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St Anne's Anglican Church in Strathfield, New South Wales | Community organisation

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St Anne's Anglican Church

Locality: Strathfield, New South Wales

Phone: +61 2 9746 6349

Address: Corner of Homebush Road and Beresford Road 2135 Strathfield, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Greetings Everyone, The online service of tomorrow, available from 9am, can be accessed at: Our efforts to trial live streaming the 10am onsite service failed last week due to a personnel shortage. We will try again this week. It can be accessed at: We hope you are all keeping safe and well. Rev Roger Kay

25.01.2022 Greetings to All, Following the success of our live streaming last Sunday we are going to continue with live streaming the 10am onsite service. The link for this Sunday is: Once the service has gone live on Sunday morning it remains on Youtube and can be watch any time after that. So, if you can’t watch at 10am on Sunday you can always watch later at a time of your choosing.... Some people contacted me to say they didn’t receive an email last week. Sorry if that happened to you, but once they are sent (to nearly 300 addresses) we have no way of knowing whose may have gone astray in cyber space. Some people found that the email had gone to their spam folder, so it is worth checking there. If you for any reason don’t receive the link you can still access the service by opening Youtube and searching for St Anne’s Strathfield. Kid’s Church onsite is continuing each Sunday through the School Holidays. Children should be taken straight down to the Crypt where the teachers will meet them at the door. In Christ Rev Roger Kay

25.01.2022 A very exciting update from our friends - Josh & Steph MacKenzie - our CMS Missionaries in waiting!! "We are pleased to share with you that our final interviews on Wednesday went well and on Friday the CMS board formally accepted us as CMS missionaries. It has been a long journey to get to this point, but really if feels like we are only just beginning! Thank you all so much for partnering with us over these last four years as we worked towards this moment; we couldn't have it without your prayer and support. We are excited to share that we have been invited to work in Numbulwar, a remote community in South East Arnhem land. We will work under the local indigenous church leader, training and equipping local Christians in the gospel. However, before we move to Numbulwar in July 2021 (God willing!) we will be based in Bendigo for home assignment. During home assignment we would love to visit your small group, share a meal with you or chat over a cuppa about the exciting work that God is doing on Northern Australia. We are so thankful for your ongoing support and we want to take this opportunity now to ask you to be praying and thinking through how you might continue to partner with us, both prayerfully and financially. Without people like you supporting us, it would not be possible to embark on this journey. We look forward to journeying with you in the coming months and years ahead! Love Josh, Steph, Ezekiel and Eleanor " Let's see if we can arrange a Zoom catch up with Josh & Steph soon!!

22.01.2022 Greetings to All, As some of you will have seen, we made some progress on live streaming our 10am onsite service last week but still have some things to iron out. We will see how it goes this week. The online service this Sunday can be accessed from 9am at: We will live stream the 10am onsite service and that can be accessed at: With Spring nearly upon us, the church gardens are needing some attention. We will have a Working Bee from 9am next Saturday (29th August) to tidy things up outside. There will be a few indoor jobs as well. Do join us if you can. In Christ Rev Roger Kay

20.01.2022 Those of you who have been members of St Anne’s for a while may remember Gwendolin (Gwen) Sprott who was a long time active member of St Anne’s up until a few years ago when she moved to a local Nursing Home. Gwen passed away this week, just a week before her 90th birthday and the funeral will be held next Wednesday. Because of the need to limit the size of funerals, only invited family and guests will be able to attend. This is unfortunate as Gwen was a loyal and faithful servant of our Lord at St Anne's and is remembered by many. Our condolences to Gwen's daughters Kathleen, Karen and Jeanette. Jeanette continues the tradition of her parents and is also a long standing member of the St Anne's 10am congregation. Rest in peace, our dear friend Gwen.

19.01.2022 Greetings All, we had a lovely time in the church garden this morning tidying it up and getting it ready for Spring - what a beautiful day and so much to be thankful for. We hope to see some of you tomorrow morning in church, but if you cant be there - we understand. The online service can be accessed from 9am Sunday.... The online service can be accessed at: We are not able to manage live streaming of the 10am onsite service this week. Hopefully we will be able to get back to that next week. Blessings

19.01.2022 Greetings All, The live streaming of the 10am service this Sunday can be viewed at: If you can't watch it at 10am you can still watch it later. With the warmer weather and as we edge closer to Christmas our 10am onsite service continues to grow, with not much more capacity with social distancing under current COVID-19 safety protocols. There is still plenty of room at the 8am service. For those coming to the 10am service, we encourage you to move into the centre of the pew rather than sit on the end, unless you need to get out to do something in the service. It makes it easier for people who come later to find a seat and is safer for all concerned if they don't have to push past someone. You might also consider sitting towards the front to create spare seats at the back. This makes it easier for the sides people to guide late comers to a seat. Your consideration in this would be a service to others. In Christ Rev Roger Kay

17.01.2022 Jesus sees everyone’s value. As we do at St Anne's, which is why we support Anglicare's Toys 'n' Tucker appeal. As a Christian organisation, Anglicare exists to serve people in need in our community, enrich lives and share the love of Jesus. Our belief in Jesus means we believe in hope. We believe in community. We believe everyone belongs.... Anglicare have launched their annual Toys 'n' Tucker appeal to provide hampers for needy families. With the effects of COVID-19 making life hard for many, the demand is even greater this year. St Anne's has given generously to this appeal for many years and this year will be no exception. Non perishable food items and gifts for children can be brought to church on Sunday or left at the church office. Anglicare will collect everything on Monday 7th December so they have time to pack the hampers, so please make sure you bring things to St Anne's by Sunday 6th December at the latest.

14.01.2022 Greetings to all, With increasing numbers of people joining our onsite services we have not pre-recorded a service this week. Instead we are live streaming the 10am service, so there will be no service on Youtube at 9am. The online service will be at 10am and will come live from the onsite service at St Anne’s. If you are not able to watch at 10am you can watch later. The link for watching is: Pre recording and editing a service has taken a lot of effort, and I particularly want to thank Nick Pitt and Wayne Butterworth who have come every Thursday for the past six months to record the service. In addition, Nick has then edited the recording, inserting the songs and removing any glitches. The live service will be raw, coming to you ‘warts and all’, but now that we have the technology in place and some volunteers willing to help, it will save a lot of time and effort. We have a fairly small pool of people helping with Bible readings, prayers and singing at the 10am onsite service. It would also be helpful to have a few more people who could assist with recording and presenting the Power Point slides. If you would be willing to help in any of these areas, please let me know and we can include you when we draw up a new roster. Yours in Christ Rev Roger Kay

13.01.2022 Greetings to all, our 8am & 10am Sunday services continue onsite at St Anne's with the 10am service being live streamed for those who can not make it in person. We are pleased you can still enjoy our time of prayer and celebration together, in which ever format is best for you. The online service for this Sunday can be accessed at: We are making plans for Christmas services but are also waiting to hear if any of the COVID restrictions may be eased a little (all going well) so we can safely accommodate more people onsite. More information will be shared of which services will be live streamed over Christmas also. Yours in Christ Rev Roger Kay

13.01.2022 It is with much sadness that we report the passing of a long standing member of St Anne's parish - Pam Collins. Pam and her husband Barry have been regular members of our 8am congregation for many years. Pam passed away on Sunday 30th August. Her funeral was held on 4th September. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Barry and the family as they come to terms with the loss of a loving wife, mother, grandmother and loyal friend. Rest in peace Pam, your friends at St Anne's remember you with much fondness.

12.01.2022 Greetings, In view of the ongoing COVID restrictions, we will continue to offer both an online and an onsite service each Sunday. While some people are comfortable to meet together with social distancing and COVID safe measures in place, we fully respect the decision of others who do not yet feel comfortable to meet in person. The service will be available from 9am at: We have been working at solving the problems with live streaming, and as a trial will live stream the 10am onsite service. This can be accessed at: For those choosing to attend the 10am onsite service, the NSW Premier has strongly recommended that people attending places of worship wear a mask. In response to this, Archbishop Davies has writen: 'It is now recommended that everyone attending church should wear a face mask. It is permissible for those preaching or leading the service to remove their mask temporarily in the conduct of their ministry, but should be 3m distant from the congregation while so doing. . Even though we have been able to achieve social distancing in our congregational gatherings, the recent outbreaks in churches in NSW have added an extra layer of risk-mitigation to the Government’s advice, which we should not ignore.' With most people choosing to not yet return to attending church in person, the diocesan magazine, Southern Cross continues to be published online. The August edition can be accessed at: The Parish Council will meet on Thursday night. If there are any things you would like raised, please contact me or one of the Church Wardens or Parish Councillors. Rev Roger Kay

10.01.2022 Greetings to All, This week we come to the end of our 6 week overview of the book of Revelation. I trust you have been encouraged as we have seen that behind all the events of this world, behind all the evil and wrong we see, behind all the pain and sadness, there is one who is in control and who will bring all things to judgement. Whatever the challenges and struggles you have in this life, be assured that if you have put your faith and trust in the lamb who was slain but wh...o now reigns, then ahead stands a wonderful and glorious future. I have been asked for a copy of the outline we have followed. I have found a helpful way of looking at the book of Revelation is to see it as a record of four visions four visions sitting between an introduction (or Prologue) and a conclusion (or Epilogue). Each of the visions is introduced with John saying I was in the Spirit combined with I saw or I looked or he showed me. This is the outline we followed: Prologue 1:1 - 8 Vision 1 1:9 - 3:22 I was in the Spirit (1:10) I saw (1:12) Vision 2 4:1 - 16:21 I was in the Spirit (4:2) I looked (4:1) Vision 3 17:1 - 21:8 in the Spirit (17:3) I saw (17:3) Vision 4 21:9 - 22:5 in the Spirit (21:10) showed me (21:10) Epilogue 22:6 21 This week's service can be accessed from 9am Sunday at: Kids’ Church will be meeting in the Crypt during the 10am onsite service. We have been experimenting with livestreaming the 10am service and tomorrow will be our full test run. If you would like to check it out it will be available at: If this works well, we will move towards not pre-recording the service we have at 9am and just live stream the onsite service at 10am. This would greatly reduce the workload for Nick Pitt and Wayne Butterworth who have come every Thursday to prerecord the service, and for Nick who then has to edit it and get it uploaded. Let’s see how we go tomorrow and we will let you know if that is what we do. Rev Roger Kay

09.01.2022 Greetings to All, The arrangements of flowers that you will see on the online video, or in person if you attend the onsite service at 10am on Sunday are from the funeral of Gwendolin Sprott held at St Anne’s last Wednesday. The family felt she would have loved to know that the flowers were left in the church where she had worshipped and served for so many years. The online service at 9am can be accessed at: The onsite service will be at 10am. Kid’s church will meet in the crypt and children should be taken straight there. With the wearing of masks now being encouraged, you might like to consider wearing a mask if you are coming to the onsite service. We can’t supply masks for everyone, so you would need to bring your own. In Christ Rev Roger Kay

08.01.2022 Greetings to All, I trust you are all enjoying this lovely Spring day. Over the past week Lynn and I have enjoyed watching the Oak tree in the church yard turn from bare branches to a beautiful leafy green. What a wonderful creation the Lord has given us to enjoy. The online service can be accessed from 9am Sunday at: The live steaming of the 10am service can be accessed at: A couple of people have asked me this week about wearing masks for the 10am service. Both the NSW government and the diocese are strongly recommending the wearing of masks, but it is not mandatory. People in a social bubble (eg families) can sit together, but groups and individuals should sit at least 1.5 m apart and only in the designated pews. Parish Council will meet on Thursday night. One of the agenda items will be setting up a subgroup to further explore a possible redevelopment of the crypt, looking at installing toilets, meeting rooms and better access both internally and externally. We are looking to find people who might have engineering or building skills who would be prepared to give us some advice and guidance. If you would be interested, speak to me or contact one of the Church Wardens ([email protected]) In Christ Rev Roger Kay

04.01.2022 Greetings All, With school holidays about to start, I do hope those taking a break will have a good rest. Church onsite will continue each Sunday at 10am and both Sunday School and the Tuesday Playgroup will be continuing during the holidays. The live-streaming of the 10am service for this Sunday (27th) can be accessed at: ... With ongoing low numbers of COVID-19 in the community, the government is announcing further lessening of restrictions. As things are clarified we will let you know how these announcements might affect what we are able to do as a church. Peace Rev Roger Kay

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