St John's Anglican College in Forest Lake, Queensland | Public school
St John's Anglican College
Locality: Forest Lake, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 3372 0111
Address: College Avenue 4078 Forest Lake, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 COLLEGE CREATIONS || Last week St John’s hosted the annual College Creations event across the College, showcasing a fabulous array of artwork created by our talented students in Prep to Year 12. In case you missed it, here’s a glimpse of some of the amazing pieces.
25.01.2022 AUSTRALIAN SPACE DESIGN COMPETITION || We’re pleased to announce that St John’s Australian Space Design Competition (ASDC) team has placed in the top ten school submissions in Australia and will progress to the Australian finals in January 2021. This is a great achievement by the team who, if they are successful in the Australian finals, will have the opportunity to represent Australia at the International Space Settlement Design Competition Finals at Kennedy Space centre in Florida USA be it virtually or in person. Please join us in wishing them the best of luck in the finals!
24.01.2022 SQUASH CHAMPIONSHIPS || In mid-September, Year 6 student Sarbani Maitra participated in the Queensland Championships for Squash at the Toowoomba Squash Centre. Sarbani played extremely well contributing towards Metwest placing second in the under 15 girls category and winning overall champion.
23.01.2022 UNIVERSITY PATHWAYS || This Year, seven Year 12 students completed Stage 1 and 2 of the Griffith University Biology At-School course Monique Cleveland, Aaliyah Field, Gilsang Lee, Sanvi Mehta, Viraj Sashankan, Alexandra Sopena and Suet Wing Tsui, and five Year 12 students completed Stage 1 and 2 of Griffith Chemistry Pathway program Raguram Yogeswaran, Hayley Sceriha, Ngoc Anh Thu Nguyen, Martin Hoang and Kiran Giritharan. These students have earned two adjustments to their ATAR when applying for admission into a Griffith University undergraduate course and managed to successfully complete these stages while doing their QCE studies full time. A big congratulations and well done to you all! #withcouragewesoar #stjohnsanglicancollege
23.01.2022 ATHLETICS || Year 8 student Tamika Gee competed at the Queensland Athletics All Schools Championships over the weekend coming away with silver in the U/14 3000m race walk and placed on the Queensland Athletics merit team. Congratulations Tamika!
23.01.2022 FREE WEBINAR || Parenting Ideas Founder, Michael Grose, uses cat and dog metaphors to introduce parents to two diverse styles of parenting in this webinar. This will increase their ability and confidence to manage, nurture and build relationships with their children. The cat-dog approach to parenting is fun, easy to use, respectful and maximises parent effectiveness in challenging situations. REGISTER HERE -
22.01.2022 YEAR 9 AI AND ROBOTICS || This week our Year 9 DiT students finished off the year with Dr Karsten Schulz from The Australian Computing Academy, presenting a fun AI and Robotics lesson where the students helped AI navigate a robot through colourful landscapes. In the process learning neural networks and how it can use sensor data to control the power flow to motors.
21.01.2022 FAMILY ZONE || Your School Holiday Screen-Time Survival Tips. Most children spend about two hours of leisure time on devices during the school year, that blows out to a grand total of eight hours a day during the holidays. Busy mum and Family Zone cyber expert Dr Kristy Goodwin gives us her top 10 tips for surviving these holidays. READ MORE -
20.01.2022 YEAR 12 BIOLOGY CAMP || During the last week of school the grade 12 biology classes travelled to North Stradbroke Island to participate in experimentation for our upcoming IA2. The camp located at Moreton Bay was run by the University of Queensland researchers. Students collected data and reflected on the differences between high-energy rocky shore and a low-energy rocky shore while the UQ mentors assisted in identifying the many species found on the rocky shore of the coastline.
19.01.2022 COLLEGE CREATIONS || You're invited to the annual College Creations Showcase. View a range of art pieces created by Secondary students throughout the year and visit the Design Centre to experience virtual reality, game making, film making, robotics and drones. Friday 23 October | Performing Arts Centre of Excellence Register your attendance here -
17.01.2022 PARENTING IDEAS || Encouraging kids to occupy themselves. While it’s tempting for parents to prevent children from becoming bored, they may be robbing them of the chance to develop valuable life skills.You have many jobs as a parent, but constantly entertaining your child, should not be one of them. These ideas will help -
17.01.2022 WORLD TEACHER'S DAY || Wishing all the wonderful and dedicated teachers here at St John's a happy World Teacher's Day today. Thank you for all that you do! #stjohnsanglicancollege
16.01.2022 EXCELLENCE IN SPORT || During the term break, Year 6 student Sarbani Maitra competed in the Queensland Squash Junior Titles at Sandgate playing in two age categories, U13 and U15, across the 3 days of competition. Sarbani came away with wins in both age categories and was awarded the prestigious Rachael Grinham Achievement Award.
16.01.2022 SISTER ACT || St John's students Lilliana Toth (Year 7) and Amelia Toth (Year 5) competed at the South East Regional Relay competition on Sunday 15 November at QE2 Stadium, qualifying to compete in the State Relay Championships in December. Lilliana will compete in 4 x 100m relay and the Medley Relay, and Amelia will compete in the 4 x 100m relay, Swedish relay and Discuss. Well done and best of luck to you both!
15.01.2022 PARENTING IDEAS || Six nightmare habits that are ruining teenagers sleep. Researchers agree that the sleep deprivation many young people are experiencing can be overcome by eradicating some of their current lifestyle habits. Sleep experts stress that while adults may not have control over biology we can assist young people to establish good sleep patterns. Read the full article -
15.01.2022 SUSTAINABILITY IN PRACTICE || The Year 7 students enjoyed getting their hand’s dirty planting trees as part of their science lesson last week. This fun and engaging activity is one part of their learning about sustainability and stewardship of the Earth which aims to give them the knowledge, skills and mindset to act in ways that contribute to more sustainable practices. Sustainability is one of the eight enterprises of St John’s Global Learning Institute.
13.01.2022 HUMANS OF ST JOHN'S || Welcome to the next edition featuring Year 5 Teacher, Chris Tuohy as he shares with us his journey from the American Football fields and Athletics Track, across a diverse career in Finance and Accounting to St John's at the beginning of 2020. Read the full story here -
13.01.2022 SWIMMING SUPERSTAR || Over the last two weekends, Year 6 student Aliyah-Rose has participated in three swimming cardinals, the Medal Shots State Prep Meet, the Woogaroo Swim Club Meet and the Gatton Multi Distance Meet. She made some amazing times and PBs, placed in three events and qualified for the State Long Course Championships in December. Congratulations Aliyah-Rose, your hard work has really paid off!
13.01.2022 SWIMMING EXCELLENCE || Congratulations to Year 6 student Aliyah-Rose in qualifying for Queensland States Short Course Championships having recently competed at the Brisbane Short Course competition, coming away with a number of PBs.
13.01.2022 YEAR 9 ROBOTICS EXCURSION || St John’s Year 9 DiT students recently took part in the Mechatronics: Bionic Arms Workshop at QUT Science and Engineering Centre as part of their unit on Robotics. Using the engineering principles of mechatronics, students constructed a robot arm from a range of components and motors. A highlight of the day was two of our students participating virtually from Hong Kong and Japan, controlling their groups robot arm from Hong Kong.
12.01.2022 SPORTS SUMMER CAMPS || St John’s students in Years 4-11 had fun participating in a serious of sports camps held during the first week of the school holidays. In preparation for the 2021 JTAS and TAS sports competitions, students had the opportunity to participate in Volleyball, Football, Hockey and Cricket training with 30 lucky cricketers going to the National Cricket Training Centre at Albion. The next round of camps will occur in January 2021.
12.01.2022 SHOWJUMPING CHAMPIONSHIPS || Year 9 student Sophie Nicholls recently competed at the Queensland Interschool State Championships for showjumping, combined training and eventing. She had great success on all 3 horses and managed to qualify for the Queensland State Team to represent Queensland and St Johns at Nationals! Unfortunately National is not going ahead due to COVID but all qualifying riders were acknowledged and presented with team badges. Congratulations Sophie on all your hard work and determination.
11.01.2022 YEAR 12 EXAMS || St John’s celebrated a resounding success with the first external Year 12 Mathematical Methods (Paper 1) exam this week. Unlike some other schools, St John’s did not experience any issues with the paper ensuring a smooth examination for our students. St John’s students were included in the overall 9684 Queensland students enrolled in Mathematical Methods. Congratulations to those students for their exemplary behaviour and wishing all our students the very best with their exams over the coming weeks. #withcouragewesoar
11.01.2022 JOIN US || At the annual Primary College Creations Showcase on Tuesday 20 and Wednesday 21 October. View wonderful pieces of art made by our talented students from Kindergarten to Year 6. Register here
11.01.2022 PRIMARY SWIMMING CARNIVAL || It was a successful day at the primary inter-house swimming carnival on Wednesday with a number of students breaking PBs and setting new school records. Well done to all those participated. Thanks to Rogue Gun Photography for these amazing shots.
10.01.2022 KINDY GRADUATION || On Tuesday and Wednesday this week the children in Kindergarten celebrated their year of learning at St John's graduation event which signifies their readiness to embark on the formal schooling journey at St John's next year. Congratulations Kindy Class of 2020!
09.01.2022 YEAR 3-6 AWARDS ASSEMBLIES || A selection of images from the two Primary Awards Assemblies held on Friday of last week. It was wonderful to be able to share these special moments and student achievements with our families. Congratulations to all of the award recipients and the performers, to the Year 5 students who received a leadership position in 2021, and to the outgoing Year 6 students for your courage and leadership during this challenging year.
08.01.2022 YEAR 12 GRADUATION || A bittersweet day for our Year 12 students and families as our 2020 cohort officially graduate from St John's. We wish our newest graduates all the best in your chosen fields and look forward to seeing you again as Old Collegians in 2021. Congratulations and best of luck! #withcouragewesoar #stjohnsanglicancollege
08.01.2022 PERFORMING ARTS || St John’s Wind Ensemble, Wind Symphony and Chorale had fun as they rehearsed for the end of year celebrations, making this the final rehearsal of the year. Thank you to all the students for their commitment to our ensembles this year.
07.01.2022 EXTERNAL ASSESSMENTS || In what has been the first year of the new ATAR system for Queensland Schools, the below is a snapshot of what our courageous Year 12 students (and staff) achieved during the three weeks of external assessments. #withcouragewesoar
07.01.2022 YEAR 12 AWARDS || As part of the Year 12 graduation celebrations, St John’s recognised the exceptional academic achievements and awards of highest honour of our Year 12 students. 2020 Year 12 Dux of the College was announced as Anneka Golding and Viraj Sashankan and Min Wang as the recipients of the St John’s Award. Congratulations to all award recipients and the graduating class of 2020.
05.01.2022 eSPORTS - ROCKET LEAGUE COMPETITION || During the last week of Term 3, a group of Year 8 students competed in the 3rd round of the FUSE Cup eSports Tournament on the Gold Coast. The game of the day was Rocket League, where three of our four teams advanced to the finals with Dylan Patterson and Daniel Paice taking out 1st place honours on the day. Dylan and Daniel will now compete in the grand finals later this year. It was a fantastic representation of the College by all the participants, who showed grace in both victory and defeat and displayed considerable skill and composure in their gameplay.
05.01.2022 MARKET DAY || Today St John’s Year 9 Enterprise students celebrated their year of learning with a Market Day at lunchtime. Students and staff were invited to purchase a wide range of delicious food and treats prepared and sold by the Enterprise students. This event combined with the Year 6 Orientation Day made for a really fun lunchtime for new and existing students of St John’s.
04.01.2022 EISTEDDFOD SUCCESS || Last week Year 6 student Sarbani Maitra participated in the Roma District Eisteddfod at the Roma Cultural Centre. She competed in 6 vocal events and 4 instrumental sections for violin & flute, and was awarded two perpetual trophies by the Maranoa Council for best Primary vocalist and best Primary instrumentalist. Congratulations Sarbani
03.01.2022 YEAR 12 WAR CRY || Wishing our 2020 senior cohort the best of luck in their upcoming exams, marking the commencement of their exams with the traditional St John's War Cry. #withcouragewesoar #stjohnsanglicancollege
03.01.2022 EXCELLENCE IN VOLLEYBALL || We are thrilled to announce that Year 12 student Lucas Josefsen has been invited to join the Australian Volleyball Academy in 2021. Please join us in congratulating Lucas and wishing him all the best with his move to Canberra after graduation. #withcouragwesoar #stjohnsanglicancollege
03.01.2022 BROTHERS & TEAMMATES || Congratulations to Andrew Byrne (Year 8) and Eamon Byrne (Year 6) who, along with their third teammate, won the silver medal in the QLD State Relay Championships under 14 boys 3x1000m recently. A fantastic result considering Eamon is just 11 years old. Well done boys!
03.01.2022 TRANSITION TO MIDDLE SCHOOL || As part of a series of transition initiatives for our incoming Year 7 students, our Year 6 students spent an afternoon on the Secondary Campus participating in a range of fun and purposeful buddy activities with the Senior students of 2021.
03.01.2022 SOCCER CHAMPIONS || Last weekend St John’s Year 7 students, Jasper Atkinson and Zac Arulogun played in the Gold Coast International Cup U13/14 Division as part of the Orbz Football Club in which the team were crowned champions. Congratulations to you both!
03.01.2022 || Old Collegian College Captains Catch-up ||
02.01.2022 SUMMER VACATION CARE || Bookings are now open for the December and January holiday period. The program is action packed with fun activities and incursions to keep them engaged and active over the term break. View the program and book online -
02.01.2022 We love hearing stories about our students' accomplishments whether it be within the community, on the sporting field or on the stage. Submissions of ‘Good News Stories’ can be made via your My St John’s account under the News Stories Submissions tab - We can’t wait to hear from you!
01.01.2022 || SENIOR FORMAL || St John’s Year 12 students were grateful for the opportunity to celebrate their formal in style at Hillstone St Lucia on Monday evening. In what has been a year of uncertainty the students had a wonderful evening with partners and St John’s staff and even parents were able to watch their arrival via live stream. ... We wish the Year 12 cohort all the best for their final weeks at St John’s. #formal2020 #stjohsanglicancollege #withcouragewesoar
01.01.2022 ATHLETICS CHAMPIONSHIP || Year 8 student Andrew Byrne represented St John’s at Queensland Athletics All Schools Championships this month. He finished third in the U/14 800m event, running under the existing U/15 national qualifying time, and also finished fourth in the 400m race which is a new event for him. Congratulations Andrew!
01.01.2022 FAREWELL TO MRS HAWKEN || Someone special in our community, who we must farewell, has loved generously, and has been a kind, benevolent influence on so many of our children. Mrs Sandra Hawken, Deputy Principal - Head of Primary retires from St John’s at the end of this school year after 7 years of dedicated service. Sandra has been instrumental in leading the primary year levels through a series of positive changes, improving teaching and learning programs, and building the primary community and culture. Please join us in extending our sincerest thanks to Sandra for all she has given our College and in offering our profound good wishes for her future.
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