St Benedict's Catholic Church, Applecross Parish in Perth, Western Australia | Religious centre
St Benedict's Catholic Church, Applecross Parish
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9364 1120
Address: 115 Ardross Street, Ardross 6153 Perth, WA, Australia
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24.01.2022 #OnThisDay six years ago, a brand new Vinnies WA shop in Applecross opened its doors for trading on 20 October 2014. Then-Parish Priest Fr Philip Fleay officially blessed the shop and its workers on 19 November 2014. The St Vincent de Paul Society is a lay Catholic organisation offering people a complete range of services that provide specific assistance, and focusses on ensuring that the social, economic, and political pressures placed on the disadvantage are reduced.
23.01.2022 While this year's ANZAC Day is rather unusual, let us not allow this time of pandemic stop us from praying for all of our brothers and sisters who have served, sacrificed, and suffered for our nations. We pray that all Australians and New Zealanders, past and present, may live in peace and prosperity. The newsletter for this Sunday (26 April) is available to view here:
23.01.2022 Please take the time to carefully read through the latest set of Archdiocese-wide directives, as indicated by Archbishop Timothy Costelloe. From this Saturday onwards, please note that churchgoers will no longer be required to pre-register their attendance for Mass services. A gentle reminder that, as of last weekend, Applecross Parish has ceased the additional 11am and 4.30pm Sunday Masses. We are back to operating our regular weekly Mass times.... As mentioned in our parish newsletter, the new financial year for Planned Giving starts on 5 July. If you have been thinking about joining the programme to support our church, then now would be a good time to start. We are a family and we need to budget, just like you do in your family. We plan for the future as well as trying to live day-by-day. By committing to give your nominated amount, our finance committee is then able to plan for our future and pay the bills today. We are self-funded and we rely on your support to run our family/parish effectively. Should you wish to request for a financial statement of your contribution, please contact the Parish Office on 9364 1120. Thank you sincerely for your generous financial support to St Benedict's Church, Ardross.
22.01.2022 Our church is open for private prayer --- Please remember to register your attendance on the sheet provided at the entrance, maintain good hygiene, and be mindful of one another by respecting the 1.5m physical distancing measures.
21.01.2022 Our very own youth coordinator, Emily Hardbottle, has featured in this month's digital edition of The Record magazine, revealing her hopes and intentions as one of four hand-picked Plenary Council 2020 lay delegates for the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth. Well done, Emily! You can view the full spread of the magazine via this link:
21.01.2022 WHAT'S ON THIS WEEKEND: - Please join us and bring a plate for morning tea after the 7:30am Mass this Sunday, 11 October. - St Benedict's Young Adults Group will gather to socialise over dinner at Grill'd Applecross on the same day straight after the 6pm Mass. Please RSVP to [email protected] if you wish to join. Anyone between the ages of 18 and 30 are welcome to attend.
21.01.2022 Dear parishioners, Please spare half an hour of your time to listen to this podcast episode, hosted by Bateman parishioner Kenneth Phua with guest speaker James Parker. Feel free to share it with your friends and relatives. It covers a very important issue in relation to the "Children and Community Services Amendment Bill 2019". We, the faithful, need do our part to protect our priests and the sacrosanct seal of confession.... Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB wrote to the Perth Catholic community about this legislation on 2 July. If you feel compelled to write a submission of your own, then please note that the deadline is next Friday, 24 July. Saint John of Nepomuk, pray for us
21.01.2022 ARCHBISHOP'S EASTER MESSAGE FOR 2020: The disciples had to learn to look for Jesus in new ways. They had to let Him surprise them by coming to them in ways they had not expected. It will be the same for us. And as we do meet him in strange and unexpected ways, and learn to know him more deeply than we do at present, we can look forward to the joy of coming together again around the Eucharistic table to share with our brothers and sisters all the ways in which our hearts burned within us because we had met Him along the winding road we are all travelling together.
19.01.2022 Dear Parishioners, I have received the latest information from the Archbishop’s Office regarding church services in our parishes. I am happy to inform you that we can now celebrate the Eucharist in our church under the latest restrictions provided by the government and the Archbishop. In compliance with the new protocols, the following measures will be implemented beginning Tuesday 19 May 2020: Weekday Masses, including Saturday morning, will resume with a maximum of 20 ...persons in attendance. An attendance sheet will be provided at the entrance of the church to monitor the number of people. Strict physical distancing and hygiene rules will be implemented. Hand sanitisers will be available upon entering the church. For those who cannot be accommodated at our regular weekday morning Mass times, I will celebrate another mass at 5.30pm, except Saturday afternoon, with the same guidelines as in the morning masses. At this stage, we cannot celebrate Weekend Masses still. The Archbishop has assured us that the faithful continue to be dispensed of their obligation to attend Sunday Mass. I encourage you to continue to do Spiritual Communion through Live-Streamed Sunday Masses. For the other sacraments, please refer to the guidelines which are uploaded in our parish website, or phone the Parish Office for enquiries. Thank you very much for your continued patience in these trying times. We look forward to further relaxation of restrictions in the government’s Roadmap initiatives in the not-so-distant future. Once again, please pass this information on to those you have contact with. May God bless us all and warm regards, Fr Nelson
17.01.2022 Below is a message from our parish priest regarding Easter liturgies, please take time over this period to join Fr Nelson in prayer --- Dear Parishioners, ... I trust that you are all going well and mindful of the need to stay safe always. A lot of you have emailed me during the past two weeks expressing how you have missed the Mass and the usual spirit of community that we normally have. I share all your disappointments in this challenging time. I will repeat a line that sounds almost like a cliché nowadays: we will get through this.we are one in this. Indeed, we may not be together physically in prayer but we are one in spirit and in thought, in our hearts and minds. Particularly unusual and strange is the fact that we will not be able to celebrate our Holy Week Masses and liturgies as a parish community. This is very sad indeed. But Archbishop Tim Costelloe urges you to join with your parish priest in these celebrations in the comfort of your homes. Faithful to the Archbishop’s intentions, I will celebrate our church’s most important liturgies in private and I ask you to join with me in prayer. Below are the times for those private celebrations: Palm Sunday - 10am Holy Thursday - 7pm Good Friday - 3pm Easter Vigil - 7pm Easter Sunday - 10am Let us continue to keep each other in prayer. As one parishioner said to me, we will come out as better people after this. God is good and his love is more powerful than this virus. Keep safe and kind regards, Fr Nelson Po
16.01.2022 The Catholic Archdiocese of Perth, UNDA Campus Ministry Fremantle and Catholic Youth Ministry Perth have combined to provide some daily prayer motivation during this uncustomary Holy Week.
15.01.2022 #ThrowbackThursday Our parish's Mary Mother of Sorrows prayer group gathered together in the Albert Lynch Room on Thursday 13 September 2018 to celebrate its 30th year of devotion. While the prayer group is based at St Benedict’s Catholic Church, members of different parishes and other denominations are welcome attendees.
13.01.2022 NOTICE: Feel free join us next week at St Bene's for our First Friday Friends gathering on 2 October. All are welcome! For more info, email: [email protected]
13.01.2022 IMPORTANT NOTICE --- St Benedict's Church will recommence Masses in our parish according to the government restrictions of 100 people per gathering from this Saturday, 6 June. To assist the community with this, Masses will be available during the week and on the weekend. To accommodate everyone in the parish, Father Nelson has added two more Masses to the Sunday schedule (11am and 4.30pm). The faithful continue to be dispensed of their obligation to attend Sunday Mass. A...Continue reading
12.01.2022 WHAT'S ON THIS WEEKEND: - All Saints' Day Masses on Sunday 1 November at normal times (with Vigil Mass at 6pm on Saturday 31 October). - Celebration of All Souls' Day Mass on Monday 2 November at 9am.... - Applecross Catholic Women’s League will hold a raffle of hampers on the first weekend of November for the Lebanon disaster relief. Parishioners are invited to aid these causes by donating new items for the hampers. Items may be left at the office or contact: [email protected]
12.01.2022 "Jesus said: 'Where two or three people are united in my name I am there'. We [normally] go to church to meet Jesus, but if in families we pray, Jesus is there."
12.01.2022 Each week’s parish bulletin has been uploaded via: - all future bulletins will be there until we can get back to some normality. Also on St Bene's site is a prayer and reflection series called "Holy Week At Home". You are most welcome to download and use it to aid your prayer time May God’s love and spirit be with you during Holy Week and Easter.
11.01.2022 Our parish youth coordinator Emily Hardbottle was yesterday formally commissioned by Archbishop Timothy Costelloe alongside her fellow Perth Plenary Council delegates at St Mary's Cathedral, Perth WA. Had Australia (along with the rest of the world) not been struck by the COVID-19 pandemic, the first session of the Plenary Council would have commenced this past weekend in Adelaide. Let us keep them all in our prayers as we, as one body in Christ, enter more deeply into our reflection concerning the fundamental question of the Plenary Council: "what is God asking of us in Australia at this time?"
09.01.2022 #TakeMeBackTuesday On Sunday 2 June 2018, St Benedict's Church joined parishes across the Archdiocese in preparation for the Plenary Council 2020. Originally planned to be held this October in Adelaide, the first assembly has been postponed till 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.... For more information about the Plenary, visit:
08.01.2022 Easter 2020 online Mass times: Palm Sunday (5 April) - 11am Maundy Thursday (9 April) - 7pm Good Friday Passion (10 April) - 3pm... Easter Vigil (11 April) - 6pm Easter Sunday (12 April) - 11am See more
07.01.2022 ST BENE'S THIS WEEKEND: - Calling volunteers to give an hour of your time tomorrow (Saturday 24 October) to help clean up the Church grounds and beautify our surroundings. Morning tea will be served to satisfy those hard-working hunger pains. - Parish morning tea straight after the 9:30am Mass. Please bring a plate to share.
06.01.2022 A very happy and blessed Mother's Day to all mothers on this special day The fifth Sunday of Easter parish newsletter is available to read in full here: Mother of Christ, star of the sea, Pray for the wanderer, pray for me.
06.01.2022 APPLECROSS PARISH RETREAT: For more information, contact Kevin at: [email protected]
05.01.2022 Applecross Parish is proud to share the news that Emily Hardbottle, our very own St Bene's Youth Group coordinator, has been selected as one of four laypersons to represent the Perth Archdiocese at Plenary Council 2020.
05.01.2022 Temporary Mass times up to 20 participants (first come first served) --- WEEKDAYS... Tuesdays and Thursdays: 9am and 5.30pm Mass Wednesdays and Fridays: 7am and 5.30pm Mass Fridays: 7.30am Adoration and Benediction Saturdays: 7.30am Mass NO WEEKEND MASSES (AT THE MOMENT)
05.01.2022 #OnThisDay 18 August 2019, our former transitional deacon - Father Mark Rucci - celebrated Thanksgiving Sunday Mass for the first time at Applecross Parish, alongside Fr Nelson Po and Fr Brendan Gormley. Since his priestly ordination last year on 16 August, Fr Rucci has carried out his ministry as Assistant Parish Priest of St Mary MacKillop Church, Ballajura Parish.
04.01.2022 A Plenary Council 2020 information evening was held in the Fr Albert Lynch room yesterday evening. Members of our formation committee provided an update on the progress and preparation for the forthcoming assembly to be held in Adelaide in October 2021. Our parish committee includes Emily Hardbottle, who is one of the four Catholic Archdiocese of Perth lay delegates and is our St Bene's Youth Group coordinator. Emily is also part of Perth's Strategy and Engagement Group with Applecross Parish Priest Father Nelson Po. Further information about the Plenary Council is available here: *Photos courtesy of Dheeraj Mascarenhas and Mildred Rego.
02.01.2022 SOLEMNITY OF THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY: Friday (Vigil) 14 August at 6pm Saturday 15 August at 7:30am... While the Solemnity of the Assumption on Saturday 15 August 2020 is usually a Holy Day of Obligation, this year it the obligation has been suspended because of COVID-19.
01.01.2022 The Catholic Parish of Applecross was delighted to welcome back so many familiar faces for Sunday Masses this past weekend. REVISED MASS TIMES: Mon - 7am (Communion Service); Tues/Thurs - 9am;... Wed/Fri - 7am; Sat - 7.30am and 6pm (Vigil); Sun - 7.30am, 9.30am, 11am, 4.30pm, and 6pm. N.b: St Benedict's Church is no longer hosting the additional weekday 5.30pm Mass service. You are now free to register online to attend a Mass this weekend (registrations close this Friday at 5pm): SAT 13 JUNE - 6PM SUN 14 JUNE - 7.30AM SUN 14 JUNE - 9.30AM SUN 14 JUNE - 11AM SUN 14 JUNE - 4.30PM SUN 14 JUNE - 6PM Thank you and God bless!
01.01.2022 THE WEEK AHEAD AT ST BENE'S CHURCH: - First Friday Friends will meet at our parish for its monthly gathering on 6 November at 11am. - Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated in the parish on Saturday 7 November at 2pm. For further information, contact the Sacrament Coordinator: [email protected]... - The Applecross Catholic Women's League will convene in the Fr Albert Lynch Room at 1:30pm on Tuesday 10 November. - Mary Mother of Sorrows prayer group meeting every Thursday at 1pm. - Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Benediction every Friday at 7:30am immediately after morning Mass.
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