RAJ 4 Territory | Political party
RAJ 4 Territory
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23.01.2022 Please be care ful of beautiful smiles, can be deceptive.
23.01.2022 Please vote and support me for Drysdale. I am contesting against these candidate. I have confidence in YOU. 1. Eva Lawler - A minister and full back up of a 40... year old party with 35% stacked vote, who votes blindly as the politicians have been able to successfully blindfold the voters. I don’t blame the innocent voters. Voters have religiously voted for her. I feel sad for what they got in return. 2. Leanne Buttler - She has got full back up of a 40 year old CLP with 35% stacked vote, who votes blindly as the politicians have been able to successfully blindfold the voters. I don’t blame the innocent CLP voters. Voters have religiously voted for her party. I feel sad for what they got in return. 3. Fiona Lynch . Support of Territory Alliance . The leader is ex Chief Ministers with many years of political following
22.01.2022 Please find attached plans of North Australia Group for NT .
22.01.2022 View on page THE CANDIDATES SO FAR NAME: Eva Lawler PARTY: Labor TELL US IN 100 WORDS OR LESS WHY PEOPLE SHOULD VOTE FOR YOU: It has been a pleasure to advo...cate strongly as local member for the people of Gray, Driver and Moulden but also for all of Palmerston as a Minister in our government. Our government is delivering for Palmerston. We now have a state-of-the-art police station and the Palmerston Regional Hospital. We have built Zuccoli Primary School and we are now building a new fire station. All the schools in Drysdale have had upgrades. We have partnered with the council to deliver electronic speed signs at schools and established the youth drop-in centre. NAME: Leanne Butler PARTY: CLP TELL US IN 100 WORDS OR LESS WHY PEOPLE SHOULD VOTE FOR YOU: I decided to put my hand up to represent the people of Palmerston. I have lived in my home at Woodroffe since 2008 and before that lived in Driver. This is my community and I am sick of the crime and anti-social behaviour; perpetrators do not have the right to make us feel unsafe in our own homes. I have worked for NGOs in community service for the last 15 years supporting our community, I feel that this experience of the complex social issues facing the Territory will allow me to keep serving the community in a broader way. NAME: Fiona Lynch PARTY: Territory Alliance TELL US IN 100 WORDS OR LESS WHY PEOPLE SHOULD VOTE FOR YOU: I work as the Electorate Officer in Terry Mills’ office in Blain. The best part of my job has been helping the residents of Palmerston to deal with the issues in their lives. I love being a part of a team where we have a shared passion to make our city a better place where people are valued and supported. I’ve lived in Palmerston for the better part of 13 years and feel connected with the people of the Drysdale electorate, many of whom are true battlers. I ’m a Territory girl, I love camping, fishing and AFL. NAME: Raj Samson PARTY: Independent TELL US IN 100 WORDS OR LESS WHY PEOPLE SHOULD VOTE FOR YOU: I wish to serve our hardworking Territorians, our hard-working labourers, our hard-working roofers, sheeters, carpenters, builders, plumbers, electricians, retail workers, transport workers, carers, teachers, aged care workers, child care workers, hospitality workers, farm workers, fruit pickers, my cattle farm workers, our Australians, Indigenous Australians, new Australians. We wish to serve and work for Territorians and the Territory. We wish to work to make the Territory loveable, liveable, affordable and crime free
20.01.2022 Raj an open book , from the FB posts.
14.01.2022 Raj first video out come indicates that, Territorians want him to represent them. A comparison of views of Videos of Raj, Terry and Lia is here. Terry Mills vi...deos views are few hundred to 2 thousand in one to few weeks Lia Fiachinaro videos views are few hundred to 2 thousand in one to few weeks Raj video views are 1.6K in 2 days Raj says : In my videos: I am original With excent With errors But true from my heart No editing No camera shooting No voice over I AM PLAIN SIMPLE OPEN WITHOUT HIDDEN AGENDA , AN OPEN BOOK On the other hand my great friends videos are prepared with camera , shootings, voice overs, scripts, have no errors , Aussie language - they are with all support. I believe I can count on support of my hard working Aussies I wish to serve my Territorians My hard working Territorians My hard working labours My hard working Roofers, Sheeters, carpainters, builders, plumbers, electricians, retail workers, transport workers, carers, teachers, aged care workers, child care workers, hospitality workers. Farm workers, fruit pickers, my cattle farm workers, My Australian , indigenous Australians, new Australians. I wish to serve NT. I wish to work for Territorians and Territory. I wish to work for make the Territory lovable, livabale, affordable and crime free. With safe society.
13.01.2022 Campaign : Raj for Drysdale
10.01.2022 https://www.abc.net.au//alcohol-floor-price-parl/10147000
10.01.2022 Press release: Raj Samson Rajwin has been nominated to run for the seat of Drysdale as an INDEPENDENT by the electors of Drysdale. He is supporting six other c...andidates to similarly run as independent, which is unprecedented in the NT. Raj has lived in NT for 14 years and he ran for Palmerston Council election where he got more primary votes than the two sitting council members. This shows that election results can be manipulated through the how-to-vote cards (HTVC). Raj is a medical doctor from the best medical institute of India and specialised as an anaesthetist. He rose to be Asst Commandant and Deputy Superintendent of police as a doctor in Para-military and Central Reserve Police Forces in India. He then became a medical specialist in Alice Springs, NT and other parts of Australia. He obtained an advanced qualification in intensive care (TOE) and was the first one in NT to obtain this. He then went back to Delhi to work in the ICU. Then things turned around when he got preselected by CLP to run in Wanguri which made him move back to Darwin and acquire local citizenship and relinquish his Indian citizenship. Raj loves to help people without any expectation of a reward . He has helped hundreds of people by providing them jobs and free accommodation. Recently he moved to construct extra toilet and shower and shed to help some people like Trevor Jenkins. Raj believes that the NT economy, social system, law and order are under tremendous pressure that need an ICU-like revival and treatment plan. Drysdale is a neglected electorates that needs II tens I’ve work with it’s high crime, unemployment and school drop-out rates being among the highest in the NT. This is the area of the working class Aussie, pensioners, unemployed, immigrants and Indigenous population. It is shameful to see the level of neglect this area has seen. There is a real need to have an MLA in parliament with a medical, social and police background to be an effective voice of Palmerston and Drysdale in particular. Raj believes that the Territory has been let down by all the previous government and politicians that brought us to nearly an unrecoverable state but is confident of a bright future for Northern Territory in the hands of Independents. Most importantly he knows that the Independents are the only ones who care and will listen the electors after getting into parliament. See more
10.01.2022 https://nteconomy.nt.gov.au/population
04.01.2022 RACISM MISUNDERSTOOD Two races existed, exist and will exist. Those are RICH RACE AND NOT RICH RACE RULING RACE AND RULED UPPN RACE EXPLOITING AND EXPLOITED R...ACE Beside that from all parameters the USA, UK, Australia have better human development index than the countries we have come from. NORMAL WHITE MAN IS NOT RACIST A normal white man of USA, UK, Australia are busy working hard for their country. Most of them are working fir 8 hours a day. During this period they are engaged physically, mentally or both. After the work is finished they do complete sone domestic responsibility. Most of them buy 6 pack of beer or wine on the way home. After meal and few drinks they go to sleep. So in daily routine hardly they have have time to nurture be RACIST mentality, idea or opinion. When we call white man racist, that word normally hit these working white people who are not racist. Moreover we are treated better than whites are treated in African, Arabian and Indian subcontinent’s. So I think we must review our opinion about racism. Another fact is that most of Immigrants want to assimilate with Australian but they are seen as Indian, Chinese or African etc. that must be changed too WHITE MAN CAN BE MISINTERPRETED AND RUDE. A normal white man can be considered as rude for the way he talks. This should be seen similar to people in our own countries where style, language and pronunciation of words change from state to state. Many people in our countries are considered rude but they are the most humble and honest at the heart. CALL FOR RACISM CAN BE POLITICAL Racism is raised by sone people for political gains. Sone who fail to get to power on the basis of policies, plans and performance have no alternative other than to play a divisive card in the name of race, colour, ethnicity, nationality etc . People must understand this trap. This is done to divide the votes and polarise the votes just to win the key to manage (or damage) the national funds for their vested interests. We are treated better in White countries but can we provide the same treatment to a white man in our countries. Our counties face worst human right problems, worst economic disparity, worst economy of poor, worst health, education and employment to the person of lower socioeconomic groups. USA UK and AUSTRALIA are among the few countries where a normal citizen has better rights than most of countries. IMMIGRANTS ARE EXPLOITED BY IMMIGRANT BOSS MORE THAN A WHITE BOSS Most of my friends experienced a discrimination of an unexpected nature. It has become a fashion to blame white Australians for every thing which goes wrong with us. However if we carefully look at the stories, trends, incidences we will be surprised to know that mostly we immigrants suffer discrimination from our boss who is usually from our own country or sone other country. Reason could be: 1. We have many of our relatives in one department so prefer own relatives of the same country compared to others of our iwn country. 2. Usually Australians try to generously support the immigrant be supervised by his own countryman so that the candidate doesn’t suffer a negative bias but this arrangement, instead of helping the candidate goes against him. 3. I suggest that the Australian should provide a neutral assessor for the immigrant candidates for the assessment of their performance or selection etc. 4. Immigrants are coming from antagonistic groups even from the same country. They may not be able to be neutral in assessing other person. I think Australian authorities should look into this problem which can be catastrophic for the harmony of society.
04.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/100013029919701/posts/1006191969825124/?
03.01.2022 CASHLESS CARD - NOT A SENSIBLE APPROACH This type of arrangement can lead to the following scenario. Let’s assume Mr 007 has a cashless card. Mr 007 needs alc...ohol. Mr 007 approaches Mr 008, a friend of politician. Mr 008 uses the Credit card of Mr 007 for 900$ and gives him back 500$ Now Mr 007 give 500$ to Mr 009 for the purchase of alcohol. The reason for this is that Mr 007 is an alcoholic and has been involved in few alcohol related nuisances. Government has stopped him from buying alcohol. The government diesnt underatand that alcohol is a necessity for Mr 007 and not a socialising or a pleasure activity. How Mr 007 got into this state is none of the problems of the Government. Government’s intellectuals understood that stopping access to alcohol will solve the problem or at least will look like the government and politicians are on the job to solve the problems Mr 009 gets 500 $ from Mr007 and gives him 300$ worth of alcohol. Ultimately Mr 007 get 300$ worth of alcohol. These arrangements and plans show the mental capacity, vision, sense, nature and character of the strategists, politicians , planners, social workers, CEOs. involved in drafting these legislations, laws, rules, policies and protocols. See more
02.01.2022 Pl welcome President ISHE Iraq. We are looking for our representative in all countries. Please connect. ISHE stands against , corruption, Poverty, unemploymen...t and inequality in African countries. There has been a chronic failure among economists to explain growth in Africa. The methods and analytical angles they have used to explain relative failure in Africa were conceived in the 1990s, but these were unsuitable for explaining growth in the 1960s or growth since the 2000s. There is no denying that there was an economic failure in many African economies and that this decline took place during the postcolonial period. But it did not coincide with the whole period. Postcolonial period and economic failure have been equated in literature that attempts to explain growth in postcolonial Africa. They should not be. This erroneous stylised fact provided the impetus for a literature that compressed a history that moved from explaining the African growth shortfall to explaining the gap in GDP per capita between African economies and the rich countries in the rest of the world. What’s governance got to do with growth? That the states that most analysts characterise as having poor governance have presided over long periods of growth, both in Africa and elsewhere, is a strong argument against the claim that political governance is a determining factor in economic history. Africa’s growth performance in the 1960s and China’s recent growth performance are good examples. A second argument against the link between governance styles and economic performance is the fact that good governance is an outcome of development and not a prerequisite for growth.
01.01.2022 Don’t JUST talk about change