St Kiril i Metodi Macedonian Orthodox Cathedral Rosebery | Community
St Kiril i Metodi Macedonian Orthodox Cathedral Rosebery
Phone: +61 2 9667 1962
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25.01.2022 Воскресение Христово - ВЕЛИГДЕН: Утрена и Света Литургиа EASTER: Midnight Matins & Paschal Divine Liturgy 18/4/2020, 11.30pm LIVE STREAM ... Следете го живиот пренос на Утрената и Светата Литургиа, од Македонската православна катедрала Св. Кирил и Методи, Сидне. е сослужуваат Прота Наум Деспотоски и отец Игор Младеновски од МПЦ Св. Никола (Кабрамата). Преносот е се емитува и на телевизиата Balkan Music. Повее информации околу оваа и другите Велигденски служби на Follow the live stream of the Easter Saturday Midnight Matins & Paschal Divine Liturgy, from the Macedonian Orthodox Cathedral of Sts Kiril & Metodi (Sydney, Australia). The services will be performed jointly by the parish priest Rev Naum Despotoski and Rev Igor Mladenovski from the Macedonian Orthodox Church of St. Nikola (Cabramatta). For further details go to
24.01.2022 Join us tomorrow 03/07/2020 for the Liturgy in honour of St. Naum of Ohrid. Повелете утре 03/07/2020 на Литругиа во слава на Св.Наум Охридски
22.01.2022 ОТВОРЕНИ ХРАМОВИ Ги известуваме верниците дека со првиот степен на олеснувае на рестрикциите за заштита од КОВИД-19, храмовите Св. Кирил и Методи во Розбери и ...Св. Никола во Кабрамата се повторно отворени за авноста. Верниците вее можат да ги посетуваат своите храмови, со тоа што треба да држат меусебно растоание од 1.5 метри и да не се собираат во групи поголеми од 10. За повее информации обратете се ка вашиот свештеник: - прота Наум Деспотоски за Розбери, на тел +61 418 976 866 - отец Игор Младеновски за Кабрамата, на тел +61 450 277 091
22.01.2022 2nd day Easter, Monday: Paschal Divine Liturgy Велигден 2 ден, Понеделник: Воскресна Света Златоустова Литургиа
22.01.2022 Relaxed COVID restrictions for the Macedonian orthodox churches of St. Kiril & Metodi in Rosebery and St. Nikola in Cabramatta.
21.01.2022 Следете а Светата Василиева Литургиа - ВЕЛИКА САБОТА, на стрим од Македонската православна катедрала Св. Кирил и Методи го Сидне, на
17.01.2022 Приклучете се на Follow the Easter Midnight Matins & Paschal Liturgy from 11.30pm, at
13.01.2022 25 Март 2020 ЦРКВИТЕ И БОРБАТА ПРОТИВ КОРОНА ВИРУСОТ Според законските рестрикции воспоставени за заштита од Корона вирусот КОВИД-19, храмовите на Македонската... православна заедница од Австралиа е бидат привремено затворени за собирае на парохианите, како и сите други верски обекти во Австралиа, но свештениците е продолжат со одржувае на богослужби и литургии. Исклучок се само погребални служби, на кои може да присуствуваат намногу 10 лица, и венчавки, на кои може да присуствуваат намногу 5 лица. За овие исклучоци, посетителите треба да одржуваат меусебно физичко растоание од едно лице на четири метри квадратни. За посебни пастирски потреби, ве молиме директно да ги контактирате нашите свештеници: - Прота Наум Деспотоски (Св Кирил и Методи - Розбери), на +61 418 976 866; - Отец Игор Младеновски (Св Никола, Кабрамата), на +61 450 277 091. Во тек сме на воспоставувае редовни преноси на богослужбите преку интернет. Тоа се однесува и на претстоните Велигденски богослужби, како и на останатите празници и редовните литургии. Како во храмовите, така и дома и на други авни места, ве замолуваме внимателно да ги следите упатствата на стручните лица за спречувае и контрола на ширеето на КОВИД-19, за ваше лично добро, за доброто на вашето семество и пошироката заедница. Што построго и пошироко се следат упатствата, толку побргу е а пребродиме кризата. Бидеи законите и правилата за менаирае на оваа криза се менуваат дневно и често бараат дополнително разаснувае, ве замолуваме оваа страница да а следите дневно. Се надеваме на вашето разбирае и солидарност. Македонска православна заедница од Австралиа
12.01.2022 New rules from 1 June 2020
12.01.2022 Почнуваи со утрешните Богослужби, верниците е можат преку сатот или да палат и виртуелни свеи кои е се поават на екранот при стримингот и да нарачаат молитва од свештеникот, за наредната служба.
12.01.2022 Macedonian Orthodox Church EASTER SERVICES - 2020 In view of the COVID-19 crisis and temporary closure of our churches to the public, the Macedonian Orthodox Co...mmunity of Australia encourages parishioners of the Cathedral of Sts. Kiril and Metodi (Rosebery, Sydney) and the Church of St. Nikola (Cabramatta, Sydney) to participate in the Easter services through our online streaming at or The streams will also be shared on our Facebook Page (Macedonian Orthodox Community of Australia). We encourage all parishioners to follow (click ‘like’) this page and express interest in each service listed as an Event, in order to receive timely event reminders for each service. The 11.30pm EASTER service on Saturday 18/Sunday 19 April 2020) will also be broadcast on the Balkan Music TV channel. Our priest will conduct the Easter services jointly, with all services between Saturday 11 and Good Friday 17 April taking place at the St Nikola church in Cabramatta, and the main 18/19 April services taking place at the Sts. Kiril & Metodi Cathedral. The schedule of services up to 18/19 April 2020 is as follows: ST NIKOLA CHURCH - 11 April, Saturday, 8:30 AM: Lazarus Saturday: Divine Liturgy - 12 April, Sunday, 9:00 AM: Palm Sunday (Entry of Lord Jesus Christ in Jerusalem): Divine Liturgy - 16 April, Thursday, 9:00 AM: Holy Thursday/The Last Supper: Divine Liturgy of St. Basil, Blessing of Holy Oil Sacrament of Holy Unction - 16 April, Thursday, 6:00 PM: Reading of the 12 gospels and Procession of the Cross with the crucified Christ - 17 April, Friday 6:00 PM: The Great Lamentations at the tomb of Christ and procession with the shroud CATHEDRAL OF STS KIRIL & METODI - 18 April, Saturday, 9:00 AM: Great Saturday: Divine Liturgy of st. Basil - 18/19 April, Saturday/Sunday, 11:30 PM: EASTER Midnight Matins and Paschal Divine Liturgy We look forward to your active support and participation to keep our parishes alive throughout these testing times. Macedonian Orthodox Community of Australia - MOCA
12.01.2022 Нови правила од 1ви уни 2020
11.01.2022 // at 8:3 Divine Liturgy - Nativity of St.John the Baptist (). Утре // од 8:3 Света Литругиа - Раае на Св.ован Кртстител (ИВАНДЕН)
10.01.2022 25 March 2020 - CHURCH OPERATIONS AND THE FIGHT AGAINST COVID-19 In accordance with government directives, the Macedonian Orthodox Cathedral of Sts. Kiril & Me...todi, Rosebery, and the Macedonian Orthodox Church of St Nikola, Cabramatta, are currently closed to the public. However, our priests will continue to perform liturgies and other services, which parishioners will soon be able to follow online. We are sad to confirm that no more than 10 people may attend any funeral service and no more than 5 may attend a marriage ceremony. At any such gatherings, please: 1. Keep a safe distance of 1.5 metres from others; 2. Avoid touching any surfaces that may have been touched by other members of the public; 3. Turn away from others and cover your mouth with a tissue or the inside of your elbow when coughing or sneezing; 4. Wash your hands with soap or alcohol-based sanitiser upon entering and leaving the church; 5. Wash your hands, face and clothes with soap/detergent upon returning home; 6. Bring your own soap or sanitiser to the church, just in case we run out of supplies, which are very difficult to source. All baptism services must be postponed until government restrictions are lifted. Parishioners might also chose to postpone marriage ceremonies. For personal pastoral needs, please contact our priests by phone and arrange an appointment as appropriate: - Very Rev Naum Despotoski, 0418 976 866; - Rev Igor Mladenovski, 0450 277 091. We are currently in the process of setting up live online streaming of our liturgies and other church services, including Easter services, which poses its own difficulties in relation to equipment, connection quality, technical personnel and promotion, especially to people who don’t regularly use the internet. Any input or opinions from our parishioners would be much appreciated, and should be directed to [email protected] in the first instance. We plead with all parishioners and other members of the public to rigorously follow all rules and guidelines from health officials, as well as security and staff at grocery stores and other providers of essential services, in our joint efforts to prevent and control the spread of COVID-19. The more strictly we follow the rules and guidelines that are in place for the common good, the sooner we will get through these testing times and return to living more freely. Given that the relevant facts, guidelines and rules are rapidly changing, we strongly urge you to follow and share our Facebook page for updates on the operation of our churches and other community facilities. We hope for your understanding and solidarity. Macedonian Orthodox Community of Australia
10.01.2022 Live stream: Palm Sunday service from MOC St. Nikola, Cabramatta (Sydney). Rev Igor Mladenovski and Very Rev Naum Despotoski.
08.01.2022 ПРИВРЕМЕНО ЗАТВОРАЕ НА ХРАМОВИТЕ И ОНЛАН ПРЕНОС НА БОГОСЛУЖБИТЕ Заради законските рестрикции воспоставени за заштита од Корона вирусот КОВИД-19, храмовите на ...Македонската православна заедница од Австралиа е бидат привремено затворени за собирае на парохианите, како и сите други верски обекти во Австралиа, но свештениците е продолжат со одржувае на богослужби и литургии. Исклучок се погребалните служби, крштевките и венчавките, кои е продолжат според правилото дека посетителите треба да одржуваат меусебно физичко растоание од едно лице на четири метри квадратни. За посебни пастирски потреби, ве молиме директно да ги контактирате нашите свештеници: - Прота Наум Деспотоски (Св Кирил и Методи - Розбери), на +61 418 976 866; - Отец Игор Младеновски (Св Никола, Кабрамата), на +61 450 277 091. Во тек сме на воспоставувае редовни преноси на богослужбите преку интернет, при кои секо од вас е може да помогне со скромни донации нашите храмови и свештеници да ги издржат натамошните оперативни трошоци, да а пребродат оваа криза и да останат максимално функционални. Тоа се однесува и на претстоните Велигденски богослужби, како и на останатите празници и редовните литургии. Како во храмовите, така и дома и на други авни места, ве замолуваме внимателно да ги следите упатствата на стручните лица за спречувае и контрола на ширеето на КОВИД-19, за ваше лично добро, за доброто на вашето семество и пошироката заедница. Бидеи законите и правилата за менаирае на оваа криза се менуваат дневно и често бараат дополнително разаснувае, ве замолуваме оваа страница да а следите дневно. Се надеваме на вашето разбирае и солидарност. Македонска православна заедница од Австралиа
05.01.2022 Dear Parishioners, Join us on this Sudnay // 8:3 for Litrugy in when we commnemorate the Holy Aposltes St. Peter and St. Paul () .... * * In order to contribute to the governments efforts with contact tracing in the case of COVID 19 please be kind enough to provide your contact details at the entrance to the church and remember to adhere to the distancing rule of 1,5 m at all times. Thank you and God bless. Драги Парохиани, Повелете оваа Недела // од 8:3 на Литругиа кога го славиме и споменот на светите апостоли Петар и Павле (ПЕТРОВДЕН). * * Со цел да и помогнеме на владата во нивиот напор за следеето на контакти во случа на COVID 19 ве молиме при влезот нa храмот да оставите ваши податоци и не заборавате да се придржувате кон правило за растоание од 1,5 м во секое време. Ви благодариме , Бог да ве благослови.
04.01.2022 Important notes from this afternoon’s teleconference briefing for religious groups, by the NSW Acting Minister for Multiculturalism, Dr Geoff Lee MP: 1. The person rule for gathering at weddings includes the couple, priest and two witnesses - it is not a guests number only. 2. The total number of persons allowed at funeral gatherings is 10, including the priest. 3. Places of worship must otherwise be closed to the public (that includes baptisms), both indoors and outdoors, but priests, employees, contractors and volunteers can otherwise continue with operations (including streamed services), as long as they practice safe distance and hygiene guidelines. 4. The new arrangements to prevent and control COVID-19 will take two weeks to show any results in the rate of increase or decrease in new cases. What we see today is the result of how things were two weeks ago. 5. Any non-compliance with the social/spatial interaction restrictions poses a serious threat to our system’s ability to save the lives of persons infected, the growth in number of which itself depends on compliance. The risk involved in interacting with other people at close range cannot be stressed highly enough.
01.01.2022 COVID-19 - MY PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL APPROACH Personal While I do not intend to go so far as to stop going outside in order to avoid COVID-19, I do think it’...s highly irresponsible and unethical to ignore spatial distancing and hygiene guidelines that have been provided by an army of healthcare professionals the world over. It seems pretty clear now that it is possible to carry and spread the virus without experiencing any symptoms yourself, and this is more likely to occur among children. It’s one thing to take calculated risks with your own life, but another to do it with other people’s lives. This is why, despite official government policy, my children will be taken out of school for home-schooling at least until the Easter holiday, and their contact with their grandparents (high risk age group) will be limited to audio/video calls. I will myself be limiting close contact with others to an absolute minimum, mostly with people who are intelligent and responsible enough to heed hygiene and spatial distancing advice. At the same time, I will do my best to contribute to keeping deserving businesses alive throughout this crisis. MOCA Most of you know that my primary professional responsibility is executive management of the Macedonian Orthodox Community of Australia, including our churches in Cabramatta and Rosebery. Given that most of the income supporting our church operations comes from donations at Christmas and Easter services, our priests and Board members are naturally worried about the critical impact spatial distancing laws will have on this year’s Easter services. However, rest assured that we will not take any desperate risks with our parishioners’ and the broader community’s wellbeing due to fear of financial hardship. It is our people and not their money that keep our churches alive first and foremost. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that we will have parishioners inside our churches or in the courtyards during Easter services, but we will do our best to provide live video broadcasts that people can follow from home. As long as our people remain among us, in good health, we will find responsible ways to make up for financial losses in the long term. We trust that parishioners will assist. At the moment, we are doing our best to ensure that our church facilities are regularly disinfected throughout the day and that there is hand sanitiser available for anyone in attendance, but are having little success in sourcing supplies. We therefore ask all parishioners attending throughout the week to bring their own sanitiser (I am told that ‘rakija’ mixed with aloe vera works as well as any commercial product - and that’s not another rakija joke), to try keeping a distance of 1.5 metres from others, to avoid unnecessarily touching any surfaces others may have touched, to wash their hands with soap, which we still have (any thieves trying to take advantage will be caught and reported with no exceptions), upon entering and leaving the complex, and to wash their hands, faces and clothes with soap/detergent as soon as they get home. We are open to any suggestions from the public as to how we can do more. This too shall pass. Let’s use reason to get through it with the least damage to our lives possible.
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