Stephanie Moody: Innersmile Yoga | Public figure
Stephanie Moody: Innersmile Yoga
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25.01.2022 Take me out of the buildings , Planting my feet on the Earth .. feeling the breeze on my skin Wandering through the trails , by the rivers .. in amongst the trees and flowers .. ..listening only to the wind , the crickets, cicadas and birds .... Here is where I feel most free. #peace #healingearth #earthmagic #journeytowholeness #mountains #valleys #wild #wilderness #gaïa #motherearth See more
24.01.2022 You never know your luck at Innersmile Yoga.. Book a Coaching session or 1 on 1 Yoga Therapy ...and you may just receive a free rescue cat massage !! Awww... Noodle giving @peatlingsl some love & cuddles . So sweet. #catspirituality #yogacoach #cattherapy #yogatherapy #loveyoga #rescuecat #noodle #innersmileyoga #bond #animaltherapy #catcow #beyondyoga #relaxation #yogagoals #teachers
24.01.2022 Keep it simple and in balance Balance your diet Balance your body Balance your thinking Balance your desires... Balance your life... and see then how that balance helps you to experience more harmony ..more Peace... more ease in all things. #balance #savetheplanet #simplicity #inflow #shamanic #bewell #behappy #befree #bestill #beherenow #journeyoftransfornation #innersmileyoga #intuition #indigo #gaia #oneworld #newearth #lettinggo #nonduality #joy See more
20.01.2022 Lead by the Wisdom and purity of your heart
20.01.2022 " Another World isn't only possible, She is on her way. Maybe many of us won't be here to greet her, but on a quiet day.... if I listen very carefully, I can hear her breathing. " - Arundhati Roy #gaia #newearth #earth #unity #yoga #beyondasana #meditation #warriorsoflight #star #freedom #yogacoach #stillness #cosmicconsciousness #innerworld #outerworlds #stepup #empaths #speakyourtruth #life #transformation #ganesha #removerofobstacles #prayer #breathe
18.01.2022 What is all this yoga practice about it to be able to stand on our hands..? put our legs behind our heads..? look good in our new yoga pants on social media...??! Asana means " to sit. " -To sit still and utilise our breath, we need a strong & steady body , a balanced nervous system and clarity of mind. The postures of yoga deliver all this and more- if done correctly & consistently ... But the real reason for all of the postures and practices, is to be able to ...raise our level of awareness, so we can ' see ' clearly...Beyond the limitations of the mind , beyond our limiting beliefs ...beyond our fears & repeating thought patterns.... So that ultimately we connect through the Crown chakra with what some call ' the Unified Field ', others call Source, Higher Nature... Greater Intelligence or God ( beyond form & gender ). Then we experience a glimpse ' beyond the veil ' ...and with that a great relief that actually we are just like everybody else ( including Source !- we understand we're always connected , it's only the Mind that separates), . ...We can relax into the Now moment a little better than before, as we realise this thing called life is a little like a game. Yes there is still pain.. but the understanding that the losses and gains are all a play on the stage of life.. makes the challenges we face a little less , every time we learn to let go & surrender to the Now. Running my Final Chakra Wkshop ( Third Eye Perception & Crown ) Saturday Nov 21st 2.15pm - bookings through Qi Yoga reception or App.! ( spaces are limited due to restrictions) . See more
17.01.2022 Spring makes me very happy close now..! Spring is in the air! So many beautiful flowers popping out everywhere #gratitude #spring #flowers #makemehappy #earth #gaia #abundance #earthyogis #earthmagic #starblossoms #newearth
16.01.2022 Working our way up the energy body Chakra Six ( Ajna) - a great time to be exploring these ' portals ' within us in light of our current global climate ! ..& these challenging times on Earth.. Chakra 6 involves opening the mind, developing an impersonal mind ( ie: practicing non- attachment), retrieving one's power from artificial & " false truths " ; learning to act on internal direction; & discriminating between thoughts motivated by strength, & those by fear and illus...ion ( Caroline Myss ). Chakra Seven ( Crown ), our beautiful connection to Higher self . when both these energy centres are weak/ deficient we tend to be disconnected, materialistic..and cynical . When we practice yoga ...especially Meditation, not only do we find a deep level of peace & calm , but we are able to see the world through a clearer lens & of a higher perspective! Ultimately we surrender to the Mystery & allow ourselves to be guided, once our trust in our intuitive abilities becomes stronger. This Saturday! November 21st 2.15pm - 430pm ( bookings through Qi Yoga ) - we'll be journeying into Chakras 6& 7 a little deeper to find ways we can develop our intuition & connect to what has been called " The Unified Field " See more
16.01.2022 When we create space for stillness , to quiet our ever busy minds and lives... we sense that our lives could be lived with greater compassion, ease ..& greater wakefulness ( guessing this is where the term " Woke " comes from.. ....) A good Meditation practice is one that develops awareness or mindfulness of our body & senses...mind and heart . It doesn't matter which form you choose , but that you aim to practice consistently...just like learning to play an instrument..or... learning any new skill -it'll grow & deepen with perseverance, patience & systematic training. Then we begin to relax into the spaciousness of the now , our minds become clearer , we can focus better , we feel happier , balanced & more at peace. To meditate & practice yoga is to look into our lives & selves with interest & kindness ... to discover how to be 'wakeful '...& ultimately free Free from stress, free from confusion, free from conflict with ourselves and others. Free from conditioning..and free from self-limiting belief patterns that prevent us from living a more joyous , harmonious life. When we commit to this- , a daily practice , we discover new takes on a new freshness as we learn to open to everything that greets us. We awaken the capacity that each one of us has to live more wisely, more lovingly , more compassionately, and more fully. (Anahata - Heart Chakra wkshop this Saturday 19/9 2.15 pm at Qi Yoga Freshwater- learning to live more compassionately in these shifting times. ) #meditation #beherenow #compassion #silence#whole #unbroken #unstruck #innersmileyoga #peace #reflection #freedom #freedomcodes #unityconsciousness #anahata #yogacoach #yogaworkshop
16.01.2022 Opening the heart chakra ,( Anahata- the energetic heart space, located behind the physical heart) develops compassion, a deep connection and a greater understanding for those around us.... which naturally gives rise to the urge to heal. When we walk on this Earth with a deep connection to it and others, we realise that we can't advance alone whilst others are ailing, or while the planet itself is in peril. But to properly heal , to be a healer and a teacher , a wayshower .... .we need to be in balance with our own energy first. To clear, balance and align the energetic heartspace cultivates great inner strength as well as loving care. If you're curious to learn more about Anahata ,& ways in which to balance the energies of the heart , there are still a few spaces left for tommorows ( Sat 19/9 2.15 pm) workshop at Qi Freshwater Yoga studio. Please bring a mat , a towel or blanket , journal,/ paper & pen ...a crystal or sacred object if you have one ! Much Love ( bookings through Qi Yoga reception or through the Qi Yoga App ) #anahata #heart #chakraworkshop #energybody #align #youarelove #loveoverfear #loveyourself #unity #2020 #harmony #yogacoach #innersmileyoga #rose #freedom #lovingkindness #bodhisattva #heal #earthyogis #ascension #riseup See more
15.01.2022 As we move into a new season - we may look back on the l ast 4 months and think " holey moley .. what just happened?!" Well here we are in September the ninth month (& today is 9/9 !)- Nine represents phases of completion. Now is the perfect time to take inventory of your life & decide which things no longer serve the newly emerging you. Because we were born to evolve - there's no escaping expansion. ... But if we resist & choose to stay stuck in our limitations, or in our comfort zone...something always feels out of alignment. So perhaps we may ask ourselves ' Which relationships will deepen as i evolve ..?' ' Which partnerships have reached a point of completion? ..or ' Which old patterns may perhaps not be serving me any more ..?' How can i use my practices to help raise my i can return to my well being, to full health and balance ? How can i bring more Light to the world ...? #spring# fall # ascension #greatawakening #yoga #yogacoach #light #illuminate #release #springclean #space #glow #lighten #meditation #oceano #beherenow #earthyogis #newearth #2020vision #beyourownguru #loveyourself #loveoverfear #evolution #spiritualpath See more
14.01.2022 How can we connect more deeply with our intuitive self ? I believe we all have the capacity to be a channel. Like any new skill - it's a process of intention, commitment and daily practice. Being in contact with your Higher Self/ Source/ God / Dao / Great Spirit / Goddess..however we conceptualise characterised by a deep sense of knowingness & certainty, of power, love and wisdom. The connection between your personality (" small self") & your higher self is a two... way channel- we must develop the flow in both directions. RECEPTIVE = Relax , surrender and as you come into a ' Being ' state , you open the channel for higher wisdom, inspiration & insight to come through. ACTIVE = When you're experiencing yourself as the co- creator of your life - you then make conscious choices about what you desire to create & channel the infinite energy, power & wisdom of your higher self into supporting your choices through active Visualisation & Affirmations. When your channel is flowing freely in both directions, you're being guided by Greater Intelligence.. & based on that guidance, you're making choices which not only support & help create your life path in the highest most positive way - but literally also helps to raise the energy of the collective consciousness . It's a win win ! #meditation #newearth #bethechange #guidance #wholeness #intuition #insight #inspiration #power #manifestor #cocreator #visualization #channel #yoga #connectingconsciousness #yogacoach #lifepath #creative #betheobserver #surrender #letloveflow #bestill #wisdom #higherself #greaterintelligence #artoflettinggo #earthyogis #unity #nature See more
14.01.2022 Intention is everything Even if we are in a challenging life situation, for example in a relationship which no longer serves.. , a job we don't enjoy ..if for now the choice to leave is too difficult ( or perhaps we're currently unable to make the change), we still have the power to choose in each moment- our thoughts, our emotions- our Mindset. In this way we can create freedom & most importantly- stop the resistance which causes our suffering. #choose #power #beherenow #prescence #grace #lettinggo #momenttomoment #awareness #integrity #yogacoach #stillness #choosepeace #intention #harmony #equinimity
12.01.2022 Remember Who You Are! Happy " inbetweeny Xmas & New year" ! Love #infinitelove #loveiswhoyouare #violetflame #limitless #source #creation #imperfectlyperfect #youaresource #radiance #purple #spiritualpath #awaken #2020 #rememberwhoyouare #loveisallthereis #getoutoftheway #newearth
12.01.2022 Learn to be Happy , Here and Now, under all conditions..and to include others' happiness in your own Joy. Go out of your way to make others happy. ~ Paramahansa Yogananda #friendship #altruism #transcend #unityconsciousness #yoga #yogananda #saint #mystic #behappy #makeothershappy
11.01.2022 Our Fifth Chakra located at the throat, is all about Vibration / Frequency...the way we communicate in the world ( having the courage to " Speak our Truth ")...and creativity. Caroline Myss refers to the Fifth Chakra as " The Power of Will - our challenge being to progress through the maturation of will : from the tribal perception that everyone & everything around you has authority over you ; through the perception that you alone have authority over you ()... ; to the fi...nal perception that true authority only comes from surrender- aligning ourselves to the Great Mystery... So we"ll explore a little deeper what this means - our practice kit will include Yoga postures , meditation, breathwork and of course SOUND! - Mantra ( Sanskrit word from " man " meaning mind..and " tra " which means protection or instrument. ) Thus a Mantra can be super powerful for protecting our ' monkey minds ' from the traps of unuseful cycles of thought & action. Bookings through Qi Yoga reception or through the Qi Yoga App: Saturday October 17th 2.15 pm til 4.15pm #fifthchakra #yogacoach #yogaworkshop #energymedicine #hathayoga #tantra #freeyourenergy #freeyourstory #journeyoftransformation #rainbowbody #vishuddha #energybody #wheelsoflife #yogaphilosophy #align #clear #sound #mantra #speakyourtruth #vision #blue #resonance #divinepower See more
08.01.2022 #criticalthinking #freedomfighters #freespeech #questioneverything #bestill #meditate #turnoffthetv #yoga #awaken #2020 #thegreatawaking #newearth #ascension #empty #beyourownguru #gowithin #anahata #freedom #starseed #ajna #wisdom #unplug #thirdeye #loveoverfear #compassion #personalpower #riseup #unity
07.01.2022 So important to keep remembering in these times ! #planetaryalignment #rising #gaïa #riseuptogether #2020 #simplicity #selfcare #nurture #weareexplorers #raiseyourvibration #frequency #highvibe #bekind #ascension #stayhealthy #eathealthy #eatclean #detoxyourlife #goodvibes #yoga #natureyogis #meditation
07.01.2022 ...I'm not sure who he is , but hoping his rather sparkly colourful bottom makes your Friday better! #healingearth #fridayvibes #friday #innersmileyoga #littlecreatures #tiny #insectsofinstagram #blossom #lovetheearth #gaia #creation #brightblue #flowers #flowerfriends
06.01.2022 If you're a sensitive being- you may like me, have felt a lot of strange & at times challenging emotions arise with this weeks' New Moon. 12.2.21 When we're attached to the idea of feeling in control ( ie: of our emotions), this releasing process can be extra difficult ... But if we take a deep breath , slow down and learn to Observe, we may travel this challenging terrain with a bit more ease , a bit more grace. Understanding we may indeed again, be clearing a little more ...of the old self..the old ways of order to create space for the new. . These times are big times. ....and I'm not saying it's easy! Some days we may just need to have a breakdown, let it all out - then gently pick up the pieces and like the warriors we are - walk forwards once more into the unknown. With Trust, with faith- knowing we're supported, knowing we're loved. And surrendering yet again to the Great Mystery of life. We're in this together #loveisallthereis #trust #inthemystery #allow #lovewhatarises #innersmileyoga #greatawakening #2021 #newearth #loveyourtriggers #lettinggo #empaths #sensitives #justbreathe #release #honouringself See more
06.01.2022 Cats on slow Mo ....An introverts best friend ! #slowdown #norush #zeropoint #catspirituality #catslowmotion #feline #introverts #empaths #intuitives #yogicats #zencats #focus #alert #relaxec #sthirasukhamasanam #rescuecat #adopt
06.01.2022 #healingearth #gateway #fullmoon #surrender #letloveflow #allow #faith #trust #innersmileyoga #innerstrength #newearth #2020 #release #portal #violetflame #cosmicrays
04.01.2022 I feel a little mixed posting photos of me doing any kind of advanced yoga pose, ..(But perhaps i also need to learn to surrender ANY attachments..? !) It's nice to sometimes share an image ..behind which was often a lot of practice.. focus , deep breaths..and surrender... often many hours on the mat. But ultimately the goal of yoga has nothing to do with the shape of the pose, or how flexible the person is/ has become. The ultimate goal of yoga is to understand ourselves not separate. Neither separate from each other , from Nature ... nor from our higher self/ Greater intelligence/God/Source *( or whatever resonates with you ) . When we believe we are separate, not only do we suffer, but we inflict ( consciously or subconsciously) suffering on others. When we realize we are full , whole , Divine and deeply connected...Then and only then are we free to live in balance, in harmony and in gratitude for this grand adventure we call life. We can then extend this way of living to all beings We ultimately become free from fear because we know there is absolutely nothing to lose! Everything is within you #hanumanasana #yogacoach #natureyogis #unity #humility #nonattachment #spiritualpath #truthseekers #knowthyself #harmony #innersmileyoga #hathayoga #tantra #freedomfromseparation #oneearth #onelove #oceano #earthyogis #bethelight #unityconsciousness #noseparation #yogateacher See more
04.01.2022 Think with your Heart Feel with your Mind . Invite your natural intuition to come forth
04.01.2022 #loveisallthereis #loveyourself #loveeachother #bekind #honour
03.01.2022 From Michael Muir
03.01.2022 Accessing Higher Mind by Kiara Windrider
03.01.2022 Focusing on the Violet flame of transmutation and sending out prayers of deep healing to our dearest friend @horst.aline , . Surrounding you in as much love and light as we can muster . And to all corners of the globe where healing is needed... To all the children who suffer..& To all the animals and creatures who suffer from our own disconnect to Nature , to ourselves and to each other. May we continue to rise rise RISE in health healing and UNITY.... Clearing, purifying and remembering. It's time #violetflame #stgermain #awaken #greatawakening #riseup #sisters #brothers #medicine #togetherness #unity #healingearth #healourselves #healeachother #reiki #meditation #prayer #peace #consciousnessisrising #2020 #newearth #vision #humanity See more
01.01.2022 ....apply also to the thoughts ...
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