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Stop Population Growth Now

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25.01.2022 Once upon a time there was a land which had supported it's occupants for eons. Then came a new people- with an economic theory based entirely on short term #growth targets.

24.01.2022 World Population Day is July 11th, but The Overpopulation Podcast team is renaming it World OVERpopulation Day, and weve taken over the website to do it. In this episode, we lament how the United Nations avoids the subject of overpopulation in its World Population Day messaging. See more

23.01.2022 Letter to the Advertiser by SPGN convenor Bob Couch, sent 14 Sept. 2020... Dear Editor, I nearly choked on my weetbix when I read Christopher Pynes Opinion piece Population boost key to success, Advertiser today, advocating greater population growth for SA. Regrettably, his views reflect old fashioned economic thinking that has no regard to the limits of growth.... I left school in 1960 (seven years before Pyne was born). I had 2 job interview offers before I even wrote a job application. I was offered both jobs (permanent positions with good prospects). The experience of my peers was similar. In the late 60s I married. We were able to purchase a nice block of land in a seaside suburb, build a comfortable house, and pay the mortgage on one modest salary. My tertiary education at the SA Institute of Technology (now University of SA) was free. Contrast my experience with today. Good jobs are very hard to find, young couples need to work for many years to pay off exorbitantly priced houses often delaying starting families longer than they would like, and owing huge HECS debts. In 1960 the population of SA was about 1 million. It is now about 1.7 million. So how has population growth improved matters for young people in particular, Mr Pyne? Mr Pyne does not mention that it costs taxpayers upwards of $100,000 to provide infrastructure and services (roads, schools, hospitals, water etc) for each additional person. He does not mention if it were not for our population growth, Australias carbon emissions would be going down, not up. He does not mention that population growth puts more pressure on our water supplies, fisheries, wildlife, and beaches, . He does not mention that more people means more competition for already scarce jobs and housing. The key to our future prosperity is not population growth. Instead we need to massively reinvigorate local manufacturing and enterprise. As COVID 19 has demonstrated, we need to be much less dependent on imports. Population growth does not improve our quality of life. Indeed , the opposite is the case. Bob Couch Marino SA


21.01.2022 "...people (including many you wouldnt suspect) are even waking up to the macro-problem of overpopulation, a topic becoming less and less taboo with each passing day."

20.01.2022 A very worthwhile analysis from Jane O'Sullivan...

19.01.2022 A letter sent to The Advertiser from the convenor of Stop Population Growth Now: Dear Editor A group of influencers has recommended that SAs population be increased from 1.7 million to 3 million in the next 20 years (Influencers Blueprint Sunday Mail 9th August).... I left school in 1960. I had invitations to 2 job interviews before I had even written out a resume. After attending these interviews, I was offered both jobs. This was a typical experience of the time, as jobs were plentiful. A few years later, I married. My wife and I were able to purchase a block of land in a pleasant seaside suburb, build a house, and pay the mortgage reasonably comfortably on one wage. Water and energy supply was not an issue, our gulfs still held reasonable stocks of fish, our native flora and fauna was not unduly depleted, and traffic jams were pretty much unheard of. Given the aformentioned facts, I suggest a fair assessment would be that South Australians are worse off in 2020 than in 1960. Why, you may ask. In 1960 the population of SA was about 1 million. It is now 1.7 million. An advisor to the late President Kennedy is reported as saying that anyone who thinks that we can have eternal growth on a finite planet is either mad or an economist. The so called influencers should take note. Bob Couch Marino SA

19.01.2022 Wow, check out all the positive comments below this article encouraging population growth in SA ....

18.01.2022 From the SPGN's convenor, Bob Couch, in Adelaide's Advertiser: MANUFACTURE JOBS THE various proposals by our political and business leaders to provide more jobs remind me of Daniel Kerrigans (The Castle) wonderful phrase Tell em there dreaming.... The Housing Industry Association has called for scrapping stamp duty to stimulate the battling housing sector (The Advertiser, 27/9/2019). SAs future prosperity is not going to be guaranteed by building more houses for ourselves. This is merely a proposal based on self interest of that industry, worthy as it is. Premier Marshall continues to promote the space industry, when there is very little evidence that SA has any real advantages over other states or countries in that area. The answer to our economic malaise is to change policy so that manufacturing in Australia is reinvigorated. This can be done by banning imports of a sufficient range of products to ensure full employment, and to stem the enormous flows of cash overseas to pay for imports. We could start by having our Prime Minister walk into Bunnings and, on advice, ban the import of 50 per cent of the items there. The building industry could be put to work erecting thousands of factories (financed from the treasure troves of the superannuation funds). At the same time, our breakneck immigration rate (more than 200,000 people per year) could be drastically reduced to ensure that jobs created were reserved for locals. BOB COUCH, Marino

18.01.2022 Bob Couch just can't take it anymore! ______________________ To whom it may concern...Continue reading

15.01.2022 Name a new city! SPGN suggests the name "Growthia" because it "Reflects the ideology of perpetual growth that has led to the city's creation and the hope of only more growth in future." Why not contribute your own name suggestion!

15.01.2022 "6) Population. Stabilize a global human population that is increasing by more than 200,000 people a day, using approaches that ensure social and economic justice."

12.01.2022 How could Australian citizens compete for these jobs?

12.01.2022 Dear Editor I refer to your article (Australias greenhouse gas emissions are on the rise Advertiser 31st August). Federal Minister Taylor blames this on increased LPG exports. However, he fails to mention the elephant in the room population. Most green house gases are generated in the process of satisfying the wants and needs of people. Minister Taylors own Department has published data showing Emissions per capita (per person) in the year to March 2019 have fallen... 40.1 percent since 1990. But that achievement has been wasted because Australias population has increased by about 8 million persons since 1990, so the benefits of reducing per person emissions have been lost. By reducing our breakneck population growth , we would achieve our Paris commitments in a canter, while at the same time addressing many of our problems such as unaffordable housing, traffic congestion, water and energy insecurity, and unemployment. However, I will not hold my breath waiting for action. Labor, Liberals and the Greens all avoid the issue of population growth like the plague. Bob Couch Marino SA

11.01.2022 Along with a group of mates Ms Lewis has been working on and off at farms picking fruit for years but said it has become almost impossible to get a job. I enjoy doing the farm work, but this year there have been five of us doing it, we’ve been knocked back by 27 farms, and that’s mostly in the last month, she said. They’ve tried farms in NSW, central Queensland and the Sunshine Coast but have had no luck. She said farms want to take backpackers because they can underpay them.

10.01.2022 Tragedy leading to higher living standards You could replace the words Black Death with the words Covid 19 in the following quote from a Medieval historian: The Black Death was a great tragedy. However, the decrease in population caused by the plague increased the wages of peasants. As a result, peasants began to enjoy a higher standard of living and greater freedom....Continue reading

10.01.2022 They just never give up, do they?

08.01.2022 Frequently asked questions on population sustainability from a Dutch website:

07.01.2022 Letter In local Post Newspaper It is easy to share the pain now being felt by the residents of Nedlands as they come to grips with the inevitability that their ...communities will soon be ripped apart by property developers, but to be fair they have also had adequate warning off this looming catastrophe. Over the past 30 years, most of these residents would have voted for political parties that vigorously support a Big Australia, in fact, there was hardly any alternative! While the pace of growth has been slower over the last couple of years, the 12 years up until 2016 saw Perths population expand by 546,332 people, approximately 54% by net migration. In his 2009 exposé Boomtown 2050, UWA Professor Richard Weller predicted that Perths population would rise from 1.6 million to 4.2 million by 2056, but ten years later it is already 2.3 million and now on path to hit 5 million in that time frame, maintaining a history of successive projections to be higher than all previous! As they cheered on decades of property price inflation, underpinned by demand resulting from an extreme pace of population growth, where did the good people of Nedlands think all those extra people in Perth would be housed? Wellers method of cramming folks into Perth was clearly articulated. In addition to hub development around rail lines, it envisioned high-rise development along Stirling Highway from Fremantle to the city. Perhaps the best plan of action would be to cash in their chips, move to a rural setting and finally, vote for public policy that aims to stop population growth over time. We live on a finite planet with finite resources and we are heavily overtaxing the environment.

07.01.2022 Of course, a major reason reason why big business likes higher rates of immigration is the opportunity to (illegally) employ workers at below award rates ...

06.01.2022 Our hearts bleed for Harry - so unfair!!

06.01.2022 Of course you are!

05.01.2022 The Lord works in mysterious ways. Has Lomborg, of all people, seen the light?

04.01.2022 If you care for the environment, you cannot avoid the need to limit human population size.

03.01.2022 (Letter sent to the Advertiser 18 Dec 2020) Dear Editor It is predictable that Property Council of Australia SA executive director Daniel Gannon calls increasing population growth in SA promising news(SA brain drain in reverse Advertiser today).... Well, you would expect him to say that, as he represents the property industry ,who will not be happy until there are wall to wall buildings from Port Wakefield to Victor Harbour. COVID has given us a much needed respite from the previous high levels of population growth in Australia and SA (Pre COVID - Australia 400,000 per annum including 15,000 in South Australia). Australia's population growth rate for the quarter ended 30th June 2020 (0.1%) was the slowest since quarterly population estimates began in June 1981 . This has meant reduced pressure on water supplies, roads, schools, hospitals, energy sources and the many other items of infrastructure required for modern living. It has also meant less Australian emissions generated and less impact on habitat for our flora and fauna. And there has been less competition for scarce jobs and housing from the 260,000 migrants admitted every year pre COVID. Part of the reason Australia has been able to achieve such relative success fighting COVID, is our relatively low and spread out population. Let us keep it that way. Bob Couch Marino SA

03.01.2022 It's almost enough to make you wish the virus was a permanent thing....

02.01.2022 From Convenor Bob Couch in today's Adelaide Advertiser... Population factor WHILE I broadly agree with Renee Watson that excessive consumption is a major factor to be addressed in reducing CO2 emissions, it is not completely accurate to say it is too much consumption that is driving climate change, not overpopulation (Fossil fuel blame, The Advertiser, Thursday),.... Poorer countries such as Nigeria have low per-person emissions. However, the UN predicts that its population will increase from its present 206 million to about 730 million (median projection) by 2100. So, even though their emissions per person are low compared to relatively affluent countries such as Australia, their total emissions will massively increase. This will worsen as the Nigerians understandably seek more affluent lifestyles. And there are many countries like Nigeria. I realise that the matter of limiting population increase is contentious, but it must be tackled if our mother Earth is to continue to be liveable. BOB COUCH, Marino

02.01.2022 Put on a tariff so that China pays Middle Eastern-level prices for Australia's natural gas (far higher than Australia's prices - but no accusations of "dumping" when it comes to gas)!

01.01.2022 Australians would sell their grandmothers into slavery if it would support the property market ....

01.01.2022 Populations need food security....

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