St Monica's Primary School Footscray in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | School
St Monica's Primary School Footscray
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 3 9689 4548
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25.01.2022 "What has been keeping your family safe and happy during this time?" Join us for a Community Conversation and share your thoughts and ideas with other members of our community in a safe and welcoming online forum. Get inspiration from others to help us continue on the journey through COVID. Zoom link will be on Seesaw and Facebook ISO Space. #learningcommunity #communityconversation #howwekeepsafeandhappy #sharingideas #covidinspo #melbournelockdown2 #isolife #togetherapart #allinthistogether #stmonicasfootscray
24.01.2022 Here's a little more clarity on Term 4.
24.01.2022 From little things big things grow ...our gardening programs use science to teach sustainability. Our kids plant seeds, cultivate and nourish them until they are plants. Some of the explorations are: Which weeds are edible? How do we keep our soil happy? ... How do we bring bees to pollinate our flowers? How do we make the best use of a small garden? #innercitygarden #footscraygarden #kitchengarden #backyardgarden #schoolgarden #sustainabilityprogram #smallschoolbigdifference #learningtogether #happysoil #happygarden #learningcommunity #stmonicasfootscray
23.01.2022 To all our dads, stepdads, grandads, foster dads, uncles, awesome mates and the people are special in the lives of our kids. Have a great day today. Celebrate! Sending sending strength and love to those who are missing family today, those who are separated from their kids, those who never got to be dads and always wanted to be and those whose kids have passed on. Today is your day too! Do something kind for yourself and cherish your "dadness." #happyfathersday #fathersday20...20 #reachout #allsortsofdads #lovefordad #dadsoffootscray #dadsinlockdown #lockdownmelbourne #fathersdayinmelbourne2020 #stmonicasfootscray #dadness Happy Father's Day everyone!
23.01.2022 What a gorgeous day in the yard! We are counting down the days till we see all our kids again!
23.01.2022 If you can't go to the Sovereign Hill and the goldfields - think outside the square! A modern day twist on life on the goldfields. Putting up tents, digging for gold, making wanted posters with barely any dirt in sight . An afternoon of problem solving and exploration that required patience, good humour and team work. #thinkoutsidethesquare #moderndaytwist #diggingforgold #lifeonthegoldfields #goldfields #puttinguptents #teamwork #fun #nodirt #covidsolutions #noexcursionsin2020 #makeyourownfun #smallschoolbigdifference #stmonicasfootscray #learningtogether #workingtogether #learningcommunity #covidsafe
22.01.2022 Just like today's daily temperature, today's covid cases in Victoria is low at 14. Our rolling fornightly average is now down to 25.1. Happy days! #reallifemaths #mathsforlife #flatteningthecurve #workingtogether #followtheroadmap #learningtogether #melbournelockdown #staythecourse #eyesontheprize #smallschoolbigdifference #footscray #covidnormal #staysafe #wearamask #washyourhands #physicallydistance #stmonicasfootscray #todaysnumber
22.01.2022 And back down again to 15! Our fortnightly average is now down to 29.4 cases daily. We are now below 30!!!!! Who wouldn't want to be a mathematician and statistician at the moment!? #mathsforlife #flatteningthecurve #workingtogether #followtheroadmap #learningtogether #melbournelockdown #staythecourse #eyesontheprize #smallschoolbigdifference #footscray #covidnormal #staysafe #wearamask #washyourhands #physicallydistance #stmonicasfootscray
21.01.2022 Sustainability for the future! #smallschoolbigdifference #sustainabilityprogram #happygarden #dirtyhands #innercitygardenmelbourne #greenthumbs #footscraygardens #innerwestgardens #kitchengarden #stmonicasfootscray #learningtogether #learningcommunity
20.01.2022 We love our school! #smallschoolbigdifference #happyholidays #celebratelife #campfun #nostalgia #stmonicasfootscray #footscraylife #ilovefootscray #westisbest #lifelonglearners
20.01.2022 Start the day right with an Aussie classic - vegemite on toast! #isolife #cookingforkids #covidcooking #remotelearningcooking #kidscancook #masterchefkids #stmonicasfootscray #popupcafefootscray #cafeathomemelbourne #kidsinthekitchen
20.01.2022 Our digital natives embrace using technology as part of learning. From chromebooks, to spheros, to ipads, to beebots they master tech and use them as learning tools in ways we never imagined! #digitalnatives #techheads #learningtools #learnersforthefuture #learningtogether #learningcommunity #smallschoolbigdifference #stmonicasfootscray #educationfootscray #innercityschoolsmelbourne
19.01.2022 You are welcome! #fathersdaypremiere #roadmapoutoflockdown #fathersdaygift #isolife #fathersday2020melbourne #stayathome #covidnormal #fathersdayspecial #staysafe #whatsnextmelbourne #stmonicasfootscray #learningpowers #positive #justforlaughs #fateofthestate #allinthistogether #togetherapart
18.01.2022 Victoria's coronavirus number today is 11! We are crushing this! Keep up the good work Victorians. Let's keep our eyes on the prize - celebrating Christmas with our families. #workingtogether #futureisbright #smallschoolbigdifference #todaysnumber #melbournelockdown #footscrayeducation #footscrayschools #stmonicasfootscray #followtheroadmap
18.01.2022 Happy holidays! What a term it's been! Certainly one to go down in history. Parents, students and teachers have worked so hard and sacrificed so much to make this an incredible term. Rest up, stay safe and have fun (- within the rules of course!). #springinmelbourne #schoolholidays #activitypacks #melbournelockdown #isolifemelbourne #footscray #ilovefootscray #footscraylife #restup #staysafe #havefun
16.01.2022 Today is our final Coffee and Chat. Join us at 3:30pm on Google Meets and share the highlights of your week over a cuppa!
16.01.2022 The Middles have been exploring the theme power in their writing recently. Heres another way for the adults to consider power.
16.01.2022 Get ready for Fun Theme Friday - keeping it real in the house this week while we get reading for our special Father's Day Breakfast. Keep it super chillaxed all day on Pyjama Day. Thanks Ezra for the graphics! #funthemefriday #pyjamaday #remotelearninginpjs #stayathomeinpjs #stayathome #wecanlearnanywhere #chillaxedforlearning #lockedownlearning #togetherapartinpjs
14.01.2022 Keep up the great work everyone and stick to the plan! We've got this! #followtheroadmap #covidplans #wearamask #washyourhands #staysafe #wevegotthis #eyeontheprize #footscray #lockdownmelbourne #melbourne #isolife
13.01.2022 Wow! Our 14 day rolling average is 26.7 for Melbourne. Feeling hopeful! #reallifemaths #mathsforlife #flatteningthecurve #workingtogether #followtheroadmap #learningtogether #melbournelockdown #staythecourse #eyesontheprize #smallschoolbigdifference #footscray #covidnormal #staysafe #wearamask #washyourhands #physicallydistance #stmonicasfootscray #todaysnumber
12.01.2022 Celebration Day! #celebrations #dressup #smallschoolbigdifference #culture #traditions #joy
12.01.2022 Some of our incredible editors!
11.01.2022 Tomorrow's FUN THEME FRIDAY is 80's!
10.01.2022 Join us tonight at 7:30pm! The whole family is welcome! Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 917 9505 1766 Passcode: Z8jgvU
08.01.2022 Today's coronavirus number in Victoria is 12. You little rippa!!! This cold and wet day makes it easier for us to stay safe. Look after yourselves peps! BTW- the fortnightly average is now 23.6 in Metro Melbourne! #reallifemaths #mathsforlife #flatteningthecurve #workingtogether #followtheroadmap #learningtogether #melbournelockdown #staythecourse #eyesontheprize #smallschoolbigdifference #footscray #covidnormal #staysafe #wearamask #washyourhands #physicallydistance #stmonicasfootscray #todaysnumber
07.01.2022 Love, kindness, generosity, empathy, understanding and patience are needed now. Take a pause, focus inwards and focus outwards. Share these virtues. #love #kindess #generosity #empathy #understanding #patience #pause #focus #virtues #workingtogether #staythecourse #melbournelockdown #smallschoolbigdifference #stmonicasfootscray #westisbest #hiddengemofthewest #learningcommunity
07.01.2022 Coming up with new ideas! #creativekids #creativity #newideas #alwayslearning #learningthroughplay #exploration #brainbreaks #balance #seesaw #partnership #ittakestwo #twobrainsarebetter #balancingact #smallschoolbigdifference #learningcommunity #enjoyingsuccess #stmonicasfootscray #melbourneschools #innerwestmelbourne
06.01.2022 Who's on your mind? Trust your gut and give them a call. It has been a tough time lately for many of us. It's ok not to be ok. Speak to a friend, your GP or call one of the following numbers:... Beyondblue - Depression, anxiety and related disorders 1300 22 4636 24 hours/7 days Lifeline - Crisis support, suicide prevention and mental health support services 13 11 14 24 hours/7 days SANE - People affected by complex mental health issues 1800 187 263 10am 10pm weekdays ARAFEMI Carer Helpline (People affected by mental illness) 1300 550 265 9am 5pm
04.01.2022 This Friday's theme is Sports Day! We are hosting a Virtual Sports Day. You can score points for your house by uploading your activities onto Seesaw. Enjoy wearing your favourite sports gear for the day. Don't forget school finishes for the term at 1pm after Assembly. Have fun! #virtualsportsday #funthemefridays #themefridays #funfridays #fitnessfridays #endofterm #sportsforlife #melbournelockdown2020 #educationrevolution #stmonicasfootscray #wecanlearnanywhere #makingthemostoutofthis #footscraylife #footscraysports #welovefootscray
04.01.2022 Can't wait to see everyone's faces this Friday! In true St Monica's style, everyone is welcome. The link will be on Seesaw, so feel free to send to family members who want to attend. The link will also be in our St Monica's ISO Space on Facebook. Many of our kids can now make pancakes, so let's hope they make a special breakfast for their very special person. #fathersdaybreakfast #makepancakesfordad #wearyourpjs #virtualbreakfast #togetherapart #footscraycoffee #homecafemelbourne #isolife #remotelearning2 #lifeinlockdown
02.01.2022 There should be something for everyone at the upcoming Senior Business Stalls - from Christmas decorations to jewellery to bath bombs to slime. #mindyourownbusiness #seniorbusinessstalls #youngentrepreneurs #makeandsell #fromlittlethingsbigthingsgrow #inspirational #kidsbusiness #smallschoolbigdifference #learningbydoing #handsonlearning #stmonicasfootscray #footscraybusiness
01.01.2022 Our Australian Ballet Workshops promote creativity, fitness, flexibility, focus and fun. Our students create a whole school performance with their own dance motifs as a part of this. Truly inspiring! #australianballet #dance #dancemotifs #australianballetcompany #storiesthroughmovement #smallschoolbigdifference #learningtogether #learningcommunity #growthmindset #footscrayarts #stmonicasfootscray