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Stay Level
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25.01.2022 Road Side Free Camps Caravaners who free camp a lot at roadside camps, for overnight stops, have found the Stay Level - Caravan Level App particularly useful as the App transmits Level information to the vehicle driver in a visual format, in both direction, fore and aft, as well as side to side. This enables overnighters to drive around and find a level site so they dont have to un-hitch the caravan.
23.01.2022 Family Togetherness:- Just a note to prospective purchasers of the Stay Level - Caravan Level App, that, If you have two devices from the same operating system you only have to purchase the App once, on one device, and it will share to the second device automatically provided it is on the same iTunes account. You may have to have WiFi enabled on both devices for this to happen. ... If an automatic share to the second device doesnt happen just go into the App Store on the second device and click on the blue cloud symbol to commence download to the second device. We are aware that sometimes husbands and wives may have separate iTunes accounts and we are now working to see how you can also share the single purchase of the App.
23.01.2022 Some Feedback from a Facebook Site:- " ... thats the idea. By having one phone in the van - on the floor or a bench, the level details are visible on a second phone with the app on it. Whether you are driving around looking for a flat piece of ground or putting the van on to ramps, the driver can see when the van is level. Invariably when we need to get the van level, it is the non-door side that needs the ramp and I normally get the job of running around to look at the spirit level I put on the floor of the van and repeating the process of going from ramps to door as we get the level right. It wouldnt work for us as the other half refuses to get a smartarse phone as he calls it and both phones need to be on the same operating system."
22.01.2022 Customer Feedback:- "I have it working on my iPhone 5 and iPad, it works well. I havent used it with a van as its being built, but have played with it in the ute. It keeps its calibration once you go out and back into the app as well. On the website I posted it does say iPhone 5 and up"
22.01.2022 Stay Level - Caravan Level App levels in both directions
22.01.2022 Link to Caravaners Forum for their members thoughts on the Stay Level - Caravan Level App
22.01.2022 Customer Feedback:- "I think the key is that you can see that it is level from the drivers seat. Drive the van up a couple of ramps on one side and then stop when you see that it is level. ... Beats the knock on the back of the car by the co-pilot and then "no, just back a bit". Wont need it for the longitudinal level, the bubble on the draw bar will do nicely. Might be handy if you want an overnight without un-hitching. It will give you an idea that the van is close enough to level, both ways."
22.01.2022 Motorhomes and 5th Wheelers. The Stay Level - Caravan Level App is also useful for Motorhome and 5th Wheeler owners who have adjustable airbag suspension. Although you do not need to see the Display device from the drivers seat, it is useful to be able to take it to where the airbag controls are, whilst the Sensor device on the floor, or similar flat surface, takes the levels.... Stay Level -Caravan Level is also useful for any RVs that have built in hydraulic jacks for levelling.
20.01.2022 Customer Feedback:- "The advantage is knowing the level when in the drivers seat. We go to many undulating sites, and being able to drive into the right spot knowing it is level is much better for me than constantly getting in and out of the vehicle to check, especially when the conditions are not optimal like on a rainy dark night. Our shower drains better when the van is levelled in a certain way (east to west), so it is important to us. As for the longitudinal level, I just use a spirit level on the A Frame to guide with the jockey wheel adjustment." (Note that the App transmits levels in both directions, including longitudinal which is helpful if you want to stay hooked up)
18.01.2022 Customer Feedback:- I use it every time we stop either at a free camp or in a park. We are currently travelling Australia for 12 months and the app is ideal. It is best to get the van level or in a position you prefer (we have slight slope to the rear and one side for the shower to drain) then place the sensor device in the van in a spot you can use each time you setup and calibrate that position. Our van has a bench just inside the door which I use to sit the iPad on and butt it up against the wall. Also note the app will only work on the same platform eg. Apple to apple or android to android ...Just check the website for compatible devices.
18.01.2022 Save your marriage
17.01.2022 Stay Level - just one of those 10 reasons.
17.01.2022 Customer Feedback:- "I try to get my 5th wheeler as level as possible, mainly to reduce twist and strain on the slideout, however minimal. Being able to setup quickly when not unhooking just by looking at a screen in the dash when on slightly undulating ground. Being able to find that dip or hump in the ground to get the van level without getting out to consistently check would be great. It might even be a marriage saver."
14.01.2022 How to connect your two devices using WiFi. Note that no internet is required for this process. Turn on WiFi on both devices and we suggest turning off the devices auto lock.
14.01.2022 A Reminder:- If you have 'auto lock' set on your devices to turn them off, after only a minute or so, you may have to change that time setting to a few more minutes to enable you to complete the levelling process. Should 'auto lock' turn either of the devices off, the WiFi connection may be lost and the two devices will have to be connected again, via the simple connection process.
14.01.2022 Scroll right to see how the Stay Level - Caravan Level App connects and "click" on any image for more detailed information
14.01.2022 Question: "We note that the Stay Level - Caravan Level App uses WiFi. Does this mean that the app require Internet access as some remote places we go have no mobile service at all?" Answer: No, the Stay Level - Caravan Level App does not require Internet. ... The connection is simply WiFi between one device and the other, provided they are both either Apple or Android. One device is simply laid on the van floor just inside the door, as the Sensor, and the other is the Display in the tow vehicle. The App levels in both directions, so is very useful if you are free camping and want to stay hooked up and can just drive about till you get a level. Also useful for people travelling alone and sometimes may save arguments with partners watching a bubble. In a caravan park with limited room, one device can be placed in the van when the levelling ramps are positioned. Pinned above, and on our website, there is a good 40 second video that explains it fairly well. One thing you may have to do is extend the auto lock time on your two devices, in the settings, to allow enough time to get the van level. See more
13.01.2022 How to connect your two devices using WiFi. Note that no internet is required for this process.
11.01.2022 Level Problems with 3 Way Fridges. Whilst not common an LP gas fridge can sometimes suddenly stop working. This is usually due to a vapour lock caused by the caravan being excessively out of level. This is usually fixed by turning it off, making sure the caravan is level (within 3 degrees) and turning the fridge back on after a few hours.
10.01.2022 Customer Feedback:- "I have just bought the Stay Level App. It requires 2 like phones/tablets (Ipad/Iphone) (Android phone to Android tablet). There need to have the right stuff inside the phone to work. My Samsung S7 connects to the wifes Samsung S7. You have to have some settings set to make it hook together.... I have only used it once but it worked very well. It would be great to level the van sideways just by moving forward or backwards to get van just right by having one phone on floor of van and one phone on dash looking for that spot where the van is just right. It is probably not as important to level front to back unless you are not unhooking If this app looks like it may be useful, take the time to read info on the website. It might be just a marriage saver."
10.01.2022 Stay Level Caravan on the road around Australia
10.01.2022 A Visual Display The Stay Level - Caravan Level App communicates with the driver of the tow vehicle as the van is reversed up the levelling ramp, much the same as the wife or partner does, when looking at the bubble level. The App communicates visually, on a second device, whilst the other method communicates verbally!
08.01.2022 Customer Feedback:- Ive just got it. Its awesome! You need two devices, of course. One for levelling and one for display. They synchronise with each other. All plug and play, and easy as.... I use my Galaxy S5 as the display, because it doesnt sit very flat, with a slight camera protrusion, as well as a mounting clip. My Nexus 2013 is flat, and provides the state of levelling in each dimension. Really good as a one person job when working on the off-side. Saves going inside to examine a level on the floor all the time.
07.01.2022 Do you like to have your Caravan on a slight slope, rather than level, to help drain the shower water? This can be done with the Stay Level - Caravan Level App as it has a Calibration button. Once you get your Caravan set up as you like it, press the Calibrate button and this will save your setting, with the required slope, for every time to use Stay Level in the future.... Of course you need to place the Sensor device in the same position on the floor of your Caravan each time and orientated in the same way as it was Calibrated. For example, the Home button of your device towards the rear of the Caravan. The Calibration can be re-set or changed at any time, if your needs change
06.01.2022 "Connect, Level, Relax"
04.01.2022 Save your marriage and get a good nights sleep!
04.01.2022 Compatible Devices for the Stay Level - Caravan Level App
03.01.2022 Customer Feedback:- "I downloaded this app yesterday. It seems simple to use and connects between devices easily. Since it requires wireless to be enabled, I thought it may have needed to be on a wireless network. I tested it not connected to a network and it still works, so I suspect using a broadcast UDP protocol, so could be a security issue, but this protocol is used commonly for unsecure broadcast communications.... Playing with it on the bench, it appears quite sensitive to change, and lights up green when level is correct side ways and length ways (two indicators), so should be easy to use in practice. You do need to place your iphone so the button is facing the rear of the van, so orientation is important, which I didnt see explained in the instructions. Ill give it a go next time we move. Although I dont need to see it from the drivers seat, it may be useful to see from the airbag controls with the sensor on the kitchen bench."
03.01.2022 Answers to Frequently Asked Questions can also be found on our website at
03.01.2022 Staylevel Caravan using the Staylevel App to get Level at a free camp site and not wanting to unhitch the caravan.
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