St Ives Physiotherapy and Sports Therapy Centre in Saint Ives, New South Wales, Australia | Physical therapist
St Ives Physiotherapy and Sports Therapy Centre
Locality: Saint Ives, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 9144 1118
Address: The Loft, Level 3 St Ives Shopping Village 166 Mona Vale Road 2075 Saint Ives, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Need supplies for exercising at home? Going to join our online classes? We have available: Full and half foam rollers Balance discs Foam balance pads ... Therabands Theraloops Pilates rings Swiss Balls Spiky massage balls Fisiocrem Heat packs If you would like to purchase any equipment, you are welcome to call us first, pay over the phone (or tap and pay when you come in) and we can have your supplies packed up and ready for quick pick up!
25.01.2022 Following on from our post yesterday...
24.01.2022 With gyms across the country beginning their return to normality, you might find yourself with an unwelcome injury if you go too hard, too early. Tim Dettmann, APAM, says that your muscles are likely to have shrunk over the past few months, and will consequently be more susceptible to injury.
24.01.2022 New Beginners Tai Chi class available at St Ives Physiotherapy & Sports Therapy Centre Starting Tues 28 July at 6:15 pm Call 9144 1118 to secure a place in this class
24.01.2022 COVID-19 UPDATE If you have traveled to one of the identified "hot-spots" in Victoria in the past 14 days, please re-book your appointment or consider changing to a telehealth appointment.
24.01.2022 Thinking of learning Tai Chi? Come along for a FREE Tai Chi workshop during Seniors' Week. Please book through the Village Concierge on Level 2 at St Ives Shopping Village. Date: Wednesday 12th February, 1:30 PM... Hosted by Hillary Simon, Physiotherapist and Tai Chi Instructor.
22.01.2022 We are open for business
20.01.2022 Do you need new shoes for all the walking and running you're doing at the moment? Head on down to Shoe Guru today!
20.01.2022 Yesterday was World Osteoporosis Day. It's estimated that 924,000 Australians have Osteoporosis, about 3.8% of the population. Osteoporosis is a condition where the bones become fragile, weak and brittle, leading to a high risk of fractures from minor bumps or accidents.... It's a largely a preventable disease and EXERCISE is proven to help prevent, treat and manage Osteoporosis. If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with Osteoporosis, it's important to be guided in exercises that help build bone strength and reduce risk of fracture. Physiotherapists are highly qualified exercise prescription specialists, who can guide you in safe and effective ways to exercise to improve your bone density and balance and reduce your risk of a fall or an osteoporotic fracture.
19.01.2022 The mental health discussion is more important than it has ever been with everything going on around us in today's society. How do physiotherapists best take care of their own and their patients' mental health? APA Mental Health Group leaders from across Australia have come together and identified five key facts that could help you look after your mental health in times of stress and uncertainty.... Read the full article in the June edition of In Motion at This #infographic is proudly brought to you by the Physiotherapy Research Foundation (PRF) supporting research translation. #choosephysio #PRF #mentalhealth #physiotherapy #stivesphysio St Ives Physiotherapy and Sports Therapy Centre St Ives Shopping Village
19.01.2022 Great article! Highlights the frustrations of many a Physio... "The title of the research sums up the problem: "People considering exercise to prevent low back pain recurrence prefer exercise programs that differ from programs known to be effective.""
19.01.2022 Chalkboard inspo for your Tuesday morning.
18.01.2022 Ready to get back to the gym post-iso? Be sure to follow these tips from physios around Australia to make your return without injury as smooth as possible. Warm-up and cool-down properly using stretching, foam-rolling and icing techniques to aid in your recovery. Drop your pre-iso weight by 20-30% and gradually increase the weight over four-eight weeks depending on your age and fitness level. Get your form checked by a professional and ensure you are controlled and slow... in your repetitions. Don't go too hard, too early! Build up to your pre-iso levels as your muscles and tendons will have likely shrunk, making you more susceptible to injury. Check in with your local physio to avoid injury and manage your return to full capacity. For more recommendations from APA Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist Julie Campbell, MACP, and Brooke Patterson, APAM, on returning to the gym, head to #StayFitSaturday #gym #choosephysio #weekendworkout St Ives Physiotherapy and Sports Therapy Centre St Ives Shopping Village Body Shape Gordon #sportsphysio
18.01.2022 Workout Wednesday! (feat. Noah, our sports trainer for the Northern Saints Rugby Team) Try some of these awesome shoulder exercises to improve your rotator cuff strength and decrease your risk of injury! Tailor the push-ups to your level. You can make them easier by going onto your knees, or placing your hands on an elevated surface like a bench. ... Good luck!
18.01.2022 Tuesday chalk board inspo! #squats . . .... . . . . . . #stivesphysio #sportsphysio #exercisephysio #exercise #strengthtraining #skwatz #arthritis #youcantgowronggettingstrong #stivesvillage @stivesvillage #pilates #clinicalpilates #physiopilates See more
17.01.2022 Did you know that moving your body for half an hour, five days a week reduces your risk of breast cancer? There a lots of activities that you can do in the thirty minutes, heading into the weekend we recommend a bit of #prevention #movingmedicine #pinktober #exercisemotivation #exerciseismedicine #stivesphysio #clinicalpilates
17.01.2022 Football players! Now we're getting interesting....! Here's a tough way to work your hamstrings and core! Who's the better circus performer...? Dave or Mick? #footballfitness #hamstrings #core #isoexercise #sportsphysio #hilarious #thecircusisintown @St Ives Physiotherapy and Sports Therapy Centre St Ives Shopping Village Northern Tigers FC #hearusroar...
17.01.2022 Football players! Here's the second in our series of home exercise videos to keep you fit while training isn't on. Check out Michael and David in action - who has the best form? Why not tag us in a video of you trying this one out at home? Northern Tigers FC - how are you going? #stivesphysio #footballfitness #northerntigersfc #hearusroar #sportsphysio #COVID19 #isoexercise St Ives Shopping Village
17.01.2022 A quick video instruction for how to login to Zoom from your laptop or desktop computer. (Audio on for verbal instructions, or watch the video.) Hope that helps!
17.01.2022 Good morning everyone. Here's Michael with a message from Hillary and us all at St Ives Physiotherapy. #openforbusiness #inrooms #telehealth #classes #COVID19 #healthservices #videoconsultations #staywell #physiotherapy St Ives Shopping Village
16.01.2022 Football players! Here's a tough one for your adductors and core! Did you know adductor (inner thigh/groin) strains are very common in footballers? Bullet-proof your legs by maintaining good strength and stability! How many can you do? Come on Dave! #football #sportsphysio #adductors #corestrength #stivesphysio #northerntigersFC #hearusroar #COVID19 #isoexercise @St Ives Physiotherapy and Sports Therapy Centre St Ives Shopping Village Northern Tigers FC
16.01.2022 Clicky knees. Do you need to worry? Here is a nice article from the SMH on the weekend. We have been talking about this in our CET classes this week. If you have any worries about your knees, come and see one of our Physiotherapists.
16.01.2022 Great news! We are adding another Clinical Exercise Therapy class to our timetable. The class will be available on Zoom or face-to-face in the Studio on Mondays at 10:45am with our Physiotherapist Eliza. The class will start on Monday 14th September. Call now for more information or to book in. #physiogroupexercise #clinicalpilates #pilates #corestrength #strengthandconditioning #stivesphysio #stayfit #healthyageing #enjoyexercise #immuneboosting
15.01.2022 Raise your hand if you’ve been hitting the footpath more than usual while in lockdown! Great idea, but if it’s caused some flare ups of old injuries, consult your physio for a plan to safely exercise without overdoing it. Call St Ives Physio to chat about your options, whether that be a #telehealth appointment or an in-clinic consultation. Either way, you can be assured that your health is our top priority. ... Go to #stivesphysio #sportsphysiotherapy #running #walking #stives #COVID19 #movewell #staywell St Ives Shopping Village
15.01.2022 Telehealth consultations available now! We are still available for face-to-face appointments following current health guidelines, but the option is also there to consult your Physiotherapist via Telehealth. Check out our website or give us a call for more information....
15.01.2022 We all need a little happiness at the moment! If you need help getting started with an exercise regime or keeping yours going, your Physiotherapist can help you. We are still running our Physio-led group exercise classes (with all the extra hygiene requirements!) #weareallinthistogether #choosephysio #happiness #supportlocalbusiness #keephealthy #keepfit #boostimmunity #stivesphysio St Ives Shopping Village
15.01.2022 Thanks for the shout-out Northern Saints Rugby! Great work, Dave and Noah! #stivesphysio #sportsphysio #rugby
15.01.2022 Good Morning! How did you sleep last night? Ever wondered why your Physio asks you about your sleep quantity and quality? What is sleep hygiene and why is it important? Poor sleep can affect your pain levels and your risk of injury. Check out this article about sleep hygiene and habits.
14.01.2022 Reminder to all CET and Back Class Participants Please bring a towel with you to class.
14.01.2022 While we might not be able to help you with your childminding duties, Physios can help reduce your pain and stiffness. Call St Ives Physiotherapy to chat about your options, whether that be a #telehealth appointment or in-clinic consultation. Either way, you can be assured that your health is our top priority. Go to ... #stivesphysio #shoulderpain #neckpain #backpain #COVID19 St Ives Shopping Village #movewell #staywell
14.01.2022 Looking for a last minute Mother's Day gift? Mother's Day gift bag (pictured): wheat pack, massage ball & small Fisiocrem, $49.95 Tai Chi gift voucher, $75. Six online classes with our head Physio Hillary for the price of five. ... #mothersday #giftpack #taichi #stivesphysio St Ives Shopping Village
14.01.2022 Football players! This is harder than it looks! Challenging single leg and trunk stability as well as the shoulder girdle! Give it a go! #stivesphysio #footballexercises #isoexercise #northerntigersFC #hearusroar #balance #sportsphysio St Ives Physiotherapy and Sports Therapy Centre St Ives Shopping Village Northern Tigers FC
13.01.2022 This week we celebrate NAIDOC Week, and join the rest of Australia in recognising the spiritual, cultural and custodian connection the First Nations people have had with our lands for over 65,000 years. This year’s theme, ‘Always Was. Always Will Be.’ acknowledges the hundreds of Nations and cultures covering this continent and that the very first footprints on this continent were those belonging to First Nations peoples. #NAIDOCWeek #NAIDOC #ATSI
13.01.2022 Football players! Are you missing your training? Michael and Dave have come up with some great exercises to keep you in shape. Northern Tigers FC - these are especially for you! (But any football player can give them a go!) Check out the boys in action. Comment below to tell us who has the best technique! We will be releasing new videos every couple of days.... Why not send us back a video of you doing some of these exercises? #soccerfitness #staystrong #northerntigers #hearusroar #stivesphysio #sportsphysio St Ives Shopping Village #footballfitness
13.01.2022 Tomorrow's (Saturday's) CET classes will be taken by Eliza this weekend. There are still spaces available in both the 8am and 9am classes. Call now to book in!
13.01.2022 #COVID19 We are all concerned about the spread of Coronavirus. We wanted to assure you that all staff at St Ives Physiotherapy are keeping up-to-date with the latest health information and advice and all are informed and aware of appropriate infection control measures. We ask that any patients who are either returned travellers from a country considered at risk of Coronavirus or any patients with respiratory symptoms contact the practice to reschedule your appointment. We... are following advice from the Department of Health and the Australian Physiotherapy Association. If you are interested in reading this advice, please see the links below.
12.01.2022 St Ives Physiotherapy is proud to partner with St Ives Shopping Village to bring you some fantastic ways to keep the kids active these school holidays. We will be running online Tai Chi and online kids' strengthening classes. See the St Ives Village website, or call the practice for more information. ... #movewell #staywell #kidsfitness #taichi #taichiforkids #schoolholidays #fun #exercise
11.01.2022 Monday morning thought for the week
10.01.2022 The St Ives Physiotherapy Team are taking a break over Easter. The practice will be closed Good Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. We hope you enjoy your holiday and look forward to seeing you back early Tuesday morning (14th April)! Bookings are still able to be made online through our website.
10.01.2022 We were talking this morning in Eliza's CET class about this article in The Australian. Here it is for your reading pleasure! What do you think? #staystrong #healthyageing #stayfit #enjoyexercise
09.01.2022 BACK FACTS 10 Things You Should Know About Back Pain. If you are unsure about how best to manage back pain, see your Physiotherapist.
09.01.2022 Thinking of learning Tai Chi? Come along to our Studio during Seniors' week for a free Tai Chi workshop. Booking Essential through the Village Concierge on Level 2. Date: Wed 12/2/2020 1:30 PM ... Hosted by Hillary Simon, Physiotherapist and Tai Chi Instructor See more
09.01.2022 Let's see something positive today! Humans are amazingly adaptable. What an inspirational young man. (Click to watch)
09.01.2022 If you're looking to ease back into physical activity, our Physios can create a personalised fitness program to prevent injuries and get you back on the green. #choosephysio #stivesphysio #lawnbowls #exercise #health #fitness St Ives Physiotherapy and Sports Therapy Centre St Ives Physiotherapy and Sports Therapy Centre
08.01.2022 The Studio is fully operational for 2021 for our popular CET, Back and Tai Chi classes. Most classes have the option to attend either online or face to face. Take a look at the timetable and call 91441118 to confirm your place in the class of your choice
08.01.2022 Yesterday we marked National Sorry Day, acknowledging the Stolen Generations and looking to a future of healing and health for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and communities. It is an important day for all Australians and leads into National Reconciliation Week. For more information on National Sorry Day, see: #NRW2020 #reconciliation #sorry #shareourpride #shareourstory St Ives Physiotherapy and Sports Therapy Centre
08.01.2022 Everyone at St Ives Physiotherapy has been deeply saddened by the ongoing devastation caused by the unprecedented bushfire crisis across Australia. Our thoughts are with everyone affected now and in the difficult days, weeks and months ahead. The practice has made a donation to the NSW Rural Fire Service. Link here: ... If you would like some information on other ways to help or other organisations accepting donations, this article has some other links: At this distressing time, it is important to look out for your own and loved ones' mental health. Talk to each other, look out for each other, and seek help if you need it. Image credit:
07.01.2022 Today marks the start of National Reconciliation Week (NRW). NRW is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. The dates for NRW remain the same each year; 27 May to 3 June. These dates commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey the successful 1967 referendum, and the High Court Mabo decision respectively.... Reconciliation must live in the hearts, minds and actions of all Australians as we move forward, creating a nation strengthened by respectful relationships between the wider Australian community, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. For more information, or for how you can get involved, visit: #NRW2020 #inthistogether #shareourpride
07.01.2022 2021 has begun...... Time to rethink your thoughts about exercise!
07.01.2022 The practice will be closed for #ANZACDAY tomorrow. We pay our respects to all who have served this country, past and present, and their descendants who proudly continue their legacy. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:... Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. If you would like to commemorate ANZAC Day from home, here is some information: #standatdawn #ANZAC #lestweforget #drivewaydawnservice #lightupthedawn #TYFYS
07.01.2022 Happy Lunar New Year! Wishing you all health, wealth and happiness for 2020! #yearoftherat
07.01.2022 Tuesday chalkboard inspiration. #choosephysio for help on your health journey.
06.01.2022 Ladies! Come along to Body Shape Gordon this Saturday for their open day and listen to our very own Hillary Simon giving a talk about arthritis and exercise! See the flyer for more details. St Ives Physiotherapy is proud to work closely with Body Shape Gordon’s staff and clients to keep people exercising safely, or to get you started with your exercise regime. #stivesphysio #bodyshapegordon #femalefitness #womensgym #exercise #arthritis #sportsphysio #kneepain #backpain #mythbusters
06.01.2022 National Reconciliation Week 2020 Do you know about Aboriginal Heritage in the Ku-ring-gai area? The Darramuragal or Darug people have been in this area for thousands of years, long before the arrival of European settlers.... They lived from Newcastle down to Sydney, mostly along the foreshores of the harbour. They fished and hunted in the waters and harvested food from the surrounding bushland. Spending much of their time developing a rich and complex culture, this included a distinctive language, customs, spirituality and law - the heart of which was their connection to the land. For more information check out this page on the Ku-ring-gai Council's website: #NRW2020 #reconciliation #shareourpride St Ives Shopping Village Ku-ring-gai Council St Ives Physiotherapy and Sports Therapy Centre
06.01.2022 Some info and a video from the Australian Physiotherapy Association about how Telehealth works. St Ives Physio is proud to have launched Telehealth consultations and group classes this week! See our website or give us a call for more information.
06.01.2022 What a great resource from Beyond Blue.
05.01.2022 Have you taken your medicine today?
04.01.2022 Looking for ways to keep the kids active these school holidays? We are excited to offer online Tai Chi and kids’ strength classes. See the link below for more information, or contact the practice!
04.01.2022 Monday Motivation
03.01.2022 How are you getting your exercise in at the moment? Why not join us on the Strava app for some friendly motivation! #run #walk #cycle #motivation #weareallinthistogether #teamstives
03.01.2022 Is home-schooling giving you a headache? Our Physiotherapists can help you get back in control. Call to chat about your options, whether that be a telehealth appointment or an in-clinic consultation. Either way, you can be assured that your health is our top priority. Go to to find out more.... #stivesphysio #headache #COVID19 #telehealth St Ives Shopping Village #neckpain #tensionheadache
03.01.2022 Monday morning motivation
02.01.2022 It's time to re-book your Clinical Exercise Therapy classes for October! (And don't forget next Monday is a public holiday). Call now to book in or to find out more about our Physiotherapist-lead exercise classes. Available face-to-face or online. #clinicalexercise #clinicalpilates #physiotherapy #stivesphysio #pilates #corestrength #backpain #neckpain #shoulderpain #hippain #arthritis #rehab #balance #bonedensity #safeexercise #youcantgowronggettingstrong #COVIDsafe
02.01.2022 Football players! Check out Mick and Dave showing us how it's done with some banded crab walks! A top exercise to get those glutes firing. Northern Tigers FC - another one for you to try out! #glutes #sportsphysio #crabwalks #feeltheburn #hearusroar #northerntigers #stivesphysio St Ives Shopping Village
02.01.2022 Football players! Here are the boys in action again with another top exercise for you! Great work for your core and also gets the shoulders and upper body involved. Have you tried this one out? Tag us in a video of you doing this one at home. Northern Tigers FC - show us your form! #stivesphysio #sportsphysio #hearusroar #footballfit #corestrength #COVID19 #isoexercise @St Ives Shopping Village
01.01.2022 Friday night chalkboard inspiration.
01.01.2022 How do you wash your hands? Effective handwashing is very important for infection control.
01.01.2022 Today is International Day of the World’s #IndigenousPeoples. Together with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Committee, the APA celebrates the 8...50,000 different Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in Australia, as well those of the five thousand Indigenous cultures around the world. We celebrate the many Indigenous cultures, acknowledge the past and dedicate ourselves to learning from them for the future. #IDWIP2020
01.01.2022 All Physiotherapists at St Ives Physiotherapy are wearing masks when consulting patients. As per NSW Health recommendations, we also encourage all patients to wear a mask when you attend your appointment. We also remind you to:... Either wash or sanitise your hands when you arrive at the practice or exercise studio Arrive on time for your appointment (not early) Please respect our reception staff and avoid leaning over the counter Bring your own towels to your Clinical Exercise sessions Thoroughly clean each piece of equipment with the wipes provided while in the group exercise class studio If you are unwell or have been in contact with someone who is - please either reschedule your appointment or ring us and we are happy to change it to an online Telehealth appointment instead We’re here for you for the long haul to keep you moving well and staying well. See more
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