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St Kevin's Parish Geebung in Geebung | Religious organisation

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St Kevin's Parish Geebung

Locality: Geebung

Phone: +61 7 3265 6523

Address: 251 Newman Road 4034 Geebung, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 Diamond Jubilee Lunch change of venue: The Diamond Jubilee Luncheon will now be held at the Geebung RSL Newman Room at 12noon on 4th August. Tickets are $40. Booking forms for tickets are available at the back of the church or by emailing the Parish. Ticket orders close 25th July. The luncheon will follow the Diamond Jubilee Mass to be held at 9AM on 4th August at St Kevins. The Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Ken Howell.... All parishioners, and former parishioners are invited to the Mass and the luncheon.

23.01.2022 We would like to wish everyone a Happy and Holy Easter.

23.01.2022 Statue of Saint Patrick The day before the Solemnity of Saint Patrick, the Statue arrived back in St Kevins Church, having been lovingly renewed by Daniela Talassi. The before and after photos show the difference and how the statue has been saved from further deterioration. On the inside of the statue was written in someones hand 1946. Presumably, this is the date it was cast in Ireland before being brought to Australia. It was in the old Church in Hendra Parish until their new Church was built, after which it was put in storage. Later, the statue was given to Geebung Parish.

23.01.2022 Code Of Ethical Behaviour As part of our Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults strategy, St Kevins recently published a Code of Ethical Behaviour. It is available on the website at or copies are available in the church.

22.01.2022 Mass, Reconciliation and Stations of the Cross 3rd April to 9th April Wednesday 5th April Mass at 9AM... No Stations of the Cross Wednesday night Thursday 6th April No 8AM Mass Friday 7th April Reconciliation 8.30AM (Until Mass) Mass at 9AM followed by the Stations of the Cross Saturday 8th April Mass at 9AM Reconciliation 5PM to 5.30PM Sunday 9th April Reconciliation at 6.30AM Mass

22.01.2022 Project Compassion 2017 and Bake Sale this Sunday The focus for Project Compassion for the 2nd Week of Lent is our near neighbour Timor-Leste or East Timor. The story this week highlights domestic violence in that country. Our donations to Project Compassion will help domestic violence victims in Timor-Leste to build a secure future, and live in communities that uphold everyones dignity. One of our young parishioners is answering the call by holding a bake sale in aid of Project Compassion at the 6.30am mass next weekend. There will also be a raffle of Easter goodies.

21.01.2022 EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament every Tuesday at 6.30pm during the Easter Season followed by Mass at 7pm. Prayer before the exposed Blessed Sacrament; take time for silent, personal prayer and prayer for the many needs of the world. Rest in the Lords Eucharistic presence each Tuesday during Easter.

21.01.2022 Diamond Jubilee Fashion Parade and Morning Tea St Kevin’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations continued on Saturday with a Fashion Parade and Morning Tea in Glendalough. Over 30 people enjoyed the fashion parade with fashions from Black Pepper. The parade was followed by a delicious morning tea. Thanks to Clair and the ladies at Black Pepper at Strathpine for a wonderful fashion parade.

20.01.2022 We are very fortunate to have Fr Harry Chan saying Mass for our Parish this weekend. Here is a photo of Fr Harry getting ready and watching the sun rise just before the 6.30am Mass.

20.01.2022 St Kevins Mayfair The weather was perfect on the 27th May when St Kevins Parish School held a Mayfair. The many members of the Parish, School and local community who attended had an enjoyable day. One of the many attractions at the Mayfair was the Tea Room serving tea, coffee and a range of cakes, slices and sandwiches. All the children had completed a work of art which was displayed in the Tea Room.

19.01.2022 Diamond Jubilee Fashion Parade and Morning Tea St Kevins Diamond Jubilee celebrations continued on Saturday with a Fashion Parade and Morning Tea in Glendalough. Over 30 people enjoyed the fashion parade with fashions from Black Pepper. The parade was followed by a delicious morning tea. Thanks to Clair and the ladies at Black Pepper at Strathpine for a wonderful fashion parade.

18.01.2022 SAINT KEVINS CHRISTMAS HAPPENINGS: Saint Kevins goes a-carolling: Join in the Carol singing in the church on Sunday 15th December at 6.30PM, followed by supper in the hall. Bring a plate to share. On Monday 16th December, a group of Saint Kevins Parishioners will be sharing some Christmas Carols at John Wesley Gardens home in Halsmere Street to bring the joy of the new-born Saviour and some festive cheer to the residents. Christmas Raffle: Tickets are on sale at the weekend Masses for the Christmas Raffle. All funds raised will be donated to drought and fire relief.

18.01.2022 North East Deanery Youth Day - Opening New Horizons July 28 St Joseph and St Anthony Parish, Bracken Ridge...

18.01.2022 St Kevins Easter Raffle 2 x prizes of ethically sourced Easter goodies. Drawn Easter Sunday. Tickets on sale at the weekend Masses. $2 each or 3 for $5. Take a stand against slavery by buying slavery-free chocolate this Easter. Look for the certification symbols UTZ Certified, Rainforest Alliance Certified or Fairtrade on the packaging

17.01.2022 Diamond Jubilee Celebrations: 13th July Fashion Parade and morning tea in the Parish Hall. Tickets $10 available at the weekend Masses. 4th August 9AM Mass to celebrate the occasion of our Diamond Jubilee and to give thanks and ask Gods blessing on the road ahead.... Mass will be followed by lunch at 12 noon at the Kedron Wavell RSL. Tickets are $50. Booking forms for tickets are available at the back of the church or by emailing the Parish. Ticket orders close 25th July. All parishioners, and former parishioners are invited to the Mass and the luncheon.

16.01.2022 St Kevins Mayfair The countdown is on for the St Kevins Parish School Mayfair to be held next Saturday 27th May from 10am to 4pm. The Fair has a country theme so don your denims and come along for a great day out. There will be Live Music, Boutique Markets, Rides, a Giant Maze and an Augmented Reality Treasure Hunt plus lots more. To purchase ride bands, get set up for the augmented reality or for more information, check out the Mayfair website at

16.01.2022 World Day Of Prayer 2017 Last Friday, approximately 60 people attended the World Day of Prayer service at St Kevins. The service had been prepared by the women of the Philippines and had the theme Am I being unfair to You? The focus of Project Compassion for the 1st Sunday of Lent is also the Philippines and the theme is Love Your Neighbour. Both the WDP and Project Compassion highlight the plight of the women of the Philippines. By donating to Project Compassion we can help our most vulnerable neighbours in the Philippines to build a stronger future for their families and their communities. For more information visit:

15.01.2022 Last stop for these Geebung parishioners abroad is Rome. Today we enjoyed an amazing tour of the Vatican museum and St Peters Basicillica

15.01.2022 Catholic Mission Church Appeal Next weekend, 29th & 30th July, our parish will be holding the annual Catholic Mission Church Appeal. This year we are invited to participate in Jesus life-giving mission, supporting women and childrens health in Uganda. In Uganda bringing life into the world is often fraught with danger, with many women taking great risks to reach health facilities. Despite the tireless work of Sister Mary Goretti and her small staff at St Luke Bujuni Health ...Centre, they do not have the capacity to deal with the influx of high-risk pregnancies amongst the many expectant mothers who come through the doors. Your generosity makes it possible for local missionaries like Sister Mary Goretti to provide essential services for women and children in their time of need. Please come prepared next weekend and give generously. Freecall: 1800 257 296 See more

15.01.2022 World Day of Prayer March 2018 SURINAME All Gods Creation is Very Good!

15.01.2022 St Kevins Diamond Jubilee In 1959, Archbishop Duhig came to tell the Catholic People of the Geebung area that he was establishing a Parish right there on the block where they had gathered on August 1st. They gathered infront of the old farmhouse which stood on the former pineapple farm to hear that their days of travelling further afield to Mass were over ! Soon, the first Masses were held in the RSL Hall down the hill, as there was no suitable place for Mass on the site.Alm...ost 60 years to the day later, we gathered on Sunday, August 4th to celebrate the Mass of Jubilee and then later to celebrate at the Jubilee Luncheon at the RSL Hall which has been replaced with a more recent building. But we were still on thespot where the original parishioners prayed together before the Church/School was built. We were blessed to have with us about 6 of the parishioners who were there on August 1st, 1959. It was a glorious day of gentle, sunny weather, meaningful liturgyand happy memories and fun at the luncheon. To God be the glory for all He has done for us in these 60 years of grace. We were very blessed to have Bishop Ken Howell, together with Fr Aidan Carvill celebrating our Holy Mass of Diamond Jubilee.

14.01.2022 Geebung parishioners abroad thinking of you back home.

14.01.2022 St Kevins Christmas Carols Evening St Kevins Parish is holding a Christmas Carol evening on Sunday 17th December at 6.30pm. Carols in the church will be followed by a cuppa in Glendalough. Take a break from the Christmas rush, gather the family together and enjoy an evening of Carol singing. Please bring a plate of Christmas goodies to share.

13.01.2022 WORLD DAY OF PRAYER AT SAINT KEVINS THIS FRIDAY MARCH 3RD AT 10AM. Each year, the service is hosted by one of the local Christian Churches. This year St Kevins is the host church and we will be joined by members of the Geebung Anglican and Uniting congregations. The service is followed by morning tea in Glendalough and all are asked to bring a plate. The People of a different country is chosen each year to be the focus for prayer and this year, it is the great People of the Philippines - a nation not too far from our shores for whom we will pray. Everyone is welcome to join in the prayers for the people of the Philippines.

12.01.2022 HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE: APRIL 9TH 16TH HOLY MONDAY: Confessions 6.30PM; Mass 7PM HOLY TUESDAY: Confessions 6.30PM; Mass 7PM... SPY WEDNESDAY: Confessions 8.30AM Mass 9AM Mass HOLY THURSDAY: Mass of the Lords Supper 7PM followed by Confessions Keeping Watch Adoration until 9.30PM GOOD FRIDAY: Stations of the Cross 10AM The Celebration of the Lords Passion 3PM HOLY SATURDAY: No Morning Mass The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night 6PM EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD: 6.30AM Sunday 8.30AM Sunday

12.01.2022 Greetings From NYC Jacinta Livingstone who belongs to a longtime St Kevins family was married to Hamish over the Christmas holidays and are happy to share the joy of the wedding which took place in the Big Apple at St Malachys Church, known as the Actors Chapel. It is in the heart of Broadway and it is the only Church which has a late Mass for theatre-goers after the shows end. The Church bells ring to the tune of Theres no business like show business !! Enjoy some photos the family sent back to share with St Kevins community. Bon voyage, Jacinta and Hamish !

11.01.2022 Marriage and Reception of Matt and Nina Austen The Parish was delighted to witness the Marriage and Reception of Matt and Nina Austen recently. Guests came to celebrate from as far as England, Holland, New Zealand and The Philippines. We wish many happy years of married life, united by the Lord.

09.01.2022 Easter Mass & Reconciliation Times Sunday 14th April - Palm Sunday 5.30PM (Saturday 13th April Evening) 6.30AM & 8.30AM... Monday 15th April Mass 7PM Tuesday 16th April Reconciliation 1st Rite 6.30PM Mass 7PM Wednesday 17th April Reconciliation 1st Rite 8.30AM Mass 9AM Thursday 18th April - Holy Thursday Holy Thursday Mass 7PM Friday 19th April - Good Friday Stations of the Cross 10AM Celebration of the Lords Passion 3PM Saturday 20th April - Holy Saturday Holy Saturday Easter Vigil 6PM Saturday 21st April - Easter Sunday 6.30AM Mass 8.30AM Mass

09.01.2022 Geebung parishioners abroad in Avellino Italy at The Shrine of Montevergine. Thinking of you back home.

08.01.2022 St Kevin’s Easter Raffle 2 x prizes of ethically sourced Easter goodies. Drawn Easter Sunday. Tickets on sale at the weekend Masses. $2 each or 3 for $5. Take a stand against slavery by buying slavery-free chocolate this Easter. Look for the certification symbols UTZ Certified, Rainforest Alliance Certified or Fairtrade on the packaging

07.01.2022 Spring Festival St Kevins Geebung turns 60 in August 2019. Approximately 30 people attended a morning tea on Friday 7th September to kick off celebrations for St Kevins Jubilee Year. A selection of delicious hot food and cakes was on... offer and an enjoyable morning was had by all. More celebrations are planned over the coming year including afternoon tea at Ormiston House and a Christmas Carol evening. See more

06.01.2022 St Patricks Day at St Kevins About 45 people attended a supper in the Parish hall Glendalough on 17th March to celebrate St Patricks Day. Members of the choir led the singing of Irish songs including the Hymn to St Patrick and Danny Boy. Highlight of the evening was the singing of the Unicorn Song which saw people waving toy animals in the air when they were mentioned in the song. The day before St Patricks day, parishioners from St Kevins entertained about 50 residents at John Wesley Aged Care home. We not only woke the 50 residents up that attended but also had them singing and really enjoying their time.

06.01.2022 St Kevins Parish Geebung Events Update Last Saturday night approximately 45 people enjoyed a delicious casual dinner provided by the members of the Geebung Legion of Mary. These dinners are very popular and are held regularly throughout the year after the Saturday evening Mass. Other recent social events included a High Tea at the end of October and a Melbourne Cup lunch attended by 25 people. In October the Parish celebrated Marriage. This years special milestones of Marri...ages included parishioners who were celebrating 60 years, 55 years, 50 years and 25 years of Marriage. Throughout the month of November we prayed for our loved ones who had died. A special Memorial Mass was held on Sunday 19th where we remembered and prayed for those who had died in the last 12 months. The families of those whose funerals were celebrated at St Kevins were invited to the Mass followed by morning tea. Our final events for the year are a Christmas Raffle and Christmas Carol evening to be held in the church on Sunday 19th December at 6.30pm followed by a cuppa in the hall. See more

06.01.2022 St Kevins Mayfair - 2 Days to go!! There are only 2 days to go until the St Kevins Mayfair this Saturday!!! To keep up to date with all of the latest information, please go to the Mayfairs Facebook page at: See you this Saturday!

05.01.2022 St Kevins Geebung Holy Week Schedule Holy Tuesday: Confessions 6.30PM; Adoration 6.30PM; Mass 7PM Spy Wednesday: Confessions 8.30AM; Mass 9AM... Holy Thursday: No 8am Mass MASS OF THE LORDS SUPPER 7PM Followed by Confessions Keeping Watch Adoration until 9PM Good Friday: tations of the Cross 10AM THE CELEBRATION OF THE LORDS PASSION 3PM Holy Saturday: No Morning Mass No 5PM Reconciliation THE EASTER VIGIL IN THE HOLY NIGHT 6PM EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD: 6.30AM Sunday Mass, 8.30AM Sunday Mass

05.01.2022 Carolling at St Kevins Last Sunday evening St Kevins parishioners gathered around the Crib in the Church to take a break from the busyness of this time of the year and refocus on the true meaning of Christmas; the birth of Jesus. We listened to readings about that event which took place over 2000 years ago and heard the stories of two people who were intimately involved in that event, Mary and Joseph. After the readings all joined in the Carol singing. The evening finished... with supper in the hall. On Monday night, about a dozen parishioners visited John Wesley Nursing Home to sing Christmas Carols. As we walked around the complex singing Carols two of the residents joined us and a number of others were seen joining in as we passed their rooms. Christmas Mass times are: Christmas Eve: 5.30PM Carol singing, 6PM Mass. Christmas Day: 8.00AM Carol Singing, 8.30AM Mass.

03.01.2022 Advent at St Kevins - Nativity Manger The liturgy of Advent takes on a different tone from the 17th December as our expectancy of Christs Coming at Christmas heightens. It is also when we place our Nativity manger in the Church. Each year, a different Parish Family arranges the figures of the Nativity Scene in the Church. This year, the Pellicaan Family came on Saturday, full of joy and excitement for this special responsibility. Here are a couple of photos after job done well. Thank you to Peter and Leone along with Jesse, Eve, Joseph, Lucy and Jordan ! Arent we blessed to have our very own holy families right here in Geebung as well ! Its our 59th Christmas as a Parish Community.

02.01.2022 Parish Novena Today, 31st July, St Kevins Parish begins a Novena (nine days of prayer) invoking the intercession of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop as we approach her Solemnity on Tuesday August 8th. Gospel Reading - John 15:16. You did not choose me, no I chose you. And I appointed you to go out and bear fruit, fruit that will last.... Reflection: What is Gods invitation to me in my life at this time? Novena Prayer: Ever generous God, You inspired Saint Mary MacKillop to live her life faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and constant in bringing hope and encouragement to those who were disheartened, lonely or needy. With confidence in your generous providence and through the intercession of St Mary MacKillop, we ask that you grant our request (here name your petition). We ask that our faith and hope be fired afresh by the Holy Spirit so that we too, like Mary MacKillop, may live with courage, trust and openness. Ever generous God, hear our prayer. We ask this through Jesus Christ. Amen

01.01.2022 St Kevins parishioners abroad went to mass for Mothers Day at St Gerard Majella church in Materdommi, southern Italy

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