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24.01.2022 The Hon. Bronnie Taylor MLC recently announced in the NSW Parliament, the new NSW state-wide approach to post-suicide support services lead by StandBy - Support after Suicide
22.01.2022 In our three-part series to share stories of some of our strong Aboriginal voices speaking about the impact of suicide and the importance of reaching out for support - Acknowledging the history, culture and achievements of our First Nations people - NAIDOC 2020. #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe Leilani Darwin - Head of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Lived Experience Centre. Leilani is an Aboriginal woman who has been touched on a personal level many times by suicide and men...tal illness. She is a Quandamooka woman, whose ancestral home is Stradbroke Island. Through her own lived experience and work within the sector, Leilani is a powerful advocate for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander led, culturally informed practices within mainstream services. In 2016, Leilani was the recipient of the LiFE Award for Excellence in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention across Australia. Then again in 2016 she accepted an invitation to join the Queensland Suicide Prevention Taskforce for a three-year appointment. In 2017, Leilani was the proud recipient of the QLD Mental Health week Jude Bugeja Peer Experience award for devoting her professional life to assisting other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People to have access to the mental health supports. She has been published in several journals on topics such as youth suicide prevention and Aboriginal lived experience. Leilani also sits on several working committees and advisory boards at the National and State level where she advocates for greater inclusion of those with lived experience alongside the need for cultural leadership, self-determination and culturally safe services and policy reform for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. See more
22.01.2022 StandBy National has many colleagues around the globe, and we're often contacted from providers with interest in our program and postvention best practice. We are honoured to be asked to speak at the 5th Vilnius Conference on Suicide Intervention Methods in Lithuania. The conference is organised by Suicide Research Centre at Vilnius University and Lithuanian Psychological Association. The conference organisers have asked that StandBy presents on the topic of proactive supp...ort to those bereaved by suicide, and how StandBy is established and delivered across Australia. The conference itself is quite large, attracting 500+ Lithuanian clinicians and those working in suicide prevention sector and this year is online due to the current COVID situation. It is always done with simultaneous translation into Lithuanian. Trent and Susan will speak on November 27th, they will be in excellent company as Prof. Jacinta Hawgood, Australian Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention, Griffith University, Australia will also be speaking with other national and international speakers.
22.01.2022 Registration is now available for the series of monthly webinars, Building Hope Together, from December 2020 - September 2021. This program has been funded by the NSW Ministry of Health as part of the Towards Zero Suicides Initiatives to better support those impacted by suicide. The series will bring together people bereaved, peer and lived experience workers, frontline workers, professionals, researchers and experts to discuss various postvention topics. The topic of the l...aunch is the impact of COVID-19 on suicide bereavement, recognising the increased isolation and negative impact on mental health that the bereaved already experience. The sharing of lived experience stories will be part of each webinar, being a source of both healing and increasing understanding of the bereavement journey. For more information visit the link below
21.01.2022 We get around! StandBy Country SA Coordinator Tracey was off in a light plane on the way to the Drought Muster at Hawker in the Flinders Ranges recently! The Drought Muster community event was aimed at bringing people together to have a good time and feel connected. Several sponsors attended to raise awareness about suicide prevention and mental health. Thanks to Pilot Bob and his 4 seater plane which only took us 4 hours! #StandBy #supportaftersuicide #suicideprevention #standbysupportaftersuicide #griefandloss
17.01.2022 If you're in South Australia, please join us for a time for reflection and sharing on Monday 16 November. Please RSVP to Tracey on the details below.
17.01.2022 StandBy Brisbane recently hosted an online workshop with our panel of lived experience advocates Jo, Maria and Shyam. They discussed their grief journeys after suicide loss. Our panelists shared stories of love, heartbreak and hope with insights for peers also bereaved by suicide and learnings for professionals supporting bereaved clients. Thank you all who made this is very special event. #StandBy #standbysupportaftersuicide #standby #supportaftersuicide #supportaftersuicidebereavement #suicidepostvention #griefandloss #InternationalSurvivorsofSuicideLossDay
07.01.2022 Mount Gambier-South Australia! What a great community we have! At our recent Survivors of Suicide Loss Day event were representatives from the Longriders CMC, Ski for Life, Wattle Range Suicide Prevention Network, Mount Gambier & Districts Suicide Prevention Network, Treasuring Life Suicide Prevention and Lifeline South East. Special thanks to Lucy Williams, StandBy Lived Experience Advisory Group member for sharing her lived experience of loss and hope.
06.01.2022 We'd like to share the absolutely brilliant work by Nic Newling over at The Champions showing their suicide prevention work in schools. Nick’s brother took his life when Nick was in high school and Nick struggled with his own mental health. He now shares his story in order to help others . Amazing work!
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