Metanoia Meditations | Medical and health
Metanoia Meditations
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22.01.2022 The 'M' Word... Meditation, that elusive practice - the reason so many people struggle is that a lot if the modalities just aren't designed for modern day mindsets. You may be practicing the a kind of meditation that's just not right for you at this stage in your journey. Like lifting heavy weights the first day at the gym, rather than focusing on technique and consistency that allows you to lift heavy.... So I make meditations for people like us in mind. Meditations that are based in stories. Where you are taken into a place of openness and receptivity just like you are when watching a movie or reading a book. In this receptive state you don't need to try and focus or try and let go of thoughts, you are guided easy into the meditative state. Check out my favourite down below
21.01.2022 A meditation for radical self love Radical (adj.) 1. (especially of change or action) relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough.... Sound's intense right? But it's not... I choose the word radical because I'm ready to leave positive vibes, cute quotes and candle lit bubble baths where they belong... somewhere BC (Before Covid). It may have been enough then, but its not anymore. Radical self love is far greater than that and, thankfully, much more simple. Radial Self Love is just offering yourself the same undivided, non nonjudgmental attention and acceptance that you give to your friends, your family, your pets, even to strangers. That's it peeps! told it was simple :) Happy Meditating | LINK IN BIO Love Steph
21.01.2022 In this video we pick a crystal to discover the wisdom, guidance and inspiration that the Lion's Gate Portal has activated within you; and learn what needs to be done moving forward in order to integrate and utilise these insights - grab a snack, pen and a note book! The Lion's gate portal is still open! and remember whatever you download during this time can be thought of as seeds, unless you go forward and nourish these seeds, there potential will remain dormant. This is th...e very reason I created this video! Happy Lions Gate :) Steph
20.01.2022 We spend a lot of time making ourselves important, so much so that we forgot how incredible it can be to feel small. Much of my meditations are designed to do just that to experience the awe that comes from being silenced by something greater than ourselves, something unfathomable, mysterious, something that we cannot label, define or recreate. Something that transcends the limitations of our beliefs and pulls us into a world where clocks don’t tick and apps don’t ping.... These feelings of joy, amazement and reverence are rare in our world we must consciously seek out moments of transcendence. Here is my current fav meditation for just that
18.01.2022 Every year on and around the 8th day of the 8th month of the year (August 8th), there is a cosmic alignment called the Lions Gateway. The Lions Gate is a time of increased cosmic energy flowing into our solar system. The Lions Gate Portal energy opens for us in Australia tonight and will continue for the next few weeks. This meditation will assist you in connecting with the energy available to all humans now. In this meditation experience you will receive the intense surge of light from the sun beyond our sun (Sirius - which is 26x brighter than our sun!) that awakens the layers of your DNA, activates and aligns the chakra system to receive and energy upgrade and the codes of your soul mission. Don't forgot to like and share! Love Steph xx
16.01.2022 This reading follows on from the 'Hear from your Ancestors Meditation'. Take a moment to get still, breathe a deep breath and choose the card the stands out to you to take a deeper dive into the wisdom your Ancestors hold or you. Timestamps Pile 1 1:44 Pile 2 7:30... Pile 3 13:33 Let me know how you go Love Steph #oraclecardreading #spiritualguidance #oraclecards
16.01.2022 It's the New Moon... again New moon's are known for the potency of new beginnings - but I'll be honest, I'm kinda over the standard new moon - new goals - fresh start - affirmation framework.... Its not that I think its wrong, but I seem come across this content on repeat every month. And I'm a little confused because science is demonstrating that all life exists within a multi-dimensional web of energy - this energy is responsive, intelligent, vibrant, flexible and telepathic and because we are apart of this existence, we to are imbued with the same qualities... Why would a universe designed to evolve through an intelligent feedback system want us to start fresh every month!? Its powerful to recognise and honour that we are supposed to take our past with us - in a way that is integrated of course - otherwise we risk disassociation and stuffing valuable things away. This actually uses a tremendous amount of energy. Each incarnation we experience imprints the DNA code with the perceptual experiences of the previous - essentially adding to records of information within you. So why start fresh? Why not start...old? By old I mean wise, open minded, adept and skilled. Yes, when we are born we must conform to time frame, the beliefs of our culture and genetic lineage. Its all imprinted and reinforced on a daily basis. This is fine, in fact it gives us a unique blueprint which means no one else will think, act and create like we do. But we must remember the potentialities stored within. Your Soul has travelled through the depths of heavenly dimensions with you in all of your incarnations. Recording all the wisdom you have acquired in the many faces you have embodied. Your Soul seeks to weave together the potencies of past lifetimes into a unified expression in the here and now. I urge you to draw on this knowledge, it will serve you in ways you cannot yet imagine. To assist you in this process, I have created a in-depth visualization - in it you are guided into the infinite realms of your DNA and connect with your own Soul, who works with you to activate the memories stored within. A powerful ritual for the new moon! Let go of any expectations and allow the story like nature of this meditation to take you into the receptive mode, just breath and allow. Love Steph xo
15.01.2022 A simple meditation with 5 minutes of spoken guidance and then 10 minutes of just music - assisting you in centring and balancing yourself amongst the demands of the day - using one of the most simple meditation techniques. Use anytime of the day or night. Let me know your experiences with it in the comment section... Love steph
12.01.2022 No back rest vs backrest when meditating? #aorb #meditation #meditationpractice ... #meditationspace #meditatewithme #wouldyourather See more
12.01.2022 Find out what 2021 looks like for you... #oraclecardreading ... #oraclereadings #cardreading #youtubevideo #youtuber See more
11.01.2022 Looking for some meditation inspiration? Take the quiz and find out exactly which meditation will lead you into a deeply rewarding practice. Once your done, share your result so everyone in your feed can find their zen to! Let me know which one you got!
11.01.2022 New Guided Meditation is up on YouTube! In this meditation we journey with the energy of the Goddess Diana (also known as Artemis to the ancient Greeks). There a lot of unrest and unknowns in the world today - but this doesn't have to be our day to day experience, we can instead chose to step into peace and power - this is what Diana has come to offer you in this meditation - her energy is fiercely compassionate and brave, there is nothing but peace and power in her presence.... Remember listen with your heart - not your mind and allow the energy of the Golden Goddess to envelope you, just breathe and allow. Don't forget to like, share and sub if you haven't already
10.01.2022 A (straight to the point) card reading designed to help you find out where to focus your energy and what concepts/tools/practices are most beneficial for you to experiment with in the month of August. Dont forget to like this video and share it with at least one person you know who will benefit from it :) Steph xx
09.01.2022 I be up in the gym just working on my fitness #stayactivechf
08.01.2022 I decided to start resurfacing some of my older videos on YouTube. Every week I'll choose something worth revisiting with new eyes. Here is the first installment - full video link in bio if you wanna explore more ... Let me know your thoughts on this #fromthearchives #revisit #youtubevideo #youtube #fairytales #soul #psyche
07.01.2022 GIVEAWAY TIME WIN A ORACLE CARD READING WITH ME To enter simply:... 1. Be subscribed to my YouTube channel 2. Like and comment on my most recent video 1 comment = 1 Entry. Enter as many times as you like by commenting on any other video on my channel. Winner drawn on Sept 19th 2020 Good Luck ;) #oraclecards #oraclecardreading #spiritualguidance #higherself #akashicrecords #youtube #youtubegiveaway
07.01.2022 A sneak peak into the new meditation on my channel
07.01.2022 For the Full moon in Aries Energy Update (aka what it means for you). Check out my new email send out
06.01.2022 A (straight to the point) card reading where you receive the message your Higher Self wants you to know right now! Breath deep, trust wholly and pick the card that stands out most to you. Don't forget to like this video and share it with at least one person you know who will benefit from it :) Love Steph
03.01.2022 A new meditation is live on my channel! Let me know your thoughts and experiences with it :) Steph xx
02.01.2022 Nothing like a little #pixar to teach you truths about life. Click here to see the whole video - in it we dip into the wisdom of Frozen to learn about how to move forward in the face of uncertainty Ep. 2 #youtubeunearthed... #fromthearchives #animation #sadness #healingjourney #grief #storytime
01.01.2022 The Lion’s Gate portal is open light waves of powerfully encoded information are streaming onto the earth plane. Don’t miss out on this energy, make some time today even if its just 10 minutes in silence, with the intention of receiving the energy and information that is for your highest good and will activate greater levels of abundance and purpose in your life. I have new meditation created to help you receive and activate this energy, simply find a quiet space, relax and... follow the words. #lionsgate #lionsgateportal #liongateportal2020 #88 #meditation #meditatewithme #meditationpractice #cosmicconsciousness #raiseyourvibration #spiritualawakening
01.01.2022 Saturday morning done right #stayactivechf
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