Stephanie Leishman | Brand
Stephanie Leishman
Phone: +61 421 278 524
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24.01.2022 After being in lockdown for almost 30 days, for some people it is taking a toll. I know personally that it has been an adjustment to have all five of us home and working, studying and homeschooling for the younger ones. I am loving the extra time at home with my family, although there are moments, I wouldn’t mind a little extra ME time, as I am sure most of you are experiencing at some level as well. No matter how big your house might be, someone always manages to find you! ...Continue reading
24.01.2022 For all of my clients that are interested in losing weight or those of you struggling with some extra Covid kilos ( ) you may want to check out Naomi & her Badass beat the Bulge program. One of the things I like about Naomi is that she is a Naturopath as well, which means she has developed this program with all of that knowledge and experience. It’s also a woman who has developed this program for women, so it’s tailored particularly for the female body. Check it out, all you have to lose is your weight
21.01.2022 How are you maintainig your Mojo? What new fun have your discovered in ISO? Melbourne and beyond - How are you maintaining your mojo this time around as we do Iso#2? I know I have made some changes to how I am doing things this time around. I have made sure that I keep work to my work days rather than scheduling clients in anywhere just because I can. And I have stepped up the exercise with a friend which boosts those good vibrations. But tell me, what are you doing that tickles your mojo? What new fun have your discovered? And I especially want to know the CREATIVE ways you are staying connected to your friends. To my friends.. I miss you! #mojomadness #melbisoround#2 #creativewaystokeepyourmojo #tickleyourmojo #sharethegoodvibrations
21.01.2022 What had you feeling bad this week? What made you feel sad, less than, frustrated, angry or annoyed? I ask you this.... Will you still be thinking about it in a years time? If the answer is no, then you can safely let it go! One of the little gems I have come to understand, is that we are not meant to feel bad about ANYTHING. Feeling bad keeps us stuck. It limits our ability to feel completely happy and to be the very best version of ourselves. So what can you let go of today that makes you feel bad and holds you back?
20.01.2022 Wishing Everyone much love and happiness this Christmas. What a year! Thank you for your ongoing support and love. May 2021 bring much abundance, love and happy hearts. Love Stephanie xo
18.01.2022 Christmas can be a difficult time of year for many, especially if there are cracks in family relationships. There can be mixed emotions about having to spend time with family members who you don’t have the ideal relationship with or who make you feel less than the best version of yourself. Whatever the reason it is that you don’t feel the magic of Christmas, then a kinesiology session can be a powerful way to transform how you are feeling in relation to seeing your family thi...s Christmas. Kinesiology can have the ability to move you from a negative state into a positive one in a very effortless way. You will feel different about whatever it was you walked in feeling in the first place. So, would you like to feel different this Christmas and bring the magic back? If so, click the booking link above to make a time for a session before it's too late. I would love to have you feeling better this festive season.
18.01.2022 Stressed? Anxious? Not sleeping?! Are you feeling stretched and trying to be all things to everyone in your life? Need a reset? Want to feel calmer and back in your groove..? ... Then why not try one of my online healing sessions. I can help you reset and feel calmer and back into alignment. This is a testimonial that I received yesterday from a client after our online session last week... So, if you are feeling like life's a little bit too much, then give me a call or book a session via the book now link above. I would love to help you transform the space your in. #weareallinthistogether #feelbetternow #onlinehealing #transformingsurvivingintothriving
14.01.2022 How are you travelling the uncharted waters of COVID19? #playingitsafe #strongimmunesystems #keepingourcommunitieswell #onlinesessions #onlinesupport #personalisedimmunesupport #opportunitiesbornfromadversity #gettingbackontrack #homeopathy #seeingthepositives #needhelppressthebooknowtab
10.01.2022 Could your subconscious be causing more fear right now than needed? In the video below the beautiful Jessica Goh - Integrative wellness practitioner and myself, discuss the essential things you can do during this time so you can feel lighter, keep out of the fear and become more balanced. We share how engaging in these abilities will help you to feel more in control.
10.01.2022 Standing with you... For anyone who ever doubts what they mean to others.... And to those holding someone through the darkness. It is enough to just be you and be there and let that person know you love them. Just watched this. Really wish you could add music to posts. I love this. #youareloved #youdomatter #theworldwouldntbeabetterplacewithoutyou #standingwithyou #youareenoughinanymomentinanycircumstance See more
08.01.2022 MELBOURNE ISO ROUND #2, Here we go! This week saw us here in Melbourne back in isolation. But even as I write this there is a rainbow in the sky outside my window. (That has to be a good omen!) Despite the news this week, I had a momemt of excitement of possibilities that lies ahead. We are in the midst of massive change in our world and our future. While the waters seem a little murky at present, I have hope that this current time will bring about positive change for h...umanity and our world. There is a lot of negativity out there at present but our job is to duck and weave around it so that we can remain positive and show up with love, compassion and positivity. I encourage you all not to dwell in the darkness and the conspiracy theories. Be aware, question sources of information and keep an open mind, but don’t allow them to drag you down and steal your light. Do something everyday that ignites your passion and makes you feel good. If you are not feeling so positive, are caught in the darkness and you need a reset or need to get your mojo back, then why not have a session. Click the Book Now button above or the link below. Sessions are still available both in person and online. You choose! In clinic sessions will be met with all hygiene regulations and measures. BOOK NOW #getyourmojoback #reset #onlinehealingsessionsavailable #melbourneyouvegotthis #inthistogether
01.01.2022 Clinic sessions now available! Spaces filling fast. Please click the link below to book. If you have any issues with your booking please do not hesitate to contact me on 0421278524. I am looking forward to seeing you all! #welcomebackmelbourne #freedom #clinicisback #