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Stem Cell Health Australia
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23.01.2022 SUCCESS STORY BY Karen Hussman O'Neil Here’s my story: In July 2018, my husband, Walt, became very ill. He had just turned 83 years old four months before that. Two of his major organs were not functioning and the doctors did not give us a lot of hope. ... He was at a point where he couldn’t sleep at night and had to be up in a chair all the time. During the day his head hung over and he would fall asleep every little bit. He was not even able to stay awake through a doctor appointment. The light went out of his eyes. His sense of humour that was so much a part of his personality was nowhere to be found. Even his annoying little habits had disappeared and I actually missed them. I did not know if he would be around for another day. Each day I worried, and confided to my wonderful friend, Robin. She then told me about a light therapy technology that was completely free of drugs and we decided to try it. Over the next three months, he came back to me. The light came back in his eyes, his sense of humour returned, and even those funny, annoying little habits are again a part of him! He is functioning well: he does laundry and dishes and takes walks and plays cards and games with family. This month he turned 85 years old! We are very grateful. He would tell his story himself but he actually was so ill he doesn’t really remember much about that time. A couple of other fun things were that his arms were nearly black from blood that wasn’t moving well. He had had that for at least a decade. It has been about 13 months that we have use the technology and his arms are much lighter and many parts are just regular skin coloured now. Another nice thing is that the scar on his chest from open heart surgery in 2004 is nearly impossible to find! I did not take any pictures of him when he was at his most ill because it seemed disrespectful and of course I did not know how miraculous his recovery would be. I am so grateful to Robin and delighted that now when I look at my husband I see a man who looks like he has years ahead not just days Contact me for more details Living Better Longer Anita
23.01.2022 Here's something interesting. What are some common health issues associated with Senescence? COPD, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Immune Issues. ... What are some pre-existing conditions that are associated with increased risk of death from ARDS? COPD, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Immune Issues. Hmmm. Interesting.. right? Of course you'll want to know what is Senescence and what is ARDS. Senescence related diseases are due to the accumulation of worn out stem cells. It's normal as you age but we see premature accumulation due to poor lifestyle which causes premature aging and death from disease related to age. ARDS Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome is caused when you get an overwhelming infection to your lungs. It invites other pathogens which causes collateral damage to the lungs. The bodies response is inflammation. It's untreatable. Your only defense is the immune system. 40% of people who get ARDS will die. Do you see a relationship here? I do. Age Reversal doesn't just mean living longer. It means living healthier for a longer period of time.
20.01.2022 60 world records and drug free We are so proud of our LifeWave Endorser and 25 time drug-free bench press world champion, Tiny Meeker! Tiny holds over 60 World Records in 15 different federations and is the first man in history to press 800 and 900 in a single-ply shirt. Tiny has been using our products for over 10 years. We're so happy we could assist him on his journey to success! - LW Corporate
19.01.2022 This is great! I love how our patches work through Acupressure points. Do you believe in reflexology? I knew very little about it until 15 years ago when I took my Mother to a day spa and she chose a reflexology foot massage. The masseuse found a very painful spot on the arch of her foot and asked if she had any Kidney issues. My mother said no, none at all. The lady asked her a few times more if she was sure as she was adamant something wasn’t right. But no, she said she did...n’t. Fast forward 3 months and sadly, my Mum was diagnosed with Bowel Cancer and in the process of having scans etc it was discovered that the kidney that corresponded to that very spot was shrunk to the size of a walnut. This had either been due to medications or disease or could have been like that since birth. She’d never had any problems from it, and we were both stunned thinking back to what the reflexologist said that day.
19.01.2022 Just a post from a much appreciated client OK I got a surprise today, back was killing me this morning, so put a patch right on top of the pain and the white one at 3pm (if you were looking at it) and sat on the edge of the bed for a few minutes. The strange sensation in my back and down my right leg was very surreal. I have been out and about shopping for most of the day and I didn't have to sit down every twenty minutes to relieve the pain and (don't laugh) I even ran down my driveway chasing one of my boys in the rain. Thank you for putting me on to these, I haven't felt this good in I don't know how long.
18.01.2022 TESTIMONIAL !!! But I’m not sure, which picture is before and after. To be honest, I Think the picture at the left is after. Her hair looks darker. What do you think? Is it just the lightning?...Continue reading
18.01.2022 One little point, so many amazing reasons to use it. Governor Vessel 20 (also known as Du 20), is found at the top of the head, inline with the tips of the ears. Among other things, you can use this point for a headache, to clear your mind because of overthinking, to increase memory, to resolve hemorrhoids, AND counteract depression. Aeon overnight in this position also works well for better sleep, anxiety and stress. Place in a headband or bobby pin to your hair rather than stick directly on hair.
16.01.2022 Wow! This is interesting.... From Joan Elam - I just wanted to share my success story! I have a high sensitivity to Gluten. I do not have celiac disease. But I have been able to eat Gluten again. I use an X39 on my belly button and put about a cup and a half of flour in a zip lock and place it on the same area for 10 to 15 minutes. I just leave the flour in the zip lock to be used again. I do this whenever I think I will be eating Gluten. I have had zero effects from Gluten since I started doing this. I don't eat Gluten every day but do eat it a couple times a week. Hope this will help others that have a sensitivity to Gluten.
15.01.2022 Benefits from using what I call our "mother of all patches " the X39 patch The x39 is similar to other patches.It elevates naturally occurring compounds in the body that would normally decline with age X39 is different from our other products.We refer to it as our STEM CELL patch.This patch elevates a PEPTIDE which is known to activate stem cells. It can be applied anywhere on the body, for convenience we reccomend back of neck and below belly button....Continue reading
14.01.2022 30 DAYS using a simple seam cell patch As they say, pictures speak louder than words. X39 clinical trials that are already completed show that the tests groups vascular performance improved statistically significantly within the 6 weeks trial. For your information Vascular disease is any abnormal condition of the blood vessels (arteries and veins). ... The body uses blood vessels to circulate blood through itself. Problems along this vast network can cause severe disability and death. Vascular diseases outside the heart can present themselves anywhere. There are already new Vascular performance studies being undertaken by Lifewave to see what happens over a 12 month period with a much larger test group. GHK-cu that is enhanced by the use of X39 patches is capable of many performance enhancements/rejuvenation processes that then may result in a younger biological age. Rejuvenation means the action or process of making someone or something look or feel better, younger, or more vital. This potential of rejuvenation of THE WHOLE BODY or parts there of is a results of especially the new found energy levels that X39 is famous for. Our customers most commonly feel this energy in their daily life's especially when they are working hard, play sport and or are under a lot of stress. This higher levels of energy is also priceless in regards to prevention. This new found energy will be mighty helpful when the body will once again try to undertake all those repair processes that it was unable to do because of a lack of key components like stem cells. X39 and our other patches especially when combined are hypothetical able to change your future destiny or postpone that destiny for a few decades or so. The reason why this is possible is very well explained by Dr Loren Pickart in his book Resetting your genes to youth TODAY. The fact that he stated in bold letters the word TODAY is testimonial to how fast it is possible for GHK-cu to get into action. thanks for sharing Michel Servais
14.01.2022 My own older sister, will be 70 in a couple of months is after 12 years of trying now a stem cell activation patch convert. She so far has used the stem cell patches for close to 12 months. She has had asthma since she was at 4 when she found drinking kerosene. ... Luckily an Uncle saw her, they rushed her to the hospital immediately and pumped it out or whatever, but it left her with asthma. I gave her a heap of patches several times starting many years ago when I joined this company as a distributor. She never used any of them in all those years. Anyway a year ago I handed her some stem cell activation patches and she surprising started trying the stem cell patch Her asthma all gone, coughed up ugly black stuff for a few months. She could not believe it, her shingles on one side of her face also gone. Surprisingly she by now also LOST 20kg's, (44 Pounds) No more pain in her hips and legs even in the cold of winter when it gets icy cold. Her hair dresser tells her that her HAIR IS GROWING BACK RED And she had other great results as well. I am of course very happy for her but she has been a lifelong believer in politicians & doctors and their drugs, a blind believer. So far my sister has not told anyone else about her results yet.......... WOW, hard to comprehend. Testimonial by David.
14.01.2022 seeing great results from a mother using stem cell patch. having limited shoulder, head range of motion. Love it when the 1st thing your mum says to you in the morning, is "Pauhla don't forget to order more of my patch miracles, " bless her. Our #STEM cell patches have helped my mum so much with her shoulder and arm injury,so grateful to see how much relief and healing she has had since she started using them 1 year ago.... Before using our patches mum wasn't able to lift her shoulder or arm above her head, her range of movement was limited, and she was in a lot of daily pain,and was using strong toxic pain medication to get by during the day. Fast forward 12 months later she has full range of movement in her shoulder and arm ,no pain, and is off her dangerous toxic pain meds. Feeling #grateful Our health trully is our #wealth,don't ever take it for granted Wishing you all an AMAZING weekend, stay AWESOME and stay SAFE
13.01.2022 SUCCESS STORY BY 71 year old Australian David Wischer I have always been open and actively searching for alternative health wellbeing products. Even with all the good stuff that I found out about and a new mainly vegetarian diet and various health technologies I was still experiencing many so called age related issues. For instance chronic wasting of my lower right leg muscle (practically Zero muscles on my foot and calf) causing balance and walking issues and severe gum prob...lems that my dentist incorrectly blamed on lack of brushing. So all and all I was at 69/70 years of age been feeling very ordinary due to severely compromised immune system issues dating back to having Hep A for a year nearly 2 decades ago. . Resulting in a very average state of being. Then in early January 2019 my good friend Sandy Abbott called and I bought one pack of X39 patches. I applied the 1st X39 patch on the 10th of January 2019 and immediately felt a warm fuzzy healing sensation throughout my body especially in my lower leg and mouth. Since that time I have personally experienced no less than 49 amazing transformations within myself. Just to mention a few: My non existent Calf Muscle - Pregnant within 48 hours (I was shockingly stunned!!) My gums have regenerating and are now as healthy as baby gums. The flesh has covered the exposed teeth roots. My lower front gums were very sick indeed - now replaced by plump pink flesh!!!! My dentist now says that my gums are in a very healthy state. Eyes - My Eye Sight improved and my eyes are now wide open sparkling with clarity. Whites are really White, not grey as they were and high energy. I looked tired previously. Also no need for expensive prescription glasses anymore. Body posture: It feels much more upright and I feel taller (Dr John my friend mentioned my posture had changed markedly) Brain & Mind - Much more organised than ever in my life!!! Foggy or woolly brain function on occasions now do not occur. Huge improvement in clarity / focus/ Relaxed. Memory greatly improved especially meeting people for the first time and I can now remember their names. I was a shocker for names for most of my life. Terrific! I no longer visit any type of practitioner. There is nothing that they could now do for me as there are no tight and sore muscles or bones that are stressed out. This is just so synergistic with LifeWave now also being my business as well as my saviour. Perfect in every way as I am loving sharing my amazing patched and new life journey with anyone! Throughout these last 2 years I only used X39 patches and used them as per the brochure Photo 1: Mid 2018 Photo 2: Feb 2019 some one month after starting with X39 Photo 3: 20th December 2020
12.01.2022 this is a result of wound and scar healing in just 2 week, reach out find out more
12.01.2022 Stem Cell Health Australia
12.01.2022 3 minute video .. Explaining what stem cell technology is and how it can benefit you... watch the link below today!
12.01.2022 These are my nails in December 2019 and I have psoriasis in the nails and now this is my nails after about six weeks of using stem cell rejuvenation patches!! - Ana Robella
11.01.2022 From Amanda Mittra Dcosta. Hi folks. Here’s something I need to show, regarding X39. I’ve been struggling with auto-immune issues since the age of 20, and now I’m 44. So it’s more than half my life of chronic pain, fatigue and inability to walk with ease. There are times when I’ve had to use a wheelchair, making it extremely difficult for me to even work. And the fatigue and pain just doesn’t allow me do as much as I’d like. In addition, over the past 10 years I've suf...fered from some form of paralysis or the other, thrice, had quite a few surgeries and biopsies, and also been admitted to the hospital for a month at a time on multiple occasions. I started using X39 on March 10, this year. My pain and fatigue are still high on my charts with my body in a lot of inflammation. However, I am able to move a lot more and I have begun walking indoors (at my own pace, and don’t use the thread mill). Since two weeks now, I average 5000 steps a day. In March, and prior, my steps averaged 350 +/- a day. Here’s a screenshot of my walking chart. Thanks Anne, for introducing me to X39. I think it has a lot of promise.
10.01.2022 No medical claims, just shared results!
10.01.2022 OK I got a surprise today, back was killing me this morning, so put a patch right on top of the pain and the white one at 3pm (if you were looking at it) and sat on the edge of the bed for a few minutes. The strange sensation in my back and down my right leg was very surreal. I have been out and about shopping for most of the day and I didn't have to sit down every twenty minutes to relieve the pain and (don't laugh) I even ran down my driveway chasing one of my boys in the rain. Thank you for putting me on to these, I haven't felt this good in I don't know how long. This is a testimonial from a very happy client
10.01.2022 So great to hear x39 SAVE MY LIFE
10.01.2022 Testimonial... Lifewave ~ My personal experience. I made the decision to become a Lifewave distributor almost 5 months ago. My initial decision was honestly based on a less expensive way to provide our performance horses a safe and drug free supplement to help them maximize their athletic potential. As a distributor I could have a significant discount on the Aculife patches for the horses. ...Continue reading
08.01.2022 The pharmaceutical industry doesn’t want us to believe that we can heal using natural methods. They’d lose too much money! They weren’t able to help Christo, so he took a chance with us and his life has completely changed! ... No more pills, no more pain...AFTER 25 YEARS! *No medical claims, just results.
08.01.2022 Have you tried everything, Acupuncture, reflexology, Chinese medicine and still in pain? A top Indonesian Wushu Athlete name is Vania Not that long ago I was a top Indonesian Wushu Athlete. ... Wushu, or Chinese Kungfu, is a hard and soft and complete martial art, as well as a full-contact sport. It has a long history in reference to Chinese martial arts As an athlete i endured many injuries. But one injury stayed with me for 5 years even though i have since retired from the title. Not many know about my injury except some that where with me at the Mongolian Youth Championships where i had to compete with a rely bad shoulder injury. The thing with my shoulder is that it not only hurts but it also effects my daily life. For example i often hear clicking sounds I can no longer lift heavy stuff because it will sting rely bad and that gives me problems breathing. This means i can not go to the gym what is my hobby. I also can't run to fast and i can not carry my bag for a long period of time Since i stopped being a athlete i pursued my study. But the injury stayed with me. The doctors told me it will take a long time to heal and that it will take a lot of care. So that was the reason why i had to stop my dream and retire as an Athlete. Every night this haunts me and every night I feel exhausted. Being a student majoring in health science have I always been skeptical about alternatives. My mom tried many alternatives to keep our family healthy and nothing works. (sorry mum) I have tried everything, Acupuncture, reflexology, Chinese medicine you name it. Even at today's live demonstration i promised myself to stay with evidence based science. I was not going to be persuaded But i did take the challenge. Belief it or not the pain that I had for 4+ years just vanished with 3 patches. GONE The pain simply vanished after just 20 seconds I do not lie. I I'am not being paid to promote this product. Testimonial by Vania
06.01.2022 THE BEST/FASTEST AND MOST CONSISTENT WAY TO INCREASE GLUTATHIONE LEVELS IN THE BODY! Historic methods used for elevating blood glutathione levels include oral supplementation of L- Glutathione, or the amino acid precursors of glutathione, as well as injection of glutathione. Each of these methods has severe draw backs. ...Continue reading
06.01.2022 - Read thourougly for inspiration I know that I can help people get through this pandemic. Whether it's a simple phone call to check in with a patient or a comprehensive herbal therapy program, I feel an obligation to be of service to those who need support. Since this crisis began however, how I engage with my patients has changed dramatically. Even if the state had allowed my clinic to remain open, continuing to see patients puts everyone at risk. What good then, are my ski...lls as an acupuncturist if I can’t physically be there for my patients? I searched for a way to continue supporting my patients without them having to leave their homes. One major solution I found is AcuPatching. AcuPatching is a new technology that uses phototherapy (low level light therapy) on acupuncture points to elicit specific biological responses - without putting any chemicals or substances into the body. This technology, initially developed for the military, simply initiates the body's innate healing mechanisms. Intrigued, but skeptical, I tried it myself and noticed significant improvements in my energy, stamina and sleep. The results were incredible, so I started using it on my family and on my patients and they're benefiting, too. #Darren_Louie
05.01.2022 had to share this Our stem cell activation patches have awesome technology is so much all about positive energy at a cellular level!!! Happy reading!...
05.01.2022 Medical Doctor professional seeing the benefits of using stem cell patches. We now have a long list of health practitioners using and recommending our stem cell patches.
05.01.2022 Today I share a testimony from Agnieszka Skowska originally from Lodz, Poland. May 22, 2020, I turned 49 I started using Lifewave technology exactly in April 2019, starting with a monthly treatment and-AGE....Continue reading
05.01.2022 see Eczema results 4 weeks different using a simple stem cell patch.
04.01.2022 I had been getting stem cell activation patches for my dad and husband and they are both really pleased with results, My husband has had shoulder problems for years and says it is definitely better. Dad has suffered with arthritis for years and really struggled walking, he is now more upright and walking further distances without pain. Both are more chilled out and happy in themselves to which makes them easier to live with ... I broke my ankle falling off a horse 6 weeks ago and started using the patches 9 days ago, I don't know why I didn't think if using them earlier, the movement in it has improved greatly and I am almost pain free after 5 weeks of being really uncomfortable. I still can't weight bear until I see the consultant on the 4th September when they x-ray it will be interesting to see what he says. The operation wounds have healed really well too. All good. Karen
04.01.2022 Many professional athletes including Tennis superstars love to use our pain relief patches !
03.01.2022 looking for new hair growth??? Lots of people experiencing results like this and also new hair growth in receding hairlines. Amazing what new stem cells can do! #patcherforlife #stemcells #pauljgloudie #perth
03.01.2022 looking for that goals to lose weight results X39 + SP6 =... 10 kg lost! - Hasan Karci
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