STARR Collective | Medical and health
STARR Collective
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25.01.2022 Our mission at STARR Collective is to allow our clients to create a shift for themselves - from self-doubt, denial, disconnect, and rejection of themselves, to self-acceptance, love and empowerment. Jodi, one of our clients, experienced this powerful shift first-hand. This is her story: I was pretty much petrified to address my past. I felt like I had put it in a nice little package and left it on a shelf somewhere far away and that I wasnt affected by it any longer, but ...Continue reading
24.01.2022 The choice is ours...always! If you don’t like where you are or who you’re with...decide to change it! No one else can decide for you... If you're committed to reclaiming your power, serving from your divine soul's calling and activating your inner healer; to live life from your highest potential, join my free Facebook Group...where you'll find a heap of cool resources, AND a supportive Si-STARhood of Alchemy and Ascension! Click the link in the comments to find us, Where the Magic Happens!
24.01.2022 My first podcast interview with the magical Niajae of Abundance Hack. I loved chatting with this gorgeous Goddess about breaking patterns of victimhood and Super Consciousness awakening to our Souls Code. Enjoy!
24.01.2022 Do you allow yourself those moments of quiet reflection? Of spontaneous connection, to Self and Source? Frequently, we busy ourselves with so much that we forget to check in. If you haven't already done so today, give yourself that moment to breathe and be with Self right now. Click the link below to book a complimentary 30-minute consultation to find out how you can fast-track the release and transmutation of past pain and trauma....
23.01.2022 All too frequently we are quick to pick ourselves apart and focus on our perceived shortcomings... What would you say to that little girl that you haven't expressed in your own internal dialogue recently? Let STARR take the never-ending work out of your journey to personal ascension, with the permanent resolution of your trauma in less than 8 weeksso you can get on with living, thriving and playing, as the Divine powerful and limitless co-creator you truly are! Book your... complimentary 30-minute consultation in the link below! #STARRCollective #ChangeTheStoryChangeTheState #bekindtoyourself #holistichealth #alternativehealth #alternativehealing
23.01.2022 I worked today. I didn't "have" to work. I didn't drag myself into work and wish I was somewhere...anywhere else! I willingly and excitedly sat myself down and connected with my client! One of the most fundamental elements of STARR is the "From To" List...where are you now in life? What are the main things you're struggling with that you want to change? And where do you want to be after your journey with STARR? When a client sits before you and tells you that for the first t...ime ever, they love themselves and feel worthy. They know they are more than enough. They are confident in themselves. They feel compassion for themselves and recognise their strength. They have energy. They do not feel lonely in their own company... They are not only no longer procrastinating through life, but taking it by the proverbials and rocking single motherhood, a high-pressure, full-time nursing gig, AND deciding to take themselves off to Uni to do a Masters degree so they can help more people (who desperately need good, compassionate, specialist nurses caring for them)... HALLELUJAH! That is a woman who has done the work and conquered her past! No excuses! No more procrastination and merely just existing! She is Living Large! And living her true potential. Gettin'. It. Done! So yeah...I went to work today and celebrated another beautiful, strong, wise, feminine, empowered woman. Tough gig this one. I have the best job in the world. And I am eternally grateful for all of the beautiful clients I get to work with! Even though you can't always see their wings, it's pretty easy to spot the angels who walk among us. Dont spend weeks, months or years peeling away the layers of shitty past stories to rewrite yourself into your most abundant and successful, on purpose life! Book a complimentary 30-minute consultation to find out how you can fast-track the release and transmutation of past pain and trauma. Link in the comments!
22.01.2022 What kind words would you say to your little girl within if you met her on your travels today? What would you tell her about who she is and who she can become? If you're committed to reclaiming your power, serving from your divine soul's calling and activating your inner healer; to live life from your highest potential, join my free Facebook Group...where you'll find a heap of cool resources, AND a supportive Si-STARhood of Alchemy and Ascension! Click the link in the comments to find us, Where the Magic Happens!
22.01.2022 This is one of my favourite all time quotes. It speaks of the exact sentiment that inspired the creation of STARR Collective. I was over social media. I'd become buried in the quagmire of depressing news that inspired anything but hope in humanity. I was sick of seeing dis-ease and disconnect among people. And I didn't want to continue to dwell in that place. I recognised that I was adding to the woes of the world by lending my energy to it ranting all over my social... media soapbox... So I turned my back on it. And decided it was time to focus on creating some much needed magic. And here we are Let STARR take the never-ending work out of your journey to personal ascension, with the permanent resolution of your trauma in less than 8 weeksso you can get on with living, thriving and playing, as the Divine powerful and limitless co-creator you truly are! Link in the comments!
22.01.2022 Are you someone who impatiently searches for all of the answers to life's questions? Perhaps you have a tendency to overanalyze everything? I used to be. In recognising the truth of who I am...a being of neverending consciousness... I learnt that what remains seemingly unresolved, unaccomplished or unanswered in this lifetime, has an entire eternity to come full circle. Patience, waiting and living in each moment, without robbing ourselves of the opportunity to live in our wh...oleness that each moment brings, IS... Let STARR take the never-ending work out of your journey to personal ascension, with the permanent resolution of your trauma in less than 8 weeksso you can get on with living, thriving and playing, as the Divine powerful and limitless co-creator you truly are! Book a complimentary 30-minute consultation in the comments!
22.01.2022 Do you have a passion for what you do every single day? Or are you sitting at your desk, waiting for your next day off? Or maybe perusing AirBnB whilst projecting forward to your next extended two-week holidayeven though you just got back from the last vacaylike, yesterday! If its the latter, let me ask you why are you settling in such a gigantic part of your life? And if youre prepared to settle for a shitty job, what other shitty stuff are you just putting up with? ...Friends? Lovers? Living in Brokesville? Have a read of the below gem I uncovered in one of my many Itty Bitty Books of Spiritual insightreally absorb THIS statement In the United States, the death rate for the week peaks at 9am on Monday mornings Of course, being the perpetual writer/researcher, I had to confirm that statistic. So I did indeed conduct my own homework. And yesit IS true. Monday is the day more people are likely to have a heart attack, and more deaths occur overall at the start of the working week. On the other hand, the least number of deaths occur the day after Hump Day Thursday - when peoples will to live is no doubt reignited with the fast-approaching weekend! Sad...But seemingly true However you feel about it, somethings obviously gotta give if youve fallen into the work and live a little trap, rather than living your passion and purpose every single day. Let me assure youwork doesnt have to be a grind. Lots of gurus out there will tell you that the path to personal growth and conscious awakening has to be hard. I call BS! You werent born to exist in perpetual patterns of pain, shame, and endless suffering on Struggle Street! Book your complimentary 30-minute consultation in the comments! #STARRCollective #ChangeTheStoryChangeTheState #followyourdreams #findyourpassion #holistichealing #alternativehealing #followyourintuition
21.01.2022 Hindsight is always 20/20...What has been the most profound change in your life, looking back?... Dont spend weeks, months or years peeling away the layers of shitty past stories to rewrite yourself into your most abundant and successful, on purpose life! Book a complimentary 30-minute consultation to find out how you can fast-track the release and transmutation of past pain and trauma. Link in the comments!
21.01.2022 #replay from today...
21.01.2022 This is a fundamental truth of human nature. If you ask all the members of the same family about an event they experienced together, you can guarantee each person will have a different remembered version. Does this make one persons story any less valid or true than someone elses? No...all that matters ultimately is each person's perceived, lived experience. That is what shapes and influences their journey. . Click the link below to book a complimentary 30-minute consultatio...n to find out how you can fast-track the release and transmutation of past pain and trauma, and take your power back to create your best, "on purpose" life!
20.01.2022 Are you coming out a VICTOR of your past stories? Dont spend weeks, months or years peeling away the layers of shitty past stories to rewrite yourself into your most abundant and successful, on purpose life! Book a complimentary 30-minute consultation to find out how you can fast-track the release and transmutation of past pain and trauma. Link in the comments!
20.01.2022 YES! In this line of work, I see, hear and read many things about what it means to be spiritual. The word itself is uttered like its a sacred state of being...only attainable if you eat tofu and mung beans, drink kombucha, dress like the quintessential hippie or a cashed-up yoga guru and fart unicorn rainbows of happy, happy, joy, joy 24/7. Ultimately though, to be spiritual, or an empath, or connected to consciousness, Source/Spirit only requires one essential element - .... And it starts with loving yourself. . . . Lots of gurus out there will tell you that the path to personal growth and conscious awakening has to be hard. I call BS! You werent born to exist in perpetual patterns of pain, shame, and endless suffering on Struggle Street! Book your complimentary 30-minute consultation in the link below!
19.01.2022 If that’s what it takes to get you where you want to be...then take the leap already! Are you hesitating? If so, why? What’s holding you back from living your best, on purpose, life? If you're committed to reclaiming your power, serving from your divine soul's calling and activating your inner healer; to live life from your highest potential, join my free Facebook Group...where you'll find a heap of cool resources, AND a supportive Si-STARhood of Alchemy and Ascension! Click the link in the comments to find us, Where the Magic Happens!
18.01.2022 What old habit would you most like to break? What new habit would you most like to start? Lots of gurus out there will tell you that the path to personal growth and conscious awakening has to be hard. I call BS! You werent born to exist in perpetual patterns of pain, shame, and endless suffering on Struggle Street! Book a complimentary 30-minute consultation to find out how you can fast-track the release and transmutation of past pain and trauma. Link in the comments!
15.01.2022 From this place, it becomes astoundingly and undeniably clear that we are indeed a product of our choices. To recognise and assume complete responsibility for our journey can be scary...because if it's all on me, there's no one else to blame if I get it wrong. But that's ego talking. Our true self revels in the realisation that we are in control of our thoughts, feelings and behaviours...liberated in the understanding that in every single moment, no one else is pulling the st...rings. It's all on me. Because this means that every morning, I get to choose what my life will look like that day. What are you choosing for yourself right now? Book a complimentary 30-minute consultation to find out how you can fast-track the release and transmutation of past pain and trauma, and take your power back to create your best, "on purpose" life!
14.01.2022 When we've suffered or been hurt, we often erect unconscious walls to "protect" ourselves and remain in our perceived "comfort zone". We put up "barriers" between ourselves and others. Further, the practice of "protection" is discussed regularly in the healing and energy worker space...dialogue around "shielding" our energy from negative influences. But rather than "protect" us from some perceived threat, that may or may not even be real, all these walls and shields do is ent...rench us further in our pain and suffering. They force us deeper into isolation and give us an excuse to remain closed off to those around us, and the world in general. We believe it's safer to remain in our "bubble" than risk being hurt again, or to prevent further pain, but in reality these walls close in on us and restrict our experience of life - the "good" and "bad"...they internalise and force our pain deeper. Dont spend weeks, months or years peeling away the layers of shitty past stories to rewrite yourself into your most abundant and successful, on purpose life! Book a complimentary 30-minute consultation to find out how you can fast-track the release and transmutation of past pain and trauma in the link below!
14.01.2022 What were you dreaming up for your life 20 years ago? Think back for a moment...does it look anything like where you are now? Now...think about the next 20 years to come...when you dream of the future, what does it look like? Are you ready to sail headlong into those dreams? Are you willing to feel the fear, look it in the eye and say, "Fu*k you fear! I'm doin' it anyway?!" Let STARR take the never-ending work out of your journey to personal ascension, with the permanent re...solution of your trauma in less than 8 weeksso you can get on with living, thriving and playing, as the Divine powerful and limitless co-creator you truly are! Book your complimentary 30-minute consultation in the link below!
14.01.2022 THIS!!! Being stuck in survival mode is exhausting! I was there for more years than I care to think about. When we can release from our past traumas/narrative, and step out of survival mode into living and thriving, we are energised at a cellular level. It’s life changing for anyone who knows what it is to exist in a constant state of physical, mental and emotional fatigue. If you're committed to reclaiming your power, serving from your divine soul's calling and activating your inner healer; to live life from your highest potential, join my free Facebook Group...where you'll find a heap of cool resources, AND a supportive Si-STARhood of Alchemy and Ascension! Click the link in the comments to find us, Where the Magic Happens!
14.01.2022 Insisting on clearing your head and actually clearing your head might be two different things but I kind of think the two go hand in hand...helps to clear the bullshit you've been baffled with from your brain, so you can remember who you TRULY are and in doing so, how to step back into LOVE. Real, vast, deep, resonant love - not of or for any one thing or I believe that in that love, with that love, of that love and by that love, our heart has all it need...s to be healed, whole and clear to connect. I see this as the balance between "Universal/God/Source Consciousness", if you will, and the felt experience of being human. I'd love to know your thoughts on this... Book a complimentary 30-minute consultation to find out how you can fast-track the release and transmutation of past pain and trauma, and take your power back to create your best, "on purpose" life! Link in the comments
14.01.2022 Are you a justification junkie? Do you need someone else to validate your ideas, actions, or existence? Are you always looking for outside approval before you do something you really feel compelled to do? I get it...been there, done that! I was forever telling people what I intended to do, seeking their "What a great idea! You should totally do that!", or whatever it was I thought would give me the courage to step up. Don't get me wrong...I've always been inclined to take ris...ks and dive in, irrespective of whether I actually obtained the approval I was seeking...but nonetheless, there was still that aspect of myself that wanted to be told I was good enough. Purely because I didn't believe it. Ultimately, once I stepped into my truth, I rediscovered how perfect my intuition is...for ME! And I relearned how to trust my own inner voice. I also realised that what anyone else thought or didn't think about my life meant diddly squat! Because they don't have to walk around in my body, mind and soul. That's my consciousness in logically, it's my consciousness that should determine my thoughts, feelings, behaviours and actions... And your reality, just like my reality, is all about perception. My consciousness will always see and experience the world differently to yours, because different things have shaped the infinite energy beings we are, within every different incarnation we've lived... Remember - no one understands you better than you. So stop explaining. You don't owe anyone an explanation. And you ARE enough. You are more than enough! Your truth is enough. Dont spend weeks, months or years peeling away the layers of shitty past stories to rewrite yourself into your most abundant and successful, on purpose life! Book a complimentary 30-minute consultation to find out how you can fast-track the release and transmutation of past pain and trauma. Link in the comments!
14.01.2022 We come to this world with a wonderful vortex of creation that provides us with all we will ever need to live our most 'on purpose life'. Do you recognize your own divinity and this immense power to create within you? Let STARR take the never-ending work out of your journey to personal ascension, with the permanent resolution of your trauma in less than 8 weeks. Book your complimentary 30-minute consultation in the link below! ...
13.01.2022 Trauma generally begins before birth, if not during the birthing process for many. Particularly these days with so much fear-based medical intervention occurring around what's meant to be a natural, instinctive process. We begin to interpret the world and our place in it - particularly whether we're safe, loved, nurtured and wanted - from within the womb. If our mother is flooding with stress hormones during pregnancy, for instance, our developing mind and body absorb those c...hemical signals as messages of imminent danger. If there are complications during our delivery and we're whisked away as tiny babies to ensure our survival, the developing unconscious mind can interpret this as abandonment by our caregiver. Again - we feel uncertain about our place in the world and whether we're loveable, wanted and safe. Often these are sufficient triggers to establish a lifelong pattern of traumatic events and experiences, as we remain trapped somewhere on the Fight, Flight, Freeze (Appease) spectrum (FFF). This can manifest in our reality as accidents, injuries, illness, abuse, addiction, depression, anxiety, PTSD, eating disorders, chronic insomnia, hyper-vigilance, trust issues and a state of ongoing overwhelm. It can also mean becoming a chronic "people-pleaser", where you have difficulty establishing healthy boundaries and saying "No". Because, as a form of survival, your unconscious mind believes - "If I was just a nicer/better/more loveable person, I'd be safe in this world!" Even if we had a blessed entry into this incarnation and the most magical childhood full of unconditional love and nurturing, growing up in a calm household, where parents rarely (if ever) raised their voices, epigenetic studies show that we store ancestral trauma in our DNA. Physiologically, when we're stuck in FFF due to repressed trauma, our prefrontal cortex and amygdala shut down. We lose the capacity for rational thought and reasoning, as that hyper-vigilant, fear state we've become trapped in sends cortisol and other hormones careening through our mind and body. Our cells start to degenerate and shut down and we find ourselves existing in survival mode. Spiritually (and neurally) we're disconnected from our higher consciousness and awareness of self, not to mention Source/Spirit. We are merely surviving, rather than living and thriving in the fullness and wholeness of Self. Book a complimentary 30-minute consultation to find out how you can fast-track the release and transmutation of past pain and trauma, and take your power back to create your best, "on purpose" life!
13.01.2022 This is often the most important lesson empaths must learn in order to become empowered in their gifts, rather than struggling as a lifelong victim of them. The question isn't how do I stop myself from being so sensitive to, and absorbing those things outside of myself? But rather, how do I control the frequency I emit and in turn, what I'm attracting to myself in the first instance? Lots of gurus out there will tell you that the path to personal growth and conscious awakenin...g has to be hard. I call BS! You werent born to exist in perpetual patterns of pain, shame, and endless suffering on Struggle Street! Book your complimentary 30-minute consultation in the link below!
12.01.2022 Are you a chronic people pleaser? A yes person? Do you often find yourself doing sh*t you really don't want to because you feel some sort of deep-seated obligation to live up to another's expectations, maintain your "integrity or live up to your "word"? Because otherwise, what might that person think of me? "Appease" or "Chronic People Pleaser" syndrome is another notch on the Fight, Flight, Freeze spectrum of survival mode we exist in when we're still a victim of our past.... Interestingly, appeasers often identify as "empaths". We "feel" what other people are feeling and thinking. But I came to realise, as a "recovered appeaser", that my actions were the result of my own perceptions. I was living up to the PERCEIVED EXPECTATIONS that other people had of me. Putting myself in their head, convincing myself that meeting those perceived expectations was the only way they would like me! The reality is...How the hell do I know what they're really thinking or feeling about me, or anything else? I DON'T! It is pure ego that suggests otherwise. Can I empathise with them? Hells yes! Am I sensitive to the experiences, thoughts and emotions of others? You betcha! Otherwise, I'd be no darn good at what I do! But that doesn't mean I KNOW what they're thinking or feeling about me. And what's more...It doesn't matter ultimately! Why? Because their thoughts about me, just like my thoughts about them, only have power over me if I ALLOW them to! And why would I choose to allow them to control me when I know the truth of who I am and when I choose to walk in that truth with integrity and loving intention? Never be afraid to express your truth. And if you areAsk yourself why? What is it I think this other person might be thinking or feeling about me? What am I picking up on from this other person? Because doing so will take you one step closer to breaking free of the "People Pleasing Pattern"'s about acknowledging that everything comes from within us, as much as from without. If you're reading this and wondering how on earth I got into your life and had a good poke around to know all that!...hit me up for a free 30-minute breakthrough call Link in the comments!
12.01.2022 It's all about perception. I spoke with someone about this yesterday concerning a work situation. She was worried about finding a job that would pay the bills. I suggested she needed to let go of that fear and come from a higher connection to Self, in order to welcome an opportunity not just to "pay the rent", but to align with her purpose and really feel fulfilled and happy in her work. By doing so, the money would take care of itself. She would attract it in her reflection ...of fulfillment and joy. If you struggle to see through that fear-based illusion to gain a different perspective on a see in alignment with the truth of who you are...ask yourself - what's the worst that can happen here? I guarantee even the worst-case scenario isn't that bad in the big scheme of things. Humans are great at making mountains out of molehills because we forget that the seemingly insurmountable issue we're facing is nothing we haven't encountered and overcome before. Be it in this incarnation or another. When you lift the illusion of ego-driven, once born fear, and embrace the truth of who you are...a vast, expansive, infinite being of pure energy and love... you can't help but look and SEE through different eyes. You werent born to exist in perpetual patterns of pain, shame, and endless suffering. Let STARR take the never-ending work out of your journey to personal ascension! Book a complimentary 30-minute consultation to find out how you can fast-track the release and transmutation of past pain and trauma, and take your power back to create your best, "on purpose" life!
10.01.2022 #sisterhood is more than a #! Sisterhood is a bond established on the basis of understanding we are all connected. And in that connection, we affect the ebb and flow of the reality in which we exist at any given moment. Sisterhood is a recognition of solidarity. Throughout our time on this planet, women have united often, in great numbers, to stand for one another and refuse to be denied. It makes my heart sing when women come together in a space such as this and connect, and form meaningful bonds of love and compassion, and yes...solidarity. For in you...I see myself. We are all reflections and I choose to see the beauty in my sisters. Let STARR take the never-ending work out of your journey to personal ascension, with the permanent resolution of your trauma in less than 8 weeksso you can get on with living, thriving and playing, as the Divine powerful and limitless co-creator you truly are! Book your complimentary 30-minute consultation in the link below!
10.01.2022 What actually makes you happy? Do you know what happiness looks like for you? Lots of gurus out there will tell you that the path to personal growth and conscious awakening has to be hard. I call BS! You werent born to exist in perpetual patterns of pain, shame, and endless suffering on Struggle Street! Book your complimentary 30-minute consultation in the link below!
09.01.2022 Healing can seem like an endless journey of peeling off and casting aside old outdated this live, I'm going to share my experience of the "shedding" that occurs when we up-level in our growth game, and step into our power and purpose.
09.01.2022 Drop the expectations and attachment to outcomes, dont settle for allowing your past narrative to define your present reality, and just let that creative shit flow forth from you, of you, for you and in you! You are an infinite being of divine creation. You think Gods preoccupy themselves with seconds, minutes and memories that prevent them from creating? Let STARR take the never-ending work out of your journey to personal ascension, with the permanent resolution of you...r trauma in less than 8 weeksso you can get on with living, thriving and playing, as the Divine powerful and limitless co-creator you truly are! Book your complimentary 30-minute consultation. Link in the comments!
08.01.2022 It's Friday!!! Time to celebrate our week and acknowledge our victories on this journey called life! So... what are you celebrating today? What goal, big or small, have you accomplished? Ticked something off the To-Do list that's been bugging you?... Any revelations about your spiritual awakening? Let's all celebrate our wins together! You can book a complimentary 30-minute consultation to find out how you can fast-track the release and transmutation of past pain and trauma, and take your power back to create your best, "on purpose" life! Link in the comments!
07.01.2022 Are you using the infinite power of your iMAGInation to create your best life? Let STARR take the never-ending work out of your journey to personal ascension, with the permanent resolution of your trauma in less than 8 weeksso you can get on with living, thriving and playing, as the Divine powerful and limitless co-creator you truly are! Book your complimentary 30-minute consultation in the comments!
07.01.2022 How well do you know yourself? If I asked you who you are or what you’re all about, what would your response be? Would you tell me how others perceive you to be? How often do you stop, allow a state of stillness, and REALLY connect with YOUR TRUTH? To know thyself is where our greatest power and liberation lies! Know thyself = Free thyself! ... If you're committed to reclaiming your power, serving from your divine soul's calling and activating your inner healer; to live life from your highest potential, join my free Facebook Group...where you'll find a heap of cool resources, AND a supportive Si-STARhood of Alchemy and Ascension! Click the link in the comments to find us, Where the Magic Happens!
06.01.2022 Yes indeed! This is one of the many things I love about watching my client’s transformations with STARR! Suddenly they find they have no more f*cks to give! Suddenly, all those ideas, opinions and criticisms from other people in their life (especially family!!!), which ultimately became their inner dialogue and shaped their identity of the past, have zero significance or power over them anymore. Just. Like. That. Because once you know the truth of who you’ve definit...ely reached that awesome pinnacle of freedom! STARR introduces you to the truth of who you are. We get in and clean her up! We rip the bandaid off and clean up the wounds of our past, instead of picking at them as they fester... Except I would say that freedom we discover is more exciting than dangerous...because it means infinite possibilities as to how you recreate your life! If you're committed to reclaiming your power, serving from your divine soul's calling and activating your inner healer; to live life from your highest potential, join my free Facebook Group...where you'll find a heap of cool resources, AND a supportive Si-STARhood of Alchemy and Ascension! Click the link in the comments to find us, Where the Magic Happens!
06.01.2022 Our body is a community of 50 trillion cells...a reflection of the Universe itself. Without those 50 trillion cells intact, whole, complete and working harmoniously in alignment with all the other cells, our bodies cannot LIVE and THRIVE. This is just as true in the Universal scheme of things. When we are each of us, existing as but one person cohabitating this time and space, among trillions of forms of energy, trying to do our own thing distinct from everyone elsewe den...y what it means to be an energetic being, living a human experience. A connected experience. I always found the notion of loving one person over and above anyone else odd. Even as a child, I never understood this concept. As though love was some finite experience that must be saved up and only endowed upon those we deem worthy of its grace. Love is a never-ending well from which we draw. Like life itself, it has no beginning or end. So why must we reserve it, hoard it even, as though we fear it might be lost on the wrong souls? If we all accepted and lived this Universal truth, the world would be a whole lot better offSo today, I want to tell you...I see you. I love you. Just by being...being a part of the are enough. Let STARR take the never-ending work out of your journey to personal ascension, with the permanent resolution of your trauma in less than 8 weeksso you can get on with living, thriving and playing, as the Divine powerful and limitless co-creator you truly are! Book a complimentary 30-minute consultation to find out how you can fast-track the release and transmutation of past pain and trauma.
04.01.2022 Let's practice some accountability around being the change we want and lifting ourselves ever upwards... Share below... What have you decided has to change in your life to make your reality better? Remembering that once you decide, there's no looking back. This is your decide on the change you most want, and then go for it with unwavering determination, means you're more likely to actually make that change happen!!!... So... what have you decided WILL change for you? Click the link in my bio to book a complimentary 30-minute consultation to find out how you can fast-track the release and transmutation of past pain and trauma, and take your power back to create your best, "on purpose" life!
04.01.2022 If you’re not on this track, why not? What’s holding you back from that most beautiful life? If you're committed to reclaiming your power, serving from your divine soul's calling and activating your inner healer; to live life from your highest potential, join my free Facebook Group...where you'll find a heap of cool resources, AND a supportive Si-STARhood of Alchemy and Ascension! Click the link in the comments to find us, Where the Magic Happens!
03.01.2022 #mondaymeditation Let's set the mood for our week shall we...what are you telling yourself today? Remember I AM are power words! Be kind to yourself with how you use them. One of my favourites - I AM more than enough!... Book a complimentary 30-minute consultation to find out how you can fast-track the release and transmutation of past pain and trauma, and take your power back to create your best, "on purpose" life! Link in the comments
03.01.2022 What sort of relationship do you have with the concept of time? I'm curious. My relationship with time is in a state of constant flux, moving with the ebb and flow of each moment. It's rarely consistent. Well, the only consistency is the constant change. I've come to realise, this is a part of recognising one's immortality. Because in that that truth of self, no one moment matters more than any other. No matter what's going on at any given moment.... Book a complimentary 30-minute consultation to find out how you can fast-track the release and transmutation of past pain and trauma, and take your power back to create your best, "on purpose" life!
02.01.2022 It's Monday morning here in Oz... nothing like talking goals at the beginning of a fresh, new week. So...share you have a goal that excites you? Are you actively striving to reach that goal? Or is fear holding you back? Fear of failure? Fear of financial uncertainty? Fear of what others might think? Fear of the unknown? Fear often stops us in our tracks if we allow it. But when we understand where those fears originate from, we can empower ourselves to push through... them and realise our goals. Let STARR take the never-ending work out of your journey to personal ascension, with the permanent resolution of your trauma in less than 8 weeksso you can get on with living, thriving and playing, as the Divine powerful and limitless co-creator you truly are! Book your complimentary 30-minute consultation in the comments!
02.01.2022 Always be uniquely, unapologetically YOU! If you're committed to reclaiming your power, serving from your divine soul's calling and activating your inner healer; to live life from your highest potential, join my free Facebook Group...where you'll find a heap of cool resources, AND a supportive Si-STARhood of Alchemy and Ascension! Click the link in the comments to find us, Where the Magic Happens!
01.01.2022 The simple truth Lots of gurus out there will tell you that the path to personal growth and conscious awakening has to be hard. I call BS! You werent born to exist in perpetual patterns of pain, shame, and endless suffering on Struggle Street! Book a complimentary 30-minute consultation to find out how you can fast-track the release and transmutation of past pain and trauma, and take your power back to create your best, "on purpose" life! ...
01.01.2022 This is one of the biggest challenges I see clients face. Particularly when they're stuck in fight, flight, freeze (FFF) and perpetual patterns of self-sabotage. Something rarely acknowledged is the other aspect of FFF...APPEASE. This generally looks like classic "people-pleasing" syndrome. If I say "yes" and keep being nice to whoever is walking all over me, maybe they'll stop using me as a doormat and start appreciating me. Obviously it doesn't work that way. But when your ...identity has been founded on an unconscious core belief that you're not good enough, setting boundaries is nigh on impossible. And many of us grow up in households where healthy boundaries are not readily modelled. Lots of gurus out there will tell you that the path to personal growth and conscious awakening has to be hard. I call BS! You werent born to exist in perpetual patterns of pain, shame, and endless suffering on Struggle Street! Book a complimentary 30-minute consultation to find out how you can fast-track your self-growth journey. Link in the comments!
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