St Mary's Church Bairnsdale in Bairnsdale, Victoria | Church
St Mary's Church Bairnsdale
Locality: Bairnsdale, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 5152 2942
Address: 23 Pyke Street 3875 Bairnsdale, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 Bishop Vincent Long introduces the Social Justice Statement today
24.01.2022 Todays Scripture Note: Matthew 28:21-35 Todays Gospel deals with a subject that concerns us all forgiveness. None of us can go through life without getting hurt, or hurting others. How do we cope with these hurts?... They can provide us with an opportunity to grow or they can become a stumbling block to human and spiritual development. Hurts are not easy to deal with. Once we are hurt, self-pity walks in the front door which is normal! However once self-pity is entertained, it produces bitterness, resentment and anger. It poisons our spirit and destroys our capacity to love. Some people have years of stored hurts inside them. From time to time the cellar of the mind and heart need to be swept away. Feelings of hurt and bitterness need to be dug up, owned and then thrown away. This allows us to experience a sense of freedom, relief and cleanness, and we can once again devote our energies to loving, which is the only activity that befits a Christian. To forgive in a high-handed way is not a Christian way to forgive. We have to be willing to admit that we may have been at least partly to blame for what happened. We are expected to forgive even if the offender does not repent. Jesus makes it clear that if we want God to forgive us, we must forgive others too. We all know how hard it can be to forgive, but equally we know how lovely it is to be forgiven. To ask for forgiveness can be even harder. It is to put yourself into a position of weakness, poverty and humility. You have to ask another for something which you may or may not receive. You are not in control. It is a holy task- only God can help us. Flor McCarthy SDB
22.01.2022 Looking at JESUS, the Virus said, look Jesus I am a tiny Virus, but I closed every Church door. JESUS laughs, you silly Virus, I have turned every home into a ChurchLooking at JESUS, the Virus said, look Jesus I am a tiny Virus, but I closed every Church door. JESUS laughs, you silly Virus, I have turned every home into a Church
21.01.2022 Fr Xavier Pinto prayer celebrating our Mother Mary
21.01.2022 PARISH SOCIAL JUSTICE GROUP POSTAGE STAMPS: Please remember to collect used stamps for the Salesian Missions. They can be left at the Parish Centre, Nicholson Street. The funds raised are dispersed for education and relief purposes in Samoa, Guatemala and Timor Leste.
21.01.2022 Feast of the Assumption resources
20.01.2022 Congratulations to our candidates on receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation May the Light of the Holy Spirit inspire, guide & guard you & fill you with the joy of Jesus ChristCongratulations to our candidates on receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation May the Light of the Holy Spirit inspire, guide & guard you & fill you with the joy of Jesus Christ
19.01.2022 Scripture Note from todays Gospel of Matthew 18:15-20 Hard heartedness gives one a measure of invulnerability in so far as one cant feel and therefore cant be hurt. However, it is a sad and pitiable state. A hard heart cant feel, cant respond, cant love. A hard heart cant experience sorrow, but neither can it experience joy. It is a closed heart so it cant receive. Spiritually it is one of the worst things that can happen to you.... A soft heart, on the other hand, is a blessing. It does make one vulnerable as the soft hearted are easily hurt. But a soft heart can also be touched, moved and warmed. It can be saddened but also deliriously happy. It can respond. The gospel raises a very practical issue how to act when someone close to you is treating you badly. Commonly when faced with a problem like this we begin by keeping it to ourselves, pretending everything is normal but brooding on it. This tends to magnify it and can make us sour and depressed and may cut the offender off as revenge. Eventually we begin to tell others about it. We bring them in, not as advisers, but as people who will, be on our side. Often the last person to hear about the hurt is the person involved. Todays gospel gives us an alternative approach. We should confront the person. In fact, it is our duty to do so. Not doing so, shows a lack of love for the person. It takes courage and involves risk, but sometimes a bit of honest talking may clear the air. It should not be done in anger or annoyance, nor should it be done out of a desire to get even. Also, before we do it, we should examine our conscience to see if maybe we are partly to blame. If as an individual we fail, we should go to the community (family or other group of concerned, responsible people). To seek reconciliation is, according to Christ, more important than offering sacrifice to God. (Mt5:23-24). O that today you would listen to His voice. Harden not your hearts. God is continually calling us from the error of our ways into a closer relationship with him and with one another. Flor McCarthy SDB (New Sundays & Holy Day Liturgies Year A)
19.01.2022 Scripture Note: Gospel Matthew 16:21-27 : Jeremiah did not know what he was letting himself in for when he agreed to become Gods prophet. He was so over- whelmed by the demands of his task that he wanted to pack it all in. His cry will find an echo in the heart of anyone who serves God in a difficult situation. It is never easy to bear witness in the face of hostility and indifference. Only a profound conviction of vocation can hold one to the task. But it is comforting to... know that even a Jeremiah could contemplate opting out. This is a struggle which we all experience in some way. There are things we dont like doing, but which we know we have to do if we want to be faithful to our responsibilities and obligations. Sacrifice is not an easy road, but it is through this that we become a person of character and integrity. This is also the road to happiness. The one thing that makes sacrifice easier is love. It enables us to turn a difficulty into a stepping stone on the journey. Jesus told the disciples that the Messiah would suffer and be put to death. That God wanted to show us the depth of His love for us. The notion of a suffering Messiah was completely unacceptable to Peter hence, out of his concern for Jesus, his attempt to stop Him. It has been claimed that religion asks too little of people. It is too ready to offer comfort and to console, but has lost the courage to challenge. The result is that for many religion is just a crutchsomething to lean on in times of weakness and infirmity, but in times of well- being, they more or less forget about it. It is true that faith is the best support we can have at these times, but it is so much more. It should be a positive force in our lives, and should be a pair of wings in times of joy and strength. Religion should challenge and stretch one to ones limit and beyond. A religion of devotion is a religion of comfort, and is often centred on self rather than others. A religion of commitment is religion of challenge, of risk and unselfishness. Jesus asks commitment of his followers. Being a disciple is a serious business. Our following of Christ can be in small steps. God is patient. His challenge is invitation. What does following Christ mean in practice? It means faithfulness to ones way of life, concern for others in whatever manner, the caring gesture, the kind word and action. The Lord does not overlook the painful decision, the unspoken sorrow, the secret suffering. There can be much heroism in every- day life. There are many more saints than those recognised by the church. Flor McCarthy SDB
19.01.2022 White Balloon Day is a symbol of support for survivors of child sexual abuse. White Balloon Day is also held annually during National Child Protection Week in Australia. Its aim is to raise awareness of child sexual assault within the community.
18.01.2022 Gospel Reflection: Matthew 16: 13-20 Peter is one of the most interesting characters of the gospel. Its clear he had leadership qualities, but also that he had glaring weaknesses. Sometimes he is very brave; like a rock; other times he is very cowardly, more like a piece of jelly. Not our idea of a saint or even and ideal person to be the head of Christs Church. ... However, its very interesting to see how Jesus helped him to grow into the man who was ready to lay down his life for Him, and eventually did. This growth was a gradual thing with some regressions, but this is how growth happened. He understood when Peter denied Him and gave him the chance to begin again. We all need someone who can understand our weakness, and who doesnt write us off when we dont produce the goods right away. To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often. Peters story is our story too. We too blow hot and cold. Sometimes we are strong and at other times we are weak. Without a warm relationship with Christ we are only on the fringes of Christianity. We all have high and low moments. The low moments of others should not cause us to put them down or write them off. Their good moments should help us to see their potential, and to affirm and encourage them. Jesus asked the apostles, And you, who do you say I am?. It is important for us to come up with our own answers; to be able to state our own beliefs and values as Christians. It is no longer sufficient to repeat the official answers. We have to make the faith our own. A second- hand faith is a poor faith. Who is Christ for me? Is he the son of the living God for me? And if so, how does this belief affect the way I live? Flor McCarthy SDB
18.01.2022 Holy Hour tonight .. Everyone is welcome
17.01.2022 Fr Avinash Homily on 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
16.01.2022 Social Justice Statement
16.01.2022 Fr Francis Homily on 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
16.01.2022 An important media statement from the Victorian Bishops
15.01.2022 This weekend, the Catholic Church in Australia marks Child Protection Sunday, on which we pray for those who have been abused, their families and supporters. We recognise and apologise for the harm done by priests, religious and lay people in Church settings. The Church takes a zero-tolerance approach to child abuse. ... We recommit to practices that support survivors and make the Catholic Church and its ministries the safest possible place for children and people at risk. Find out more and
15.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day May the Lord bless you & keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you & be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you & give you peace (Numbers 6:24-26)
14.01.2022 Your invited to say a Rosary Novena beginning today for Peace in the World & an end to the covid-19 pandemic
14.01.2022 Getting ready to celebrate the 1st of two Masses.. Sacrament of Confirmation Come Holy Spirit Come
14.01.2022 Homily on the Solemnity of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
13.01.2022 Light in the darkness
13.01.2022 Fr Michaels Homily .. 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
13.01.2022 A Message from Fr Francis It is now almost two weeks that we are with social distancing regulations. The churches are closed. Traveling to other churches has been brought almost to nil except for a funeral service or for sacraments to a sick person. Staying in the presbytery we make use of the opportunity to pray, say masses, to reflect, to read etc. ... With all these we stay alert to a telephone call or a knock on the door. It could be a call from the hospital or nursing home, for some charity or may be to speak to a priest. Ours is a lifetime commitment to be at the service of God and His people. Attending to a person in need is certainly a God given opportunity. In the media we hear of the people who are disturbed by the low morale due to social distancing restrictions. The idiom goes like "make hay while sun shines". I have heard that in some parts of the world people with their creative thinking have invented things that are of great benefit to society. A school going youth has invented a robot machine that would take care of covid patients without doctors or nurses having to go near them. This is just one instance. As mentioned in an earlier weekly bulletin, discernment is so important to make the most out of the God given opportunities. This certainly is pleasing to God and beneficial to each individual and society at large. Amidst all these we firmly believe that we are together as Gods people. Fr. Francis
11.01.2022 Standing Together
11.01.2022 Mass for the Feast of the Assumption
11.01.2022 Todays Gospel Reflection ... Matthew 15:21-28 The early church faced a similar problem with regard to the Gentiles. Matthew sees Jesus as having broken down the barrier between Jew and Gentile. Even though his own mission was restricted to Israel, Jesus did reach out to individual Gentiles like the Canaanite woman. Hence, after the resurrection of Jesus, the early church extended its mission to the Gentiles. How do we react when we encounter someone begging? ... It would be fair to say that few of us would come out of such an encounter with credit. We often refuse and justify our refusal to help by telling ourselves that we havent the time, that we cant help anyone, that it is better not to give them anything because in giving we are only encouraging a begging mentality. The apostles reaction was not unlike our own. For them the Canaanite woman was a nuisance. Such an encounter can be a disturbing experience, arousing conflicting feelings of pity, discomfort, anger and guilt. It can be a humbling experience because it makes us aware that we are poor in a different sense. We are poor in compassion, our willingness to help others and in our capacity to love. However, one where we can discover our own weakness and woundedness, which we are good at hiding. This means that we do not have to wear a mask and pretend to be what we are not, putting us in touch with our true selves. The encounter can awaken within us feelings of tenderness and compassion, kindness and communion. It calls us to humanity and so can lead to a new beginning. It reminds us that before God we are all poor and stand in daily need of His mercy and love. Flor McCarthy S
09.01.2022 Come Holy Spirit Come
08.01.2022 Homily on 23rd Sunday ... Fr Michael
06.01.2022 Welcome everyone to listen to an inspiring talk by Sr Patricia Fox of her journey. She is an active human rights campaigner who worked in the Philipines for more than 20 years.
05.01.2022 Social Justice Prayer for Mental Health in Australia Today
05.01.2022 Australian Jesuit Virtual Retreat
05.01.2022 If you would like to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation you may ring the Presbytery on 5152 3106 & speak with one of the priests to make an arrangement If you would like to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation you may ring the Presbytery on 5152 3106 & speak with one of the priests to make an arrangement
03.01.2022 Homily on the Feast of Christ the King ... Fr Francis
03.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to all the fathers, grand-fathers, step-fathers & father figures in our community May the Lord bless you & keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you & be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you & give you peaceHappy Fathers Day to all the fathers, grand-fathers, step-fathers & father figures in our community May the Lord bless you & keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you & be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you & give you peace
03.01.2022 Link to live-streamed Mass this weekend
03.01.2022 Your invited to join in a weekly Zoom meeting with Christian Life Communities reflecting in prayer on the Sunday Gospel ... Contact the Parish Centre on 5152 2942 to find out moreYour invited to join in a weekly Zoom meeting with Christian Life Communities reflecting in prayer on the Sunday Gospel ... Contact the Parish Centre on 5152 2942 to find out more
03.01.2022 Homily 24th Sunday in Ordinary time ...Fr Avinash
02.01.2022 A journey of discernment ....
01.01.2022 Its Social Justice Weekend
01.01.2022 Today we celebrate our Mother Mary The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Happy Birthday Blessed Mother As we reflect upon all parts of her life that are glorious, beautiful, awe-inspiring may we too be transformed into the image of her Son our Lord - Jesus Christ ... Below is a link to watch Fatima ... a powerful story of faith based on historical events, the 3 young shepherds in Fatima, Portugal, reporting the visions of the Virgin Mary, inspiring believers, and angering officials of the Church and the government, who try to force them to recant their story
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