St Clare's College Waverley in Waverley, New South Wales, Australia | Religious school
St Clare's College Waverley
Locality: Waverley, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 8305 7100
Address: 41-51 Carrington Road 2024 Waverley, NSW, Australia
Likes: 533
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24.01.2022 Year 8 People & Technology Presentations: Students teamed up and pitched their creative ideas 'Shark Tank' style to a panel of judges
24.01.2022 Our Year 7 students are learning to use 3D animation as part of their work with their Space Project. Using the Block42 platform they will create a 3D animation of their Mars base. In the introductory session last week they made an astronaut and were able to get the character to move. Our session this will be on setting up a scene for their characters.
24.01.2022 Our Year 7 students participated in their first Project Day for their Space Project. The purpose of the project day is to allow students to work in their teams developing their feasibility studies under the guidance of their mentors. It is a chance to breakout of the classroom and get creative! During the day the [] via Year 7 Project Day Authentic Learning at St Clares
23.01.2022 The St Clare's College Choir performed a Christmas hymn as part of the Sydney Catholic Schools Virtual Carols Event - iLight2020 Sydney Catholic Schools #iLight2020
23.01.2022 Our Fromelles research team filming on location at the Anzac Memorial in Hyde Park. @ Anzac Memorial
23.01.2022 Its #RUOKDay a reminder that every day is a day to start a conversation that could change a life. In a year that many of us have faced challenges we were lucky enough to have R U OK? Day Ambassador, Kevin Heath join us for the students to take part in a activities to learn about how to support those they care about in seeking help, when they are not feeling so great. For more information about this great cause visit @ruokday #theresmoretosay #ruokday #ruok
23.01.2022 Our second project day for the Year 7 Space Project took place last week with another workshop using Block 42 highlighting the days activities. For most of the day students were working in their mission teams developing their feasibility study around colonising Mars. To support the students in their work, staff spent time working with [] via Year 7 Project Day 2 Authentic Learning at St Clares
23.01.2022 Last session from the Year 8 project launch. Working on group contracts!
22.01.2022 Some amazing creativity and collaboration happening on our project day with the Year 8 cohort! Very excited to see their ideas come to life over the coming weeks. @ St Clares College, Waverley
22.01.2022 Some amazing ideas have come out of the People and Technology project that our Year 8 students were involved in last term!
22.01.2022 After being postponed due to Covid-19 our Year 7 Space Project was finally launched yesterday. The project is cross-curricular and runs for the duration of Term Three. It is being led by our Year 7 Science team ensuring continuity throughout the project. The project is built around the driving question, Is it time to become [] via Year 7 Space Project Launch Authentic Learning at St Clares
22.01.2022 Meet The Staff: Five Minutes With... Thomas Cooper Job Title: HSIE Teacher Subjects you teach: Modern History, Geography and Economics... Year you started at St Clare's: 2019 Most memorable moment: The 2019 Immersion trip to Arnhem Land. I was blown away at the beauty of our country but was more inspired by the people I met who were generous, knowledgeable and very accepting. Tell us a bit more: History from Yr 7 to 12 is designed around critical thinking which is a key skill for the 21st Century. Students learn to analyse evidence and draw out their own conclusions. This is especially important today because we are living in a 'post-truth' world. Have you had any amazing guest Partners/ Experts this year?: Our Year 12 Geography class had the opportunity to interview a manager at Tamburlaine Organic Wines. We were able to learn about the incredibly complicated yet artful process of winemaking as well as the environmental challenges associated with making wine in a sub-par climate. We found it fascinating to discover how Tamburlaine uses ecological processes and organic materials to create organic wine. Who you'd love to have as a guest for your students and why?: Brene Brown, she is a professor and psychologist who promotes the power of vulnerability. She would help so many of the girls at St. Clare's discover who they are and push them to 'dare greatly'. She has one of the most viewed TED Talks in the world - Where were you before here? Snapshot of your career history: I worked at an Islamic College in Melbourne for 4 years teaching History and Global Politics, before that I was a very poor uni student! Fun fact about you? I love hiking, I've hiked to Everest Base Camp and to the summit of Kilimanjaro. When the world opens up, my next holiday will be to... Argentina because I'd like to climb Aconcagua (6,962 m) Sydney Catholic Schools
21.01.2022 So much fun and so delicious. A great day learning about cuisine from France and Italy!
20.01.2022 St Clare’s College Waverley this week farewelled the Class of 2020 with grace, elegance and style! Congratulations Year 12!! We are so very proud of you!!
20.01.2022 Our Year 8 students were involved in the launch of their Term Three project today. The project is built around the driving question, How can people and technology improve their local area? To start the day the entire cohort watch the documentary, 2040. This documentary looks at the future in a very positive way as [] via Year 8 Project Launch Authentic Learning at St Clares
20.01.2022 Some great collaboration happening today on our Year 7 Project Day. We are on our way to Mars! @ St Clares College, Waverley
19.01.2022 The installation of our new signage began today! @ St Clares College, Waverley
18.01.2022 St Clare’s Got Talent!! Bringing to you an exclusive snapshot of our College performers presenting their singing, dancing and novelty acts to our ever talented judges, who of course were also in theme!!! #stclarescollege #talentshow ... Sydney Catholic Schools See more
18.01.2022 Lest we forget. #remembranceday
17.01.2022 Today is the feast day of St. Kateri Tekakwitha who is the first Native American to be recognized as a saint by the Catholic Church. She was born in 1656, in th...e Mohawk village of Ossernenon. She contracted smallpox as a four-year-old child which scarred her skin. The scars were a source of humiliation in her youth. She was commonly seen wearing a blanket to hide her face. Worse, her entire family died during the outbreak. When her adoptive parents proposed a suitor to her, she refused to entertain the proposal. They punished her by giving her more work to do, but she did not give in. Instead, she remained quiet and diligent. Eventually they were forced to relent and accept that she had no interest in marriage. At age 19, Kateri Tekakwitha converted to Catholicism, taking a vow of chastity and pledging to marry only Jesus Christ. Her decision was very unpopular with her adoptive parents and their neighbors. Some of her neighbors started rumors of sorcery. To avoid persecution, she traveled to a Christian native community south of Montreal. Kateri was very devout and was known for her steadfast devotion. Sadly, just five years after her conversion to Catholicism, she became ill and passed away at age 24, on April 17, 1680. Her name, Kateri, is the Mohawk form of Catherine, which she took from St. Catherine of Siena. St. Kateri Tekakwitha was canonized by Pope Benedict XVI on Oct. 21, 2012. She is the patroness of ecology and the environment, people in exile and Native Americans.
17.01.2022 Good luck in your HSC Year 12! Go in with confidence and determination! We have faith in you and believe in you! You’ve got this! @st_clares_college_waverley @sydcatholicschools #year12 #classof2020 #hsc2020 #finalexams #goodluck
17.01.2022 It is with great sadness that we share the news of the loss of a member of our community. Kirstie Mason's husband, Ben Herden passed away unexpectedly in his sleep during the holiday break. Kirstie is a valued and cherished member of our staff and is head of the St Clare's College HSIE department. This is a very difficult time for Kirstie and her young family and we ask that you join us in keeping Kirsite and her family in your prayers and thoughts during this time. Eternal grant unto Ben O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Kirstie's dear friends have created a GoFundMe page. Please see the link here should you wish to support and make a small donation
17.01.2022 We had a surprise visitor to the College this morning!
17.01.2022 Despite the restrictions Covid-19 has placed upon schools we were able to go ahead with our annual Athletics Carnival last Friday at ES Marks Athletics Field. We were blessed with a beautiful winters day and this resulted in some excellent times being recorded. The following students set new records in the following events: Annabelle Wendler (Under 18) 100m Final Annabelle Wendler (Under 18) 100m [ 72 more words ]
16.01.2022 Music Dance Drama Year 7 Performing Arts Project #musicdancedrama #musictellsastory #year7 @st_clares_college_waverley @sydcatholicschools
15.01.2022 Our second Year 8 Project Day is underway. Advanced coding of Microbits and learning to be entrepreneurs with Lochie from Bouddi Solutions.
15.01.2022 Filming for our documentary on The Battle of Fromelles has recommenced following the impact of Covid-19. Our team of Year 11 students, who were due to complete filming in France last April, will now be completing the documentary in and around Sydney. Last week we were fortunate to have the Anzac Memorial at Hyde Park [] via Fromelles Documentary Update Authentic Learning at St Clares
15.01.2022 With virtual events, assemblies, interviews, Open Days and the welcoming of new students and their parents/ carers to St Clare’s & the Community, we are excited to share with you a Virtual Introduction to the College and a snap shot of what we have to offer! See link here to preview the full film: @st_clares_college_waverley #virtualintroduction @graingerfilms @sydcatholicschools
15.01.2022 Today marks the end of Term 3!! An extremely busy but successful Term as we farewelled our Year 12s and welcome our new College Leaders!! Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday and most importantly our thoughts & prayers are with our Class of 2020 as they prep for their HSC exams!! @st_clares_college_waverley
14.01.2022 Thank you to our talented Year 11 Hospitality students for making these incredible Fathers Day boxes! The response to this initiative was overwhelming positive, which is a huge credit to our Hospitality team.
14.01.2022 Meet the Staff: Five Minutes With... Keira Nightingale Job Title: Teacher, Careers Advisor, Co-curricular Coordinator Subjects you teach: Legal Studies, Business Studies and Junior HSIE... Year you started at St Clare's: 2017 Key highlight: Meeting Ms Kara Shead SC and Mr Mark Tedeschi QC as part of an interview series with Year 12 Legal Studies in 2018/2019. Most memorable moment: I had the pleasure of meeting the Hon Julia Gillard in 2015 as part of a student panel to advise on educational reform policies in Australia. Amazing Partners/ Experts you have worked with this year: Year 12 and Year 11 Legal Studies had the opportunity to meet two incredible young lawyers this year. 1) Bridget Cama (BA LLB UNSW) joined a Year 12 lesson to speak about the Uluru Statement and the importance of the statement for Indigenous inclusivity in Australia. 2) Regina Featherstone (Redfern Legal Centre) visited Year 11 to speak about her experiences as a lawyer on Nauru. These visits were particularly special to me, as I went to school with both of these ladies in my small home town of Lithgow NSW. Who would you love to have as a guest for your students and why: Jacinta Ardern! I can't think of a better role model for young women at the moment, particularly for girls who are aspiring to break the glass ceiling and dominate in their chosen professions. Snapshot of your career history: Classroom Teacher at Beverly Hills Girls High School and whilst at university I worked as a contemporary dance teacher and in various hospitality venues! Fun fact: I currently serve as coach to the Sydney Netball Academy and my second teaching subject is actually Dance! One thing on your bucket list you'd like to tick off in 2021: Graduate from my Masters Degree in Educational Leadership and work towards my Advanced Netball Coaching Accreditation with Netball NSW. When the world opens up, where will your next holiday be and why: To the middle east because of its rich history and incredible food St Clare's College Waverley Sydney Catholic Schools
14.01.2022 Our Year 8 students are currently working on their Term 3 project. The driving question for the project is, How can people and technology improve their local area? The first project day took place on Thursday and The Hub was alive with ideas as the students worked in teams to identify a problem they wanted [] via Year 8 Project Day 1 Authentic Learning at St Clares
14.01.2022 Staff at Sydney Catholic Schools Central Office have created a special HSC Messages Wall to let our Year 12 students know we are behind them cheering them on! #2020HSC
13.01.2022 Our incredibly talented Year 8 inventors at work!
12.01.2022 Our documentary on The Battle of Fromelles is back on track and we are hoping to have the project completed by the end of this year. We have had to make some changes to the overall vision due to not being able to travel to Fromelles, however, we feel the finished product will still be just as powerful. A big thanks to the team at the Anzac Memorial in Hyde Park, who ensured we had full access to the space for as long as we needed. We are so appreciative of all they did for us today.
12.01.2022 A big welcome to the latest members of our community!
11.01.2022 The College welcomed some new members to our community on Thursday 22nd October, with the installation of our second beehive containing more native stingless bees. The installation was the end result of the Year 7 project that took place in Term 4, 2019. The project required all Year 7 classes to investigate whether the College could sustain a second beehive and where that hive should be located....
10.01.2022 Last Friday was the 10th anniversary of the Commemoration Ceremony held at the Pheasant Wood Cemetery where the remains of a number of soldiers killed at the Battle of Fromelles were laid to rest. It was also the 104th anniversary of the battle of Fromelles where so many young Australians lost their lives in tragic circumstances. Herbert Nutsy Bolt is one of the soldiers who has featured prominently in the research done by our Fromelles team. Herbert has a close family conn...ection with a staff member at the College and his great grandson, Steve Shelley is the major sponsor of the documentary we are making with Patrick Lindsay. Steves mum, Josie Shelley has been the inspiration behind the work our girls have done in creating their video profiles. We are so grateful for their support and all they have done to help us achieve our dream of creating a lasting tribute to the families of those lost so much on July 19, 1916.
09.01.2022 The cakes are looking AMAZING! @ St Clares College, Waverley
09.01.2022 Our accelerated Mathematics program is underway!
09.01.2022 Our Year 10 students have been involved in this project for the last two weeks, gaining an insight into what Stage 6 learning is all about.
09.01.2022 We are looking forward to a major expansion of our robotics programme in 2021. The Flip Robots will provide some great opportunities for our students in the new iSTEM course!
08.01.2022 A group of our Year 7 students participated in a Dance Workshop last week as part of their preparation for the Year 7 Performing Arts Project which will be performed at the start of next term. This was a great learning experience for the students and a lot of fun as well!
08.01.2022 Staff vs Students annual netball game to kick off Year 12 Graduation festivities... #year12 #staffvstudents #netball #staffwin #fun #school @st_clares_college_waverley
07.01.2022 Our College community gathered to celebrate the life of St Clare on Friday. Celebrations were a little different due to the impact of Covid-19. Our wonderful Poor Clare Sisters were unable to join us, while Year 12 were the only students permitted to celebrate mass at Mary Immaculate with Fr Bernie. The rest of the College had to remain behind and watch the mass via live stream. [ 205 more words ]
07.01.2022 Celebrating National NAIDOC Week Always Was, Always Will Be. 8-15 November 2020 @st_clares_college_waverley #NAIDOCWEEK2020 @naidocweek #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe. Sydney Catholic Schools
07.01.2022 Meet The Staff: Five Minutes With ... Courtney McNally Job Title: Member of the College Executive - Administration Coordinator Subjects you teach: Hospitality, English, Religion ... Tell us a bit more: Hospitality has seen significant growth at the College over the past several years both academically and practically. The delivery of this course is centered around providing authentic learning experiences which mirror the Hospitality industry and allow students to prepare and present food within industry standards. This is evidenced by our annual Restaurant takeover where students enter into a local business and work with the Chefs to create a three course meal for family and friends. These experiences prepare our students for the real word and enhance their employability, regardless of their future endeavours. Year you started at St Clare's: 2016 Most memorable moment: Organising and participating in the ‘Dresses for Drought Campaign’ in 2018. This saw our community donate dresses, shoes and accessories to young women and men and their parents and families who were affected by drought. Where were you before here? Snapshot of your career history: I was fortunate enough to secure full time employment at St Clare’s College straight out of University. I completed my practicums however at Brigidine College & Marcellin College in Randwick. Fun fact: My fiancé proposed to me in Central Park, New York City in January this year. One thing on your bucket list you'd like to tick off in 2021: Hopefully when restrictions ease, get married! For more on Ms McNally and the College visit:
07.01.2022 The second day of filming our new promotional video for the College. Thanks to Grainger Films for two great day of inspiration. Looking forward to the finished product! @ Bondi Icebergs Club
07.01.2022 A fun start to the project on Ancient Rome for the 7.1 class today!
07.01.2022 Our Year 10 Food Technology girls creating special occasion cakes today! @ St Clares College, Waverley
05.01.2022 Our fabulous Year 12 girls getting ready for Mathematics HSC Trials this morning. @ St Clares College, Waverley
05.01.2022 Our Year 9 cohort take on Camp Somerset - an outdoor learning experience unrivalled in Australia! Sydney Catholic Schools
05.01.2022 A number of our students across Years 7 and 8 are participating in the National Computer Science Schools (NCSS) Challenge at present. The Challenge is run by Grok Learning and teaches students to code while they solve puzzles. It is a great way to get students into the basics of coding with many of our [] via NCSS Challenge Underway Authentic Learning at St Clares
05.01.2022 A big thank you to Isabella and Jennet for putting this together and also to Mr DArchy for being part of it.
04.01.2022 An interesting look at the career choices made by students over the last two decades.
04.01.2022 A great day of fun and learning more about 3D animation!
04.01.2022 Today is the feast day of St Clare of Assisi, the patron saint of television. Born into one of the wealthy families of Assisi, she loved the finer things but also drawn inwardly to a life of service. At 17, she heard Francis of Assisi, who ministered to the sick, say: "When there is poverty with joy, there is inner peace. A year later, she decided to follow in his footsteps by giving up her life of wealth. Francis persuaded her to form a community of women at San Damiano known as the Poor Ladies. She spent the next four decades in prayer and contemplation, and wrote the Rule of Life, the first set of monastic guidelines known to have been written by a woman. She was designated the patron saint of television because when she was very ill, she could not attend mass and was reportedly able to see and hear it on the wall in her room. She is also the patroness of eye disease, goldsmiths and laundry. St Clare of Assisi pray for us. #clare #saintclare #television #eyes #goldsmiths #laundry #eyedisease #feastday #poorladies See more
04.01.2022 Our 7.1 Maths class got started on the NCSS Challenge today. Five weeks of learning to code and solve problems along the way! A mixture of Beginner and Intermediate coders amongst our talented girls. Python is the language they are using. @ St Clares College, Waverley
03.01.2022 This looks to be a great resource for parents and carers. Launching this month.
03.01.2022 After a very disrupted year we have finally been able to get some inter-school competitions happening this term. Yesterday our tennis squad headed out to Parramatta to participate in the CGSSSA tournament and we returned with a major trophy. Kalina Aleksandrov (Year 8) performed brilliantly in the Junior Division to take out the singles event. She was undefeated in the rounds moving through to the final against a tough competitor from OLSH Kensington....
03.01.2022 Some highlights from todays launch of the Year 8 project for Term 3. How can people and technology improve their local area?. @ St Clares College, Waverley
02.01.2022 Our top Science students in Year 9 and 10 participated in a virtual investigation today through Sydney University. The Grand Challenge required students to work in teams to find a way to eradicate malaria. The day started with an energiser activity before an unpacking of the mission and an introduction to the facilitators for the [] via USYD Grand Challenge Authentic Learning at St Clares
02.01.2022 Term 4 would normally see the entire Year 7 cohort participating in a project involving the native stingless bees. Due to Covid-19, we decided that our project,' Sustainability - Whose Responsibility?' would be put aside for 2020 and students would simply focus on the life of the native stingless bee in their Science classes. As part of their work students have been asked to create prototypes of a native stingless beehive based on the two hives we have in our front garden....
01.01.2022 We are looking forward to many of our students taking part in this Challenge. In 2019 our top Year 7 and 8 Maths students had the program integrated into their lessons and we are looking to expand this across both cohorts this term. All students in Years 7-10 have been asked to express their interest in being involved via Compass and email.
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