St Joseph's Parish, O'Connor, ACT in OConnor | Church
St Joseph's Parish, O'Connor, ACT
Locality: OConnor
Phone: +61 2 6247 5957
Address: 61 Boronia Drive 2602 O'Connor, ACT, Australia
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25.01.2022 Season of Creation: Pope Francis has nominated the period from September 1, the World Day of Prayer for Creation, to October 4, the feast of St Francis of Assisi, the "Season of Creation". The website for this season says it is "a time to renew our relationship with our Creator and all creation through celebration, conversion, and commitment together". Our parish will host a prayer walk on October 4. Parishioner Knox Peden, a trained Laudato Si animator, will lead the walk after the 9am Mass. Click here to learn more about the Season of Creation. If you are planning to attend the prayer walk or for more information on the Season of Creation, please email [email protected].
25.01.2022 Fathers Day Appeal: On Fathers Day each year, the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn -- like most dioceses around the country -- has a special appeal for retired clergy. There are 30 retired priests living in our Archdiocese, some of whom are still very active and offer "supply" in parishes when priests are on holiday, as well as celebrating the sacraments. Some others are quite elderly and unwell. Archbishop Prowse has recorded a short video message about the Fathers ...Day Appeal, inviting you to support the retired priests of our Archdiocese. See more
24.01.2022 Proposed ACT legislation: The ACT Legislative Assembly is currently considering the Sexuality and Gender Identity Conversion Practices Bill 2020, which would make it an offence to provide any counselling or therapy that has the purpose of changing or suppressing an individuals gender identity or sexual orientation. Archbishop Christopher Prowse and other Archdiocesan and Christian leaders met on Friday with officials from the Chief Ministers office to raise concerns about t...he likely impacts of the legislation, as drafted. Archbishop Prowse wrote a follow-up letter to the Chief Minister after that meeting, which has been published on the Catholic Voice website. The Catholic Voice had earlier sought to explain the consequences of the legislation, if it is passed. People concerned about this Bill are encouraged to contact their local member or the Chief Minister.
23.01.2022 Young Men of St Joseph will meet Wednesday 2 September to pray the Rosary and to St Joseph, who is our role model. This is an opportunity for young men to share their faith experience and discuss topics in a positive Christian environment that nurtures the pursuit of holiness. Please contact Joe on 0412 341 342 if you are planning to attend. 7:30pm... Every First Wednesday of the month Parish Centre adjacent to the church See more
23.01.2022 A Message from Fr Paul Nulley Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Todays Gospel, as the Gospel so often does, presents for us a challenge -- but a challenge for which Jesus offers a way through. For many of us, the idea of raising an issue with someone else can be a difficult thing. Its possibly even harder for us to react well when someone mentions a problem they have with us. We can be prone to anger, hurt, defensiveness.... Jesus proposal today for how issues can be managed is a way that can lead to peace, even if that path can be one that isnt always smooth.
21.01.2022 A Message from Fr Paul Nulley This First Sunday of Advent marks the start of the new liturgical year -- and the four-week period of preparation for the commemoration of Jesus' humble birth 2,000 years ago. In today's Gospel, the phrase "stay awake" appears five times. We are called to stay awake and watch for the coming of Jesus, but the heart of the Christian message is ultimately that Jesus comes to us,... he searches for us. See more... See more
20.01.2022 A Message from Fr Paul Nulley This week we hear about the infinite forgiveness of God in the Scriptures. We experience this, par excellence, through the Sacrament of Penance, and we are to become dispensers of forgiveness through the events and circumstances of our lives. This begs the question: as a disciple of Jesus, is there anyone that I need to forgive?
19.01.2022 Young Men of St Joseph will meet Wednesday 5 August to pray the Rosary and to St Joseph, who is our role model. This is an opportunity for young men to share their faith experience and discuss topics in a positive Christian environment that nurtures the pursuit of holiness. Please contact Joe on 0412 341 342 if you are planning to attend. 7:30pm... Every First Wednesday of the month Parish Centre adjacent to the church See more
18.01.2022 The Men of St Joseph will hold their final gathering of 2020 this Wednesday, December 2. The group will come together for a barbeque dinner. Men wishing to attend can contact Joe Kaltoum on 0412 341 342 for more information, including on what to bring.
18.01.2022 Womens Reflection Afternoon: This event will be live streamed to all corners of the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn from 2 - 4:30 pm on Saturday, August 29. Gather with friends at home or in the parish, wherever you have internet access. Connect with women from Lake Cargelligo to Pambula to hear inspiring talks and participate in short, guided prayer experiences. The event is hosted by the Archdiocesan Womens Taskforce. ... To register for the event on this website, click on the link, send any enquiries by email to [email protected] or call or text Lara Kirk on 0429 192 869.
17.01.2022 Plenary Council: Our Parish is blessed with many faithful and talented people. It was recently announced that Trudy Dantis, who has been part of our parish for more than two years since moving to Canberra, is part of a small writing group preparing the instrumentum laboris -- or working document -- for the Plenary Council of the Church in Australia. Trudy, who is Director of the National Centre for Pastoral Research, is an expert on the life of Australian Catholic parishes a...nd has certainly helped St Josephs in our pastoral planning. Click on the link below to read more about the instrumentum laboris project and Trudys role.
17.01.2022 ADDITIONAL SUNDAY MASS - 9 AUGUST 2:30 PM There will be an extra mass this Sunday, 9 August at 2:30 pm. If you are still deciding which mass to attend, please be guided by the following information. Saturday Vigil Mass will have no singing; Sunday 9:00 am Mass will include the renewal of vows for Anna Wierzbicka and John Besemeres as they celebrate their 50th anniversary and the 2:30 pm Mass will be celebrated ad orientem.... Registration for the 2.30pm Mass is now open on the parishs events registration page. If you have already registered for another Mass and wish to change, please cancel your registration for the other Mass. There is a link in the confirmation email you would have received when registering to cancel that booking.
17.01.2022 Our Lady of Sorrows: The Legion of Mary will be leading the Seven Sorrows of Mary prayer at 4.30pm in the Parish Church on Tuesday, September 15 -- the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. Click here to read more about the Seven Sorrows of Mary prayer..
17.01.2022 A Message from Fr Paul Nulley Jesus, because he was fully human, experienced the full spectrum of human emotions. We see in todays Gospel a man who was overcome with sadness, yet he recognised his need in that moment to serve. On his way to Calvary, when he was suffering greatly, he saw the women of Jerusalem in need of consoling. How do we respond to others when we are sad, angry, suffering? Do we become blind to others sadness, anger, suffering? Jesus shows us the way and...Continue reading
16.01.2022 Pray for our Archbishop: Archbishop Christopher Prowse earlier this month reached a special milestone -- 40 years of priesthood. Ordained at St Patricks Cathedral in Melbourne in August 1980, Archbishop Prowse was interviewed for The Catholic Voice, in which he reflects on his call to the priesthood and some of the highlights over the past four decades. We pray for Archbishop Christopher at each Mass, and I encourage you to pray that his episcopacy will be blessed in the service of the people of our Archdiocese.
16.01.2022 A total of 35 Year 4 children received their First Holy Communion last Sunday afternoon at 2 masses. Thank you to Melanie Stratford, Religious Education Coordinator and the teachers for a well organised event. Thank you to all the children and their families. On behalf of our Parish community, I congratulate the children on this very special day in their lives.
15.01.2022 Last 9 of August, Anna and John celebrated the renewal of their marriage vows at our parish. Anna wrote an article as she remembers with fondness Laski, the Chapel of the Angelic Mother of God and the 2 people who have made a huge impression on her, Siostra Katarzyna (Sister Catherine) and Father Tadeusz Fedorowicz. We thank Anna for sharing her story. Laski: a few words from Anna Wierzbicka...Continue reading
14.01.2022 Essential Messages for Our Time written by Anna Wierzbicka was inspired by the homilies of Fr Paul Nulley before the lock down. While we may find the current isolation difficult, we hope you are using this special time to keep in touch and reach out to your loved ones, check on your friends as well as send messages of support to others who may be living on their own. During these trying times, let us continue to pray for all in Victoria and NSW and for a quick end to the... pandemic. To read Annas messages, click on the link below. May you find them uplifting.
11.01.2022 A Message from Fr Paul Nulley Solemnity of Christ the King On the feast of Christ the King, we hear about the characteristics of that Kingdom in the prayers of the Mass. It is a Kingdom that is eternal and universal, and it's one that is marked by love, truth, holiness, grace, justice and peace.... How are we building up this Kingdom here on earth? One way to ponder that question is to think about the challenge in today's Gospel. How are we supporting those who are "the least" in our society? Are we feeding them, offering them drink, clothing them, visiting them, caring for them? Are we respecting the human dignity of every person we meet?
10.01.2022 Parish Working Bee: We will host a working bee from 2-4pm on Saturday, September 19, as we enter the season of spring. People are invited to help with a number of tasks, including weeding garden beds, planting out the circular garden bed in front of the main door of the Church and tidying up other areas of the Parish grounds. Please register on the website if youre planning to participate, or we will take participants details on the day to adhere with COVID-19 guidelines. If you have gardening equipment you can bring along, that would be very helpful.
10.01.2022 A Message from Father Paul Nulley Over the past few weeks, we have heard of the at times strained relationship Jesus has with Peter. First, Peter was accused of not having faith; he would later be given the task of being the first leader of Christs Church; this week Jesus calls him "Satan" and says he is "an obstacle" to Christs mission. Following Jesus isnt always an easy path, and indeed many people suffer because they have chosen to follow him. In todays Gospel, we hea...Continue reading
09.01.2022 THEOLOGY STUDY GROUP Anna Wierzbicka, Professor of Linguistics (Emerita) at the Australian National University, leads a free monthly reading and discussion group in theology that aims to put the Catholic faith into simple language and concepts. Its for anyone wanting to explore and broaden their understanding of the Catholic faith. Anna is the author of What Did Jesus Mean? (2001) and What Christians Believe (2019) (both published by OUP, New York). 7:30 pm... Wednesday, 9th of September Parish Centre adjacent to the church All are welcome to attend and participate or just listen. For copies of the readings or more information, please contact [email protected]
09.01.2022 Pilgrim Statue: The Legion of Mary are looking for people who are willing to have the pilgrim statue visit their house. The statue of Mary usually stays for a week and there are special prayers led by Legionaries upon the statue's arrival and departure. If you would like the statue to visit your home for a week, please call Grace David on 0420 727 115.
07.01.2022 Feast of the Assumption: The great Marian Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is next Saturday, August 15. There will be an extra Mass on Friday at 5.15pm and also on Saturday at 2pm for the Feast of the Assumption. A Marian Procession for the Solemnity of the Assumption on Saturday afternoon will start at St Brigids in Dickson and end at Holy Rosary in Watson. The first decade of the Rosary will be prayed at 2pm at St Brigids, then people will walk while pra...ying the Rosary and carrying a statue of Our Lady. 3pm: Arrive at Our Lady of the Rosary Watson for Divine Mercy chaplet, Litany of Loreto and Benediction. Afternoon tea will follow at around 3.30pm in the Watson Parish Centre. All are welcome and social distancing will be observed. Those who would like to provide something for the afternoon tea, please contact the Watson Parish office by calling 6248 5925.
07.01.2022 Vocations Retreat: Do you know a man who is discerning a vocation or would make a good priest? If so, please encourage him to consider attending the upcoming Archdiocesan Vocations Retreat for men. The weekend of fellowship, prayer and discernment will run from Friday, September 18 until the morning of Sunday the 20th at St Clements Retreat Centre in Galong. Click here to find out more about the event and the program for the weekend.
07.01.2022 A Message from Father Paul Nulley Throughout the Gospels, including in todays passage, Jesus would regularly find time to pray, knowing what a source of strength it is. It is a source of great strength for us, too. But how often do we feel like were too busy to pray? St Teresa of Calcutta famously said she was too busy to not pray. Our prayer, which helps us fix our gaze on Jesus, can -- like it did for Peter -- bring calm amid the storms of our lives....Continue reading
06.01.2022 Sacramental preparation: As mentioned last week, sacramental preparation for First Holy Communion and Confirmation will be going ahead this year. Formation for both sacraments will be done via a home-based program, with formation for both children and parents. Families can choose when to do the sessions and are welcome to join with other families to share the experience. A retreat day will be held before each sacrament. The date for First Holy Communion is Sunday, September ...13. The date for Confirmation is Sunday, November 1. The number of Masses on those days will depend on the COVID-19 restrictions at that time. To enrol in the preparation programs for either First Holy Communion or Confirmation, click on this link.
05.01.2022 A Message from Father Paul Nulley The questions Jesus poses in the Gospels are often ones that we can -- or should -- ask of ourselves. Jesus asks his disciples today: "Who do people say that I am?" How would our friends answer that question if we asked them who we are? When we ponder Peters correct answer to Jesus question "Who do you say I am?", it should encourage us to ask "Who is Jesus to me and for me?"...Continue reading
04.01.2022 The Philosophy Study Group will resume its meeting with our second Zoom videoconference gathering. The timeliness of this return is, perhaps, no coincidence, as we were set to and will begin reading St John Paul IIs 1998 encyclical Fides et Ratio. We believe the relevance and importance of this encyclical has only grown in the decades since it was composed. We remind you that St John Paul II exhorts all of us to consider the value of philosophy: Men and women have at their ...disposal an array of resources for generating greater knowledge of truth so that their lives may be ever more human. Among these is philosophy, which is directly concerned with asking the question of lifes meaning and sketching an answer to it. Philosophy emerges, then, as one of the noblest of human tasks (Fides et ratio, 3). We also exhort you to take this opportunity to explore the practical or spiritual benefits which a study of philosophy can offer as an indispensable help for a deeper understanding of faith and for communicating the truth of the Gospel to those who do not yet know it (Fides et ratio, 5). Reading: Fides et Ratio (1998) by Pope John Paul II, only paragraphs 24-48 When: Tuesday 1st of September Time: 6:00pm-7:00pm Where: Zoom Videoconference using Meeting ID: 960 2875 7985 Password: F+R A more detailed explanation of the purpose of our group is found in the link below. We hope you will join us for our upcoming gathering. Please notify us if you plan on attending by emailing: [email protected]
04.01.2022 Feast of St Mary MacKillop Next Saturday, August 8, we celebrate the feast day of Australias first saint, St Mary of the Cross MacKillop. St Mary MacKillop founded the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart, a congregation we at St Josephs OConnor know well and whose sisters have contributed so much. ... There will be a Vigil Mass for St Mary MacKillop at 5.15pm on Friday, August 7. I will also celebrate Mass at midday on August 8 for her feast; this is addition to the 8am Traditional Latin Mass on Saturday. As well as attending Mass on that day, you might wish to use these prayers, entitled The Journey with Mary MacKillop, over the coming days to enter into the life, wisdom and prayer of our own saint.
03.01.2022 The Neo-Catechumenal Way commenced its latest catechesis series last Sunday, with a special invitation to those who feel far from the Church, who might have been lonely and isolated during this time of coronavirus and are wondering if God truly exists and whether he does truly love them. The series will run for several weeks with sessions in the Parish Centre each Sunday and Thursday evening at 7.30pm. Babysitting can be arranged by contacting Sisu on 0433 171 080.
03.01.2022 Parish Choir: After months in abeyance because of concerns about singing and the spread of COVID-19, the Parish choir will resume its ministry for Christmas Masses. The return of music at some Masses has certainly supported our prayerful worship and our highly accomplished choir will be a very welcome addition to our liturgies. If you are already a member of the choir or are interested in joining, please attend a practice at 7.30pm on December 1.
03.01.2022 With Fathers Day next Sunday 6 September, we will continue our Parish tradition of having sausage rolls after the 9am Mass, although this year they will have to be takeaway sausage rolls. Father Days is also the day when the Archdiocese has a special appeal to support retired priests -- of which there are currently about 30. As well as the traditional envelopes, you can donate to the appeal online.
03.01.2022 A Message from Fr Paul Nulley Jesus says in the Gospels that he came to fulfill the law, not to abolish -- and of course thats true. But he certainly disrupted many peoples thinking, including in the way he interacted with people who were considered at the time "the other". Think of the woman at the well, Zacchaeus and the other tax collectors, the woman caught in adultery. In todays Gospel, a Canaanite woman comes to Jesus seeking a healing. She would have been "the other...Continue reading
02.01.2022 Catechesis through literature: Another one of our gifted parishioners has been in the news this week, with The Catholic Leader featuring Veronica Smallhorn on account of the recent publication of her first book, a fiction novel titled A Channel of Your Peace. The book seeks to explore and explain Catholic teaching on marriage and sexuality through the life of a young woman engaged to be married. The lead character is a lapsed Catholic who comes to understand the richness of ...the Churchs teachings when she suffers personal trials. Click here to read the story from The Catholic Leader.
02.01.2022 Advent Carols: The Parish will host a Festival of Lessons & Carols for Advent at 7.30pm tonight. The evening will includes carols, chants, hymns and readings to help prepare ourselves for the coming of the Child Jesus. Attendance is free, but please register online so we can keep a list for COVID-19 tracing purposes. Unless we have reached capacity via online registrations, you will also be able to register at the door.
01.01.2022 The ACT branch of Right to Life has provided us with models of the development of a baby in the womb, which will be displayed in the Parish Centre before and after Mass over the next couple of weeks. The life-sized models of the development of a child in the womb from one month to seven months include a fascinating model of twins at the five-month stage. Children generally have a great interest in them come along and have a look. Right to Life is currently welcoming new mem...bers and also volunteers to help with a website and with building new cabinets. Contact me if you can help with either project and click here to find out more about ACT Right to Life. Talking about conception and life issues can be difficult for women who have lost children. Below are two good websites that help promote healing: one for miscarriages and one for healing after abortion. Men also suffer when their wife or partner has a miscarriage, and this site seeks to help men navigate the loss as an individual and as a couple.
01.01.2022 A Journey of Discernment: As the Catholic Church in Australia prepares for the Plenary Council, the practice of discernment has been spoken about at great length. Archbishop Timothy Costelloe, the Archbishop of Perth, has written a paper called "A Journey of Discernment" that explores this centuries-old practice which helps people make decisions in light of Church teaching, tradition and Sacred Scripture. The Plenary Council is considering the future of the Church in Australia, so proceeding with those divine inspirations is critical. Click here to access the paper and a short introductory video.
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