St Josephs Primary School Black Rock in Black Rock, Australia | Primary School
St Josephs Primary School Black Rock
Locality: Black Rock, Australia
Phone: +61 3 9589 4685
Address: 544 Balcombe Road 3193 Black Rock, VIC, Australia
Likes: 199
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25.01.2022 #ASharedTable #LockdownCooking With more time to spend at home, it's a great opportunity to try cooking something new. The Mannix family sent through a photo of the delicious Kofta Curry (page 53) they tried from our own cookbook - A Shared Table.... Share your photos of family cooking, crafting, and learning so we can dish out some love while we're physically apart. Email them through to [email protected]
24.01.2022 #LibraryOpen #RemoteLearning Our library will be open again throughout remote learning, for families to come and refresh their 'Take Home Readers' or borrow a book. Open 10:00am - 11:00am Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
24.01.2022 #FingerKnitting #CraftWork A German man currently holds the Guinness World Record for the longest finger knitted strand measuring 4,321m. On Friday, the 1/2s tried their hand at finger knitting, and while they didn't break any records, they did an amazing job for their first crack at a tricky skill. #Bayside #StJosephBlackRock #Goldstein #CatholicSchools #CEMelbourne #CatholicEducation #Parents #Community #BlackRock #Beaumaris #544BalcombeRoad
23.01.2022 #FamilyTime "Walking back home in the winter, rainy /sunny day... Back into lockdown, baking for loved ones - Family Blaszczyk #Winter #Baking #LemonTart #HomemadeBread #PolishDoughnuts #Applecrumb #DatesandCashewCaramelCheesecake
22.01.2022 #TSBakeOff #ThreatenedSpeciesBakeOff Ari in Grade 6 accepted the invitation to bake a dessert in the shape of a threatened species to commemorate Threatened Species Day on 7th September. She chose to make the endangered Southern Right Whale ... The Bake Off aims to build awareness in the community about Australias remarkable and unique threatened wildlife that call Australia home.
22.01.2022 #HappyPrincipalsDay2020 Being Principal of our wonderful school is only one of the many hats Carmel wears. We're thankful for all that you do for the community and the students at St Joseph's - Happy Principal's Day
21.01.2022 #ASharedTable #LockdownCooking You know times are tough when Mr. Sandison puts on the pinny and gets out the mixing bowl. But, he couldn't go wrong making yummy Afgans (page 56) from the St Joseph's cookbook - A Shared Table. Share your photos of family cooking, crafting, and learning so we can dish out some love while we're physically apart. Email them through to [email protected]
21.01.2022 #RemembranceDay2020 Today we reverently placed poppies in our Armistice Centenary garden to mark Remembrance Day. Thank you to Ms Cooke for organising the ceremony and a special thank you to Major James McDonagh for laying the wreath and fielding some questions from the students. #LestWeForget #Bayside #StJosephBlackRock #Goldstein #CatholicSchools #CEMelbourne #CatholicEducation #Parents #Community #BlackRock #Beaumaris #544BalcombeRoad
20.01.2022 #Graduation2020 Last night we celebrated our graduating students of 2020. It was great to have parents in attendance as we reflected on 7 years of primary school. #Bayside #StJosephBlackRock #Goldstein #CatholicSchools #CEMelbourne #CatholicEducationMelbourne #Parents #Community #BlackRock #Beaumaris #544BalcombeRoad
20.01.2022 #EndOfTerm #ThankYou It was a term unlike any other but we made it, and we couldn't have done it without our wonderful parents. Thank you... No really, THANK YOU! It also marks the end of our fabulous Principal, Carmel's time here at St Joseph's and she has a farewell message for our community at the end of the video. We wish you the very best!... Stay safe, stay well - try to get some rest.
19.01.2022 #MorningMessage The morning messages in the junior school are important not only for knowing what the day has in store, but it helps keep that #connection to school. Mrs. Phyland and her husband Murray spent their weekend making this cracking morning message for the 1/2s.It was just too good not to share with the whole school.
19.01.2022 #VirtualTour #Enrolment2021 Come and look around our beautiful school, with our 360 degree Virtual Tour We're currently taking enrolments for 2021. Call us on (03) 9589 4685 to speak with our Principal or visit our website to find out more about what St Joseph's has to offer.... #Bayside #CatholicSchools #CEMelbourne #StJosephsBlackRock #BlackRock #Community #Personalised #Innovative #Excellence
19.01.2022 #DanceLessonsOnline We'll have our dancing shoes on again this week, when Two Shoes Dance Academy works with our students online. We had such a fun time last week learning some new moves - it was great to get out of our seats and move, move move! Thanks to Mr. Mike, Miss Somer and Caroline for giving us your time.
18.01.2022 #100DaysOfSchool #Congratulations Our St Joseph's staff wish our beautiful Foundation class a happy 100 Days of school!! #MostResilientFoundationsEver!
18.01.2022 #STEM #Sustainability Water, Energy and Environment. Making Gummy Bear Waves in 3/4 BOB - Exploring and sharing the science of waves, patterns of motion and energy transfer with a little taste testing along the way! #Bayside #StJosephBlackRock #Goldstein #CatholicSchools #CEMelbourne #CatholicEducation #Parents #Community #BlackRock #Beaumaris #544BalcombeRoad
18.01.2022 #LifeInLockdown #CarePackage Jessica has been cooking up a storm and sent a care package to her Nanny last week Kindness Compassion Yummy, scrummy in my tummy Share your photos of family cooking, crafting, and learning so we can dish out some love while we're physically apart. Email them through to [email protected]... #Bayside #StJosephBlackRock #Goldstein #CatholicSchools #CEMelbourne #CatholicEducation #Parents #Community
18.01.2022 #Assembly We'll be online again for our assembly this week, to celebrate the efforts of the students and sing happy birthday to those lucky birthday boys and girls! The link will be shared via CareMonkey
17.01.2022 #SchoolHolidays #Recharge After a rollercoaster term 2, we can certainly say that we have a lot to be grateful for - not least of all our friends, families and St Joseph's community. Enjoy the school holidays and we'll see you back on Monday July 13th!
17.01.2022 #ConfrimationReflection On Friday, Fr. David came to speak with our Confirmation candidates ahead of their Confirmation on December 4th. I was also a great opportunity for the students to get to know one of our new Parish Priests. #Bayside #StJosephBlackRock #Goldstein #CatholicSchools #CEMelbourne #CatholicEducation #Parents #Community #BlackRock #Beaumaris #544BalcombeRoad
16.01.2022 See the latest issue of St Joseph's Primary School Newsletter here
16.01.2022 #EndOfTermAssembly Join us to say farewell to Carmel at 12:30pm tomorrow (18/9) at our end of term 3 assembly. We would love to see everyone there. ... P-2 - Check Operoo for your class' Google Meet Link 3-6 - Students have been sent the Google Meet Link in their calendar & email
16.01.2022 #BusyMrsWells Mrs Wells has been spending her time in ISO making a quilt out of shirts knitting for her granddaughter and baking a Lemon Curd Teacake (sorry its not from our cook book - maybe A Shared Table vol. II...?) Share your photos of family cooking, crafting, and learning so we can dish out some love while we're physically apart. Email them through to [email protected]... #Bayside #StJosephBlackRock #Goldstein #CatholicSchools #CEMelbourne #CatholicEducation #Parents #Community
16.01.2022 #HappyFathersDay Wishing all our fathers grandfathers and carers a special Father's Day! May your day be marvellous and may the dad jokes flow!
15.01.2022 #HomeEconomics #CrossCurricularCooking Tess from Year 5 whipped up these beautiful Healthier Chocolate Chip Cookies from our cookbook #ASharedTable; proving that learning takes place all over the home. Maths Science Photography Nutrition ... Share your photos of family cooking, crafting, and learning so we can dish out some love while we're physically apart. Email them through to [email protected] #Bayside #StJosephBlackRock #Goldstein #CatholicSchools #CEMelbourne #CatholicEducation #Parents #Community
15.01.2022 #ShareYourContent #LifeInLockdown Have you been doing some wonderful "real life learning" or perhaps using your extra time at home to cook something from the St Joseph's "A Shared Table" cookbook? You can send you pics and videos through to our social media email and we'll share it with the St Joseph's community on our Facebook page: [email protected]... Stay safe and stay well!
15.01.2022 See the last issue of St Joseph's Primary School Newsletter for the year. #Bayside #StJosephBlackRock #Goldstein #CatholicSchools #CEMelbourne #CatholicEducationMelbourne #Parents #Community #BlackRock #Beaumaris #544BalcombeRoad
14.01.2022 #WatermelonArmageddon in the Name of Science It's Collaborative Science in action as we predict, plan, collect and analyse data from our trials in this Australia wide experiment. There will be plenty of leftover watermelon to devour when it's all done. ... #watermelonimplosion #bigexperiment #scienceweek #STEM #StJosephsBlackRock #Bayside #CatholicSchools See more
14.01.2022 #GodsEyes #WoolTime Grade 1 and 2 children been creative with wool again, this time making God's Eyes! Their group working skills and the kindness was on full display as they shared and helped each other. It was just as special as their beautiful designs. We are very proud of them, they are all working like champions! #Bayside #StJosephBlackRock #Goldstein #CatholicSchools #CEMelbourne #CatholicEducation #Parents #Community #BlackRock #Beaumaris #544BalcombeRoad
14.01.2022 #TSBakeOff #ThreatenedSpeciesBakeOff Steph in Grade 6 accepted the invitation to bake a dessert in the shape of a threatened species to commemorate Threatened Species Day on 7th September. She chose Uresiphita Ornithopteralis a.k.a. the Tree Lucerne Moth ... The Bake Off aims to build awareness in the community about Australias remarkable and unique threatened wildlife that call Australia home.
13.01.2022 #FoundationGodsFamily CUTENESS ALERT Miss D and the Foundation families have come together to create a wonderful video about being part of God's Family.
13.01.2022 #MrLabaLaba The Foundation students were 'arting' up a storm with Bu Watts this week in Indo/Art, making Laba Laba Paper Clay Spiders How cute are they? (And the spiders aren't too shabby either!) #Bayside #StJosephBlackRock #Goldstein #CatholicSchools #CEMelbourne #CatholicEducation #Parents #Community #BlackRock #Beaumaris #544BalcombeRoad
12.01.2022 #DJSandoMicroDanceParty He's Back! Dj Sando will be rockin' and rollin' this Friday with a 'Rock Music' Micro Dance Party Coming to you live via Google Meet on Friday 31st July. Details coming soon to CareMonkey
12.01.2022 #ArtClub A mix of seniors and juniors at Art Club last week, as they completed the beautiful piece of art in the foyer. Nice work everyone! #Bayside #StJosephBlackRock #Goldstein #CatholicSchools #CEMelbourne #CatholicEducation #Parents #Community #BlackRock #Beaumaris #544BalcombeRoad
11.01.2022 #WholeSchoolAssembly It was great to see everyone at our first Whole School Assembly for term 3. If you couldn't make it, a link will be sent via CareMonkey for your viewing pleasure.
11.01.2022 #BooksBooksBooks In term 3 Edward entered the Coles Little Treehouse Writing Competition and finished in the top . Edward's fabulous writing was rewarded with 100 new books for the school! Congratulations Edward! #Bayside #StJosephBlackRock #Goldstein #CatholicSchools #CEMelbourne #CatholicEducationMelbourne #Parents #Community #BlackRock #Beaumaris #544BalcombeRoad
10.01.2022 #TSBakeOff #ThreatenedSpeciesBakeOff Jed in Grade 5 accepted the invitation to bake a dessert in the shape of a threatened species to commemorate Threatened Species Day on 7th September. He chose to make endangered the Baw Baw Frog ... The Bake Off aims to build awareness in the community about Australias remarkable and unique threatened wildlife that call Australia home.
10.01.2022 #DJSandoDiscoDanceParty It's Friday afternoon fever this week as we dance to some disco. Dust off the flares, limber up the hips and bust a groove Friday at 3:15pm. Link to be sent out via CareMonkey for Grades F-2 and via Calendar for Grades 3-6.
09.01.2022 #NAIDOCWeek It's NAIDOC week, and during the week, teachers and students will be exploring and learning about, and appreciating the wealth and breadth of Indigenous Nations, languages and knowledge of this continent. #NAIDOC2020 #NAIDOC #Bayside #StJosephBlackRock #Goldstein #CatholicSchools #CEMelbourne #CatholicEducation #Parents #Community #BlackRock #Beaumaris #544BalcombeRoad
09.01.2022 #Congratulations #WelcomeToTheFamily Mrs. Angele and her husband Tory, welcomed beautiful baby Daphne Angele into the world on Tuesday afternoon. We wish Amy and her new little family the very best and look forward to meeting gorgeous Daphne! ... "Were all doing well and just soaking in the glorious newborn phase and all the cuddles!" - Amy
09.01.2022 #TSBakeOff #ThreatenedSpeciesBakeOff Jess in Grade 5 accepted the invitation to bake a dessert in the shape of a threatened species to commemorate Threatened Species Day on 7th September. Jess chose to make the Woylie or Brush-Tailed Bettong (Bettongia Penicillata) ... The Bake Off aims to build awareness in the community about Australias remarkable and unique threatened wildlife that call Australia home.
08.01.2022 #ThankYou #WorldTeachersDay Thank you to our supportive St Joseph's Community and particularly Trish McKean for the delicious cupcakes in the staffroom today. #Bayside #StJosephBlackRock #Goldstein #CatholicSchools #CEMelbourne #CatholicEducation #Parents #Community #BlackRock #Beaumaris #544BalcombeRoad
07.01.2022 #DJSandoMicroDanceParty Pull on the parachute tracksuit, the gold chains and bring the 'tude - Dj Sando is bringin' the phat beats tomorrow (Friday) at 3:15pm. Word to your mothers... and fathers, carers, aunties, uncles... Word to everyone!!
06.01.2022 #Checkmate Mrs. Phyland dusted off the chess sets today at lunch, for those students who wanted a quieter lunchtime. The kids loved the strategic to and fro - CHECKMATE! #Bayside #StJosephBlackRock #Goldstein #CatholicSchools #CEMelbourne #CatholicEducation #Parents #Community #BlackRock #Beaumaris #544BalcombeRoad
06.01.2022 #Advent #Hope This morning we gathered for our liturgy for the first week of Advent, as we prepare for the arrival of Jesus at Christmas. Our 1/2 students led the liturgy as we lit the candle of HOPE. #Bayside #StJosephBlackRock #Goldstein #CatholicSchools #CEMelbourne #CatholicEducation #Parents #Community #BlackRock #Beaumaris #544BalcombeRoad
06.01.2022 #RemoteLearningTheSequel Tomorrow we as a community begin remote learning 2.0. It can be a stressful time, but we want you to know that we're here for you.
05.01.2022 #HappyNewYear2021 After 2020, we're prepared for anything 2021 throws at us. #BringItOn #Bayside #StJosephBlackRock #Goldstein #CatholicSchools #CEMelbourne #CatholicEducationMelbourne #Parents #Community #BlackRock #Beaumaris #544BalcombeRoad
04.01.2022 #RemembranceDay2020 Each year on this day Australians observe one minute’s silence at 11am, in memory of those who died or suffered in all wars and armed conflicts. St Joseph's will be observing a minute's silence in front of our ANZAC garden. #LestWeForget #Bayside #StJosephBlackRock #Goldstein #CatholicSchools #CEMelbourne #CatholicEducation #Parents #Community #BlackRock #Beaumaris #544BalcombeRoad
04.01.2022 #Advent Yesterday we celebrated the second week of Advent, and lit the candle of #PEACE. As we approach the end of the school year, we hope that you can find peace in your days (even if it is once the kids are in bed ). #Bayside #StJosephBlackRock #Goldstein #CatholicSchools #CEMelbourne #CatholicEducationMelbourne #Parents #Community #BlackRock #Beaumaris #544BalcombeRoad
04.01.2022 #DJSando Friday 3:15pm, DJ Sando droppin' the beats.
02.01.2022 #RemoteLearning #HomePacks Each child has a Home Pack to support their remote learning at home. These packs can be collected from the school playground on Thursday 1.00pm - 4.00pm and Friday 9.00am - 2.30pm. Easy pisum sativumy!
02.01.2022 #ScienceWeek #WatermelonExperiment Yesterday morning we conducted our trials as part of The Big Watermelon Experiment. Results are in, implosions galore and masses of fun through science. #watermelonimplosion #bigexperiment #scienceweek #STEM #StJosephsBlackRock #Bayside #CatholicSchools
01.01.2022 #MerryChristmas May your days be merry and bright this Christmas. Have a safe and happy Christmas with your families, from the St Joseph's Family. #Bayside #StJosephBlackRock #Goldstein #CatholicSchools #CEMelbourne #CatholicEducationMelbourne #Parents #Community #BlackRock #Beaumaris #544BalcombeRoad
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