St Mark's Primary School | Brand
St Mark's Primary School
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25.01.2022 The Maths professional development day focussing on instructional models around problem solving that all staff participated in last Friday was very engaging and informative.The presenter, Ellen Corovic from the Mathematical Association of Victoria also stressed that students need to focus on the habits of mind such as persistence, thinking flexibly, applying past knowledge to new situations and thinking interdependently to embrace the concept that the task will not have a quick solution.
25.01.2022 On Wednesday 4th March 26, Year 3 - 6 students represented our in the Interschool District Swimming Carnival. All the children swam their very best and were a real credit to the school. From the carnival we had 4 boys that went on to swim at the Division carnival in the Year 12/13 medley relay. Two of these boys (Vinnie and Mitchell) also swam in individual events. Well done to all the children that competed on the day.
25.01.2022 On Wednesday 14th August the Year 3-6 students participated in the Interhouse Athletics Carnival
25.01.2022 On Friday 16th August we celebrated Book and Science Week. On this day the children dressed up as their favourite book character or science person. After lunch we finished up the day by having a book week parade which was a colourful and fun event. Thank you to all the families for the effort that was put into the costumes.
25.01.2022 Dear families, we hope you enjoyed our staff video featuring our masked superheroes. We would like to encourage a friendly competition amongst our community... so parents, please consider sending us a photo of your own masked superhero persona! It could just be you or you can include your family. We will show some entries on the next assembly and award a prize to the best submission! Please send photos with a caption to [email protected] by Wednesday 26th August.
25.01.2022 Parent Association Social Night
24.01.2022 Last week the Year 5 students and their teachers participated in an Urban Camp in the city. Over the course of 3 days the children visited a variety of places i.e Melbourne Gaol, Polly Woodside, MCG visit, The Melbourne Eye, The Shrine, The Queen Victoria Market, Urban Scrawl and the Museum. All the children has a wonderful time.
23.01.2022 Friday morning the Year 3 to 6 students ran their events for athletics. In the afternoon, Mr Snell made a series of presentations in the undercover area for the virtual cross country results, athletics results, house spirit award, etc. As we are still only permitted to have year level gatherings and not whole school gatherings, as well as no parents on-site, the presentations were streamed live for parents and for classroom teachers to watch with their classes. The link to the video is
23.01.2022 This term, the Year 3/4 students have been learning about Australian history as part of our unit ‘I am, you are, we are Australian’. They have been learning about Indigenous Australians as the traditional owners of our land and the impact of European settlement. To help immerse the students further in this topic, they visited The Royal Botanic Gardens for an excursion on Friday, March 6th. While there, they took part in the ‘Connecting to Country’ program, which educated the students on Indigenous food, medicine, art and traditions. They also had a chance to explore native flora through the ‘Australian Forest Walk’.
23.01.2022 100 Days of Foundation Congratulations to all the Foundation children that celebrated 100 days of Foundation. The children participated in a variety of activities and had a lot of fun during the day. The children also dressed up as old people and they all looked fantastic. Thank you to the teachers for organising the activities and the parents that assisted on the day.
22.01.2022 On Friday 10th May Michael Mangan, a composer of religious songs, came and performed for our school. We have used a lot of Michael's songs in our school masses.
22.01.2022 This week St Mark’s Primary School joined more than 300 schools across Australia in welcoming parliamentarians and science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) professionals into their classrooms as part of the national STEM in Schools event. STEM in Schools is facilitated by Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO, and aims to make STEM careers more visible and relatable by inviting STEM professionals into the classroom to share their work and their stories wit...h students. STEM professionals from across CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology took part, and explored the important role that scientists have in addressing global challenges. As the nature of work changes and will continue to change in the future, it is more important than ever that students participate in and engage with STEM subjects in Australia, and that STEM professionals unite to engage students. St Mark’s was very fortunate to be partnered with Dr Christian Doblin, chemical engineer, from CSIRO in Clayton, for this special event. Dr Doblin inspired students with his journey as a scientist and in particular the work he is doing now with CSIRO on titanium (his favourite element (Ti 22) on the periodic table!), He then joined the students from Foundation to Grade 6 in STEM challenges, reinforcing the national importance of STEM for Australia's future. The conversation will continue online, with all Australian STEM professionals encouraged to share their own STEM career stories using #STEMinSchools on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Nicola Bailey STEM Learning and Teaching Leader
22.01.2022 On Thursday 16th May 2019, four Year 6 students had the privilege to compete for the City of Kingston Junior Mayor. These students had put in many hours of work through many snack and lunch times. Congratulations to Harry McCawley who was elected on to the Junior Mayor Council.
20.01.2022 Remote learning has been a three way learning partnership between the students, parents and teachers. Both parents and teachers have seen each child’s learning through a different lens and this has strengthened the dialogue about effective learning and the overall wellbeing of the child. To all our parents, your assistance with your child, negotiating online learning, feedback to teachers, working at home or onsite and keeping the household going is a remarkable feat and the... staff are extremely appreciative of all that you have contributed. Thank you to the teachers and learning support staff who have worked tirelessly in connecting and being present everyday to deliver the remote curriculum. It has certainly been a school community effort and we wish all families a well deserved break and look forward to again welcoming all students and families back to St Mark’s.
20.01.2022 On Tuesday, December 8th, the 3/4 students and teachers ran a Christmas fundraiser during snack and lunch. This was to tie in with our Inquiry topic ‘FUN ways to FUNdraise’ where the students have been learning about money, business and charity. There were a variety of activities to take part in and it was lovely to see students from Foundation to Year 6 getting involved and having fun. All up, around $800 was raised and this money will be distributed between charities organising Christmas appeals including St Vincent De Paul and The Smith Family. Thanks to everyone who came along to take part and raise funds for these worthy causes and well done to prize winners!
20.01.2022 The Evolution Revolution Expo in 5/6 was a tremendous success. The students demonstrated their creative and critical thinking in STEM, Writing, Inquiry and Digital Literacy.
19.01.2022 On Friday September 6th, eight students from Years 4-6 represented St. Mark’s at the District Maths Games Day at Keysborough Primary. The students participated in a number of activities throughout the day, including warm up activities, problem solving, mental maths questions, strategy and equation games, quick questions and who am I questions. This was a great opportunity to challenge students who enjoy maths. Congratulations to the following: Year 4 Team: Branden Le, Lachlan... Newham, Tyler Trinh & Frank Vu (Placed 16th overall out of 54 teams). Year 5/6 Team: Danny Farr, Cindy Le, Oliver Mangoni & Karyna Ngo (Placed 6th overall out of 54 teams)
19.01.2022 Prep Prayers in Pyjamas Night Last night the Foundation students and their parents participated in 3 rotational activities centred around prayer. At the start of the night Br Louis talked to the children about the importance of prayer. It was a wonderful night and the children and their parents had a wonderful time.
19.01.2022 Parent Association upcoming social event
19.01.2022 On Friday 10th May we celebrated Mother's Day by holding a special breakfast in the hall.
19.01.2022 Congratulations to Shannon Fox and Afamia O'Brien who were awarded the Stella Costantino award for outstanding contribution to the school community.
18.01.2022 No carols this year... such a woe, never fear, we still wish to make your heart glow! So tune in, with your family in tow, HO HO HO, it's time for a Christmas Show!... Join us for music and dancing, stories and jokes, cooking and decorations, and so much more! Our show will premiere on Youtube at 7PM tonight, and can be watched on demand at the same link after the broadcast: Wishing all of our families a Merry Christmas and a joyous new year!
18.01.2022 Need a teacher this lockdown? Never fear, the St. Mark's Masked Superheroes are here! A huge thanks to all the staff of St. Mark’s for their superhuman efforts in remote learning 2.0, and all of the students and parents in the community for staying connected with the school. We've got your back!... LYRICS: Where have all the school kids gone And where are all the staff Where's the St Mark’s comedians that always makes us laugh Isn't there a teacher who can help me to read Connected on the world wide web To help me on Google meet! I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero so I can learn online They’ve gotta be strong And they’ve gotta be brave And they’ve gotta know how to design I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'while I’m in lockdown They’ve gotta perform And teach all of the kids And they’ve gotta be larger than life I need a hero! Hero!
17.01.2022 Foundation classes art work in preparation for their "100 days of Prep" day.
17.01.2022 St. Mark's now has a 360 virtual tour of our school, classrooms and grounds! We have a few spots for new enrolments in 2021.
17.01.2022 On Wednesday 28th August the staff continued it's professional development in Mathematics. Dr Duncan Symons presented information about the importance of understanding and using mathematical language in our classrooms
15.01.2022 On Thursday 1st August our school also celebrated World Scout Scarf Day. A number of children who currently participated in cubs, joey’s or scouts wore their scarves on this day.
14.01.2022 The ‘Maker’ Expo in 5/6 enabled the students to showcase their creativity, their interests, passions, skills and strengths. During remote learning, and at school in the past weeks, the students created codes, jewellery, fashion items, dances, art pieces and games (just to name a few). In preparation for our 5/6 Inquiry unit on ‘Light’ in Term 3, the contrasting shades of black and white were used to create these impressive designs.
14.01.2022 The 1/2 students had a blast learning about native Australian animals at Moonlit Sanctuary. We think it's fair to say that the best part was feeding the kangaroos and wallabies!
12.01.2022 Today the whole school celebrated all the wonderful work and effort the children did during the 7 weeks of remote learning. Congratluations to all the children and their families.
10.01.2022 On Sunday 15th March, the Parent Association organised the Colour Run fundraiser. It was a wonderful day with the children running around an obstacle course being sprayed with coloured powder. By the end of the day there was a sea of colourful children and parents. Thank you to all the families that came down to support the school and also to the adults that helped with setup, pack up, running the stalls/vans and organising the day. It was a great event that was enjoyed by all. Special thanks to the Parent Association committee for organising the entire event.
10.01.2022 A message of support to our St. Mark’s Community: In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic we are committed to staying connected with you to continue your learning, and despite the distance and challenge, we won’t give up. Please click on the link below to view the video
09.01.2022 On Thursday 12th March Layla and Owen had their heads shaved as a way of raising money for the Leukaemia Foundation "World's Greatest Shave". Layla and her father have so far raised over $5,800 and Owen has raised over $1,000. What wonderful effort from these 3 people. Congratulations.
07.01.2022 From Monday 6th May to Friday 10th May all the Year 6 students travelled to Coonawarra Farm Resort for camp. The camp was a bonding experience for the children as well as the opportunity to experience a range of activities, some of which can be challenging and require them to support and encourage each other. They participated in a range of activities such as the flying fox, giant swing, bush cooking, climbing wall, orienteering, horse riding, archery, high and low ropes course and team participation in constructing a hut and making it waterproof. At night they have had a disco, film night, bush walk, trivia night and a reflection around the camp fire. All the children had a wonderful time and thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to participate in a variety of outdoor activities.
07.01.2022 Last Friday Bendigo Bank, Dingley donated 3 native trees that our Environmental Leaders planted along the fence line. These trees will hopefully be part of our Bio - Diversity garden that is currently being designed. We would like to thank Bendigo Bank for their ongoing support of our school.
06.01.2022 School Tours for 2021 St Mark’s Primary School is currently open and will be running school tours this term. If you would like to have a private tour of the school with Debbie Darvell, our School Principal, then please ring the school on 9551 1150 to book a day and time.
06.01.2022 Our Foundation children having been learning about Mini beasts in Term 2
06.01.2022 **Save the date for the St. Mark's Online Christmas Show!** St. Mark's is streaming an online Christmas Show on Friday December 11th at 7:00pm, featuring student talent in performing arts. We will also have some carols and other fun things for you and your family to enjoy. Please enjoy our advertisement: More details to come, see you then!
06.01.2022 Thank you to all the students and families that have written wonderful comments thanking the staff for all the work they have done over the last 8 weeks. The staff have enjoyed reading the comments and this has really lifted the spirits of all.
05.01.2022 Crazy Sock Day On Thursday 1st August all the schools and kindergartens in Dingley participated in the Crazy Sock Day which was run by Make a Difference organisation in Dingley. It was wonderful to see so many children wear their socks in different ways and with different styles. The school raised over $400 and this will go to Make a Difference Dingley Village to help families in need.
05.01.2022 All the classes have been doing some wonderful work in the past 2 weeks.
04.01.2022 On Friday the 16th of October the Foundation students were able to finally (thanks to COOVID), able to celebrate their 100 + days of learning. It was a very successful day with all students encouraged to come to school dressed up as 100 year old people. The students looked amazing and the addition of wigs, wrinkles and walking sticks certainly changed their appearances. It may have been a chance to see what their future looks like! During the day students enjoyed art and craft, and then a special Grade 6 Buddy catch up in the afternoon. Thanks to the parents for all their support and help on the day with making lolly bags, cup cakes and 100 biscuits. Overall, it might now take 100 more days ahead for the teachers to recover!
04.01.2022 On Monday the 21st of October Jack had the best Show and tell in Foundation. We had an amazing visit from the Victoria Police. Jack’s Dad came with his highway Patrol car and Jack’s grandfather came with his Police Boat. While the Foundation students students were out on the oval looking at the vehicles we were also blessed with a fly over visit from the Police Helicopter. The children could hear the pilot on the police speaker and even got to call out a big thank you from the children. It was an amazing opportunity for the students and they were very thankful to the Hurwood family for their organisation and planning. Thanks especially to Jack in Foundation B.
01.01.2022 World Environmental Day We raised $400 towards the design of our Sustainability garden which is a project that the Year 3/4 students are involved in as part of their Inquiry unit on Designing a sustainable garden bed for our school using predominantly native plants. Chris Mangoni who designed and created the tinker yard spoke to each class about designing the garden.
01.01.2022 The Foundation students have been learning about NAIDOC week and were lucky enough to have a visit from MRS D our amazing grade 5 / 6 teacher, who spent last year working in an Aboriginal school in remote W.A. She came into the class and showed lots of photos and artefacts, which was fantastic. The children thought her Show and Tell was really fascinating and had lots of questions. The rest of the week the students have been exposed to Aborignal Dreamtime stories and Aboriginal cartoons.
01.01.2022 The Circus Stars concert recording by Encore Videography is available for purchase! Orders have been extended until Friday 11th October. A preview of Wednesday's show can be seen here: The recording on DVD disc is $25. The recording on USB drive is $30. Any purchase includes both nights in the same package.... To order online - Go to and select the St. Mark’s Circus Stars to order DVD or USB To order at the school office using cash or cheque - Use the provided purchase order envelope to include payment and quantities of DVD or USB required and return to the school office
01.01.2022 Holy Week Prayer Spaces Foundation through to Year 6 created prayer spaces that depict the 4 days of Holy Week. Foundation focused on Palm Sunday, Year 1/2 focused on Holy Thursday, Year 3/4 focused on Good Friday and Year 5/6 focused on Easter Sunday. The children did have an opportunity on Monday to go around to each prayer space and reflect quietly to themselves. These prayer spaces give children and young people an opportunity to develop skills of personal reflection and to explore prayer in an open, inclusive and safe environment. We wish all families a happy and safe Easter.
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