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23.01.2022 FOR WOMEN WHO WANT EXTRAORDINARY RELATIONSHIPS It is in a relationship we see reflected to us, our own shit. Our struggles, our fears, our triggers, our growth opportunities, how we wanted to be loved, how we relate to the world....Continue reading

20.01.2022 What Is Your Battle? What Legacy are You Here to Leave? Are you here to leave one at all? Are you good enough to leave behind and trace?... Have an impact on this world? Yes or No? In what you are doing, day in day out, will you leave an impact? Only you can answer this question. Toeing the line in life never allowed anyone to make an impact. Staying quiet, taking the sensible route, the path trodden by everyone else in this world makes you blend in! Do you fit in with this world? Do you feel fulfilled in this world? Is this it? Is this your way? Is this what you want? To fit in. You already know you don’t! So, what are you afraid of? Judgement? Is your self-worth of that, that you cannot stand in your true BELIEFS and cop the wrath of the people who sit opposite your beliefs? If so then go home. Shut up Sit down and play the game. If not Stand up Stand out STAND for your TRUTH & your LEGACY! Build it! See more

19.01.2022 Are You Giving Too Much Credit To Your Fears? Fears have a strong energy behind them. Sometimes, or maybe a lot of the times they harness a more powerful energy than your goals do. I know you can feel this. ... So what is it about achieving your goals, that scares you? What are those underlying fears that are holding you back? You see, there is this whole positive only movement that has made talking about your fears or the negative side of things, TABOO. Like if you speak them out loud then they will come true. I believe in the opposite. If you hide and bury your fears, your power is in those hidden fears because you are cannot speak them out loud. They have the power! This is were a lot of people go wrong in manifesting their desires. Not acknowledging their fears and current reality. By not acknowledging them, you are saying to the universe, that that is where your power is. The Universe puts in an order for where your power is... Ultimately resulting in giving you more of what you are trying so hard to AVOID!! So what can you do about it? 1. Acknowledge your fears, what are they? Write them down, go through them. 2. See them for what they are. They are not real, they are just projections. 3. Thank them for showing you where you are not currently free. 4. Take action from a place of freedom from these fears. Your brain doesn't know the difference between reality and you speaking / accepting your fears. So when you do this exercise your brain thinks that your worst fears have happened and it turns out they are not so bad. This gives you freedom. Your mind can let them go. They no longer have the power. What action would you be free to take if you put down all these fears? Do that! Save this post so you know how to smash through your fears! See more

17.01.2022 Just camping in random places... This is living. #wayfinder #redbluffwa

17.01.2022 My Motto - Question EVERYTHING! Don’t get caught up in the emotion of it all. The fear, the uncertainty... Stay calm Go within Ask yourself what YOUR values are. The world right now is at a crossroads. Where anybody that asks questions about what is happening, is labelled a conspiracy theorist. You’re are being SHAMED away from questioning things!! Told to blindly trust! When history has proven time and time again, that you should ALWAYS question what you are being told. When did it become a bad thing to research, to seek knowledge for your self and your family? When did it become a BAD thing to ask the questions that need to be asked, and that need to be answered!? (Like how many people are going to die from isolation, from unemployment, from domestic violence, from hunger, from SUICIDE, who’s running the number on that?) When did the internet become a place where you could only find bad quality information and a university degree is the only real and true education? Can you SEE what is going on here? We are being TOLD exactly WHAT to think and you are not allowed to question it! Only one way of thinking! I’m sorry, not sorry, I will not take part in this! I am raising kids whom WILL challenge and question everything! And I mean EVERYTHING! They will be WARRIORS! They will STAND UP for their RIGHTS. They will search for their TRUTH, even if it sits outside the normal scope of society. They will not be told what to believe, not even by me! Its time to RISE. Its time to LEAD our kids into a better world. It STARTS with YOU, standing for what YOU believe! Question EVERYTHING! See more

17.01.2022 When your sister completely pulls the piss out of you! Pregnant 3 Years Apart To The day! #sameduedate #hilarious @barnsi25 @stakerbree @ Perth, Western Australia

16.01.2022 What are your underlying beliefs and what can you do about them? How do you feel about life? The things that have been coming up for me lately are:... - Time is running out! I should have my life sorted out yesterday. - I feel like a Fraud. I feel like someone is going to tap me on the shoulder and say, you miss, you actually don’t know anything, you are wrong about life. - I am not capable or smart enough. I need help from others to succeed and in order to be good enough. - I am always ok, everything in my life always works out for me. - The universe has my back. - Will I ever work out this money game, will I always just have enough? So many more to be honest. I have had time to be present with these underlying currents in my life, my thoughts, my feelings, my beliefs. They are always there. They have been in control of my every decision. Most unconscious beliefs were inherited, they are a part of the human existence, you cannot get rid of these beliefs. Some were even formed by a two year, with a two-year-old view on the world. This always makes me laugh, and my mentor always says, are you sure you want a two-year-old at the wheel of your life? Funny, but true, then not so funny. These underlying beliefs are hidden, hidden deep down, but you DO know what they are. Now, with every passing day, I SEE mine more and more. The more I see them, the more I laugh. Mainly because when you bring your unconscious thoughts and beliefs into the conscious, you realise how ridiculous they truly are (I mean, they were decided or accepted by your two-year-old self, so not so surprising). If you leave them HIDDEN, they will DICTATE your life, as they already have been. They will dictate your every decision, they will shape what you believe about life, patterns that are already present in your life will keep on repeating, you will continue to create more and more of the same life. Again, and again. So how do you change this? Your ask yourself and your write down EVERYTHING that comes up for you, without judgement: What beliefs do I have that are directing my life and decisions? What else is hidden in my subconscious that I need to be aware of? Are these beliefs really true? Like really are they true? Is there someone else out there with your circumstances, or worse that has what you desire? Who are without these limiting beliefs? What becomes available to you when you let go of these limiting beliefs? Take any action or make your decisions from this place! Align yourself with what brings you joy and happiness. Create life from this place!

13.01.2022 5 MINDSET HACKS I USE RIGHT NOW. . Everyday we are bombarded with information, information that is mostly negative and that has an impact on our energy and mindset. .... So I thought I would share with you my top tips on how to hack your mindset and set yourself up to be a positive creator in your own life. . So here they are: Journalling Choices Be Of Service Take Action Filter Your Reality If you need an in-depth explanation on how I use each of these tools DAILY to create my mindset, thoughts and reality, check out my stories where I go into detail on each of these hacks! Share your mindset hacks below #sharingiscaring @ Perth, Western Australia

11.01.2022 Let me share with you what I have been doing to turn my thyroid health around. I have gone from struggling to get out of bad, unstable energy all day, low energy and getting sick quiet frequently to bouncing out of bed, energy all day long and my immune system seems to be working!! So what have I done? ... It’s super simple, and free! No drugs involved either. I have been watching the sunrise and the sunset. Why? Because the light your eye receives sets your hormone regulation throughout the day. Starting at sunrise Living by candlelight by night. No devices after sunset Why? Because these devices emit blue and green light that artificially stimulates hormone production at the WRONG time of the day. Cold water immersions everyday Putting my feet (no shoes) on the earth The results speak for themselves, I feel fantastic, I sleep and wake with ease, my energy is endless, I do not crave foods, in fact I do not crave anything, buying things, social media, anything, I feel satisfied, anxiety is gone completely (I didn’t realise I was suffering it, until it was gone). I feel on top of the world. I feel like I have a new lease on life. If you are struggling with any of the above, you need to try this and see the results for yourself. Commit completely for 3 days and you will have everything I have I have shared with you above! RESULTS ARE SOOOO FAST! Not like anything I have ever tried! Hit me up with your questions

10.01.2022 In Isolation, hanging with the Fear of the unknown Hanging with the uncertainty of the way forward. With the notion that there is no right or wrong way.... Only what is right for me. From this place of no judgement Complete In-no-sense arises From here, is your true message The truth for you! For you, are your people, you are the same. Fuck the rest. They were born to go through the motions. To be limited by their own self judgement . To be restricted by their need to fit in. I have no time for their limited view on this world. I cannot save them, they do not want to be saved. It is not my responsibility to save them, nor do I want to. Your responsibility lays with bringing your truth to the light. In the face of judgement. In the face of ridicule. In the face of being an outcast. I WAS NOT BORN TO CONFORM! I never wanted to fit in, but I thought I had to in order to survive. I thought I was responsible for upsetting people with my ways, for hurting their feelings. But I am not responsible for you or anyone else. Neither are you. You can bear that burden if you want to live a life that is unfulfilling . Surrounded by people who are asleep and whom are controlled by their own emotions. Who are afraid to step out and speak their truth? Who need to fit into society and be directed by the herd, to stay safe. I AM NOT THAT PERSON Let this be a WARNING to you. I am not hereto be nice to you, to make you feel good. I am here to WAKE you the fuck up. To inspire you to take radical responsibility for your life. I promise to tell you the truth, even when, no especially when its going to TRIGGER you! If you were born for the extraordinary, what I am saying right now will make you nervous inside, you will want to be closer to me, you will be excited by the possibility that I may be confronting, and you will want to join me! Radical Self Responsibility I’m thinking I might start a private group I will be very picky on who can join, there will be questions that will mess with your reality just to access this group! It won’t be for the faint hearted and even if you answer the questions, you still might not get in. Yes, it is a fucking CLUB, because I want honesty, honesty above all else breeds responsibility. Are you READY for honesty at a level you have never experienced? Because I see through your BULLSHIT. Should I do this???

07.01.2022 STOP WATCHING TV - FOCUS ON WHAT YOU WANT! In times of uncertainty, it's easy to get distracted. To get caught up in what is going on.... To buy into the fear that the media is constantly pushing on a daily basis. I haven't watched the news in 15 years Why? It is ALL fear based. People are genuinely shocked when I share this with them. But, if you REALLY take note of how much the media is all about inducing fear in their segments, you will realise how much this impacts your mental health. Especially right now. They are having a great time. if you need to stay up to date with what is going on, then read the critical updates from the government and turn the rest of it OFF! Nearly ALL of it is unnecessary. They will even show you people dying in the streets of Indonesia to spike your fear - when our two countries are NOT the same. Think of how much of these stories are designed to make you scared. This is to keep you WATCHING. its DESIGNED that way. Good news stories (unfortunately) aren't as addictive. Sad, but true. It's now more than ever, important for you to take care of your mental health. That means limiting the fear inducing media. Here are some other tips to help you raise your vibration: Focus on what is important in your life, turn your attention to that. Get outdoors, Vitamin D is super important in health and well being. Exercise - you know why. Move your body. Read a book, play music, learn something new. Induce happiness through altering your mental state. Be super selective on what you allow into your space, meaning your mind. Journal. Write down the things that are occupying your mind. Release them onto a piece of paper. What you focus on you will create more of. Be VERY Selective. Whats your priority right now?

05.01.2022 Are you showing up as the person that gets the RESULT you are after? In order to get results that are NEXT level, you need to align your actions, your mindset and your vibration to that NEXT LEVEL person. If you continue to do what you have always done, you will continue to get the results you have always gotten.... How do you know what those actions are? You experiment with change. Try something new and be willing to fail. Emulate the people that have the results you desire. Choose actions that scare you and push you outside your comfort zone. You ask for help. How do you hold yourself to the actions of the person that has the results that you WANT? You surround yourself with other people that are dedicated to rising up. You take the action that SCARES you. You know what these actions are. Its holding a client accountable to doing the work, its asking for the sale even though it scares you, its doing the workout even when you don’t feel like it. You work with someone that holds you accountable and can guide you to continually up level yourself. These are all ways to raise your vibration and bring out the next level person that is already inside of you. Be willing to be uncomfortable, be willing to do the things others aren’t willing to do to get the results that you want. Be willing to piss people off. Be willing to get it all wrong and to go again. No one ever created massive change by staying safe. Are you willing to do this? See more

04.01.2022 17 DAY - CLEANSE FREE! Are you keen for a post lockdown RESET? Being stuck inside in close proximity to the cupboard and fridge with way to much time on my hands and a whole heap of boredom, I have consumed way to many treats and comfort foods. ... I have spoke to quiet a few woman who feel the same, I am sure you can relate too! haha Well a few of these lovely ladies have reached out to me who want to start a Cleanse and Reset. So I thought I would offer it to you and your friends for FREE! This is my chance to give back to the community and to kickstart the second half of the year for you! Do you want to lose upto 7kgs in 17 days? Do you want to kickstart your energy levels? Do you want to reset your whole body and mind? Then this is for you! So whats involved: It will be a 17 days Reset which will involve: - Body Prep phase 7 days - Fasting phase 3 days - Breaking & Reset 7 days This program is completely food related and everything you will need can be purchased at your local shops. Cleanse starts Next Wednesday 27th May. If you are interested pop a comment below and tag two of your girl friends that might like to join you. I will then give you access to our private group. As always feel free to share this far and wide. I look forward to helping you smash the second half of 2020!

02.01.2022 Stop Waiting For permission. No one is going to stand up for you and assign you as the expert. The fact of the matter is, there are people out there that are less qualified than you are, that have built exactly the life and business you desire.... They backed themselves with courage. They went after what they wanted in the face of adversity. They took action even in the face of doubt. They assigned themselves the EXPERT even when others may have called them otherwise. They won! They got the result. They are the EXPERT. Your self belief, your ability to hold true to your cause in the face of all the doubt and fears, your ability to turn off to all the haters, all the people trying o discredit you, is what will determine if you get the life you want. It truly is that SIMPLE. If you believe you deserve to live a life that is in accordance with your values, more than you believe in your doubts and fears, more than you believe you have to please everyone else. The greater your chance of success. The haters, the doubters, the people set in their ways, they will exit out of your life. That is a good thing. The faster the better. So how can you make this your way of life? 1 Know exactly what you want! Be hard arsed about this. No wishy washy BS. DECIDE. 2 Say YES to your goals, dreams and desires more times than you say no. This is simple in a sentence but can become complex in practice. However, the truth is, if you haven’t got what you want in your life, you have said NO to your goal more than you have said YES! 3 Be willing to let go. Let go of people that don’t support you, habits that no longer excite you and your need to please other people. 4 Be willing to FAIL. Fail faster, fail forward, if you are not failing on a regular basis you are not growing. What is it that you need to do in order to believe more strongly in your life goals? See more

02.01.2022 We are going on adventures! My saying right now is, let’s chase the sunsets Life change coming right up!

02.01.2022 Reset Your Body Post Lockdown. A reset is a good thing to do for your body at any time, even more so right now. You have spent more time in doors, eating more food (normally ones that aren’t in line with healthy eating), and doing less activity than you normally would. ... This can create a lot of different responses in the body like: - Energy loss and fatigue - Weight gain and water retention - Bloating and irregular bowel movements And in a lot of cases, a severe decrease in motivation! This is why I am GIVING AWAY (for the first time ever) my secret cleansing program that has been the launching pad of hundreds of women who have: - Lost over 21kgs in 3 months and kept it off until she had her first baby. - For the first time had a bowel movement EVERYday. - Been jumping out of bed FULL of ENERGY and life. This 17 Day RESET (is free) will change your life. I can promise you that. But don’t join us if you are not ready 100% to commit to this being the kickstart of LONGTERM change. This is the launching pad, the reset of your body so that you can implement a healthy lifestyle and maintain your body weight loss with ease. This is NOT a quick fix. If you want that, a quick fix, DON’T join me! This is the beginning of a BRAND NEW YOU! Who wants in?

01.01.2022 Hacking Light to AMPLIFY your weight loss and have an Energy EXPLOSION

01.01.2022 You are too much! This is something you have heard since you were a kid. You always pushed the boundaries. Found the edge of normal took risks that others were too afraid to take....Continue reading

01.01.2022 We are living by Sunsets, candle light and Sunrises

01.01.2022 I’ve taken up surfing because life’s to short to not be adventurous and learn new things! What is one thing you would love to start?

01.01.2022 REACHING YOUR GOAL IS SIMPLE. You have to say YES more times to your goal than you say NO! It’s simple mathematics.... Say YES more often, in actions, to your goal and you with get there. Say yes FASTER and take more action and you will get there faster. Its simple right? Right! Yes and Nooooo I hear you say. You can complicate it, let me show you how. Sometimes the action you need to take (to say yes to your goal) is shrouded by your emotions. Should I really stand up and speak my truth, what if people don’t like it, what if I upset those around me Sometimes the action you need to take is UNCOMFORTABLE. I’m not sure if I cant get up 30 minutes before my kids to build me dream life. Sometimes it is hard to discern if the action you are taking is in fact saying YES or if it is saying no. All true, all real! However, MAJORITY will always WIN! So, the more you say YES (even in the face of uncertainty) the closer you will get to achieving your goals. It really is that simple. Do me a favor, look at a goal you have been unable to reach. Look at the actions and decisions you made around that goal, all of them, be honest with yourself. Do your actions and choices align with you saying YES or do they align with you saying NO? I think you know they answer. Feel free to share your key take away from this message, so we can all learn together. See more

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