St. Bernadette's Glendalough Catholic Church in Perth, Western Australia | Catholic Church
St. Bernadette's Glendalough Catholic Church
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9444 6131
Address: 49 Jugan Street, Mt Hawthorn 6016 Perth, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 GOSPEL RELECTION 7th Week in Ordinary (23rd Feb): Jesus said: You have learnt how it was said, An eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth. But I say this to you: Offer the wicked man no resistance. Christ not only preached or taught this, He actually did it. During His Passion and Crucifixion, for example, He never even defended Himself. He offered them no resistance at all. He even assisted His executioners to crucify Him. In todays first reading, Leviticus 19 we read...Continue reading
25.01.2022 In todays Gospel Jesus says, Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy burdened and I will give you rest. Our Mother said the same thing to St Juan Diego when she appeared to him in Guadalupe, Mexico. She said: Hear me and understand well Nothing should frighten or grieve you. Let not your heart be disturbed. Do not fear sickness or anguish. ...Continue reading
23.01.2022 GOSPEL REFLECTION - 20th Sunday (Year A) 2020 - In todays Gospel a Canaanite woman kneels at the feet of Our Lord and begs him: Sir, Son of David, take pity on me. My daughter is tormented by a devil. Our Lord answers her by calling her a house-dog. It is not fair to take the childrens food and throw it to the house-dogs. The Apostles were no doubt surprised, as we maybe, that Our Lord would appear to be cruel. The womans reply is also very surprising. Ah yes Sir..., but even house-dogs can eat the scraps that fall from their masters table. The woman doesnt appear to be offended in the least at being called a housedog. In fact, all of us are called to be housedogs. Our Lord Himself became a housedog. Let me explain. If Our Lord were to appear to you now, you would be shocked to see the honour or respect He would have for you, but, you would also be shocked to see how little He has reduced Himself to. He has reduced Himself to be the littlest of the little, the lowest of the low, the slave of the slaves, an offering incarnate. Our Lord proved that He loved you to this degree by dying by crucifixion for you, in fact, at every moment of your life, Our Lord is willing to be crucified for you. The image of the house dog is apt. A pet dog is always excited to see his master. Sometimes the dogs excitement is uncontrollable. Hence, the expression that dog is likely to lick you to death. Our Lord could be called a housedog in the sense that His only purpose is to lick you to death so to speak. In other words, His only purpose is to offer Himself to you with all His Heart and strength. No sacrifice is enough! Our Lord loves you as if you were the only person in existence, as if nothing else matters or exists but you. Somehow, Our Lord can do that. Our Lord is concerned for us every moment of our existence with infinite love. At every moment He wants to lick us to death, so to speak. In other words, He wants to give all of Himself to us so that we become full of the Holy Spirits so that we become One with Him. Our Lord also wants us to have joy to the full, or to be happy as possible. I remember on one occasion when dad made my sister, Patricia, so happy that she was beside herself. Patricia was about 3 years old. She was laughing and screaming at the top of her voice for about 10 minutes. Perhaps there a people here who have had that same experience with their fathers. This is the happiness that God, Our Father, always wants us to have. Also, no matter how bad you may be at times, Our Lords love for you never diminishes. Even if you are the worst person on the earth. Even Adolf Hitler, Our Lord always loved him infinitely. Our Lord said, Love one another as I have loved you! In other words, you are called to love others as Our Lord loves you. Therefore, all of us should be proud to be called housedogs. By Fr Doug Harris See more
23.01.2022 GOSPEL REFLECTION - 3RD SUNDAY OF LENT. The Samaritan woman was at the well on her own and at midday the hottest time of the day. This was probably to escape criticism or scornful looks and verbal abuse because the woman had had five husbands and the man, she now lived with was not her husband. For this reason, she may have been despised by all the people in the village. A woman perhaps not receiving true love from anyone. She may have even despised herself as being sord...Continue reading
23.01.2022 Gospel Reflection: 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time-9th February, 2020: GOSPEL REFLECTION What is Jesus saying when he calls and asks us to be salt to the earth? Salt makes a difference to food as we said. Without it, food cannot be persevered and at times cannot be eaten. Salt used properly can brighten and enliven food. Can we say the same about ourselves as followers of Jesus? Do we make a difference to those around is through what we say, what do and how we live our daily By us living the gospel of Jesus, do we brighten and enliven the world around us? Are we worth our weight in salt? Then Jesus uses another powerful symbol to challenge us. He says to each of us; You are the Light of the world no one lights a lamp and then hides it under a basket, they put it on a lampstand, and it gives light to the world. In the same way, your (own) light must shine before others. In the start of Johns gospel, it says; The Word was the real light, that gives light to everyone. Later in the gospel Jesus clearly says; I am the Light of the World. So, through Jesus, the Light of God comes into the world to dispel all darkness. This has echoes of the great phrase; The people in darkness have seen a great light. Now Jesus very clearly says, you are the Light of the world. This is very encouraging and also very challenging. We now share the responsibility with Jesus of being people of light who shine brightly in and for the world. You might ask yourself who am I to be the light of the world, I have only one small light, what difference can make? If we all shine our own small light, think of the difference we could make in and for the world. Together, we are the living breathing and shining church. We are much brighter and stronger together than we are on our own. This can be seen very clearly in Lourdes. At the torch light procession each person has one small candle. When the Ave Marie chorus is sung, everyone holds up their one candle and suddenly the night shimmers and shines as the Pilgrim Church is visible for all to see; the people in darkness see a great light! We are all meant to shine; we were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us. Its not just in some of us; its in everyone. Today, take a moment of silence and say, Jesus is the light of the world and so am I!
21.01.2022 ASCENSION 2020 by Fr Doug Harris Todays feast the Ascension reminds us of our eternal destiny heaven. You and I can enter heaven anytime we want to. We know Our Blessed Mother often went to heaven to be in Gods Embrace. She could do so because as she said to St Bernadette in 1858 I am the Immaculate Conception. She never experienced the curse of Original Sin, even from the time she was conceived in her mothers, St Annes, womb. Our Blessed Mother revealed t...o Luisa Piccarreta, in Italy, in the 1930s: Heaven was not closed to me. I could go there as many times as I wished. I had free passage to ascend and descend. The Divine Persons awaited me with so much love to talk together with me, to make me happier, more beautiful They did not create me to keep me at a distance, no, no. They wanted to enjoy me. Our Blessed Mother describes her experience of being in heaven in Gods embrace. The Kingdom formed in me light, a light which always, rises, a Kingdom of beauty, sanctity and power that always grows. In this love is felt happiness, holiness, infinite joy. Our Lord is always inviting us to come to Him in Heaven into His Embrace. If we ask Our Lord to take us into Heaven in His embrace, He will never say no. How could He say no because He loves us Infinitely. Our Lord said that My Kingdom has come among you. (Luke 11:10) Therefore, Gods Kingdom is here. We can enter into heaven, therefore, because heaven is already here on earth. We will now ask Our Lord to take us into Heaven in Our Fathers embrace. We are now in His Embrace in Heaven. We cant experience this, but it is a reality. We are actually in Heaven. What is happening now? In Heaven a person is completely fulfilled. They cant imagine being more joy. Yet, in Heaven, a person continues to experience higher levels of fulfilment as he or she opens their heart to Gods love and life which are infinite. In Heaven, a person no longer has any interest in the things of the flesh or the world. They are also indifferent to criticism and to the cross. Our Lord did say that this world on earth is not our true home. My Kingdom is not of this kind He said. Our true home is in Heaven. Our Lord always wants us to be in heaven in His Arms. See more
20.01.2022 HOMILY SUNDAY 12A 2020 by Fr Doug Harris: Jesus instructed the twelve: Do not be afraid. For everything that is now covered will be uncovered, and everything now hidden will be made clear. We are presently in a ferocious battle between Christ and the anti-Christ, between followers of light and the followers of darkness. If the present tide is not turned, Christians will go into hiding to be replaced by a New World Order let by the anti-Christ. Archbishop Vigano said:...Continue reading
20.01.2022 Gospel Reflection: 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time: SUNDAY WEEK 6A 2020 (Matthew 5: 17-37) Our Lord didnt come to change or abolish the law (the Old Testament Law) but He came to complete or fulfil it....Continue reading
19.01.2022 ALL HOLY MASSES, EVENTS AND EUCHARISTIC ADORATION HAVE BEEN CANCELLED AT ST BERNADETTE'S CHURCH UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE REFER TO THE CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF PERTH WEBSITE During this period of time where Masses in the Archdiocese are temporarily suspended, it is important to know that you have not been abandoned by the Church. Members of the faithful are urged to keep holy the Lords Day by making an act of Spiritual Communion, a well-established d...evotional practice of uniting ones self in prayer with Christs sacrifice when circumstances prevent one from receiving Holy Communion. Online Masses will continue every Sunday at 11am giving our Catholic community within the Archdiocese of Perth the opportunity to make an act of Spiritual Communion together as an Archdiocese. MASS ONLINE - A live streamed Mass for the Fifth Sunday of Lent will be celebrated by Archbishop Costelloe SDB on Sunday 29th March 2020 at 11.00am and will continue every Sunday at 11am.
19.01.2022 Gospel Reflection ... Mt 10: 26-33: In todays Gospel Jesus says: "Anyone who does not take up his Cross and follow in my footsteps is not worthy of me. In 1917 Our Lady appeared in Fatima, Portugal to three children Lucia aged 11, Francisco aged 9 and Jacinta aged 7. On July 13th Our Mother showed the children a vision of hell, then she said: Make sacrifices for sinners and say often Oh my Jesus I make this sacrifice for love of You, for the conversion of sinners and fo...Continue reading
19.01.2022 1st SUNDAY OF LENT: 2020 The Gospel records Jesus being tempted at the beginning of His Public Ministry. At the beginning of Lent, we should not be surprised to be attacked. God may allow crosses, temptations, to help us grow to the level He has always planned for us. This First Sunday in Lent I think we should focus on PRAYER. Each Christian is called to have a constant desire or longing for communion with God. (Where we become so One with Jesus that we disappear, and ...Continue reading
19.01.2022 CORPUS CHRISTI - In this parish we have a chapel of Perpetual Adoration. In order to sustain and strengthen the program we need more people. At present there are vacant hours to fill and we need at least two people per hour. In 1981 the Pope, John Paul II established perpetual Eucharistic adoration in St. Peters Basilica in Rome and at that time he prayed fervently that every parish would have perpetual Eucharistic adoration. Pope Francis wrote in Evangelii Gaudium(The ...Continue reading
18.01.2022 Gospel Reflection by Fr Doug Harris Sixth Sunday of Easter ... In todays Gospel Jesus says that He will go away but, in His place, will be the Advocate, the Holy Spirit and He adds, on that day you will understand that I Am in My Father and you in Me and I in you....Continue reading
18.01.2022 Gospel Reflection Week 22A - In today’s Gospel, Jesus informs us that He and, therefore, every Christian is called to suffer and to die. If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross. In 2017, I was in Knock, Ireland. In 1879, 15 people witnessed an apparition of Our Lady, St Joseph, St John the Apostle with the Book of Revelations, and a Lamb pierced with a sword. Also, angels were surrounding the Lamb. In the Book of Revelati...Continue reading
16.01.2022 SUNDAY 16A 2020: In todays Gospel Our Lord says: The Kingdom of Heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed the enemy came, sowed darnel among the wheat and the servants of the owner said: Let them grow to the harvest; and at harvest time I shall say to the reapers: First collect the darnel and tie it in bundles to be burnt then gather the wheat to my barn. Our Lord says that people of this kingdom on earth are subjects of the evil one. Thats a surprising...Continue reading
16.01.2022 Gospel Reflection Sunday 17A - It is a promise for those who love God. There are many examples of God turning evil to good in the lives of those who love Him. One example is Joseph, the favourite son of Jacob. Out of jealousy Joseph was put into a well left to die by his own brothers. Then they decided to sell him as a slave to traders going down to Egypt. In Egypt he was imprisoned for two years. We would image that Joseph would have built up a lot of anger for his brot...Continue reading
14.01.2022 Gospel Reflection:All Saints Day 1st Nov 2020: (See Church Sunday Missal Volume 1, (No 02) p-966ff) November is the month of the Holy Souls in Purgatory. There is evidence in Scripture that there is a purgatory. In the Old Testament 2nd Macabees says, it is a holy and wholesome thing to pray for the dead The Jews believed in purgatory. Purgatory is not an invention of the Catholic Church. In the New Testament Our Blessed Lord spoke about purgatory. For example: Our Bles...Continue reading
13.01.2022 Gospel Reflection 24th Sunday (YearA): Our lord taught St Peter to forgive not 7, but 77 times always. Some of us here feel we cant forgive. We have been so badly hurt by someone that we think it is impossible to forgive, of course, nothing is impossible for God. With His Grace he often astounds us miracles happen. However, God does not expect us to forgive, if, despite all our efforts, we are too hurt to forgive. All he asks is for us to want to forgive. True story...Continue reading
13.01.2022 GOSPEL REFLECTION-Sunday 27A by Fr Doug Harris: Our Lord tells a parable we all can understand, especially parents. A father has two sons and tells them to work in his vineyard. The first son says, No, but later repents and goes. The second son says, Yes, but does not go. The Lord tells this parable to the Scribes and Pharisees. They are like the second son. They preach Yes but their hearts say No to God. The parable is also told to the tax collectors and prost...Continue reading
12.01.2022 GOSPEL REFLECTION - Sunday 18A - We have heard in todays Gospel how Jesus fed the 5000 men (not to mention all the women and children) from just 5 loaves of bread and 2 small fish with 12 baskets of bread left over. The Gospel says, they all ate as much as they wanted with scraps remaining, twelve baskets full. Gods love provides an overabundance. In our time there have been many reported cases where food has miraculously multiplied. Perhaps the most popular case occurr...Continue reading
11.01.2022 Gospel Reflection Sunday 28A -The Gospel describes an invitation. A king invites people to his son’s wedding banquet. Now God is inviting us to His Son’s wedding banquet: The Mass. The Mass is much greater than a banquet in honour of a son. The banquet ‘is’ the Son. God is not merely inviting us to a banquet of fine food to eat. God, rather, is inviting us to a banquet of His Son to eat. God always offers us as much as can be given. (That is His nature to give infinite...Continue reading
11.01.2022 Gospel Reflection Week 22A - In todays Gospel, Jesus informs us that He and, therefore, every Christian is called to suffer and to die. If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross. In 2017, I was in Knock, Ireland. In 1879, 15 people witnessed an apparition of Our Lady, St Joseph, St John the Apostle with the Book of Revelations, and a Lamb pierced with a sword. Also, angels were surrounding the Lamb. In the Book of Revelati...Continue reading
10.01.2022 GOSPEL REFLECTION Sunday 25A-2020: Each labourer is given one denarii each. Some began at daybreak, around 6am. Others at 9am, others 12 midday and others at the 11th hour (the very last hour of the working day). Those who began at 6am are those who have been faithful to God all their life. Those who began at the 11th hour or the last hour are those who were faithful to God only after the last hour or less before their death. In other words, God grants salvation...Continue reading
10.01.2022 GOSPEL REFLECTION: Sun 23A 2020: In the first reading God says to the prophet Ezekiel it is an obligation to correct a wicked person. God said: If you do not speak to warn the wicked man to renounce his ways I will hold you responsible. Very strong words from God. (I will hold you responsible for the sin and I will hold you responsible for his salvation, if that wickedness leads that person to lose his soul). If, however, you do warn a wicked man to renounce his w...Continue reading
10.01.2022 GOSPEL REFLECTION 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time: The one who received the seed in rich soil is the man who hears the word and understands it; he is the one who yields a harvest and produces now a hundred-fold, now sixty, now thirty. I will tell you a story written by an English doctor, Dr Helen Rose Venres. She was a missionary in the Congo in Africa from 1953 to 1973. One night I had worked hard to help a mother in the labour ward; but in spite of all that we could do, ...Continue reading
07.01.2022 THE MOST HOLY TRINITY - 2020 by Fr Doug Harris The Trinity is three persons. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The love that exists between the three persons of the Holy Spirit is perfect. We humans only know human love. Therefore, we cannot imagine how great is the love that exists between each Person of the Trinity. Yet Our Lord prayed that the love that each of the three Persons had, we humans would also have....Continue reading
07.01.2022 OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST -KING OF THE UNIVERSE: During this homily imagine Jesus is preaching to you (instead of me preaching) on the subject of His Kingship: (Allow Our Lord’s words to transform you. You may want to close your eyes). I only accepted the title of Kingship at a humiliating trial and nailed to a cross, to teach you that a Christian should only reign from the height of the Cross. My ‘coronation ceremony’ was the occasion of mockery and sarcasm on the party of M...Continue reading
06.01.2022 GOSPEL REFLECTION - 20th Sunday (Year A) 2020 - In today’s Gospel a Canaanite woman kneels at the feet of Our Lord and begs him: Sir, Son of David, take pity on me. My daughter is tormented by a devil. Our Lord answers her by calling her a house-dog. It is not fair to take the children’s food and throw it to the house-dogs. The Apostles were no doubt surprised, as we maybe, that Our Lord would appear to be cruel. The woman’s reply is also very surprising. Ah yes Sir..., but even house-dogs can eat the scraps that fall from their masters table. The woman doesn’t appear to be offended in the least at being called a housedog. In fact, all of us are called to be housedogs. Our Lord Himself became a housedog. Let me explain. If Our Lord were to appear to you now, you would be shocked to see the honour or respect He would have for you, but, you would also be shocked to see how little He has reduced Himself to. He has reduced Himself to be the littlest of the little, the lowest of the low, the slave of the slaves, an offering incarnate. Our Lord proved that He loved you to this degree by dying by crucifixion for you, in fact, at every moment of your life, Our Lord is willing to be crucified for you. The image of the house dog is apt. A pet dog is always excited to see his master. Sometimes the dog’s excitement is uncontrollable. Hence, the expression that dog is likely to lick you to death. Our Lord could be called a housedog in the sense that His only purpose is to lick you to death so to speak. In other words, His only purpose is to offer Himself to you with all His Heart and strength. No sacrifice is enough! Our Lord loves you as if you were the only person in existence, as if nothing else matters or exists but you. Somehow, Our Lord can do that. Our Lord is concerned for us every moment of our existence with infinite love. At every moment He wants to lick us to death, so to speak. In other words, He wants to give all of Himself to us so that we become full of the Holy Spirits so that we become One with Him. Our Lord also wants us to have joy to the full, or to be happy as possible. I remember on one occasion when dad made my sister, Patricia, so happy that she was beside herself. Patricia was about 3 years old. She was laughing and screaming at the top of her voice for about 10 minutes. Perhaps there a people here who have had that same experience with their fathers. This is the happiness that God, Our Father, always wants us to have. Also, no matter how bad you may be at times, Our Lord’s love for you never diminishes. Even if you are the worst person on the earth. Even Adolf Hitler, Our Lord always loved him infinitely. Our Lord said, Love one another as I have loved you! In other words, you are called to love others as Our Lord loves you. Therefore, all of us should be proud to be called housedogs. By Fr Doug Harris See more
06.01.2022 FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT 2020 - MESSAGE FROM FR DOUG ..... Many of us know that all Masses have been suspended by the Bishops of Australia. Masses may resume on 1st April, but unlikely at this stage. ... In this parish all other services will operate as usual. The Perpetual Adoration will continue. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will continue as usual, twice a day for 30 mins. Stations of the Cross every Friday at 6.30pm. All other prayer meetings etc will continue. Instead of Mass, I encourage people to pray preferably in the Church, read the Readings of the Mass and receive a Spiritual Communion. SPIRITUAL COMMUNION: We cant receive Holy Communion at Mass Sacramental Holy Communion, but we can still receive Holy Communion Spiritual Holy Communion. The Church teaches us that anytime we ask Jesus for Spiritual Holy Communion He never refuses providing we are in a state of Grace. Spiritual Holy Communion is Jesus Christ, just as Sacramental Holy Communion is. We can receive Spiritual Holy Communion as many times as we like/desire even hundreds of times a day. St Francis de Sales and St Maximillian Kolbe made a Spiritual Holy Communion every 15 minutes. There are many prayers to use when a person asks Jesus for Spiritual Holy Communion. I pray (many times a day) Lord Jesus, since I cannot receive you sacramentally please may I receive you spiritually. The most famous prayer is one composed by St Alphonsus. Let us pray that prayer now, asking to receive Holy Communion. My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen. Sometimes Our Lord allows chastisements like the corona virus because He wants us to turn more to Him. Our Lord loves us infinitely therefore, He has an infinite amount of Grace to give us. The more we turn to God, the more receptive we are to Gods Grace. Through His Grace, God can satisfy His infinite love for us. There is no limit to what God wants to do in us and through us. Our Lord is inviting us to say yes to Him, wholeheartedly and He will draw us more and more into His Sacred Heart where Our Lord will become our all and everything, our first love, way above all other loves.
06.01.2022 Gospel Reflection - Sunday Week 19A -2020: Jesus is walking on water (Extraordinary!) Peter calls to Jesus: Let us come to You across the water. Jesus responds: Come. Peter has complete faith in Jesus. Just one word from Jesus, Peter has the faith to step out onto the water and walk. Peter had no doubts. So, with extraordinary faith Peter makes his first step and then continues to walk so great is Peters faith in Jesus. Peter walked on water what faith! But Peter c...Continue reading
06.01.2022 GOSPEL REFLECTION SUNDAY 30A - Our Lord says the greatest commandment is: You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. God’s plan is for us to love Him as much as the saints do in Heaven. The saints in Heaven are completely and totally in love with God. God is their all and everything. Nothing else comes close, everything else is a far second. Compared to God, ‘almost’ ev...Continue reading
05.01.2022 Happy Easter .... from St Bernadette's Church
03.01.2022 PENTECOST 2020 (Year A) Today is the Feast of Pentecost. Ten days previously Our Lord Ascended into heaven. On the day of His Ascension He commanded His disciples: Go therefore to all the nations to proclaim the Good News. Then the apostles locked themselves in a room, for fear of the Jews. Ten days later, on a Sunday morning, tradition has it that the apostles, with Our Lady, had just celebrated Mass. They were in adoration when, suddenly, the Holy Spirit descended on...Continue reading
03.01.2022 GOSPEL REFLECTION - Sunday 18A - We have heard in today’s Gospel how Jesus fed the 5000 men (not to mention all the women and children) from just 5 loaves of bread and 2 small fish with 12 baskets of bread left over. The Gospel says, they all ate as much as they wanted with scraps remaining, twelve baskets full. God’s love provides an overabundance. In our time there have been many reported cases where food has miraculously multiplied. Perhaps the most popular case occurr...Continue reading
03.01.2022 GOSPEL REFLECTION - The Presentation of the Lord: Sunday 3rd February The Mass is the fulfilment of the prophecy given by Malachi in todays First Reading. The Mass is the offering to the Lord as it should be made. The Mass is Christs crucifixion or the new and eternal sacrifice which takes away the sins of the world as described in the Book of Hebrews in todays Second Reading.... The sacrifice of the Mass gives God perfect praise and makes up for all the lack of praise from each person over all time. It is a sacrifice which accomplishes everything. In the Old Sacrifice, an animal was given to eat. In the New Sacrifice, God gives Himself to us to eat. Gods Real Presence is no longer in any Jewish Synagogue. However, God is once again present, in every Catholic church. We are particularly blessed in this parish because we have a chapel of perpetual adoration. We can come into the Presence of God, who is all giving and all loving, anytime we choose. Through spending time in the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, we become temples of the Holy Spirit. In todays feast, the Presentation, Our Lord re-entered the Temple. We today are called to be Temples of God. St Paul describes Christians, after Baptism, as temples of the Holy Spirit or temples of the living God. We are called to be living temples like Our Mother full of Grace or full of the Holy Spirit. We are called to think and act according to the ways of the Holy Spirit. To think and act only as Christ would think and act. God wants to work in us as powerfully as possible. God wants to work in us as powerfully and He worked in His Son, 2000 years ago. God wants us to pray as His Son prayed, to heal as Jesus healed, to cast out devils as Jesus cast out devils, to love as Jesus loved, and to be as virtuous as Jesus was virtuous. Christ wants us to be His Presence because He has everything to accomplish. Today we live in a privileged time of the Holy Spirit.
03.01.2022 The theme of Week 32 is the three last things, last week we did Purgatory. Hell: Scripture: Mt 25:41 Jesus described hell as an everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels. Mk 9:48 Jesus described hell as a place where the worm never dies, and the fire is never quenched. Fatima: July 13: Lucia wrote: We were now able to behold a sea of fire. Plunged in the flames were devils and human souls that looked like transparent embers, others were black or brown a...Continue reading
02.01.2022 THE FEAST DAY OF ST BERNADETTE! <3 <3 <3
01.01.2022 FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER (Year A 2020) by Fr Doug Harris.... In todays Gospel, Our Lord make the remarkable statement Where I Am, you maybe too. Our Lord by saying: I Am is saying that He is God. I Am is the title for God. When Moses, on Mt Sinai asked God what name shall I call you? God replied, I Am who I Am, and you shall tell the sons of Israel that I Am sent you. Our Lord called Himself I Am at least 7 times in St Johns Gospel. For example: Before Abr...Continue reading
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