stand out cosmetics on stage & off | Product/service
stand out cosmetics on stage & off
Phone: +61 406 870 218
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25.01.2022 Stunning new packaging. Order before the Xmas rush! For stage Foundation shade : Skin tone Fair C2 or C3, light to medium C3-C4 olive C5 tanned C6-C7 dark C8. Very dark C9-C11 fair to medium with freckles and or red hair May like to try N45. Apply pressed for time powered to even out the shade and set for 10hrs. FOUNDATION for everyday too! #stagemakeup #stagetips #dancemoms #dancemum #tips #foundation #shades #rightforstage
24.01.2022 Book in your FREE make-up workshop for your studio at our @ausdancefest booth! We are taking 2019 bookings now! We travel Australia wide!! Why blend in when you can STANDOUT! [email protected] 0406870218 #standoutcosmetics #ADF #australiandancefestival #cosmetics #onfire #lipstick #dance #dancestudios #longlastingmakeup #standout #yassqueen See more
23.01.2022 Workshop time table at ADF! Make sure you visit us, we will have our full collection for you to play with!!Also some amazing show specials and Stand Out Cosmetics dance bags to hand out! JAM Performing ArtsPromenade Dance StudioNorthside School of DanceCoastal DanceConroy Dance CentreDynamite Studios AustraliaIgnite Dance CompanyAmanda Bollinger Dance AcademyVpac Dsacademy Gold CoastBrent Street
22.01.2022 The past three months where we would have been visiting studios has been filled with love and support. We hope you have enjoyed listening to the @tinatheballerinamentor podcast and YouTube on stage make up to help with some free fun online class content during this time. Subscribe if you haven’t already and let’s keep sharing the love during this time. Thank you for all the inspirational messages and stories of how you have used the content in your classes #sharelove #kindness #support #sticktogether #zoom #online #dance #stagecraft #makeup #knowledge
22.01.2022 Show Case is next week!! Make sure your makeup kit is ready to create a Stand Out look! Order online now to receive your items on time or visit our stockist Joshua Thomas Fashion at 230 Napper Road, Arundel, Gold Coast, 4214, Arundel Plaza xxx
22.01.2022 We offer over 13 different shades of Cream and Liquid Foundations. Our colour chart is available on our webpage other wise email us a photo of yourself and we can colour match! [email protected]
21.01.2022 Sometimes it’s just how you hold the brush, or one more little blended stroke or tip to make that Red lipstick application simple. We’ll show you how to enjoy concert time instead of dread the application process! #makeupmadeeasy #standoutworkshops #free #simpletips #ifonlyiknew #makeup #stage #dance #tips #tricks #instamakeup #dancing #dancecompetition #dancechallenge #stagemum #prodancer #ballerina #hiphop #jazz #tap #tinytoes #contemporary
21.01.2022 So many colours! Life is more exciting with colour! Magazine shoots or special events require the right shades! For stage we recommend our beautiful golds and browns that suit everyone. #sucsessfulldancer #pointedancer #contentdancer #allegrodancer #mostfavorite #makeup #instamakeup #prorange #professional #dance #colour
21.01.2022 Thank you to all our studios and dancers across the globe over the past 15 years. During your time at home you can set aside a few hours, enjoy, play and pause the video our original creator "Tina Sparks" has done for you. We have loved visiting hundreds of studios over the years and conducting free workshops for studio owners and their parents and students (and look forward to when we can do this again).... Our videoing will improve and we know so will your make up application with practice! We would love for you to subscribe, like and comment on the post to share the love. Please send us your pics of progress or tag us on social media for a shout out! Lots of love to you all during this time. Ps. Don't forget to substitute the colours for your studio colours in the video.
21.01.2022 I appreciate all types/styles of dance this performance is hypnotic
21.01.2022 Our Invisible Setting Powder is back in stock!
21.01.2022 Dancing is great for boys, do you know of any boys who would be interested in trying a dance class? If so then send them our way! We offer boys only classes for boys from the age of 5 years and up in ballet, jazz and tap.
20.01.2022 wonderful seeing such beautiful dancers wearing our make up! Thank you Rising Model Magazine Life and Light Photography and the lovely Jorja Signitzer. Jorja is wearing our flawless cream foundation, brown shadow in Allegro dancers, Gold Shadow in successful dancer, Red lip stick in On Fire, and our magic setting powder Pressed for Time!
20.01.2022 Just a few beautiful brushes for you to try at ADF
19.01.2022 That time of the year is approaching book your studio in for your free personalized work shop !! Sheridan's Studio 1 Amanda Bollinger Dance Academy JAM Performing Arts Northside School of DanceIgnite Dance CompanyPromenade Dance StudioBrisbane Academy of Dance Born to DanceConroy Dance CentreCoastal DanceIkin Dance
18.01.2022 We love empowering dads. Hair is one thing but make up!!! Before a Stand out workshop dads and mums dreaded concert day, now they have the confidence and extra bonding time with their children! #makeupmadeeasy #dadsdomakeup #dads #dancedads #dancemoms #dancemums #concerts #pro #skincare #tinalynettesparks #joshuathomasfashion #Anil Bahgath
18.01.2022 We have some amazing products launching this year! Make sure you watch this space! Also we are booking up really fast with our FREE workshops! Remember we are 100% FREE for you and your studio. We create custom eyeshadow and lipstick pallets for your studio. We then hold a professional workshop teaching the parents and kids on how to create a professional stage look! call or email us today! and yes we travel all through out Australia! xxx
16.01.2022 Guess where we will be tomorrow and Sunday... at the Maryborough eisteddfod!!! We will have our full collection for you to play with and buy can't wait to see everyone there
16.01.2022 Had an awesome workshop today at Dance3D! See you guys next year for another workshop!
16.01.2022 INTENSIVE WORKSHOP ALERT We are beyond excited to release our 2018 Winter Intensive Workshop with one of the most incredible line ups yet. Get a taste of t...he DSA life, with 3 days of jam packed intensive workshops from the industries leading artist. Tickets on sale now [Link in bio]. See Facebook post for full lineup list. #dsa #dream #believe #achieve #dsafam See more
16.01.2022 Make sure you have all your Stand Out Cosmetics ready to go for your dance concert! Order online
15.01.2022 We are booking up fast with our free make up workshop! Email us to secure a date and time for our make up artist to come to your studio and demonstrate to the mums and dads how to create the perfect dancers look! [email protected] Dynamite Studios AustraliaDanielle's Studio of DanceLe DanceSheridan's Studio 1Amanda Bollinger Dance AcademyHinterland Dance Academy - Gold CoastJAM Performing ArtsNorthside School of DanceTotal Image Dance StudioIgnite Dance Company
15.01.2022 Hip Hop workshop with James Barry #hiphop #ausdancefest
14.01.2022 Can't wait to see everyone tomorrow at the Come Together Dance Convention !! Its going to be a great 3 days xx
14.01.2022 Make up in ancient times was applied as a means of sunscreen, then to show in 1910 status, 1920 rebellion, 1930 sophistication, 1940 to feel feminine, 1950 to lift spirits, 1960 to feel free, 1970 to feel liberated, 1980 to be wild and from then on has taken on many forms. What ever make up makes you feel, try not to look at yourself and see the flaws, look at yourself and embrace you! #loveyou #lovelife #makeuplove #embracelife
14.01.2022 See you tomorrow Toodyay Ballet School for a Make Up workshop xx
13.01.2022 We help you step by step to create the perfect professional stage look for your dance school. Email us today for your FREE work shop.
13.01.2022 We are here all weekend at ADF! We have all our products here for you to test out!
13.01.2022 Introducing our new product that all you dance mums will LOVE! Our Roxy Red Lip Stain! This lip stain will last up to 24 hours on the dancers lips and won't rub off! Meaning no more red lipstick on costumes! No more touchups! And you can eat and drink and your lips will still be a STAND OUT on stage! Place your order now!
12.01.2022 See you in a few hours Epic Studios Australia!! Hope you are all ready for a wonderful makeup workshop xx
12.01.2022 ADF solo judge will be helping at our make up stall all weekend come and say hi!
12.01.2022 Need to keep your foundation flawless for up to 10hours?! Don't sweat it off just use our invisible setting powder!
12.01.2022 Our beautiful white On Stage is our most loved and popular shadow. Highly pigmented and large 2g size. #white #instamakeup #standoutonstageandoff #dance #stagemskeup #dancetips #professional
12.01.2022 Talk to @joshuathomasfashion or @tinatheballerinamentor today for your perfect foundation match! We can match over the phone or via internet for your unique foundation blend right for stage or everyday ware! Tip: match one to two shades darker than your skin tone in a more warm (yellow tone) Freckles May need two or three shades mixed, Darker or olive tones match more close to your shade! #makeuptipsforstage #helpwithmakeup #foundationmatching #dancechallenge #makeupmadesimple #dancemoms #dancemums
12.01.2022 Want to win some Stand Out Cosmetics this weekend at ADF? Like and share our page then tag yourself doing your favorite dance pose at our booth and go into the draw! See you soon!
11.01.2022 How lovely is this shot of @chlo.e.dancer wearing @standoutcosmetics makeup on stage by @pointeshootlove @get_the_beat #makeup #stagelife #stageready #perform #light #dancer #makeup #onstageandoff
10.01.2022 Just wanted to say a quick hello to our new followers - Feel free to msg me any questions or inquiries, have an amazing weekend and thank you for the support!
10.01.2022 We are at Come Together Dance Convention 2016. We specialize in custom colour pallets for your studio and offer FREE MakeUp workshops at your studio! Book in your free workshop today! [email protected] Ph: 0406870218
10.01.2022 Does your night before or day of concert look like this? It could! Expert Insider tips and tricks for easy stress free make up application! Free studio workshops coming near you. #makuptips #instamakeup #relaxed #stressfree #makeupmadeasy #makeuptutorial #makeup #dance #dancemums #dancedadsrock #coworthpark #dancing #comps #concerts #promakeup
10.01.2022 Find at least 10 things you love about yourself and put them up on your mirror! Keep looking at them each day and add to your list! Remember this list before performing on stage! #positiveselftalk #selflove #positivevibes #changethewayyouthink #nomoredoubt #dance #dancechallenge
09.01.2022 Having the freedom to change your pallet or refill...!! This way you don't have to replace ALL products when you run out of a shade just simply order that one colour #savingmoney
09.01.2022 Dedicated, professional dance Studios Empowering mums and dads with Stand out Cosmetics On Stage & Off since 2008. #customizedworkshops #makeupmadeeasy #dancemums #dancedads #professionalstudios #dance #freeworkshops
08.01.2022 Want to hide when it comes to makeup? Love providing a hassle free environment for your parents? We enjoy putting your chosen shade of stand out Red Lipsticks & pro kits together for your studio. Parents call us with your studio name and we send direct to them! #red #lipstick #makeup #hasslefree #freeworkshops #pinterestinspired #uniquelooks
08.01.2022 We just love visiting all of the studios around Australia, teachers are still in disbelief when we say we come for free! From Toodyay Perth to Canberra there isn’t a distance too far! We now offer private label to studios as well! If you would like to focus on your studio and look even more professional by saying the famous line just call Stand out and say you are from us we will take care of the rest! From teaching your parents & students your unique look, to packaging and sending them their items! You can video the demonstration and step by step guide and post to your parents group page or website private link! #hasselfree #makeupmadeeasy #dancemakeuptutorial #dancemakeupartist #dancemakeupworkshops #beasavybusinessowner #standoutdontblendin
08.01.2022 Have a fabulous Friday!
07.01.2022 Make-up work shop tonight at Silhouette Dance & Cheer! Can't wait to see everyone there!!
07.01.2022 Unsure on what colour foundation you need? Visit our booth at Australian Dance Festival Official for a free colour matching! We offer liquid and cream foundations xxx
07.01.2022 Chat with stand out’s founder Tina Sparks at ADF this weekend! Tina will be guest speaking in the teachers room Friday and Saturday. Bring along your questions or just find out some insider tips and tricks! #knowledgeispower #insidertips #makeup #studiogrowth #parentempowerment #hasselfreeconcerttime #stressfreecomps #passion #enjoyment #life #connect @tinalynettesparks #adf @ausdancefest
07.01.2022 We’ll show you an easier way to put on make up than this.... (although this is super cute and fun!) Red lipstick is the trickiest to get right but it doesn’t have to be! Let our team show you how at our FREE in house studio workshops! Bookings for 2018/19 being taken now #dancemakeup #stagemakeup #stagemum #dancemum #dancemoms #dancedad #free #customisedworkshops #empowerfamilies #makeup #howto Pinterest #standoutcosmetics
06.01.2022 We have created a Deluxe Studio Kit that contains everything you need! Buy yours today!
06.01.2022 Take a selfie at our booth today @ADF. #selfie via
05.01.2022 Our workshops are booking up really quickly! If you are after a work shop before concert time please email or call us ASAP! We have also started taking bookings for 2017! [email protected] PH: 0406870218
05.01.2022 Ask us about our professional lash range! Demi and full lash system creates ease and beauty! Adf specials: visit our booth!
04.01.2022 We all love a call back! Our most versatile mascara Call Back Black water resistant, Will be faithful all day for you! #mascaralove #callback #makeup #standout #instamakeup #cosmetic #cosmetics #envywear #fashion #eyeshadow #lipstick #gloss #mascara #palettes #eyeliner #lip #lips #concealer #foundation #powder #eyes #eyebrows #lashes #lash #glue #glitter #primers #base #beauty #beautiful
04.01.2022 Trying to find the correct foundation for stage... Always colour match 1 to 2 shades darker as the lights used for stage work will wash you out. Our Cream Foundations offer full coverage and used with our Invisible Setting Powder will set and last up to 10 hours! Why Blend In When You Can Stand Out!
04.01.2022 Dance history make up lesson with @tinatheballerinamentor knowing the past is just as important as the future! Be sure to also check out the make up lesson on there using our famous 5 shadow pallet and secret to long lasting make up! Stay safe everyone #Make-up #YouTube #lesson #history #past #funfacts #knowledge #arts #dance
03.01.2022 Can't wait to see everyone at ADF this year!!
02.01.2022 Busy season is approaching!! With all the excitement don't forget to check your makeup!! Get your orders in early to avoid the rush we don't want you missing out!
02.01.2022 Quality products make all the difference, @mdmdance protects the feet and what could be more important during this time while dancing at home! #quality #protection #feet #feelgood #safedance #tecnique
01.01.2022 Had a great afternoon at Cowra Ballet School doing a Make Up Workshop. See you tomorrow Hype Performance Studios for your work shop :D xx
01.01.2022 We have a new product that we will be launching on Friday!! We are so excited and you will be too!! Xxx