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Stephen Humble, Liberal Democrats SA | Politician

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Stephen Humble, Liberal Democrats SA

Phone: +61 417 172 506


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25.01.2022 Liberal, Labor government prohibitions have ensured that Australia will lag behind in the hemp fibre industry with difficult licencing conditions or outright bans on growing. This is a multi-billion dollar industry we could have a part of it. It does not happen overnight - developing the machinery, expertise, right breeds of plants , processing industry and market contracts takes time and needs large investment and arriving late means that you have to fight twice as hard just to get the scraps. I would work to remove the red tape and excessive licence fees and conditions so that an industry can grow here this is a highly desirable sustainable product with great potential if the government got out of the way.

25.01.2022 During this Corona virus period I am hearing news of people being banned and threatened with fines over activities with very low risk or virtually no risk of contagion at all hopefully not so much in SA please share if you have experienced unfair or unnecessary restrictions. Governments reactions like closing beaches when they are naturally sterilised by sunlight and risk of infection is very low, bans on hunting in state parks , bans on going boating both of which are low r...isk activities people do to get food are real examples from other states. I made enquiries to the SA health department asking if the government would continue to force users of the shared scooter schemes to have to wear helmets as shared helmets are a contagion risk from previous users. I have not received any response. So while government is very quick to ban things and close things when it comes to the opposite they instead invent excuses and give nothing back. ! It is a bad time not just from the economic perspective with many businesses and people struggling from closures or shortened hours and a future with reductions in public welfare and very probably tax hikes it also seems we are pointlessly loosing our freedom to governments who show little thought for the consequences of their actions and have little regard for peoples freedom.

25.01.2022 In SA bike riders are being booked at a rate over 4X that in WA with fines over 3X as much. The SA government need to end these laws that are costing thousands of people large fines over an issue that should be a matter of personal choice. When Politicians and Governments enacting victimless crime laws to me it is a symptom of poor quality leadership with little understanding of what they should be doing. They should be looking at ways to improve the economy for everyone instead of devising ways to victimise and bully people trying to get exercise or enjoy themselves.

24.01.2022 Nice video showing the bicycle traffic in the Netherlands. In Australia helmet laws discourage many people from riding. Our government claim helmet laws do not discourage bike use and claim to be saving lives both of which are false. Labor, Liberal and the Greens get top marks for pandering to ignorance and violently oppressing individual freedom with mandatory bicycle helmet laws.

23.01.2022 It is My and the Liberal democrats position that Gel blasters should be treated as toys. However SAPOL have just decided to Classify them as firearms which is an insane level of regulation over what was a enjoyable and accessible activity. I just called the SAPOL info line to try to understand what their changes mean. Here is a summary.... To get a firearm licence people must be 18+ and undertake a TAFE forearm safety course - this costs about $220 and normally runs regularly - (not sure with the covid 19 situation i hear they are not running). Then you need to pay a annual firearm licence of $101 a year and renew it each year for $101 or 3 yearly for $262 or 5 yearly for $416. And you will need a firearm safe installed to store your gel-blaster - this costs usually over $200 plus install costs as it has to be bolted to a solid floor or structure. And then police can carry out an audit to inspect your storage at any time they want and if you don't have your gel-blaster properly secured in the safe there are very severe penalties under the firearms act that apply. So initial cost is going to be $520 plus allot of paperwork and time doing a course before you even buy the gel-blaster, and going to the police station to get it registered and the ongoing annual renewal fees. All that just to own rather harmless water gel gun - it's outright extortion and we are opposed to it. See more

22.01.2022 The politicians need to rapidly restore the jobs the businesses and re-allow the many activities that people once enjoyed before they cause more even more harm than the corona virus which they have been panicking about. I suspect most politicians lack the sense to know what is not effective so in many instances have panicked and introduced excessive blanket restrictions on the advise of health officials who have no concern about the repercussions. In many cases tailored actio...ns would be just as effective and avoid most of negatives. All unnecessary restrictions on peoples activities need to be repealed before more damage is done - people have lost jobs, businesses forced to close , peoples education has been disrupted their usual social activities have been banned. The data on the corona virus show that younger people have little risk of harm from this virus yet are badly affected missing their usual school and social activities. People are even being stopped from visiting relatives in other towns in the same state in WA for example.

21.01.2022 Video of the inquiry into the Victorian government covid 19 response. it's got plenty of good debate points. David Limbrick MP and others questions answered by Professor Gigi Fosteris who is very straightforward about many of the current issues. In my view the Victorian government fear-mongering and police state has been dishonest and shows they do not trust the people and have no regard for their freedom.

21.01.2022 The GM crop ban in SA will be voted on in SA parliament this week hopefully to overturn the Ban after many years. I was listening to a local radio station interview an anti GMO advocate. He was quick to cry out about how GMO crops could be sprayed with glyphosate and that is true but he did not mention that Glyphosate is also used on non GM crops for a number of reasons such as killing weeds and even speeding harvest of wheat and barley so non GM wheat and barley crops may glyphosate all over them just before harvest. He was intentionally leading listeners to a false conclusion that only GM crops use glyphosate to take advantage of recent news and public fear about it's safety even though it's quite safe if used correctly as it has been for decades. He mentioned very quickly there were views GM crops could be better for the environment. He did not explain why since that would undermine his anti-GM scaremongering agenda. It seems he mentioned it only to appear as if he was not totally ignorant and biased. Let me explain Glyphosate is used with non GM crops to try to kill weeds multiple times before planting so non gm crops can easily require more glyphosate than GM crops. Roundup ready GM crops have a huge advantage for farmers who can plant at the precise time to take advantage of precipitation without having to plow or spray glyphosate before planting. They can spray glyphosate at anytime to eliminate weeds - this strategy means they can get their crops in at the best time to save water and increase productivity - less diesel is used reducing greenhouse emissions. Overall for the same production volume less glyphosate may be used to produce a roundup ready crop compared to the non gm crop. Farmers like roundup ready crops because they can save on chemicals and diesel get bigger yields with less water. and avoid tilling. GM crops can help farmers and the environment - Yet the Greens and possibly Labor have been pandering to ignorance and fear for years to win votes they may even believe their own lies - a strategy that is harmful to farmers, harms the states economy and the environment and breeds irrational fear among their supporters for as long as they can get away with it.

20.01.2022 Our government are being rather pig headed about vaping. It is much safer and a more direct substitute for smoking than any other method, nicotine chewing gum and patches do not provide the same routines and taste or sensation like a cigarette as an e-cigarette does. They are banning a great option and leaving only poor options. So more keep smoking and less can quit. The government's bans are hurting so many people it's a great pity. The government who ignore the importance of the ritual of smoking and see it only as a chemical addiction must be ignorant of our humanity to ban nicotine vaping. If they are not ignorant are intentionally harming others to benefit themselves this is the political class benefiting themselves to the detriment of the the people they govern.

20.01.2022 A few weeks ago Greg Hunt minister for health said he was going to ban nicotine vaping imports from 1st of july 2020 I made a post about this on a facebook page and this afternoon after seeing some questions about the ban on my post i was not sure the answers so i called the Health ministers office to ask some questions on behalf of people who vape who were thinking of visiting Australia on holiday from the UK I called his office and a couple of things they did tell me is yo...u will in future need a prescription to even bring personal vaping stuff into Australia for a holiday or work visa from anywhere else in the world. If you had a nicotine vaping item and not a prescription customs would seize the item and you would not be allowed to keep it. They could not tell me the penalty if someone did not have a prescription and neglected to tell the customs they had a banned vaping item that was later detected. They could not tell me what amount of vaping fluid was deemed acceptable for personal use whether it was one 15ml bottle of vape fluid or 20 litres of pure nicotine. Since the health minister's office was unable to answer all my questions they forwarded me to another ministers office Neither the health ministers or the other ministers office provided the answers to the questions about enforcement or penalties and the office clerk made some excuse he had another call and had to drop the line so it seems like this ban is a complete shambles and the ministers office don't actually know the details of how their own ban is to be enforced. This is mediocrity in action a government who don't really know what they are doing and this ban is set to begin on 1st of July as i verified several times during the call expressing disbelief they don't know how their own ban will work. NEWS just today a while after i had enquired Australias vaping nicotine import ban which was to begin on 1 July 2020 just got delayed to 1 January 2021. - this happened only hours after i called his office. Apparently members of Greg hunts own party had succeeded in their criticism of the ban and perhaps also as a result of many people like myself who made calls to criticise the ban or make enquiries which exposed to me what a shambles this ban was - they could not answer basic questions about how the ban would work. ! One question i asked was would it be ok for someone to bring 10 gallons of pure nicotine to Australia if they had a prescription or was there some kind of limit for personal use. :-) If other people have questions or criticism of this ban which is now delayed do not hesitate to call his office - link provided. News Article about the delay.

19.01.2022 I have emailed the SA transport minister asking them to do the same here in SA as well - will follow it up with a call this week.

19.01.2022 With government progressing to remove the imposed restrictions related to the corona virus that is good news however the shutdowns caused to many businesses to close and people lost jobs and the airlines and overseas tourism industry and education for overseas students are a huge loss that is unlikely to be restored. On the bright side a few positives have emerged one in WA where the government have sought to axe WA planning approvals for small home renovations. I suggest that SA government do the same in SA. The LDP would make things easier for everyone by cutting the red tape.

18.01.2022 I am speaking up for free choice and for our farmers to be able to grow and sell whatever they want - agriculture is challenging it can be hard to make a living and the last thing farmers need is some politician trying to destroy their business. We have Senator Rex Patrick of the centre alliance's ridiculous plan to ban cotton exports and in SA are still stuck with Labor / Liberals absurd licencing rules that would make growing hemp or cannabis as a crop untenable to most peo...ple. And we have the Greens and Labor's Luddite style moratorium on GM crops. These bans and rules restrict and impede's our farmers ability to compete and deal with the changing environment. Our farmers in SA and other states should be able to grow Hemp or GM cotton or whatever else they want and if we are elected will endeavour to remove these restrictions and prohibition's that impede our farmers. I have selected several news articles which report on locals and farmers views and experience which i found quite informative.

18.01.2022 David Limbrick - makes an interesting point about the way police and government are treating protesters - if you protest about some vague rights issue that's ok - but protest against an authoritarian government directly and they get nasty.

17.01.2022 Terrible event in Lebanon possibly the largest accidental explosion in human history or very close to it. Thousands injured and 70+ people confirmed dead including one Australian and may be more people still buried. Very hard time for them with their government so inept and an economy harmed by war and unrest and then this happens. Something like 250000 peoples homes damaged or destroyed so this is an ongoing crisis for many thousands. Anyone who wants to fly over to help the...m should be allowed and anyone who needs to get back should get some support - there are probably many people with relations over there. Our government should offer some help - instead of stuffing around in the South China sea trying to instigate WW3 over a piece of reef they should offer to send Australian forces over there to help with some shelters, food, medical stuff, rescue equipment, engineering support etc and help them out. Not only would this probably be greatly appreciated by their people but our defence force staff who volunteer for such a mission would develop experience and skills in a real disaster situation instead of the fake ones they normally do.

16.01.2022 On 16th of march starting on the steps of parliament house (North Terrace) at 2:00pm freestyle cyclists an advocacy group opposed to mandatory bicycle helmet laws are doing a bicycle helmet law protest ride in Adelaide. I am going to be there so come along and say hello and have a chat it would be good to see other Liberal Democrats supporting the ride - below is a link to the rides national event page.

16.01.2022 Chinese cities are using electric busses, reducing pollution and saving money. What has happened in Adelaide is the state government spent ~90 million to extend a tram track just 1 km and that was just for the track, It does not include any trams, wages , service or operating costs - these running costs are higher than for a bus service. SA government could have purchased AND operated 12 new battery electric busses for over 10 years providing a more frequent and adaptable ser...vice - electric busses have very smooth and quiet operation compared to both trams and diesel busses. The love affair with trams is misguided - at the intersection of North terrace and William street just listen to the shreek of metal on metal when they go around a corner at little more than walking pace - they are not suited to such routes. The support poles and spider web of overhead electrical wires and slippery tram tracks clutter the streets and create a safety hazard for everyone. Updated the stated cost was over 90 million or more like 124million according to an SBS news report.

16.01.2022 The Greens conspiracy theory based 16 year ban on GMO crops has finally come to an end. SA farmers will now have access to the latest technology. Labor sided with the greens to keep the ban in place for years but recently voted with the liberal party to overturn the ban leaving the greens the only party still pandering to conspiracy. Now i ask how many decades will it take before Labor and Liberal cut the red tape to allow farmers to grow hemp without ridiculous and costly li...cence conditions. ? Another 50 years at the rate we are going. ! The liberal democrats have the policy's that this country needs. The major party's are holding this country back with stupid reefer madness conspiracy beliefs on par with the greens Anti-GMO conspiracy's. The Liberal democrats have supported full legalisation of marijuana since we began over a decade ago.

15.01.2022 Camels are well adapted to Australia and we have among the most healthy free roaming populations remaining anywhere in the world. But it seems like government are taking a shortsighted and negative view of these animals recently thousands of them were shot and left to rot on the ground. No plan to make use of the meat or skins , no plan to export them and apparently no effort made to provide watering points for them in times of drought. it's disappointing that more is not b...eing done. A biased ABC article states that camels drink water very fast 200 litres of water in 3 minutes leading readers to think they are unusually wasteful drinkers - the article however fails to point out that once hydrated they can go for 6 months without drinking and that their water requirements are less than sheep or cattle. The price of beef in the supermarkets is often >$20 per kg so for many people if camel meat was available at good prices it would save money on shopping. Licencing for Abattoirs meat processing and marketing, meat exporting and consideration of regulations affecting professional, recreational and subsistence hunters needs to be examined to see if more can be done rather than carry out another reactionary mass slaughter program.

15.01.2022 Victor Harbor Times article on the recent Mayo candidates forum.

15.01.2022 Youtube political commentator Independent Man talks voting for minor parties - With the preferential voting system you can vote for minor parties like the liberal democrats and yet still have as much power to choose which of the major parties gets your final preference. So you can vote 1 liberal democrats then have 2 ,3,4,5,6,7,8 etc as minor parties and then finally put say liberal or labor as the last preference if you preferred one over the other. You should number at le...ast 6 boxes or more. This makes your vote far more powerful than simply putting a 1 in a single box which would cause it to expire early in the preferences.

15.01.2022 Cotton is a sustainable natural plant fibre which sinks carbon dioxide from the atmosphere unlike synthetics like nylon and polyester and does not require large amounts of toxic chemicals to produce like rayon or viscose it is strong and comfortable so it is good news for SA farmers and SA people the GM crop ban will be lifted soon allowing GM cotton to be grown in SA to help the fight against climate change this is something i have posted about before. With Australia and worlds population growing larger it's more important than ever to have access to the latest technology to provide for so many people with the least possible space. GM crops are part of the solution cotton is a natural and sustainable fibre.

13.01.2022 There seems to be something of an anti plastic tone in the news and media these days - But plastic is fantastic many clothes are plastic we buy food and drinks in it. Almost everywhere you look gadgets, appliances, vehicles ,buildings contain plastics. Single use plastics attract the most focus however we must be mindful that even a disposable drink bottle is so cost effective that a glass bottle would need to be reused something like 20 times to make up for the higher cost o...f manufacture. Food's packaged in plastics have long shelf life are safe from contamination and spoilage while adding almost nothing to the weight thereby reducing transport costs these are some of the huge benefits of plastic packaging. Banning plastic stuff is not the solution to the worlds plastic problem there are relatively few single use plastic items which are candidates for a ban and overall these don't make much difference to the amount of plastics we throw away. Give away shopping bags at supermarkets are probably the best example of a ban but are replaced by stronger multi-use plastic bags that don't break easily for about 15 cents so in that specific case it seems a benefit and of course you can just buy bin bags separate anyway if you need them. After the obvious example of shopping bags Plastic straws seem to be the next item but are insignificant and replacing them with paper straws will be even more costly to the environment. For all the noise about banning them plastics are actually set to become even more prevalent around us as they find ever more uses. For this to be sorted out the answer is easy turn the plastics we throw away into energy - plastics are essentially oil in solid form and have a high energy value just like the petrol you put in a car - the use of waste to energy can solve the issue in WA the first large plant is set to start soon this is a problem easily solved. And i would certainly support the right of any company to invest in such a plant in south Australia.

13.01.2022 This is getting worse all the time - Victoria government and police are going extreme against an innocent would be protester.

13.01.2022 The Freestyle Cyclists helmet law protest ride is on the 14th at 2pm starting from parliament house steps. Come along and join in to stand up for free choice against an unnecessary and counterproductive law that should be repealed. Adelaide could become the cycling capital of Australia it would improve peoples mobility and health, reduce traffic congestion, attract tourists and have other benefits.

13.01.2022 Airsoft is a recreational sport similar to paintball but uses a smaller cheaper marker compared with paintball. However it is currently illegal due to various state and federal laws. It is very safe and players get great recreational and fitness benefits from playing the sport it is a popular sport and is legal in Japan , the US and European countries and many others. This is one of the many types of individual freedom the liberal democrats support. Our simple rule is if what your doing is not hurting anyone else then you should be free to do it.

13.01.2022 The 16 year long GM Moratorium in south Australia remains after the Greens and Labor and SA Best voted against ending it. This shows that Labor's call for a "Climate Emergency" is a dishonest scam to win votes with no substance since ending the moratorium would have helped our farmers and the environment. It's no surprise that the greens opposed ending he ban since they pander to a conspiracy style view of GM crop technology but it's disappointing that SA Best and Labor are blindly following them. The opposition and cross bench members of SA parliament have let down farmers and the SA community - this was something they should have supported.

12.01.2022 We are waiting for these genetically modified crops like yesterday, Mangodu said. I have been calculating losses from maize and cotton farming. Maize is attacked by stem borers even before it produces tassel. Over 13 percent of the total harvest is destroyed and now aggravated further by drought and fall armyworm and maize lethal necrosis. These challenges leave a farmer with the option of spraying [pesticides] up to 12 times. Here in SA the Greens, Labor and Centre alliance have put politics before science and SA farmers - they voted to maintain a ban on GM crops. !

12.01.2022 It's good to see someone getting involved in small business and helping their friends. Prohibition laws make criminals of ordinary people - we should forgive these people not prosecute them. It's odd Gawler council feel compelled to rename the Jack Bobridge track just because the 2 times Olympic silver medallist was convicted of drug dealing. Drug dealing is a victim-less crime so it's not even a real crime anyway and nothing to do with the Gawler council. About 162000 convi...cts were sent to Australia and according to Wikipedia "Around 20% of modern Australians, in addition to 2 million Britons, are descended from transported convicts" We should celebrate our past and stop discriminating against convicts and other people simply because they were deemed undesirable by the state at some time.

11.01.2022 People should be able to ride without a helmet for motorbikes doing under 50kmph which is legal for Sikhs in New Zealand (see article) and is also common for lower power scooters in many countries where motorbike helmets are compulsory for faster motorbikes. Australian states should adopt freedom of choice options for the lower speed motorbike riding, low power scooters and all bicycle use - this would make bicycles, motorbikes and scooters more accessible to more people to help people get about.

10.01.2022 I got along to the Gelball protest event on saturday to tell people about how the Liberal Democrats support of GelSoft and want to keep it regulation free. Many thanks to the SAGA organisers for giving me a chance to say a few words to the gathering and for everyone who came along. The gel-soft guns are not made to cause harm but rather so that people can play skirmish type games without causing any real harm to people. The police have classified than as firearms but gelsoft ...guns are toys made to propel water jelly balls which will not hurt people. Real firearms are vastly more powerful firing heavy metallic projectiles at extreme speeds designed to inflict damage for hunting and defence. I saw the SA Premier on the news carrying on about the lethality of gel-blasters which is complete hyperbole and shows he is out of touch with reality. Big thankyou to everyone who signed a member declaration that help's get the party re-registered for the future state elections. And if people also join as an associate member(free) online you can get emails about future zoom meetings or other meetups we may do.

10.01.2022 Our main page on facebook "Liberal Democrats SA" remains blocked we have not be told why. Has a facebook censorship algorithm has gone wrong we can't see any obvious reason for the page block. The last post was about an annual bicycle helmet law protest ride - nanny state supporters may be upset and complain about things like this or marijuana legalisation maybe but no obvious reason for Facebook to block the page as has happened. One possible reason is that if enough people ...complain about a page it may be automatically shut down by facebook - was this the reason. ? I recently called for an end to SA's GMO crops ban as well. The power of social media companies to influence people is enormous - whether there is some intent here or not by some group to shut the page things like this can alter the outcome of an election - we are trying to fix the problem have sent problem reports to facebook but so far the page is blocked to all our followers. Independent Man a Youtube channel Political commentator talks about issues like social media companies censoring views either themselves or to attempt to comply with government censorship laws like those the major parties rushed thru parliament this week in his latest video. We have a twitter feed at and hope we can use that still.

09.01.2022 I did a talk at the 420 event in Adelaide recently - many thanks to all the other attendees, speakers, support crew and organisers for coming together. The other speakers were very good and shared allot i talked to many people about their experiences it was sad to hear how the measures used to enforce prohibition wreck peoples lives without any good reason. The financial penalties and cost and stress of court cases , and many people imprisoned are all ignored by prohibitionist politicians in the major parties - hopefully things will change eventually. I discuss the how to use preferential voting to best effect, approaches to legalisation, cost of medical marijuana ,the red tape and barriers to industrial hemp and more.

09.01.2022 Just a quick post to let people know I am running in the by election for the seat of Enfield in SA House of assembly. There are allot of regulations and rules that need to be fixed or updated and the south Australian people are being over taxed - the continuing emergency service levy , higher stamp duty rates than many other states, excessively high water bills, unnecessary government intrusion and cost burdens like employee licences are all examples of the parasitic nature o...f government that need attention. I will also seek to repeal bicycle helmet laws and legalise medical marijuana - both of which have in the last year been further vindicated by the legalisation of recreational marijuana in the entire country of Canada and many states of the USA. And Bicycle Network probably the largest bike advocacy group in Australia now coming out in support of a trial repeal of bicycle helmet laws for adults.

07.01.2022 Victorians assumed they had elected people to government but premier Daniel Andrews has decided it would be better to defer his decision making to the modern equivalent of reading dead animal entrails. He has said they determined the extreme lockdown is necessary according to a "super computer" - it turns out the simulation software they used to models epidemic scenarios runs on any modern PC or laptop computer. Andrews saying it was done on a supercomputer is a pathetic atte...mpt to impress people that this must be some very special and amazing thing that ordinary people are not qualified to question. Computers even super computers work in a similar way to an animals lower intestines when you put shit in you get shit out - No computer simulation can properly model a real life epidemic spread with improper data and false assumptions and it certainly cant give specific advice as to what action anyone should take either. Andrews lied it was revealed the night lockdown /curfew was his choice he decided on because he though that was easiest for his police state to enforce - and his entire party are like puppets with andrews hand up them nodding whenever he wants. This not the quality you expect from a premier who is the highest paid in the country with a base salary of $441000 . after his recent 11.8% salary increase. There seems to be no attempt to consider any downside or come up with a more targeted or reasonable approach - Andrews went direct to sledge hammer - no consideration of the harm he was doing to others and his fake empathy is obvious he as about as much empathy as a computer. Forcing millions of people to endure weeks or months of home detention , closing down business all violently enforced. We see police arresting elderly people, pregnant women and anyone who dares to make any suggestion of standing against his police state.

06.01.2022 SA Best and Labor have once again sided with the Greens to ban GM crops in SA in parliament they voted to keep the GM ban in place. SA best claimed they opposed last time because of some procedural issue which was rubbish. This time whats their excuse. ! The Labor party may be calling for a climate emergency but are intentionally denying SA farmers the tools they need to adapt to changing climates - if your worried about climate change you should actually put them last on t...he ballot paper banning GM crops will make the situation even worse. The Greens pander to conspiracy views and misinformation about GM crops they introduced the Ban and every year it remains they consider a success. Right now with some of the hottest temperatures for years farmers need new crops that develop faster , don't need pesticides and are more drought tolerant. GM crops can do these things. Trying to end the ban was one thing the SA Liberal Party got right and all parties should have supported - it's disappointing that the SA Best , Greens and Labor in this state are sabotaging SA farmers.

04.01.2022 Would you like Facebook employees or a government spy/police agency having to monitor and approve your live streaming including even private communications leading to slow connections and complete loss of privacy - it could happen. ! In new a attempt to make the internet G rated so we don't see anything distasteful or upsetting the Liberal Labor Duopoly just rushed thru ill conceived intrusive laws that will strip away internet privacy lead to censorship and will be very diff...icult for social media companies to comply with. I would oppose this censorship and intrusive legislation. Also our main page liberal democrats SA has been blocked for some unknown reason - we are working on the cause it's possibly due to a face-book censorship algorithm going overboard.

03.01.2022 This is just the way to go for defence - multi-roll strike drones could easily outperform the very latest stealthy manned aircraft which cost over a hundred million each and do it for a far lower cost and with numerous advantages over a human piloted vehicle including being a small fraction of the cost. One example already in use with Australian defence is the General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper hunter-killer UAV which can remain airborne for 16 hours continuous. Comparing this new d...rones specifications with the F35A these drones are smaller but have a have a range of 3218.6 km which is 14% greater than the F35 which according to Wikipedia has a range of 2800km. I would expect they will be less than 1/4th of the cost of the F35A and be far cheaper to maintain and quicker to respond to any call to action so it will have many capabilities that the F35 which costs over 100 million each cant match. Having a defence capability is a necessary roll of government but it should still be done with a the cost in mind since just one piece of military equipment often costs more than an entire school, dozens of houses or many other useful things that benefit the economy.

02.01.2022 We are running candidates in the two SA state by elections this Saturday the 9th Feburary. Our Cheltenham candidate is Peter Miller and Enfield Candiate Stephen Humble. Please vote for us to end to the war on drugs have fairer speed limits, reductions in government charges, efficient use of government expenditure and to fight against unnecessary and complex over regulation that slow or prevent new jobs and economic growth in south Australia.

01.01.2022 The Anti GMO conspiracy theorists spread misinformation and avoid being publicly challenged. But when it mattered they were challenged and the SA councils GMO bans were rejected. - evidently the are quite a few anti-gmo councillors but i doubt they have the support of the community. The Greens have been a bastion of GMO conspiracy theories for years - but SA Labor finally sided with the Liberal party to put an end to the GMO ban. In future new GM crops could be a big boost... to SA farmers.

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