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25.01.2022 I think this is just brilliant,... says it all, through art!
24.01.2022 Post-it #96. Getting close to my goal of 100. Not sure if I'll keep going after that or not. Maybe I'll find something else or just have a break for a while. I ...wrote this one because I'd been thinking about the weird symptoms of MS that I have. Ones that I would never have heard of if I hadn't experienced them myself. There's no denying that some are definitely getting worse. I also wonder if there's a tradeoff of sorts. Is it possible that some functions increase or become more pronounced as others decrease? Would whatever part of the brain that deals with creative stuff not be as active? Would I not find it so easy to write in my own written code? Would I not be developing my own spoken language? Who knows. Maybe that theory is absolute rubbish. It's interesting to think about though. See more
23.01.2022 I got some more sewing done on Claudia Pfeil's improv pieced quilt-along project. Now I have lots of trimming to do but that doesn't take as long as you think it will. I've been having a bit of an off week with fatigue levels way up. I thought it might be the start of an MS flareup but think it might be improving. The last 2 days have been a bit better. Fingers crossed that it will continue that way!
21.01.2022 Post-it #18. No haiku today. This started as a doodle while I was on hold during a phone call yesterday. This quirky bird looks a bit angry around the eyes but he isn't. He's just tired. His tiredness made him snappy so he picked a flower to give as a peace offering.
20.01.2022 Savoury muffins with bacon, cheese, zucchini, carrot, leek and sun-dried tomatoes. The house smelled wonderful! They tasted delicious too. I'm not going to fit into any of my clothes soon. Maybe that's what face masks are for - to stop us eating all these baked goodies! I totally crashed in the afternoon though. I got absolutely nothing done as I kept going to sleep. At the computer, at the sewing machine, everywhere! MS life can be such fun.
20.01.2022 This is my Claudia Pfeil quilt-along project. I did some more sewing when my Mum was here yesterday. She likes to take part so I was doing all the sewing and she was pressing all the seams. This is not how it will look when it's done as I need to do quite a few more sections of spiky grass yet. I think. It's an interesting process. I'm only using my own hand dyed fabrics so that is quite limiting really. I have so much fabric but still not the colours I want! It's always the way, isn't it?
19.01.2022 Sorry I haven't been around for a while. My MS has really been giving me some grief for a while. We're trying new medications to see if we can find a combination that works. I've not been doing much in the way of creative stuff but have recently started a post-it note challenge. Post-it notes are about all I have the energy for at the moment. I will share some here shortly. If you're still here, thanks for sticking it out with me. <3
19.01.2022 Post-it #98. We didn't have much rain during the winter here, and not a lot during spring either. Today is the 5th day of summer and we got a little bit. I could almost see the plants slurping it up.
17.01.2022 I saw him! I saw Bounce! We've had a southern brown bandicoot living in the shrubs on the edge of our courtyard for almost 5 weeks. I named him Bounce. I hadn't seen him since last Wednesday and thought he might have moved on but I saw him just now. This isn't my photo as he is way too quick to get a photo myself. Ooh, he's just been looking in through the glass door next to the dining table where I'm sitting! How wonderful! Our cat Millie is sitting on the inside of that doo...r. Guess what she did? Absolutely nothing. Didn't hiss or meow. Didn't even stand up. Just looked at him. Mind you, this is a cat that brings home other stray cats so we can feed them. I just read that the breeding season for bandicoots can start in winter and go through till summer so he might move on in breeding season. I'll miss him. I keep saying 'him' but don't know if it's male or female. See more
17.01.2022 Post-it #78. I needed a haiku to fit the theme of Horizon. Does this fit? Taking that first step may be difficult but so worth it in the end.
16.01.2022 Post-it #21. We don't make soup. We make stoup (soup that's almost as thick as stew). Use lots of vegetables, whatever we have in the fridge. A bit of meat and some bacon that has had all the fat removed. A couple of handfuls of pearl barley and split peas. Put it all in our big slow cooker with 6-7 cups of stock and a decent amount of ground black pepper then cook it for about 8 hours. We often give it a few seconds with the stick blender after it's cooked but you don't have to. Divide into serving-sized portions, cool then chuck in freezer until you want it. Easy!
16.01.2022 Post-it #74. It breaks my heart to see so much hatred featuring in our news broadcasts and social media. Is this the way our world is going? Surely we are able to turn the tide.
15.01.2022 Post-it #20. Memories of childhood. Licking the spoon when Mum was baking a cake or licking the beaters when she had whipped cream. This was probably a universal kid thing to do. I'm not sure it happens now because families don't have as much free time for home baking. I don't lick the spoon any more but I always seem to eat a piece of raw cookie dough when making cookies. One of life's guilty pleasures!
14.01.2022 Post-it #99. The theme for this haiku was Japanese. I love the concept of kintsugi, mending broken things (usually pottery/ceramics) to extend their use and make them more beautiful. Google it to see some gorgeous examples.
14.01.2022 Post-it #75. Love and kindness. An antidote to all the negativity. It is something that has to be consciously worked at but it is possible.
13.01.2022 Post-it #22. My name is Cat and I am a chocoholic. There, I've said it. My very favourite is dark chocolate coated ginger. I try not to indulge too much because I'd end up the size of a barn. That mid-afternoon slump is when my sweet tooth really plays up. I've taken to having a couple of dried apricots and dried apple slices. I can't have much fresh fruit or raw vegetables because of gastroparesis (mild, thank goodness). What do you all eat that isn't raw fruit or vegetables and isn't full of sugar? Any suggestions!
11.01.2022 Post-it #97. The theme was Old Oak Tree. It's a weird looking tree but that's okay. I'm trying to channel the spirit of the tree because sometimes it feels as if MS is like weathering a thousand storms.
11.01.2022 I've just listened to Richard Fidler interviewing Eric Idle of Monty Python's Flying Circus fame. What a joyful conversation! Anyone with 50 minutes to spare, take a listen.
10.01.2022 Post-it #79. The theme for this haiku was Gratitude. We've been together for just over 31 years and still waiting for our first argument. We are blessed, I thin...k. I am having to put a little digital signature on now as some people were stealing the images and posting as their own work, not giving me any credit as the creator. I know once I post the image it's available for anyone to steal but it's still disappointing. See more
10.01.2022 Post-it #95. Not a haiku this time. This drawing is based on a quilting design called feathers, or rather it's one of many quilting designs using a stylised fea...ther. I've quilted many of these but quite like drawing them as well. Happy first day of Summer for those of us down under! It's raining here but that's a great thing. See more
09.01.2022 I love this quilt by Irene Roderick called She's Lost Control Again. This type of improvisational piecing really appeals to me and there are so many wonderful examples of it on her website. Take a look and tell me what you think.
09.01.2022 Post-it #76. Don't you just love the imagination of young children? I remember us sitting in a doctor's waiting room once and a little girl was telling my husba...nd and I a story about a toy that she was just making up on the spot. I sometimes wonder if current school systems educate that out of kids or if it gradually just disappears ss we get older. Or is it a bit if both? I've always seemed to have kept my imagination. We weren't lucky enough to have kids but I'd like to think that we'd have encouraged creative pursuits of some kind. See more
07.01.2022 I haven't been doing a lot of sewing recently, just bits and pieces. My husband and I have been cooking though. We'll both look like blimps if we ate everything we've been cooking so we give some away and freeze some. This morning's baking. Fresh homemade pasties. We can't call them cornish pasties because we aren't from Cornwall. Traditional Cornish pastie filling was about 1/3 diced beef, 1/3 diced potato, 1/3 sliced onion and diced swede (turnip in Cornwall, rutabaga in USA) plus salt and pepper. Our variation also has a little grated carrot. We used shortcrust pastry sheets and just rolled it out a bit thinner. We tried them out for lunch and they were very nice!
05.01.2022 If only you could smell what I can smell! Curried chicken and vegetable sausage rolls. Fatigue levels were very high so I had to make a tradeoff. If I wanted to make these, I couldn't have a shower. Showers can be exhausting for people with chronic illness. For anyone familiar with the spoon theory, I didn't have enough spoons for both. It was worth it though because these were delicious! Most are in the freezer and the rest are in our bellies.
04.01.2022 Just a quick hello to say I'm still around. Haven't been doing much for a week or so apart from making masks. After making about 3 dozen and giving away most of them, I'm having a break. We made this banana cake at the weekend. It's from my grandmother's old recipe. We didn't have quite enough banana so we got some raspberries out of the freezer, thawed them and drained off the juice then added that to the banana. It turned out very well!
03.01.2022 Post-it #19. I've been a stitcher of some kind ever since I can remember. Patchwork quilts, embroidery, clothes (not for a long time) and various other things. I think stitching is my refuge. I can do it alone or with company, I can listen to music or just sort things out in my mind. I believe that people who can occupy themselves with some kind of creativity will surely be coping better with the disaster that is 2020. It doesn't have to cost much either. You can often get what you need from thrift shops. Do you all have some kind of creative outlets? Stitching, art, writing, baking? Whittling? Rock stacking?
03.01.2022 Playing with cheap watercolours from Spotlight and a fine line pen from the newsagent. This is my version of a tutorial by artist Tamara Laporte.
03.01.2022 I've had so much fun looking through these fabulous works of art. People have such great imaginations.
02.01.2022 An old one from Michael Leunig. I love his work. Driving under the influence of poetry sounds wonderful!
02.01.2022 Post-it #77. It's easy to feel a bit lost when you can no longer do many of the things that you used to do. If you feel like you're flailing around lost, maybe's time to look for a new direction. Maybe even something you've never considered before. It might be scary at first but ask yourself what is the worst thing that could happen if you can't do something perfectly the first time. Every single expert in any field was also a total beginner at the start. Just go for it! See more
01.01.2022 Some of my journaling from the last couple of years. Joodling - a combination of journaling and doodling. The writing is meant to be illegible. Semi-asemic (if that's even a phrase?). Whatever it is, it gives me a lot of pleasure to do. I can do this kind of thing even when having an MS flareup, especially if I've drawn a few rough pencil lines on a few pages first.
01.01.2022 Another one fresh out of the oven. This time It's a Sour Cream Fruit Loaf. It's the first time we've made this. We tweaked a recipe from an old cookbook. It turned out very nice! We had one slice then cut the rest up and put in the freezer, otherwise we'd be tempted to eat the rest of it!