St Luke's Catholic Church, Woodvale in Woodvale, Western Australia | Church
St Luke's Catholic Church, Woodvale
Locality: Woodvale, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9409 6291
Address: 2 Parkside Ramble 6026 Woodvale, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 New directives for Churches in the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth.
24.01.2022 Happy St Ignatius Day! Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam - For the greater glory of God.
24.01.2022 YOUTH GROUP TONIGHT Friendly reminder that we have our Year 6 -12 youth group tonight in the hall from 7 PM!
24.01.2022 I am uncertain of the origin but its good ... Coffee or Tea I love this analogy!... You are holding a cup of coffee when someone comes along and bumps into you or shakes your arm, making you spill your coffee everywhere. Why did you spill the coffee? "Because someone bumped into me!!!" Wrong answer. You spilled the coffee because there was coffee in your cup. Had there been tea in the cup, you would have spilled tea. *Whatever is inside the cup is what will spill out.* Therefore, when life comes along and shakes you (which WILL happen), whatever is inside you will come out. Its easy to fake it, until you get rattled. *So we have to ask ourselves... whats in my cup?"* When life gets tough, what spills over? Joy, gratefulness, peace and humility? Anger, bitterness, harsh words and reactions? Life provides the cup, YOU choose how to fill it. Today lets work towards filling our cups with gratitude, forgiveness, joy, words of affirmation; and kindness, gentleness and love for others. See more
23.01.2022 Check out this amazing view of our church. Video: HardHat Media
22.01.2022 A new church has been approved in Banksia Grove. St John Paul II Banksia Grove Parish
22.01.2022 PARISH BULLETIN - 15/16th AUGUST
21.01.2022 We have a camera installed in the church and soon we will be able to regularly live stream Masses.
21.01.2022 A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Matthew 25:31-46 Jesus said to his disciples:When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit upon his glorious throne, and all the nations will be assembled before him. And he will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will place the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by...Continue reading
20.01.2022 Friday screening!
20.01.2022 St Luke's Catholic Primary School Playgroup There is a new playgroup at the school. It is free and open to all guardians and carers in the school and local community with children from birth to school age. Please feel free to join the group for up-to-date information.
19.01.2022 PARISH BULLETIN - 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time - 22nd/23rd August 2020
19.01.2022 We must stand together to fight for justice ....
18.01.2022 A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark (13:33-37) Jesus said to his disciples: Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come. It is like a man traveling abroad. He leaves home and places his servants in charge, each with his own work, and orders the gatekeeper to be on the watch. Watch, therefore; you do not know when the Lord of the house is coming, whether in the evening, or at midnight, or at cockcrow, or in the morning. May he not come suddenly...Continue reading
17.01.2022 TODAY the team are at St Lukes Woodvale having a blast with the Yr 4s about to make their First Holy Communion soon!
17.01.2022 Mater Dei College invites prospective families to its annual Open Day. Due to social distancing requirements and tour group sizes, we ask families to register with Ang Lourens via email: [email protected]
13.01.2022 Sundays Gospel: Matthew (25:14-30) What Does Burying The Talent Mean In Rabbinic Law And Why Is It Important For You? by Fr. Gaetano Piccolo Good reason still existed; but it was kept concealed, for fear of the popular reason. Manzoni...Continue reading
13.01.2022 Today is the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Jesus reminds us that Gods generosity is boundless and open to all, even those to whom we may begrudge or think unwo...rthy: All are invited to continue praying for during this Season of Creation:
13.01.2022 Mental health is not just the absence of mental illness, but the presence of mental wellbeing in our lives. Mental health can include feeling good about, feeling motivated, having enough energy to go about learning, working and playing, and feeling like our relationships with others are meaningful. A positive personal relationship with your child will have huge benefits for their mental health. You can strengthen your relationship through ‘micro-moments’ of connection, starting with conversations that are inquisitive and open-ended rather than transactional. For example, at the end of the school day you can ask ‘what was the best part of your day?’ or ‘what was the most interesting thing you learnt about?’ before questions like ‘did you eat your lunch?’ or ‘do you have homework?’.
13.01.2022 One thing parents continually comment on is the high-quality, vibrant graphics in the Little Saint Adventures app that make the faith come alive for their children. Take a look for yourself!
12.01.2022 Another youth leader, another Birthday!
12.01.2022 Archbishop Tim Costelloe addressed educational leaders from across 166 WA Catholic schools earlier this week, on a Zoom-hosted teleconference, where he spoke fe...rvently about the need to "create engaged learning environments where staff are open to ongoing formation and in-servicing, flexibility, responding to the uniqueness of each child and young person".
12.01.2022 Thursday screening!
11.01.2022 SOCIAL JUSTICE STATEMENT 2020 To Live Life to the Full: Mental health in Australia today "The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting the mental health of many members of our parishes, schools and communities. In fact, most of us will experience a mental health problem at some point over the course of our lives. Understanding mental health will help us to be aware of those who need our support. Our parishes, organisations and communities can be places of acceptance care and healing, n...ot places of rejection, judgment or stigma. In the Social Justice Statement To Live Life to the Full: Mental health in Australia today, the Bishops welcome the deinstitutionalisation of mental health care in Australia. However, without adequately funded community mental health services, there is a gap in the system through which people continue to fall. Social determinants including poverty, living conditions, and personal security are significant contributors to mental ill-health. The Statement highlights the experience of First Nations people and communities, asylum seekers and refugees, people who are homeless and those who are in prison." READ the statement here:
10.01.2022 Homily for the Solemnity of All Saints As some of you know, the year before I entered seminary I undertook a travelling year of discernment, during which time I... strove to figure out just what it was the Lord was wanting me to do with my life. And one of the more pivotal moments for me during that year involved an encounter with the many saints of our Church. It was few months into my year away, and I was at the Cathedral in Los Angeles, California for Sunday Mass. This particular Mass happened to be in Spanish, and as the priest began his passionate Spanish homily, my eyes started wandering a bit. And before long, I was captivated by the remarkable set of large tapestries that hang on the walls of the L.A. Cathedral (some of you may have seen them). They depict a vast collection of well-known saints from different eras of the Church’s historyplus a handful of anonymous saints mixed inall gazing prayerfully at the altar. These life-size images vividly portrayed a Church teaching that I had never really thought about before that at every Mass the entire Church is present, including the saints and angels in heaven. And like the assorted crowd around me in the pewsand like our congregation here this morningthese saints featured a sweeping breadth of nationalities, ages, and walks of life men and women who had known both great suffering and great joy. Then it came time for communion. As I stood in line, I was conscious of being surrounded by many brothers and sisters in Christ, both in person and in the spirits of those who had gone before us. And to my surprise, as a soaring Spanish hymn filled the Cathedral, tears came to my eyes. I may have been on the other side of the world, but I felt at home in a most radical way. At the centre of it all was the Eucharist the Body of Christ. We were taking part in a sacred meal that transcends time and place and the saints in heavenwho ran the great race of faith during their time on earthwere right there with us, as they are this morning. We are united with the saintsand with each otherthrough our union with Christ, in a bond that is deeper than nationality or even family. It is a bond which the world cannot give, and which the world cannot take away. - - Now, not only are we to honour the saints and seek their intercession, we are called to be saints. Each one of us. I’m aware that this might seem like a daunting proposition for some of you. Many believers struggle with lukewarmness in their faith at various times in their life. Many peopleeven those really striving to be good Catholicsknow they aren’t on fire for God as much as they ought to be, or perhaps once were. I suspect that in many instances, the root of this problem is a temptation that we can all face from time to time namely, the belief that God is not enough for me. Now, we might never actually say this or even consciously think it, because if we do stop and think about it it’s a difficult idea to justify. How could Almighty Godthe creator and sustainer of everything that ispossibly not be enough for me, such that I need other things in my life to take priority over him? Nonetheless, the way we go about our lives may well reveal that such an approach has become our operative belief. Perhaps deep down we might struggle to trust God, and so on some level we think we know better than God what’s in our best interest. Again, this is a pretty silly idea once we bring it to the surface, but after a bit of suffering in our life it’s the sort of belief that can easily take hold if we allow it to. So, given all this, if you’re struggling with lukewarmness in your faith life, here’s a suggestion that might be worth trying: allow God to be the most interesting thing in your life. Allow God to be the most interesting thing in your life, and see what happens. If our love of God is low, it makes sense that other things will seem more interesting to us. And so often we don’t really want to let go of the things that might be getting in the way of us growing closer to God. Assorted comforts, entertainment, indulgent behaviour sinful and otherwise. We also might resent having to go to Mass, having to pray, having to serve our neighbour, and so forth. Yet consider how we act with those that we truly love think of how much care we might put into even small gesturesa surprise gift, perhapseven if no-one else will ever know about it, even if they serve no practical purpose. How often do we behave this way towards God? If a married couple becomes too busy to spend time together, it’s normally the beginning of trouble. And if they don’t have time, they need to make time. It’s the same with us and God. Allow space in your life, for God to reveal himself as the most interesting thing your life. Make God a priority, and see what happens. There are simple steps we can take putting aside time to really pray without distractions; having good posture when we pray; striving to be focused and attentive in prayer the sort of things we would do gladly if we were spending time with someone we were in love with. Well, act as if you were in love with God, and see what happens. Jesus exhorts us to love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength, and to love your neighbour as yourself. And this is ultimately for our own benefit, because the simple truth is that we will never be happy if we go half-way with God. If we’re one foot in and one foot out, that’s a recipe for misery. But if we allow God to really be Godand live accordinglywe might just find that striving to please him in our prayer and in our way of life and in our service of others is no longer something we experience as a burden but something we gladly do, because nothing else is really worth it. And it may well be that, by the end of our life, we will have not only allowed God to be the most interesting thing in our life, butwith his gracehe might actually be the true love of our life. And that is a recipe for paradise. So this morning we thank the Lord for the gift of all his saintsof these precious witnesses to the power of his graceand we ask that through their intercession we may be able to love God the way that they do, so that at the end of our life we may be welcomed with them into his heavenly kingdom. All holy men and women pray for us!
10.01.2022 A message from Archbishop Timothy Costelloe
10.01.2022 Child Protection Week Competition 2020 Open to all young people 12 18 years. Create a 2-minute media clip outlining the importance of Putting childrens needs first. First prize $500 Gift Voucher Entry forms are available from the back of the church or visit: ... Entry closes Friday 14th August. See more
09.01.2022 Great to see our young ones active and having a good time!
08.01.2022 Who in their right mind is going to confess to paedophilia if priests are obliged by law to report such vile perpetrators to the law? Such a stupid law which I believe is not intended to provide much needed protection for children but rather simply an attack on the Catholic church ...
07.01.2022 Something positive, Africa is certainly seeing a huge increase in the number of Catholics, perhaps Britain is heading in the same direction?
06.01.2022 Tonight at 7:00PM
06.01.2022 Mater Dei College community fair.
05.01.2022 Last Sunday, Mrs Morey and Mr Watson attended the Community Reception with The Hon Mark McGowan MLA Premier of Western Australia and State Cabinet Ministers in Joondalup. It was a great opportunity for our Leadership team to represent Mater Dei and Catholic schools in the region.
05.01.2022 Matthew 25:1-13 (This Sundays Gospel) A homily by Fr. Hugh Barbour O. PRAEM. Of course, whenever we hear the kingdom of heaven in the Gospels, we should first think of spiritual realities: of our inner life. As the Savior said, The kingdom of heaven is within you. So the likeness to the kingdom of heaven is in the ten virgins and their going out to meet the bridegroom and the bride. Who are these ten virgins within us to whom the kingdom of heaven is compared? ...Continue reading
05.01.2022 Saturday 6 PM Mass
05.01.2022 Please be very wary of scam emails in the name of priests or parishes, especially those requesting money or iTunes cards.Please be very wary of scam emails in the name of priests or parishes, especially those requesting money or iTunes cards.
05.01.2022 This week is National Child Protection Week. The theme is "Putting Children First." The Safeguarding Office released this video which includes an address from the Archbishop and the video competition entries.
04.01.2022 Mater Dei College, Edgewater, WA Vice Principal, Paul Watson, has been selected to present at the upcoming [RE]LEARN: The Learning Innovation Festival, held out... of Madrid next week! Paul's presentation is entitled "Education should have changed considerably long before COVID-19 - Examples of Innovative Practice in an Australian Secondary School." "At the heart of any contemporary School should be the ability and willingness to engage students and the local community in a meaningful and purposeful manner. In 2017 it was identified that my current school required significant transformation. A new Principal was appointed in mid-2017 and subsequently the appointment of a Vice Principal in 2018. This presentation highlights the journey of the College in reinventing its self as a school since then and the considerable success experienced in a very short time. The presentation includes: Leading effective change in shifting a school’s culture Reengaging a school community Providing a point/s of difference as a school Embracing innovation and creativity in bringing about significant pedagogical change and enhancing teacher growth New Pathways for students Engaging students, enhancing life-long learning and meeting 21st Century needs Building community, industry and educational partnerships This presentation, accompanied by video, highlights specific models of teaching and learning pedagogical practice including an alternative Timetable model, Project Based Learning, student voice and gamification in the classroom. Additionally, it will outline the change management processes utilised by the College to bring about significant school improvement." About [RE]LEARN: [RE]LEARN is the online festival where actionable learning innovation is shared and grown among education professionals that are positively changing education worldwide. Between the 9th and 20th of November 2020, [RE]LEARN will bring together learning innovation Thought Leaders, Education Leaders, Change Leaders and Educators from across the world for a 2 weeks long online festival to share, learn and develop methods to bring about a global shift in education. For more information, please visit or visit Learnlife
04.01.2022 QCE Awards | Community The QCE Awards were held on 16th October. However, we continue to highlight all of the wonderful nominations received this year. Mater D...ei College, Edgewater, WA - Wellbeing Service "The Mater Dei College Wellbeing Service aims to provide a positive, caring, inclusive, safe and supportive school environment for all students. While the mental health and wellbeing of students is the primary focus, families and staff also benefit from the broad range of services offered, including short-term counselling, crisis intervention, delivery of programs such as Mental Health First Aid, Animal Assisted Therapy, Peer Awareness Wellbeing Service (PAWS), weekly meditation sessions and whole school events including Harmony Week, No Way Anti-bullying Week, National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence, Wellbeing Week which coincides with RUOk Day, and Staff Wellbeing Day."
04.01.2022 Regarding last weeks Gospel ...
03.01.2022 Sad news about one of the most beautiful places of worship ever built ...
03.01.2022 ADORABLE ALERT! We recently received a letter and donation from an amazing six year old called Elias. The letter reads "Dear Vinnies, I saved this money ...from doing chores. I hope you can use it for feeding the people who need it." Elias mum works for BankSA, and clearly Elias was all ears as his mum was preparing for the BankSA sleepout, which staff participate in each year as part of their fundraising efforts for the Vinnies CEO Sleepout. Every little bit helps, with Elias contribution forming part of the incredible $225,000 raised by BankSA. Thanks Elias for your hard work and generosity!
02.01.2022 A prayer for protection...
02.01.2022 How fortunate are we?
02.01.2022 Latest Mass times - including Sunday evening ....
02.01.2022 New directives from Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB.
01.01.2022 7 PM Tonight in the hall.
01.01.2022 PARISH BULLETIN #22 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time - 8th / 9th August 2020
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