ.... May the Lord bless you all.
14.01.2022 For bible study this week, we continue with our series of talks on the parables of Christ and will look at the parable of the mustard seed and the leaven. Tonight at 6.30pm via Zoom: All welcome!
14.01.2022 Please note there will NOT be a Faith&Wisdom talk this Sunday 6 Sept. Next class will be Sunday 13 September. May the Lord bless you all.
13.01.2022 Here is wonderful article about the life of Schemanun Ekaterina and the deep spiritual lessons that we can learn and imitate in our own lives:
13.01.2022 Please note that tonight's bible study has been postponed and will NOT be on. Next bible study will be Monday 2 November at the usual time. We apologise for not being able to provide the bible study this week and pray that you have a blessed week.
12.01.2022 Dear brothers and sisters, Please note that todays Faith&Wisdom talk on the Proskomedia has been cancelled due to a lack of attendance. This talk will instead be given next Sunday 6 September 2020 at the usual time. Have a blessed week.
12.01.2022 For Faith&Wisdom this Sunday we will continue our talk on the Proskomedia and look at how the Lamb is prepared. Sunday at 1.30pm via Zoom: If you missed the first talk on the Proskomedia, I will be doing a short revision so please attend. All welcome!
11.01.2022 With the Feast of the Transfiguration this Wednesday, we will be reading about this great event and why its important? Daniel and the Three Youths Ministry, Sunday from 12.30pm-1pm via Zoom: These classes are for children aged 5-8 years old. IMPORTANT NOTICE... For the safety of our children online, these classes require a passcode to join. Please send me an email on [email protected] with your name, the parish you attend and the parish priest in order to receive the passcode. If you have previously sent me an email with these details there is no need to send a further email, the same passcode can be used. You will also require a webcam to join the class to ensure we can properly identify attendees. Attendees that do not have a camera turned on will be removed from the class.
10.01.2022 REMINDER: Daniel and the Three Youths Ministry will now be held at 1pm Sydney/Canberra time each Sunday. Please adjust for daylight savings. For Daniel and the Three Youths Ministry this week we will continue to read about Moses and the Israelites as they journey through the wilderness and the receiving of the 10 commandments. Sunday from 1-1.30pm via Zoom: These classes are for children aged 5-8 years old.... And don't forget our competition for the children to memorise and recite the prayers 'O Heavenly King' and 'It is truly meet'. Each child will have an opportunity to recite these prayers at the beginning and end of each class and will have their prize mailed out to them. IMPORTANT NOTICE For the safety of our children online, these classes require a passcode to join. Please send me an email on [email protected] with your name, the parish you attend and the parish priest in order to receive the passcode. If you have previously sent me an email with these details there is no need to send a further email, the same passcode can be used. You will also require a webcam to join the class to ensure we can properly identify attendees. Attendees that do not have a camera turned on will be removed from the class.
09.01.2022 PLEASE NOTE: Faith&Wisdom has moved to 7.30pm Sydney/Canberra time each Sunday evening. Please adjust for daylight saving time For Faith&Wisdom this Sunday we will continue our series of talks on the liturgy and look at the 3nd part of the liturgy: the Liturgy of the Faithful. Sunday at 7.30pm via Zoom: All welcome!
09.01.2022 For Daniel and the Three Youths Ministry we continue with the story of Joseph and how he reveals his real identity to his father and brothers and saves them from starvation during the famine. Sunday from 12.30pm-1pm via Zoom: These classes are for children aged 5-8 years old. IMPORTANT NOTICE... For the safety of our children online, these classes require a passcode to join. Please send me an email on [email protected] with your name, the parish you attend and the parish priest in order to receive the passcode. If you have previously sent me an email with these details there is no need to send a further email, the same passcode can be used. You will also require a webcam to join the class to ensure we can properly identify attendees. Attendees that do not have a camera turned on will be removed from the class.
08.01.2022 A reminder that our Faith&Wisdom: Family Edition panel discussion will be held tomorrow Sunday, 9 August 2020 at 7.30pm (not our usual time of 1.30pm) and we are blessed to be joined by Mitred Archpriest Nicholas Karipoff and Archpriest Nicholas Dalinkiewicz from Holy Protection Virgin Cathedral in Victoria. Both fathers have many years of experience in providing pastoral care to married couples and will be speaking to us about the common problems that marriages face, the for such problems and how we can resolve these problems in loving and Christian manner. Sunday 9 August 2020 at 7.30pm via Zoom: Please note that no passcode is required for this event. Please feel free to pass this around to those who may find it to be of benefit. All welcome!
08.01.2022 A reminder that for bible study this week, we will continue with our series of talks on the parables of Christ and will look at the parable of the wicked vinedressers. Tonight at the new time of 7.30pm Sydney/Canberra time via Zoom: Please note: Daylight savings began on 4 Oct in Sydney and Canberra. Those from other States/Territories may need check their local times. All welcome!
06.01.2022 Dear brothers and sisters, A reminder that for updates on the bible study, please go to the new Faith&Wisdom Ministries Facebook page: God bless you all.
04.01.2022 Schedule of Upcoming Services Due to COVID-19 restrictions on numbers, worshippers must contact Fr Alexander (phone 0411 165 925) before attending the Sunday Divine Liturgy. Saturday, 5 September 5:00 pm: All Night Vigil - 13th Sunday after Pentecost... Sunday, 6 September 9:00 am: Divine Liturgy - Contact Fr Alexander before attending - 13th Sunday after Pentecost Saturday, 12 September 5:00 pm: All Night Vigil - 14th Sunday after Pentecost Sunday, 13 September 9:00 am: Divine Liturgy - Contact Fr Alexander before attending - 14th Sunday after Pentecost Saturday, 19 September 5:00 pm: All Night Vigil - 15th Sunday after Pentecost Sunday, 20 September 9:00 am: Divine Liturgy - Contact Fr Alexander before attending - 15th Sunday after Pentecost Sunday, 20 September 5:00 pm: All Night Vigil - The Nativity of the Mother of God Monday, 21 September 9:00 am: Divine Liturgy - The Nativity of the Mother of God Saturday, 26 September 5:00 pm: All Night Vigil - The Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-giving Cross Sunday, 27 September 9:00 am: Divine Liturgy - Contact Fr Alexander before attending - The Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-giving Cross ( 0411 165 925) . , 5 5:00 .: - 13- , 6 9:00 : . - - 13- , 12 5:00 .: - 14- , 13 9:00 : . - - 14- , 19 5:00 .: - 15- , 20 9:00 : . - - 15- , 20 5:00 .: - , 21 9:00 : . - , 26 5:00 .: - , 27 9:00 : . - -
03.01.2022 Dear brothers and sisters, A reminder that our next Faith&Wisdom: Family Edition panel discussion will be held this coming Sunday, 9 August 2020 at 7.30pm (not our usual time of 1.30pm) and we are blessed to be joined by Mitred Archpriest Nicholas Karipoff and Archpriest Nicholas Dalinkiewicz from Holy Protection Virgin Cathedral in Victoria. Both fathers have many years of experience in providing pastoral care to married couples and will be speaking to us about the common pr...oblems that marriages face, the causes for such problems and how we can resolve these problems in loving and Christian manner. Sunday 9 August 2020 at 7.30pm via Zoom: Please note that no passcode is required for this event. Please feel free to pass this around to those who may find it to be of benefit. All welcome!
03.01.2022 Dear brothers and sisters, As many of you would be aware, on 4 August 2020, a tragic explosion occurred in Beirut, Lebanon killing at least 177, injuring over 6000 and leaving hundreds of thousands of people homeless creating a humanitarian crises. To support the work of those providing humanitarian assistance in response to this event, we will be having a special collection on Sunday at the end liturgy with the collection going to the Red Cross.... We pray for those impacted by this event. Let us support our neighbours in need.
03.01.2022 REMINDER: Daniel and the Three Youths Ministry will now be held at 1pm each Sunday. For Daniel and the Three Youths Ministry this week we will continue to read about Moses and the Israelites as they journey through the wilderness after escaping from slavery in Egypt. Sunday from 1-1.30pm via Zoom: These classes are for children aged 5-8 years old. And don't forget our competition for the children to memorise and recite the prayers 'O Heavenly King' and 'It is truly meet'. Each child will have an opportunity to recite these prayers at the beginning and end of each class and will have their prize mailed out to them. IMPORTANT NOTICE For the safety of our children online, these classes require a passcode to join. Please send me an email on [email protected] with your name, the parish you attend and the parish priest in order to receive the passcode. If you have previously sent me an email with these details there is no need to send a further email, the same passcode can be used. You will also require a webcam to join the class to ensure we can properly identify attendees. Attendees that do not have a camera turned on will be removed from the class.
02.01.2022 From this day forth from this very hour and this very minute, let us love God above all and seek to accomplish His Holy Will. ST. HERMAN OF ALASKA
01.01.2022 PLEASE NOTE: Faith&Wisdom has moved to 7.30pm each Sunday evening. For Faith&Wisdom this Sunday we will continue our series of talks on the liturgy and look at the 2nd part of the liturgy: the liturgy of the Catechumens. Sunday at 7.30pm via Zoom: All welcome!
01.01.2022 A reminder that the Faith&Wisdom talk will be on tonight at 7.30pm Sydney/Canberra time. Please note that the change to daylight saving time may result in this talk being at a different time in your state/territory. We look forward to seeing you all tonight to learn about the liturgy of the catechumen. God bless.
01.01.2022 What happened to Joseph and his family after they moved to the land of Egypt to escape the famine? We will continue with this story for Daniel and the Three Youths Ministry, Sunday from 12.30pm-1pm via Zoom: These classes are for children aged 5-8 years old. IMPORTANT NOTICE... For the safety of our children online, these classes require a passcode to join. Please send me an email on [email protected] with your name, the parish you attend and the parish priest in order to receive the passcode. If you have previously sent me an email with these details there is no need to send a further email, the same passcode can be used. You will also require a webcam to join the class to ensure we can properly identify attendees. Attendees that do not have a camera turned on will be removed from the class.
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