Stop Dog Racing Australia in Sydney, Australia | Community
Stop Dog Racing Australia
Locality: Sydney, Australia
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25.01.2022 Us Leaving the Office on Fridays... [sound ON a must]
25.01.2022 Retired greyhound cant believe shes swimming in the ocean
24.01.2022 Greyhound Racing NSW publishes video footage of every race, except those with major incidents. Last Saturday, September 12, three greyhounds collided and fell a...t a race at Wentworth Park. While the race replay was deleted (or never uploaded) to the GRNSW website, the incident can still be seen in a "highlights" reel here (Race 5): The video appears to show a dog become airborne before the camera pans away from the three injured dogs. According to the Stewards report, High Expectation failed to finish the race and suffered a fractured shoulder, and wont be allowed to race for 60 days. While its surprising this video is still on the GRNSW website, it will probably be taken down soon. We know Greyhound Racing NSW has removed similar videos from public view, so this week in Parliament I will be seeking orders for Greyhound Racing NSW to produce videos of races where NSW greyhounds have suffered horrific injuries where euthanasia was required.
23.01.2022 A second Pakistani Dog Racing video. Pakistan has been the final bastion for many an Australian Dog...
23.01.2022 We like the bit where the Minister says NSW now has the most generous minimum kennel sizes but forgets to mention trainers have 15 YEARS to comply.
23.01.2022 Call Me Marshall suffered multiple fractures and dislocations during this fall at Capalaba on Sunday. His injuries were severe - the 2-year-old greyhound was ki...lled soon after. This happened on a straight track, and it was the most severe out of 7 injuries to occur at Capalaba in one day. The racing industry = unnecessary pain, suffering and death for young greyhounds. Please tell your MP that animal cruelty and gambling is not an industry that you want your taxes funding. Tell the Queensland Government to stop the $40 million Ipswich Greyhound Track - Rest in Paradise Call Me Marshall
21.01.2022 What does it mean to be a greyhound dad? Someones always happy to have you home, you get to see them grow, and they never move out of home! Thanks to our epic... GG dads for getting involved in this video. Happy Fathers Day to all the dog dads out there. You simply are the best Weve got lists of greys who still need dads, so check out website to see who is available
21.01.2022 Guess who made the paper yet again, #dangerousdog. Be sure to check out our latest article in page two of todays Herald Sun !
19.01.2022 PAKISTAN: Final of our 4 videos showing the same poor dog in each, unfortunately the dog died as result of his treatment. REMEMBER many Australian, English and Irish greyhounds have ended their days here far from home. (the other 3 videos can be viewed on our page)
19.01.2022 Last financial year in NSW 350 greyhounds were put down by medical euthanasia (not on track)* basically by a vet. Our question, how many dogs suddenly developed a life threatening condition shortly after not proving profitable? *NSW Greyhound Welfare Integrity Commission
17.01.2022 Pakistani Dog Racing only exists because of greyhounds previously exported from Australia, Ireland and the UK
16.01.2022 Third of Four Videos showing where Australian, UK, NZ and Irish Greyhounds have ended up, Pakistan (it is the same dog featured in all 3 videos thus far, the other 2 can be viewed on our page)
15.01.2022 BAD RANKING: Its not a ranking to be proud of, Gosfords Greyhound Racing Track been rated the states second most deadly track. In the past year, two dogs have suffered life-ending injuries, while dozens more were injured.
15.01.2022 An Excellent Post, Well Worth the Read..
14.01.2022 Bundaberg Qld: Fatal Dog Collision (17/08/20)
14.01.2022 HOMEWORK for ALL our followers: If your anything like us you hated homework at school but if you only do 1 piece of homework let it be this. We need you to contact your State Member of Parliament. Dont worry if your not sure who that is, most of the links below will help you find there name. Google their name for an e-mail address if the site doe not give you one (most will), send them a quick e-mail letting them know what you think of dog racing and what you want them to d...o. *WHY IS THIS SO IMPORTANT? Because despite the Greens and Animal Justice Party supporting our cause, they simply do not have the numbers to effect change without the support of one of the two major parties. So tell your State Member, who is more then likely Labor, Liberal or National to get on board. FIND YOUR MEMBER of PARLIAMENT: NSW: Vic. Qld. SA WA NT TAS ACT
12.01.2022 NB: Only Victorian residents can sign this petition and we encourage you to do so. (closes tomorrow) - THANKS
11.01.2022 In WA and looking to get involved in Greyhound Advocacy this may be the event for you..
10.01.2022 Thank You Andy Meddick MP on a terrific speech in the Victorian Parliament, we encourage you all to watch..
09.01.2022 Fox Hunting, Dog Fighting, Jumps Racing, Bull Fighting, Hare Coursing, Dog Racing. Society Just Moves On, Its Called ProgressFox Hunting, Dog Fighting, Jumps Racing, Bull Fighting, Hare Coursing, Dog Racing. Society Just Moves On, Its Called Progress
09.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to All Dads Regardless of Whether Your Kids Have 2 Legs or 4
06.01.2022 When Racing Stops, Life Starts
04.01.2022 A review into the NSW Greyhound Racing Act has had public submissions extended until 11:59pm THIS Wednesday IMPORTANT: FOLLOW the suggeated answers on the HOW TO ANSWER SURVEY QUESTIONS GUIDE set out at this link. IT WILL ALSO show you where to go to take the survey. REMEMBER: The date is extended to this Wednesday USE THE SUGGESTED ANSWERS to help complete your survey, that way we are all singing from the same song sheet to get our message across. THANKS!
02.01.2022 They tell you not to cry. They tell you that its just a dog, not a human being. They tell you that the pain will be over.... They tell you that the animals dont know that they have to die. They tell you that its important not to let him suffer. They tell you that you can have another one. They tell you its going to happen to you. They tell you that there is more pain. But they dont know how many times youve looked into your dogs eyes. They dont know how many times you and your dog have looked into darkness alone. They dont know how many times your dog was the only one who was by your side. They dont know how much fear you have at night when you wake up with your grief. They dont know how many times your dog slept near you. They dont know how much youve changed since the dog has become a part of your life. They dont know how many times you hugged him when he was sick. They dont know how many times youve acted like you didnt see his hair getting whiter. They dont know how many times youve talked to your dog, the only one who really hears. They dont know that it was just your dog who knew you were in pain. They dont know what it feels like to see your old dog trying to get up to say hello. They dont know that if things went wrong, the only one who didnt go is your dog. They dont know that your dog trusts you every moment of his life, even in the last. They dont know how much your dog loved you and how it is enough for him to be happy, because you loved him. They dont know that crying for a dog is one of the most noble, significant, true, purest and warmest things you can do. They dont know when the last time you moved him with trouble... making sure it didnt hurt him. They dont know what it felt like to pet their face in the last moments of their life.... In Memory of all those who went over the rainbow bridge. You all have a place forever in our hearts. Credits: Travis Patenaude
01.01.2022 ANIMAL LIBERATION TAKES AIM AT PROPOSED GREYHOUNDS EXPANSION IN THE TWEED - by Halden Boyd ANIMAL Liberation, the worlds longest-running animal rights organisa...tion, has expressed its strong objection to proposed plans by Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) to build another greyhound track in Chinderah following the $2 million purchase of 32 hectares of land by the Tweed Heads Coursing Club. The greyhound racing industry has never been, and will never be, a safe environment for any greyhound; and the only escape is either death or industry deemed retirement. Greyhound racing and gambling exploits and harms dogs and people. Its founded on a history and culture of inherent, entrenched, and systemic cruelty, secrecy and gambling, and continues to prove itself reluctant and incapable of change and reform., Animal Liberation Regional campaigns Co-ordination Lisa Ryan said. "The GRNSW plans, portrayed by some media outlets almost as paid pro-racing advertising, are not about a "centre of excellence", theyre about gambling on exploited gentle and intelligent greyhounds. We look forward to the planning assessment and response from current councillors, and challenging the proposed Development Application (DA) master plans when theyre lodged with Tweed Shire Council (TSC), leading into the 2021 NSW council election period." "Greyhounds are treated as expendable "wastage" with ongoing unacceptable injuries and deaths, yet in the last year alone, the NSW State Government has invested over $50 million of taxpayer money into propping up a cruel, unpopular and unsustainable "hobby" they claim is family-friendly", but which is responsible for extensive and ongoing greyhound suffering, injuries, and killing. This is just the tip of the iceberg because we know only a percentage of greyhounds are being tracked for whole-of-life, and many thousands are unaccounted for, while almost empty and unsupported race tracks continue to present with flea-infested greyhounds, and promote gambling often witnessed by children along with the cruelty and carnage." "The NSW Government and Kevin Anderson as Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation and GRNSW continue to fail at every juncture. The publicly forced quarterly reports now issued by the Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Commission (GWIC), covering, Breeding and Whelping, Injury, Race Injury Review Panel and Retirement and End of Life Report, provide a sobering and distressing insight into only a fraction of the true plight of NSW greyhounds, Ms Ryan said. Dennis Anderson, President of the Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds (CftPoG) has also weighed into the proposed new track. The 2016 Special Commission of Inquiry into the Greyhound Racing Industry labelled it a cruel industry. Every year throughout Australia, hundreds of greyhounds are killed and thousands are injured during racing. In addition to the carnage on the tracks, tens of thousands of young and healthy greyhounds disappear. Greyhound racing is an industry built on animal cruelty and in 2020 it is totally unacceptable as public entertainment, Mr Anderson said. The CftPoG and the University of Technology Sydney conducted an independent analysis of track design to improve greyhound safety. We both concluded that while not 100% safe, straight tracks do provide a reduction in deaths and injuries as compared with round or oval tracks, yet the design for the proposed centre of excellence includes an oval track. It proves that GRNSW is not interested in maximising greyhound welfare. They are only interested in maximising profit. The facts are that 85% of greyhounds killed on Australian tracks in 2020 were fatally injured on track turns and yet, the agonising deaths and injuries sustained by greyhounds on these tracks hasnt stopped the racing industry applying even more pressure in the run-up to the Million Dollar Chase by holding heats on NSWs most dangerous tracks, Ms Ryan said. There is a clear correlation between greyhound design and congestion on racing tracks and injury rates. Despite this, racing still occurs on oval tracks and six dog racing hasnt been introduced ignoring evidence that it reduces greyhound deaths and injuries. In 2018, Greyhound Racing NSW CEO Tony Mestrov announced that one of the race conditions was that the winning greyhound must not be killed by its owner. This is a damning and shameful insight into an industry who claim they love their dogs. We were dismayed over Minister Andersons recent endorsement of the totally inadequate Greyhound Welfare Code of Practice, effective 1 January 2021, which completely conflicts with other companion animal protection legislation regarding housing and general welfare and wellbeing. The Code of Practice (CoP) remains inadequate and inconsistent to the stated welfare for greyhounds" and in short, the CoP merely presents as peripheral window dressing. The Minister ignored the overwhelming volume of public submissions, including over 37,000 petition signatures calling for significant amendments to the CoP. "The welfare CoP still allows greyhounds to be forcibly raced in temperatures up to 38 degrees celsius, despite the risks associated with canine heat stress and the loss of ability for greyhounds to appropriately regulate their body temperature. Greyhounds can continue to be housed in non-compliant kennels while industry participants are given 15 years to bring greyhound housing up to a standard expected and imposed on everyone else." "GRNSWs own Greyhound Adoption Program continues to fail by allowing euthanasia after two rejections. In the most recently available figures, 671 greyhounds were tested for the industry Greyhounds as Pets (GAP) programme during the 2017/18 financial year of which 38% or 257 greyhounds failed the test. Given one more failure means the greyhound can be killed which in fact is a death sentence for many of these beautiful dogs." "The Greyhound Racing Act 2017 is currently under a Statutory review but outrageously, even though the government issued 5-year Operating Licence to GRNSW forms part of the Act, GRNSW, GWIC, and the NSW Office of Racing have all refused our requests to access and review the licence. The Operating Licence Terms correlate with conditions, the provision of information and records, and the payment of monies, so why is the Operating Licence being withheld from public access and scrutiny?" Lets face it, in truth, the Act was introduced as a form of public relations and political insurance to counter the over-whelming public anger following the NSW greyhound racing ban and subsequent backflip, following the release of the damming and scathing Special Commission of Inquiry report and findings into the NSW Greyhound Racing Industry, led by the Hon Michael McHugh AC QC. The brutality inherent with greyhound racing is evidenced fact, not supposition. The Act has been largely ineffective in achieving its primary aims, and the governance arrangements in place are inadequate and do not meet contemporary and overwhelming public expectations. Nothing has changed and while greyhound racing continues so does greyhound deaths and carnage with 139 greyhound track related deaths in Australia this year along with 6272 injuries and thousands of healthy greyhounds killed or missing. 32 greyhounds have died and 1,769 have been injured on NSW tracks this year. The cruelty, exploitation and killing of young healthy greyhounds must stop. Its being progressively banned around the world and an Australian wide ban is long overdue, rather than expansion and propping up by the NSW Government with public money, Ms Ryan said.
01.01.2022 Dogs. They love us unconditionally, yet we fail them terribly. How can we continue to support an industry that puts these loyal, loving creatures in harms way?... Call Me Marshall suffered multiple fractures during this fall at Capalaba on Sunday. He was killed soon after. Every greyhound race meeting results in many injuries, and deaths are awfully common. Please email your MP and demand that they withdraw any support for new greyhound tracks - There is an election coming up, make sure they know that this important to you.
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