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St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church, Fairfield in Fairfield, New South Wales, Australia | Religious centre

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St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church, Fairfield

Locality: Fairfield, New South Wales, Australia

Phone: +61 2 9724 3061

Address: 13 barbara st 2165 Fairfield, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 True Repentance True repentance must culminate in the Sacrament of Confession Confession is a God-given commandment, and it is one of the Sacraments of our Church. Confession must never become a formal, habitual, and unprepared act, coming forth from a sense of duty or obligation. Nor can we allow our confession to be nothing beyond some sort of psychological relief. Our confession must be united to a sincere desire for true repentance. If our confession is nothing more than... an act of relieving a sense of guilt, we will not have truly confessed. Repentance is that important moment when we reach deeply into our heart, and cultivate the process of contrition and sorrow for having distanced ourselves from God through sin. To be truly repentant has nothing to do with promoting a relentless sense of guilt, for that could lead to the inflating of our ego. This would not be sincere repentance, but a secret egotism based on shame alone. True repentance must be about making a complete about-face, demonstrating our sincere desire to turn our backs on sin, and focus on an inner communion with God. Our act of true repentance must make clear our desire to embrace all that is good in our life, and make our commitment to the things of this world, a thing of the past. Repentance means a change in our thoughts, and making a commitment to living a life of virtue, and benevolence. Repentance must prompt us to be re-joined to Christ through the Grace of the Holy Spirit. True repentance must begin in the depth of our heart, and culminate in the sacrament of Confession, wherein we sincerely and humbly bear all before the confessor, as though in the presence of Christ. Our repentance must be grounded in a true commitment to keeping our eyes on the things of God, and casting aside all that would detract from the ultimate goal, Eternal Life. With love in Christ, Abbot Tryphon

25.01.2022 Русская школа в Кабрамате, записаться сейчас можно на 2021 Cabramatta Orthodox Russian school is enrolling now for 2021.

24.01.2022 С Праздником!! Happy Feast Day of the Dormition of The Most Holy Theotokos!

24.01.2022 Wishing our Dear Fr. Nikita a Happy Namesday! May God Grant him many years filled with health, peace and Holy Blessings! Многая и Благая лета!!!

19.01.2022 Let the children come to Church, even if they slept there, even if they played and ate, even if they came late, even if they talked and made noise... It is enough that they chose the Church rather than going anywhere else! They shook off sleep and came to Church. They left their play and came to Church. Today they play and joke, tomorrow they will pray and chant, and after tomorrow they will serve, and afterwards they will become leaders in the church. Who amongst us didn’t ...behave like them when he was their age? Do not reproach a child or dismiss him. Whatever he does, do not reject his commitment to the Church. Be kind to them, be nice to them, and teach them with patience, compassion and wisdom. Smile to them. Give them gifts. Hug them kindly. Encourage them and make them feel how we rejoice that they are present with us. Today they connect emotionally with the Church, tomorrow they will connect spiritually. Of all that we have, children are the most precious. Our Lord Jesus Christ blessed children, hugged them, and had them stand in the midst, in front of everyone, to show that they should get the most attention and care. Anba Macarius General bishop of Al Menia and Abu Koras

16.01.2022 CANDLE & COMMEMORATION ORDERS Candles are $2, $4 and $6 each. Donation amounts are at your own discretion.... Please "Private Message" the names of the Living and Departed Orthodox relatives/friends for commemoration. Alternatively, if you are a parishioner, please provide your commemoration book number. Please also provide a remittance advice in this message with the number and size of candles you would like to purchase and indicate any donation amounts. Please place your orders prior to commencement of the service. Funds to be transferred to the following account: NAME: St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church BSB: 06 2265 ACCOUNT#: 11108031 We thank you for supporting our parish. Please pass on this information to other parishioners especially if they are not on Facebook.

15.01.2022 Nativity fast from November 28 to January 6.(Old Calendar) It is worth remembering the words from the Optina elders: "They who do not want to fast voluntarily -... they will fast involuntarily ...". I wish you a good deed to strive, to fast spiritually and physically, with a pleasant fast, pleasing to the Lord: shut the doors of the cell from the people, the door of the tongue from verbalization and the door of the heart from evil spirits. St. Macarius of Optina

14.01.2022 Coming to Confession What do we confess in confession? The most important thing that we say in confession has little to do with what we say. The most important thing is what is in our heart, or the condition of our heart in confession. When we come to confession, many words are not necessary. In fact, many words generally only muddy the water and reveal a mind that is not settled, but is rather still self-justifying, still trying to get a handle on it as though you coul...d actually fix this problem yourself if you could only just figure it out. The most important thing to bring to confession is a broken and humbled heart. A broken and humbled heart God does not despise, the Psalms tell us. A broken and humbled heart expresses itself in simplicity, with few words: few words with much meaning. When God revealed Himself to mankind, He revealed humility. This is what God showed us about himself when He revealed Himself to mankind, this is the quality that most defines God for us: love revealed by humility. This is how God reveals Himself: Not by power. Not through justice. But in Humility. God, who is whole, took on himself that which is contingent to teach us the way, to teach us that in accepting our contingency, dependence, inability, and brokenness we begin to imitate God. We begin to find salvation. We are stuck on fault, on guilt, yet fault is not the issue. Like a sick child who has caught a cold playing in the rain. Figuring out how he caught the cold does not help heal the cold. But to heal the cold, we have to first acknowledge that we are sick, that we are sick and cannot heal ourselves. This is why we come to confession. We come to confession to say that we are sick, that our body and mind is out of control, that we need a physician. And just this act, this act of contrition, this act of humbling ourselves, and saying out loud: I am badly broken and I cannot fix myself, this act begins to heal us. Why? It begins to heal us because we have already begun to see reality, to see who we really are, and to find the place where God meets us.

12.01.2022 Happt Feast Day of The Holy Protection of The Mother of God

11.01.2022 Happy Feast Day of The Exultation of The Holy Cross

09.01.2022 However many and however great and burdensome your sins may be, with God there is greater mercy. Just as His majesty is, so likewise is His mercy. -- St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow

07.01.2022 Никто не поленится помянуть своих родителей; но поминать надо и всех православных христиан, и не в этот только день, а во всякое время, на всякой молитве. Сами там будем, и понуждаемся в молитве этой, как бедный в куске хлеба и чаше воды. Помни, что молитва об усопших и сильна общностью - тем, что идет от лица всей Церкви. Церковь дышет молитвой. Но как в естественном порядке, при беременности мать дышет, а сила дыхания переходит и на дитя, так и в благодатном порядке Церковь дышет общею всех молитвою, а сила молитвы переходит и на усопших, содержимых в лоне Церкви, которая слагается из живых и умерших, воюющих и торжествующих. Не поленись же на всякой молитве усердно поминать всех отшедших отец и братий наших. Это будет от тебя им милостыня. . . Святитель Феофан Затворник

07.01.2022 Happy Feast Day of The Birth of The Most Holy Theotokos

06.01.2022 НЕОПУСТИТЕЛЬНО КАЖДЫЙ ДЕНЬ читай Утренние и Вечерние молитвы ! Читай их всегда с умилением и благоговением. Через это ты входишь в общение с Самим Господом, Которому ты молишься и со Святыми Отцами, составившими эти молитвы. /о. Валентин Мордасов/... Read your morning and evening prayers everyday! Read them attentively and with reverence. Through prayer you enter into communion with God and with the Holy Fathers who composed these prayers. Priest Valentin Mordasov See more

06.01.2022 Pentecostal Requiem-Commemoration of the Departed.

05.01.2022 Building Confidence. Much of what we think we need is born from our own immaturity. When we find ourselves caught up in what we want, or what we think we need, we become despondent that things are not going the way we'd hoped. Disappointed, we start to wonder why God has failed to give us that which we've so sought after, that thing, or situation, that became the dominant theme of our prayers. Caught up in trying to reach a goal, and failing, we forget that it may not have be...en God's will for us from the very beginning. Relying on our own notion of what we need, we end up disappointed, or even disillusioned, and we blame God. Much of what we think we need is born from our own immaturity, for as we've focused on what we think we need, we fail to quietly surrender to the will of God, and fail to trust in the knowledge that God knows what we really need. We fail during such times to trust God, and surrender to His will for us. We forget that God knows what we really need, and fail to consider the long term good. When we quit struggling against the will of God, we find the grace sufficient to prayerfully enduring our trials, knowing that God gives us that which is salvific. Like a loving earthly father, our God allows us to endure that which will make us strong, and He will lead us to victory over our fallen nature. Prayerfully enduring trials will, in God's time, make us stronger, and we will become more faithful children of the Most High. This kind of faithful living leads us to know the truth of the words, And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). When we trust God, those moments of disappointment make sense, and the bigger picture is clearly set before us. "Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise (Hebrews 10:35-36)." With love in Christ, Abbot Tryphon

04.01.2022 ПОМНИ БЛИЗКИХ... Жизнь коротка, не упустите существенное! Вечно живая душа умершего испытывает великую потребность в постоянной молитве, ибо не может сама творить добрых дел, которыми была бы в состоянии умилостивить Господа. 7 ноября ДИМИТРИЕВСКАЯ РОДИТЕЛЬСКАЯ СУББОТА особый день всеобщего поминовения усопших, ближайшая суббота перед днем памяти святого великомученика Димитрия Солунского 8 ноября. ... Постараемся, сколько возможно, помогать усопшим, вместо слез, вместо рыданий, вместо пышных гробниц нашими о них молитвами, милостынями и приношениями, дабы таким образом и им, и нам получить обетованные блага. (Святитель Иоанн Златоуст) Первоначально Димитриевская суббота была днм поминовения православных воинов, за Веру и Отечество жизнь свою на поле брани положивших. Этот день напоминает нам и о всех тех, кто погиб и пострадал за Православие. Каждый христианин при крещении получает звание Христова воина, то постепенно Димитриевская суббота стала днем заупокойного поминовения всех усопших православных христиан. Божественная литургия и общая панихида 7 Ноября в 8ч.у МОЛИТВА ОБ УСОПШИХ Упокой, Господи, души усопших раб Твоих: родителей моих, сродников, благодетелей (имена их) и всех православных христиан, и прости им вся согрешения вольная и невольная, и даруй им Царствие Небесное.

04.01.2022 Due to the easing of government restrictions, we are now able to have up to 30 worshippers in church. We still need to maintain social distancing. If you are a parishioner and regularly attended prior to lockdown, please send a private message to inform us if you wish to attend services. The rector of the parish will be in touch with you at his earliest convenience. Please do not come to church unless you have booked in. We will continue to livestream all services for those who are unable to attend.

02.01.2022 English translation below Каждый святой храм это частица неба на земле. И когда ты в храме, то, смотри, ты уже на небе. Когда земля измучит тебя своим адом, ты поспеши в храм, войди в него, и вот вошел ты в рай. И если случится, что на тебя нападут целые легионы демонов, ты беги в храм стань среди святых Ангелов, ибо храм всегда полон Ангелов, и Ангелы Божии охранят тебя от всех демонов мира сего. И ничто не сможет тебе повредить. Преподобный Иустин (Попович)... Every holy church is a piece of heaven on earth. And when you are in church, you will feel as though in heaven. When the earth has tortured you with it's hell, hurry to church, enter it and you will have entered Paradise. And if it happens that you are attacked by legions of demons, run to church and stand amongst the Holy Angels, for the church is always full of Angels and the Angels of God will protect you from the demons of the world. And nothing will be able to harm you. St Justin (Popovich)

01.01.2022 СОБОР АРХИСТРАТИГА МИХАИЛА И ПРОЧИХ НЕБЕСНЫХ СИЛ БЕСПЛОТНЫХ Собор Архистратига Божия Михаила и прочих Небесных Сил бесплотных. Архангелов Гавриила, Рафаила, Уриила, Селафиила, Иегудиила, Варахиила и Иеремиила Чины ангельские бывают трех иерархий. ... Высшая это Серафимы, Херувимы и Престолы. Ближе всех Пресвятой Троице предстоят шестокрылатые Серафимы (в переводе Пламенеющие, Огненные). Средняя Господства, Силы и Власти. Низшую Начала, Архангелы и ангелы. Все чины небесных сил называют ангелами. Архангел Михаил стоит над всеми девятью чинами и поэтому называется архистратигом. Мы знаем также имена других архангелов: Гавриил (сила Божия), Рафаил (врачевание Божие), Уриил (свет Божий), Селафиил (молитвенник Божий), Иегудиил (славящий Бога), Варахиил (благословение Божие), Иеремиил (возвышение к Богу). Святые Архангелы и Ангелы, все Воинства, Херувимы и Серафимы, молите Бога о нас!

01.01.2022 At the present time, people in the world consider us believers to be foolish and stupid. They do not approve of our Orthodox faith, or ecclesiastical rules, laws and customs. They scornfully laugh at everything that is holy to us. You can often hear from believers, who are forced to live in a hostile environment, how difficult it is to endure constant mockery and derision. ... You should consider such treatment an honor: If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the Spirit of glory and God resteth upon you. (1 Pet. 4:14) If people laugh at us, if they do not love us, it means we are not of this world. We should not be grieved or upset over such treatment Persecution and oppression are beneficial for us, for they strengthen us in our faith. - St. Nikon of Optina, Living Without Hypocrisy

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