St. Gertrude's Parish Smithfield in Smithfield | Catholic Church
St. Gertrude's Parish Smithfield
Locality: Smithfield
Phone: +61 2 9604 1199
Address: 6 Justin St. 2164 Smithfield, NSW, Australia
Likes: 543
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25.01.2022 All Saints - Solemnity 1 November Upcoming this Month of November: Monday 2 November... The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed All Souls Day Mass Times: 7:00 am St Therese Church 9:15 am St Benedict’s Shrine-Smithfield 7:00 pm St Benedict’s Shrine -Smithfield 14 and 15 November St Gertrude’s Feast Day St Gertrude’s Patronal Feast of Our Parish. We will celebrate this feast in our churches during the weekend of 14/15 November [ 1,003 more word ]
22.01.2022 The Stations of the Cross begin TODAY Every Friday during Lent St Therese’s Church following the 7:00 am Mass... St Benedict’s Shrine at 7:00 pm See more
22.01.2022 Mass Times St. Therese’s Church 7.00am St. Benedict’s Shrine 7.00pm, followed by a shortened Novena to St. Benedict.... The beginning of Lent. Our Liturgical time when we as Christians show repentance for our sins to prepare for the Resurrection of Jesus at Easter. Ash Wednesday marks the 46-day journey (40 days not including Sundays) leading up to Easter. A time of fasting, prayer, repentance and charitable works. On Ash Wednesday, the placing of Ashes on the forehead of the faithful is a reminder of our human mortality and a sign of mourning and repentance to God. , . , , , , , ; , , , . , , , . , , : : : Ash Wednesday is a day of fast and abstinence. The law of fasting (one main meal and two light snacks) binds those who have completed their eighteenth year, until the beginning of their sixtieth year (18-60). The law of abstinence (refrain from eating meat) binds those who have completed their fourteenth year (14+). Please Join us in prayer.
19.01.2022 Bulletin now available to download; 15 November 2020_Bulletin
19.01.2022 : 9 ... 16 14 15 . , 21 22 [ 775 more words ]
17.01.2022 , - St Gertrude was born in Saxony, as a child Gertrude was taken to the Benedictine Abbey of Helfta, which was a centre of culture and learning, Gertrude studied and wrote all her life. At age 25 she reported special revelations from the Lord and wrote extensively about them. A great mystic of the thirteenth century, Gertrude died on 17 November 1301.... , , , , , , , , .
17.01.2022 Reading Leading to Heaven
16.01.2022 - Upcoming this Month of November: 14 and 15 November St Gertrude’s Feast Day ... St Gertrude’s Patronal Feast of Our Parish. We will celebrate this feast in our churches during the weekend of 14/15 November.
16.01.2022 The Archdiocesan Family Rosary Pilgrimage of the statue of Our Lady Help of Christians will visit St. Gerturde's Parish today, October 25. Our Parish Family Rosary will commence at 7pm. The Statue will remain in the Parish until Monday morning after the 9.15am Mass. Feel free to bring flowers as a gift to Our Lady during her visit to our Parish. Please join us for prayer!
16.01.2022 Bulletin now available to download 13 December 2020_Bulletin Christmas Mass Times/ COVID 19 New Regulations/ Archbishop of Sydney has lifted the dispensation of Sunday Mass and Holy Days of Obligation.
15.01.2022 , - Simon came from Cana and was called ‘Zealot perhaps a member of the activist political party against Roman occupation of Judaea. Tradition holds he suffered martyrdom after preaching in Egypt and Persia. The Apostle Jude, called Thaddeus, spoke with Jesus during the Last Supper (cf. Jn 14:22), and is properly invoked as the Saint of Hopeless Causes... ; , , , . ; . , , , .
15.01.2022 Bulletin now available to download 18 October 2020_Bulletin SPAM Emails circulating in parish community/Official Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady Help of Christians will be visiting our parish 25th October/November Masses/
14.01.2022 Bulletin now available to download 22 November 2020_Bulletin 2019/2020 Parish Finance Briefing/ Christmas Fundraising Raffle/ Thanksgiving Mass for Volunteers/ Parish Working Bee
10.01.2022 The season of Lent is almost upon us once again! Mass Times... St. Therese’s Church 7.00am St. Benedict’s Shrine 7.00pm, followed by a shortened Novena to St. Benedict. : Ash Wednesday is a day of fast and abstinence. The law of fasting (one main meal and two light snacks) binds those who have completed their eighteenth year, until the beginning of their sixtieth year (18-60). The law of abstinence (refrain from eating meat) binds those who have completed their fourteenth year (14+). : Friday's during Lent St. Therese’s Church following the 7.00am Mass St. Benedict’s Shrine 7.00pm
09.01.2022 Bulletin now available to download 8 November 2020_Bulletin Sacramental Programme 2021 / Parish Working Bee / Thanksgiving Mass for all Volunteers / Feast of our Parish's Patronal Saint Gertrude / November Mass Offerings.
08.01.2022 Bulletin now available to download: 29 November 2020_Bulletin New Liturgical Year begins/Christmas Mass Times/Thanksgiving Mass for all Volunteers/Parish Working Bee/Fundraising Raffle/Parish Finance Briefing
08.01.2022 If you have a child in Year 3 or above, who you would like to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion in 2021, please complete the enrolment form and return by Friday 19th February 2021. RE21 Enrolment Form - last chance Reminder: Parent Meeting - Tuesday 23rd February at 7 pm (please note time change) in the Montefano Hall....
08.01.2022 Bulletin now available to download 25 October 2020_Bulletin New Church Regulations/ Rosary Pilgrimage: Our Lady Help of Christians Statue at Parish 25th October until Monday morning after 9.15am Mass/November Mas Offerings
07.01.2022 Bulletin now available to download 14 February_Bulletin Catechist News/Sacramental Programme 202/Lent/Youth Group & Rosary Group are back/Covid-19 Update
07.01.2022 Bulletin now available to download 6 December 2020_Bulletin Christmas Mass Timetable/ Easing of Restrictions/ Working Bee and Christmas Decorations Monday 14 December from 4pm.
03.01.2022 Bulletin now available to download 1 November 2020_Bulletin New Church Regulations / November Mass Offerings / Sacramental Programme 2021 / Recommencement of Wedding Anniversary Blessings / St St Gertrude's Feast Day /
02.01.2022 Bulletin is now available to download 11th October 2020 11 October 2020_Bulletin This weekend at all Masses will be the Holy Father's Appeal. The Holy Father’s Appeal supports Pope Francis’ charitable works around the world and is an important source of funding that allows the Church to extend its help to where it’s most desperately needed. For those unable to donate this week, the donation box will also be available next weekend. Your support is very much appreciated!
01.01.2022 - Today’s Feast reminds us of the Church’s teaching that the Virgin Mary was conceived without the stain of original sin, this was a special and fitting honour bestowed on the one who would give birth to the Saviour. Mary still had to walk by faith through life and ponder the ways of God in her heart. She had to give her ‘yes’ to God without knowing fully what her ‘yes’ would entail. She models discipleship for us all.
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