Stepping Stone Clubhouse in Coorparoo, Queensland | Mental health service
Stepping Stone Clubhouse
Locality: Coorparoo, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 3847 1058
Address: 9/61 Holdsworth Street 4151 Coorparoo, QLD, Australia
Likes: 673
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24.01.2022 Thank-you to The Lord Mayor’s Charitable Trust Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner, for the kind donation to make ChristmasDay extra special at Stepping Stone this year #spiritofchritmas #brisbanecitycouncil #lordmayorcharitabletrust
22.01.2022 Trent Dalton came into Stepping Stone to talk with Sean Sennett about his new book "All Our Shimmering Skies". It was a wonderful night for all involved! #Trentdalton #allourshimmeringskies #steppingstoneclubhouse #trentdaltonauthor #mentalhealth #clubhouuseworks #community #Steppingstone #booklaunch #clubhouseinternational
22.01.2022 Here's one of the many wonderful moments from our camp at Burleigh Heads/Tallebudgera last year.. Stepping Stone's 26th birthday is coming up very quickly (11th of September). As part of our celebrations we're asking for everyone to send us one of their favourite photos from their time with Stepping Stone to our Reception and Media unit's email ([email protected]). This is one of Dan's many favourite photos.... #clubhouse #steppingstone #community #camp #memories #clubhouseinternational #clubhouseworks #mentalhealth #socialrecreation #wellness
21.01.2022 Hey everyone, here is our video on how we practise self care accompanied by some funky beats. Talkin about that why does Snoop Dogg carry an umberella: Fo Drizzle. #steppingstone #community #ruok #selfcare #clubhouseinternational #coorparoo #bne #clubhousematters #clubhousematters #clubhouse #relax
21.01.2022 2020 has not been the year any of us were expecting. The pandemic has placed extra pressure on families and created anxiety and stress for many of us. I wont p...retend that there arent challenges ahead. Thats why looking after Queenslanders mental health is as important to our recovery effort as any other health or economic initiative. At the beginning of the pandemic we moved quickly to invest $28 million in community health and mental health services. Recently we announced an extra $46.5 million to support Queenslanders mental health and well-being through programs across the state. Today weve also announced the second phase of our Dear Mind campaign that will focus on helping people build their resilience by focusing on the six building blocks of mental well-being. As the Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk MP said today, now is the time to reach our to your friends and family and ask them if they are doing OK. If people need help or support they can reach out to: Mental health access line 1300 MH CALL (1300 642255), a confidential mental health telephone triage service for Queenslanders that provides the first point of contact to public mental health services. Adis 24/7 Alcohol and Drug Support 1800 177 833 (freecall), a 24 hour, 7 day a week confidential counselling, information and referral service for people in Queensland with alcohol and other drug concerns, their loved ones and health professionals. 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) for 24 hour assessment, referral, advice, and hospital and community health centre contact details. Or visit Keeping looking after each other.
20.01.2022 What soup is that? Angela says: "Mmm. Tomato and Basil -and only $4 (with chicken and salad) for Steps members today. Plus it's made from scratch!" #clubhouse #steppingstoneclubhouse #clubhouseworks #healthyliving #healthyfood #coorparoo #soupoftheday #inthistogether
20.01.2022 Congratulations to Eric who presented at the Living with Psychosis seminar at Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital today! #clubhouseworks #inspiringstories #recovery #breakthestigma
19.01.2022 Thankyou so much to these little legends that donated their hard earned money, that they fundraised from selling strawberry sundaes in Ekka week! They raised $105 for us and we appreciate it very much! Thank-you Emily and Lexi! #community #fundraiser #fundraising #donation #value #thankful #selfless #goldenhearts #smiles #joy #hapiness
19.01.2022 Tilly has been our hero for many years. Please vote for her in the Westfield Local Heroes Awards.
19.01.2022 Amazing breakfast 1st course we made for the monthly South East Brisbane Chamber of Commerce breakfast Thanks to those members& staff that got here at the very early 5am to organise this event! Its great to be able to interact with our community like this! Contact us to enquire about our catering and event options to fit you and your event! #clubhouseinternational #steppingstoneclubhouse #steppingstone #clubhousematters #clubhouse #inthistogsther #gettingthroughthistogether #breakfast #breakfastofchampions #teamwork #community #values #chiapudding #pastry #muffin #morning #catering #organise #event #kitchen #cafe #bne #coorparoo #qld #queensland
17.01.2022 The ekka comes to Stepping Stone Clubhouse tomorrow. We have show bags stocked full of goodies and Dagwood dogs and strawberry sundaes for lunch! #steppingstoneclubhouse #steppingstone #mentalhealthawareness #community #clubhouseworks
16.01.2022 Social Rec is back on again this Sunday. We are going on the City Cat, please bring your go card, Time 11 00 - 3 00, Join us for some fun
16.01.2022 Congratulations to Peter!! This legend just completed a Transitional Employment placement as part of the team looking after the gardens and lawns at a Community Care Unit complex in Windsor. He also just conquered a Certificate 3 in Community Services. #transtionalemployment #clubhouseinternational #steppingstone #clubhouseworks #steppingstoneclubhouse #healthyliving #community #mentalhealth #inthistogether #moretothestory #pathways #purpose #belong #values #brisbane #coorparoo #bne
15.01.2022 What's better? : Taco Tuesday OR : Step-Muffin Wednesdays Have your vote and say below!
15.01.2022 The principles expressed in the Clubhouse Standards are at the heart of the Clubhouse communitys success in helping people with mental illness to stay out of hospitals while achieving social, financial, educational and vocational goals. Standard 1: Membership is voluntary and without time limits. We try to construct your belonging and its voluntary you are not pressured or rushed to do well within the clubhouse -you may stay as long or as short as you please and are n...ot obligated to participate in the Work Ordered Day. -Allan C You can come and go at your own volition when you want for the rest of your life." - Michael V #clubhouse #mentalhealth #steppingstone #clubhouseworks #clubhouseinternational #wearenotalone #mentalhealthawareness #inspiringstories #healthyliving #moretothestory #meaningfulwork #healthyactivelifestyle #community #itaintweaktospeak #socialrecreation #needavoice #ruok #recovery #wellness #breakthestigma
15.01.2022 Caught up with Kindred Clubhouse crew to work our craniums. They killed it in a cut-throat trivia dual via Zoom. We didnt conquer this quest but it was a close call! Even though we couldnt do a site visit, we overcame #agile to connect with our community #agile #agility #clubhouseinternational #steppingstone #clubhouseworks #steppingstoneclubhouse #healthyliving #community #mentalhealth #inthistogether #moretothestory #pathways #purpose #belong #values #brisbane #coorparoo #bne #australia #brainbusters
14.01.2022 We cant believe it is four years since we hosted the Australian Clubhouse conference. #clubhouseinternational #clubhouseworks #mentalhealth #brisbane #cityhall
12.01.2022 Q: How do you organise catering when you dont know exactly how many people we expect for lunch? A: People that come in for lunch usually know to order an hour before lunch is meant to be served. Orders are usually taken before 12 noon so that the Hospitality Unit knows how much food to prepare. - Greg... A: There are a couple of extra meals for friends and family to join members for lunch. - Carolyn R. Cooking extra meals for lunch allows the Stepping Stone clubhouse to be agile in our planning to welcome our clubhouse community to share a meal! #values #agile #cooparooo #steppingstonesclubhouse #Brisbane #Qld #SSCHinternational #healthyliving #community #wellness #clubhouseworks
12.01.2022 Preparing and eating lunch is always a good way to catch up and check in at Stepping Stone. R U OK Day #steppingstoneclubhouse #clubhouseworks #clubhouse #ruokday2020 #recovery #clubhouseinternational
11.01.2022 Education, Employment Clerical and Training (EECAT) Unit in their planning day meeting Stepping Stone has great sense of belonging. It is a community where you have coffees as well as doing work order day. You dont have to have any qualifications staff/members can teach you. Once you feel confident enough you can teach new members or new staff. There is no pressure in doing work ordered day as it is completely voluntary. The Unit Planning day is where we all sit down as ...a group and share ideas on how we would like to see the units run, how we can make it easier for people and understanding the jobs better. We all contribute and share ideas. There is no right or wrong answer, this creates a sense of belonging. - Sam G #clubhouseworks #steppingstoneclubhouse #clubhouseinternational #Belong #inthistogether #community See more
11.01.2022 WELCOME to the Stepping Stone Clubhouse community! Will we see you in Clubhouse this week? Did you know that Stepping Stone provides support to people in the community WITHOUT NDIS as well as those with NDIS!? Email, call or pop in today to find out more! #values #community ... #mentalhealth #coorparoo #brisbane #queensland #together #acceptance #everyonewelcome #smiles #members #inthistogether #comeonin #localsupport #outandabout #socialdistancing #covidcleaning #proud #vision #clubhouseinternational #steppingstoneclubhouse #steppingstone
09.01.2022 Thanks for the ongoing support OzHarvest Brisbane- our Clubhouse members really appreciate your team's efforts to provide healthy food items for our use each week. We have been busy in the kitchen today preparing food packages for individual members. These make a big difference for our members, providing them with the ingredients needed to make healthy meals at home too! #steppingstoneclubhouse #ozharvest #clubhouseworks #community #coorparoo #reducefoodwaste #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #healthyeatinghabits #brisbane
09.01.2022 Thanks to the hospitality team for such an amazing breakfast! #filipinobreakfast #clubhouseworks #steppingstoneclubhouse #clubhouseinternational #mentalhealth
08.01.2022 Yesterdays Aussie burgers were a mouthful and a half! Another amazing lunch thanks to a collaborative effort in clubhouse! Sizzle sizzle (Pic in comments) Does beetroot and pineapple belong on a burger? Whats your thoughts?...share below #sizzlesizzle #steppingstoneclubhouse #clubhouseinternarional #clubhousematters #communitymatters #values #belonging #community #collaboration #bbq #burgers #aussie #beetroot #pineapple #together #inthistogether #australia #bne #coorparoo #coorparoocommunity #affordable #friday
08.01.2022 Our 26th Birthday Party went off without a hitch! Thanks to all that came to celebrate with us and helped to make today as awesome as it was!
07.01.2022 Soccer was a blast! Come and kick it with us week day Monday to Friday at 1 pm!! #coorparoo #steppingstoneclubhouse #healthyactivelifestyle #soccer #outdoors #wellness #internationalclubhouse #fun
07.01.2022 Hello all, here is our newsletter for the month of August, enjoy
07.01.2022 We would like to say hi to Kindred Clubhouse in Melbourne and let them know we are thinking of them during this difficult time. We are proud to be a part of the clubhouse community, with so many wonderful clubhouses around the world doing excellent work staying connected to their members. #clubhouse #mentalhealth #clubhouseworks #clubhouseinternational #wearenotalone #inspiringstories #community #visionandvalues
04.01.2022 Thank-you to OzHarvest Brisbane, Brisbane City Council and Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner for celebrating Oz Harvests millionth delivery at Stepping Stone. How great is it to see our beautiful kitchen in full operation? #stopfoodwaste #mentalhealth #brisbane #ozharvest #brisbanecitycouncil #eatyourveggies
04.01.2022 Guess who turns 26 tomorrow?? Starts with Step...ends in clubhouse! #steppingstoneclubhouse #clubhousematters #inthistogether #steppingstone #mentalhealth #bne #coorparoo #clubhouseinternational #teamwork
04.01.2022 Thank you St John's Cathedral, Brisbane kindly for your generous donation to our Clubhouse and for being part of our community #brisbane #community #mentalhealth #donation #thankful #selfless #joy #generosity #steppingstoneclubhouse #coorparoo
02.01.2022 Strutting into the weekend like... #steppingstone #community #coorparoo #Socialrec #clubhouseworks #fun #bird #cooper #carparklark Wildlife Queensland
02.01.2022 Hi everyone, The Clubhouse is looking to host a small event in which exceptional services can connect with members and discuss what they can provide to individuals and the community. We would like to hear your ideas on who we can approach to be a part of this event. If you know of any organisations that you or someone else has had a good experience with please let us know by clicking the following link and filling out the form. Your input will be greatly appreciated
01.01.2022 Sammy G came to the rescue on Wednesday morning this week, helping out with making the Step Muffins for our breakfast. Look how good they turned out! They were delicious! #clubhouseworks #steppingstoneclubhouse #stepmuffins #sizzle #masterchefinthemaking #breakfastsuperhero #thisgamercancook #wantsanapronforchristmas
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