Stacey Carter Fitness | Businesses
Stacey Carter Fitness
Phone: +61 487 432 330
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24.01.2022 I love training pregnant and postpartum women. Does your coach or trainer know how to best look after you, your changing body and growing baby? My goal is to support women in our community to guide them through such a precious time in their life. ... I want you to be able to return to the sport/gym/exercise you love to do. I’m here to help you in that transition, you don’t have to train with me forever, I want you to return to what it is that makes YOU happy and fulfilled If you are a coach or trainer and want to provide your clients with the best support during their journey, I have an affiliate link for the @pregnant.postpartum.athlete coaches course send me a DM. #collaborationovercompetition #ppacoach #staceycarterfitness #strengthandconditioningcoach #crossfitcoach #pregnancyfitness #postpartumfitnessjourney #testimonial #doingwhatilove See more
23.01.2022 Quick, simple and effective workout this afternoon. 15mins of rowing, kettlebell swings and squats. With working long days my exercise routine has gone out the window! But instead of let myself get down about it or put pressure on myself to workout I’ve had to learn to let it go and instead focus on the things that I can do-get enough sleep (sometimes challenging with a baby ), eat well , spend time with people who fill my cup up!
23.01.2022 Wishing we were stepping our feet in the ocean again..but we live in the desert hours from it Who has taken some time today to do something for you? Without feeling guilty about it? This morning I did child swap with a friend so Ayden goes and has a play date for a few hours so I can get some shit done..I had planned on emails and house work but I did none of that ... I went to a CrossFit class with a bunch of awesome ladies and stayed and chatted in the gym, then the car park then the side of the road with some other mamas How good is it to have a conversation with no children requiring your attention?! Once I picked up Ayden I had a nap with him as I had been up since 2:30am again on The Female Athlete course So our house is still a mess as other things have been a priority the last week, I definitely could have skipped the gym and cleaned the house but I knew I needed a good workout for my own mental health. A few people have said to me over the last few weeks-wow you do it all-be mum, work full time, on courses/studying etc.. I’m busy yep but I definitely don’t do it should see the state of our floors, laundry piles and lack of food Don’t compare yourself to those around you, do things that make you feel good and don’t feel guilty about it. You deserve it and are worth it See more
23.01.2022 Super excited to announce that I’m working with Kate from Yoga202 to bring you a six week workshop! Yoga and strength and conditioning classes for the pregnant ladies Spots are limited so click the link now to secure your place
22.01.2022 Week five of our six week Pregnancy Workshop this afternoon I have joined forces with @kate.yates from Yoga202 to bring Kalgoorlie pregnant ladies a mix of yoga and strength & conditioning to help them train through their pregnancy safely and supported by appropriately trained instructors Next week is our last session, I’m going to miss seeing the gorgeous growing bumps each week and all the chats ... Are you a pregnant Kalgoorlie mama to be? If you would be interested in us running another six week workshop let us know below See more
22.01.2022 Any mamas or mamas to be wanting to check out some carriers, see Becky! 10% off for a short time
20.01.2022 Our children don’t listen to what we say, they listen to our actions Ayden has been using all sorts of things as a barbell recently. It’s so cute. And motivating to keep us working out with him around Probably about time we actually got him his own barbell I reckon ... #weightliftingtoddler #crossfitkid #aydeybaby #lookoutdad #actionsspeaklouderthanwords See more
20.01.2022 S U N D A Y If you’re pregnant and want to come and learn more about exercising during your pregnancy and do a workout that can be modified to wherever you are in your journey, come join me at 3pm on Sunday! Any questions, drop them below or send me a message
19.01.2022 **THIS SUNDAY** I will be running another fitness class for the pregnant ladies. 3pm, $15. If you have other children that you need to bring, they are welcome! There is a kid safe area for them to play ... Can be fully modified to meet you where ever you are in your pregnancy. Any questions let me know! Message or comment to register your spot
19.01.2022 I was nose deep into this magazine at any chance I got today Has anyone one else read it? So many beautiful articles and great information. I never expected to enjoy learning about parenting as much as I do. Recently I have found so many articles, podcasts and books that I resonate with SO much, it’s been so reassuring that I am making the right choices for me and my family ... We definitely won’t agree 100% with everyone and their choices and that’s ok! It’s life. We are all individuals doing our best and what feels right for us. I loved this article on your precious pelvic floor & perineum. Have a read yourself if you don’t believe what I say about being mindful of the exercise you do in pregnancy and post birth Doing kegels each day may not be what YOUR pelvic floor needs. The best thing you can do especially after birth and before returning to exercise is to see a women’s health physio to check out where YOU are at and have a personalised plan to help you rebuild #naturalparent #alwayslearning #pelvicfloorhealth #workingmama #magazine
19.01.2022 15 months old today How quick do the months go?! Ain’t nothing better than having you here with us #aydeybaby
18.01.2022 My #1 podcast is back after a break and episode 1 of season 2 is one that every parent or parent to be should listen to. So many helpful tips and reassurance that we aren’t alone in this journey of our thoughts and feelings
17.01.2022 Family workout this afternoon Be the best example you can be for your kids, they are such little sponges and take it all in Home gym-where it’s totally acceptable to wear your socks up over your tights ... See more
17.01.2022 1 FIRST TRIMESTER Not too much needs to change during your first trimester, usually you won’t have many structural changes to consider just yet. A lot will depend on how you are feeling and your energy levels. If you are exhausted, slow down and rest as much as you need too. Your body is doing a super important job of starting to grow your baby ... If you do happen to be unwell hopefully this will start to improve by weeks 12-14 If it is summer be sure to keep your core temperature from getting too hot , try to work out at a level that you could maintain a conversation at. Think about reducing activities that have high level risk of falling as well as reducing/eliminating 1RM efforts. Most importantly, give yourself the rest, time and love you and your body deserves during these special first few months of growing your human
14.01.2022 3 THIRD TRIMESTER This trimester your body may start feeling sore and heavy. Now is the time to prioritise rest and self care. If you’re tossing up between a sleep in and a workout, take the sleep in. ... Keep moving for enjoyment, dont make it a chore. Do things that make you happy. Your linea alba will be well and truly making room for your growing baby now so it’s a good time to limit overhead movements as pressure can push out through the widened abs, we want to preserve the stretching fascia as much as possible-REMEMBER, it’s not about now, it’s about later Pregnancy is a chapter, so many things are out of our control during pregnancy, exercise is one variable we are in control of so let’s do it the best way we can. You will know in yourself when it’s time to hang up your trainers and allow yourself time to rest up before life changes for the absolute better (for some it may be at 32 weeks, others may train right up until their due date). Keep your expectations of yourself in check and look after your amazing body. of me last year at 34 weeks Wearing the best maternity bras ever by The Milk Boutique Got any questions or want more specific guidance for yourself? Send me a message!
13.01.2022 Goldfields Mamas! Next month I will start running an "8 week postpartum rebuild". It will be a gradual and progressive program to help you reconnect and rebuild your body post birth. ... I want to help you get back to the gym/sport/exercise you enjoy doing. You will need to be cleared by your doctor for exercise and ideally have seen a Women's Health Physio (if possible). This program is designed to meet you wherever you are in your postpartum journey Please feel free to send me message if you have any questions or want to know more.
13.01.2022 Today I made a few small changes to help reintroduce new habits. I got up an hour early to attend an F45 class before work. On day shift (6am-6pm) I just haven’t been having the time in the evenings to work out. I get home from work, hang out with Ayden, dinner, shower, Ayden to bed, prep for work the next day then to bed myself. ... I have good intentions of working out once he is in bed but it just never happens, I walk out of his room like a zombie and ready for bed myself So I signed up for the week to see how it works out for my and our family. Stay tuned It seemed fitting that the book next to listen in my audible account is Atomic Habits by James Clear. Here are a few quotes I took from what I listened to today: Success is the product of daily habits, not once in a life time transformations Be concerned with current trajectory than current results You get what you repeat Your habits can compound for you or against you You don’t have to do everything at once, change one small thing a day, the 1% to get you heading in the direction of the person you want to be. If you’re struggling with your eating-make changes to just one meal at a time, eg, every breakfast this week is going to be a well balanced and nutritious one. Then next week work on breakfast and your snacks. It’s much more sustainable and easier for us to manage if we start changing just one thing. I almost nailed today-took my work clothes so I could shower at work after the gym, I forgot fresh clothes for after work though I remembered to pack my breakfast and lunch-my breakfast leaked all over my work shirt in the bag Upon putting on my work shirt I realised it was not only covered in almond milk it was also missing a button right across the bust and it just so happened to be my shift with half a sleeve missing Let’s see how we go tomorrow! What are some small changes you are making in your life to help you get you where you want to be? See more
13.01.2022 This weekend I'm on The Female Athlete course by Australian Physio, Antony Lo-The Physio Detective. I'm working through the pre-work at the moment and I'm SO excited for the weekend to learn some incredible things from Antony to help women so much more. I'm interested to know if I have anyone here or if you know anyone who perhaps isn't exercising because of any pelvic floor dysfunctions or if you're participating in exercise/sport with pelvic floor symptoms and unsure of ho...w to manage your symptoms. Reach out to me if this is you or share this post with someone who you know who would like support to continue to do what they enjoy and want to do!
10.01.2022 Are you a pregnant or postpartum person who enjoys sport or exercising? Are you a trainer or coach who trains this population of women? If so, have a listen
10.01.2022 2 SECOND TRIMESTER Hopefully if you have been feeling unwell, this is improving now Structural changes may now be happening-bigger boobs , rounder belly ... Start to consider the weights you are choosing-if you have to do a breath hold (valsalva) it’s too heavy. We want to avoid breath holds as they add extra pressure into an already pressurised system (core & PF). When you hold your breath the pressure needs to go somewhere-usually out into the linea alba or down onto the pelvic floor, breathing allows you to manage some of the pressure During this trimester you should look at reducing or eliminating high impact movements-eg, running, skipping, as the pressure and weight is increasing in your core and on your pelvic floor. High impact movements put a lot of extra pressure on the pelvic floor-while it may feel fine when you are doing it, it’s more about preserving your core & PF system for later on. For myself, the risk of extra stress to the pelvic floor muscle is not worth the reward-eg being able to double under at 26 weeks. What are your risk vs reward thoughts? Olympic lifting-how long have you been doing it for? Are you still always working on your technique? It takes SO long to master don’t you think? When you start growing a belly you need to change your bar path to get around it, for all the years it’s taken you to get that great looking bar path, it’s probably not worth learning to change it for just a few months when you’re Now is a great time to grab a pair of dumbbells and start doing DB snatches, DB cleans etc, it will make life easier than working around your belly. For some this second trimester will be the most comfortable so take advantage of it if you’re feeling well and keep moving in a way that honours what your body is doing and makes YOU feel good. If you are a personal trainer, coach, fitness professional and are wanting to learn more about the ways you can support your pregnant and postpartum clients check out Brianna Battles Pregnancy & Postpartum Athleticism Coach course using my affiliate link If you have any questions, please drop them below! : Enjoying a walk early in my own second trimester
09.01.2022 SQUATS Did the #PracticeBrave workout from last week. Strength was squats and KB deadlifts. I didn’t go very heavy on my back squats, I haven’t done any for awhile so focused on all the things I preach-our strategy! ... Before each lift I reset, fix my positioning, breath, load up the appropriate #tensiontotask and use my exhale to relieve pressure. Today I used a foundational breath (exhale through entire range of motion).That’s what felt good for me today. Day by day things can change, don’t be disheartened if one day you can do something easily then the next it’s harder. Progress isn’t linear. Put in the brain hard work and your body will learn . @pregnant.postpartum.athlete See more
07.01.2022 Pregnant ladies of Kalgoorlie and surrounds I will be running a couple of pop up pregnancy classes next Monday. There will be some education around how to adjust for this precious time in your life followed by an appropriate workout to meet you wherever you are in your own journey. ... Please feel free to share with anyone who may need this Comment or message me if you’re interested to join me
07.01.2022 Hey there fellow mamas and mamas to be! I’m super excited to announce that I’m the Goldfields ambassador for Mama Tribe! Mama Tribe has recently become apart of the COPE (Centre of Perinatal Excellence) family, connecting like minded mums around Australia. ... Mama Tribes motto is #nomumleftbehind Feel free to join our group using the link below. I’ll be planning monthly meet ups for us in Kalgoorlie and surrounds shortly
06.01.2022 Afternoon workout Workouts sure don’t look like same with kids but it doesn’t mean they’re not worth doing. There a lots of interruptions but let’s be honest, I’m thankful for the breaks ... The hardest part is just getting out and doing it. I absolutely struggle to motivate myself (most days at the moment ) but Ayden LOVES being outside so really it’s a win win. Our home gym area is definitely not child proofed, I just be sure to watch him and intervene if he is going to do anything unsafe. You don’t need a home gym or workout area to be able to get out and move with your little ones. I’m sure they love being outside exploring too so do it for you both *extended cuddles in here as Ayden hit his mouth on my shoe and bit his tongue Workout courtesy of @thewodlife See more
06.01.2022 On this lovely Sunday afternoon I ran another pregnancy education and fitness class-it was a lovely way to end out my week and set the tone for the upcoming one. I love being surrounded by gorgeous pregnant ladies who are so keen to learn ways to look after their ever changing body and who also love to chat Such a great environment to share all my knowledge from the amazing Pregnancy & Postpartum Athleticism Coaches course @pregnant.postpartum.athlete Some peop...le couldn’t make it today but I’m thankful for those who chose rest when they knew their body needed it. Pregnancy can be such a new and challenging time and sometimes it is hard to actually listen to what our body is saying it needs. Have a great week and I look forward to spending time with you lovely ladies and your gorgeous bumps again soon If you are a trainer or a coach and want to learn how to better serve your pregnant and postnatal clients, send me a message See more
06.01.2022 A workout to try start my work week off well Epic videoing skills by . Had to give my new kicks a run, thanks @lara_freemanff. New shoes always give me motivation for a workout, you too? ... Lucky to have my number 1 support crew out there with me, even if Ayden was trying to sell me my own whiteboard markers See more
05.01.2022 #perinatalmentalhealthweek If you need support, reach out
05.01.2022 To all the gorgeous pregnant ladies I’ve been so lucky to connect with recently..I haven’t forgotten about you! Life/work etc has been a little crazy but I’m working on some super exciting things for the near future I’ll keep you updated on here for the next available class times (looking at Sunday 2nd August ), as always-my inbox is open if you have any questions or need any support during this chapter of you life
03.01.2022 EXERCISING DURING PREGNANCY How should you continue to exercise during your pregnancy you may wonder There can be conflicting information out there don’t get your HR over 140bpm, keep doing what you’ve always done, listen to your body. ... It can be a hard time to try and navigate so over the next few posts I will give some information for you to consider for each trimester. Physical activity is encouraged during pregnancy, each pregnancy is so different so hopefully these will give you some more information to help you make an informed choice for your body during your pregnancy. : my bestie and I (about 8 weeks pregnant) doing The Butterfly Effect online competition My inbox is always open if you are after any guidance or have any questions. I love sharing the knowledge I have, please share these posts with anyone who may be interested See more
03.01.2022 Feeling pretty happy It takes time and patience to get back to doing what you love, symptom free. Whether it’s post birth, post injury or a break. I’m playing the long game, nearly 18months PP and still finding my way back. ... I took for granted how easy things were pre-baby I didn’t have to focus much on breathing (expect maybe a big breath hold), when you catch the bar-is your pelvic floor supported to take the impact? Are you stable coming out of the bottom of a squat? Where is the pressure going? Is this too much intra abdominal pressure? It’s taken a lot of prep and practice to connect the dots of breath, pressure, tension and positioning to movements. So worth it though. Take your time, rebuild properly, you won’t regret it. Remember, just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should. 30kgs ===> 50kgs Not perfect but this practice will make continue to make it better
03.01.2022 Any mums or mums to be looking for a baby carrier-contact Becky to learn more and find one that suits you
02.01.2022 Gym buddies Today I was lucky enough to have a friend join me for a short, sharp workout. It was @bronsonsemmens first workout for a good few months 21-15-9... Burpees KB Swings DB power cleans (I added on reps of 6 and 3 to not make Bron feel so bad while he was still working through his 9 ) Fitness with friends is fun! Did you get out to move today? P.S. how good is the weather in Kal today?! See more
01.01.2022 BODY BACK I’ve heard this a few times in the last week and I wanted to share my thoughts on it. You won’t hear me talk about getting my body back or telling you to train with me to get your pre-baby body back ... I don’t want my old body back-that body had not grown and birthed a baby. To be honest I thought my body would look different to what it does right now, on maternity leave surely I would have all this free time to go to the gym, go to yoga classes etc etc but throw a newborn baby in there and becoming a parent for the first time sure changes life Am I worried that I’m not where I thought I would be? Not at all. I love my body and what it has done for me and my family the last couple of years. I am forever grateful for @brianna.battles for creating her @pregnant.postpartum.athlete course. I gained SO much insight and education into training while pregnant and postpartum. The course opened my eyes and ears to some incredible people around the world who have continued to allow me to learn and grow as a coach, parent and athlete. There is such an unrealistic expectation placed on women to get their body back post baby. As if a new parent doesn’t have enough to worry about especially in that first year Some things that can happen to us that may make us feel like our body has let us down , such as-pelvic organ prolapse, incontinence or diastasis recti. Did you know these things aren’t even just reserved for women who have had children A lot of things are out of our control, you didn’t make this happen to your body so if you’re beating yourself up over it-be kind to yourself. You deserve all the kindness and support to help you heal and rebuild Are you unsure about something that is going on with your body? A women’s health physio is a great place to start if you have any concerns I understand that not everyone loves their new body and weren’t ready to realise how much it would change. Each day try to remind yourself all the incredible things it has done for you and continues to do for you each day See more
01.01.2022 For all my mamas who have not long ago given birth-check this out if you’re feeling like doing something. Foundational work to help set you up
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