Stormview Kennels in Sydney, Australia | Pet service
Stormview Kennels
Locality: Sydney, Australia
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24.01.2022 Most of us met our families yesterday and we are pretty thrilled to say they LOVED us <3 Two more weeks until we join them and our great adventures begin! . #StormviewKennels #AustralianShepherds #AussieShepherds #AussiePuppies #AustralianShepherdPuppies #BlackTri #RedTri #CutePuppies #PuppySpam #6weeksold [email protected] for enquiries
24.01.2022 Our amazing girly is doing much better now and we have rescheduled puppy photos with Fuzz for this Sunday Thank you for your patience and concern. To be totally honest, we were terrified for a while there. But she's looking much better and should be totally fine <3
23.01.2022 Aussie Shepherd puppy families, your pics are coming! I haven't forgotten! Drown Rat/Boy 3
23.01.2022 So all reports so far are saying that the Zara x Bear babies all LOVE water. Any that don't? Or we got a full litter of dolphins?
22.01.2022 We are 19 days old and growing like weeds! This week saw the introduction of some meat and goats milk and we've just moved to a larger pen so we have room to run around and build up our muscles. There's also these really fun things the human calls 'toys' and we can chew on them and carry them around (and they make good pillows too). We look forward to the thing she calls 'outside' too. . #StormviewKennels #BlueMerle #RedAndWhite #BorderColliePuppies #BorderCollies #JackAndCai...ro2019 #PuppySpam [email protected] for enquiries See more
21.01.2022 A note about food to the new puppy families: If you change your puppies diet from the food they were on here, or give them a lot of new types of treats, they WILL have the poops from hell. I believe I've had the food conversation with everyone, but in case it has slipped from the mind or was actually missed, your puppy has been raised on: Advance lamb dry food (adult, NOT puppy)... Leading Raw premade raw packages And primarily has Providore dehydrated raw as treats for training. They have had fish, raw meat (chicken, beef, lamb) and some olive oil in some meals, but the core or their diet was Advance and Leading Raw and that should be 95% of what they're getting until at least Monday. If you picked your puppy up there was 12 days of food in your puppy pack. A box of raw and a large ziploc bag with 12 cups of dry food in it. Please just feed them that for at least the first week while they settle in, even if you're changing it later. If your puppy was flown to you then you didn't get the pack obviously, but I also know you guys know which food. Moving house is stressful. New people and other pets are stressful. Even the water your dogs are now drinking is different, and that in itself can upset their stomach. For the first 6 weeks of their life they were raised on bottled water, so even tap water in general with all its various intricacies is not entirely standard. I know treats and new foods are exciting to introduce, but for the first few days please keep it bland and normal. They've already got enough factors to cause runny poops. A diet change is the last thing they need. If you have any concerns about your babies get in touch and I'm more than happy to go through it all with you. I am noticing a couple of runny poop questions, and the first thing I ask is "What are they eating?" and it's never been "What you sent." so far. I promise, I'm not trying to take the fun out of your new babies. I'm trying to stop you having to wipe diarrhea off the carpet at 2am. Nobody wants that. Not you, not the puppy, not even me and I'm not even there.
21.01.2022 Photos have successfully been acquired of all puppies by Fuzz Design! Just waiting for the final cut and touch ups to be done and then we'll be having some epic puppy spam! Likely some time tomorrow . #StormviewKennels #FuzzDesign #PuppyPictures #BorderColliePuppies #AustralianShepherdPuppies #TheyreSoCute [email protected] for enquiries
21.01.2022 Kai set off on his new life today with Dulcie and Brendan on the NSW Central Coast. From the moment his new dad walked in he was wagging ecstatically and was obviously pleased to see him again--always a great sign for us! He's going to have the best life and we can't wait for updates of this very special little boy <3 . #StormviewKennels #AustralianShepherd #AussieShepherd #AussieShepherdPuppy #BlackTricolour #KaiStormview #AwayHeGoes #RoadTrip #CutePuppy #PuppySpam... [email protected] for enquiries See more
21.01.2022 Girl 4 headed off with her dad Nicolas this morning and is the first of our puppies to ever get a food name... Hotpot! I doubt she'll ever find another namebuddy at the park! Be a good girl, darling <3 .... #StormviewKennels #AustralianShepherd #AussieShepherd #BlackTri #HotpotStormview #AwaySheGoes #NewBeginnings #PuppySpam #PickUpDay #ZaraAndBear2019 [email protected] for enquiries See more
20.01.2022 Axel joined his family this morning too and is destined for a life of leisure on the NSW south coast! His junior human has been waiting for this moment for 5 years now, so safe to say Axel is a long-held-dream come true! Given that he's nice and close to us we hope to be able to spend a fair bit of time with him as he grows up. Such a magnificent little boy <3 . #StormviewKennels #AustralianShepherd #AussieShepherd #AussieShepherdPuppy #BlackTricolour #AxelStormview #AwayHeG...oes #BeachBabe #CutePuppy #PuppySpam [email protected] for enquiries See more
20.01.2022 We start heading off to our new families tomorrow! We've been an awesome bunch to have around, and we're definitely ready to spread our wings and leave the nest! Some of us are already marked for greatness in the obedience ring and in therapy work, but I'm sure everyone will have their own amazing stories to tell throughout life. . #StormviewKennels #AustralianShepherds #AussieShepherds #AussiePuppies #AustralianShepherdPuppies #BlackTri #RedTri #CutePuppies #PuppySpam... [email protected] for enquiries See more
20.01.2022 Hey guys, Puppy photos had to get delayed today as we woke up this morning to a very unwell Zara. She's getting lots of TLC at the moment and we hope she'll be just fine, but puppy pictures got dumped from the agenda as a result--I'm sure you all understand <3 Thanks for your patience with us. It's a bit of a scary time :'( ... Her babies seem to be doing just fine, which is a big relief.
20.01.2022 Stunning little Holly left us on Sunday afternoon, and silly me thought I posted her final pics, but it seems I didn't! She's headed off with a wonderful family with three young girls who have been studying hard to ensure they fully understand all the do's and dont's of dog ownership--I think they're ready! Maybe Holly and Scout can have playdates throughout their lives in the ACT!... . #StormviewKennels #AustralianShepherd #AussieShepherd #AussieShepherdPuppy #BlackTricolour #HollyStormview #AwaySheGoes #RoadTrip #CutePuppy #PuppySpam [email protected] for enquiries See more
20.01.2022 The time is ticking by and in less than week some of us will start heading off to our new families. It's been a crazy time at Stormview these last few weeks in so many ways, but we wouldn't change them for the world <3 . #StormviewKennels #BorderCollies #BorderColliePuppies #BlueMerle #BlueMerleTri #RedAndWhite #TooCute #BeautifulPuppies #CutePuppies #PuppySpam [email protected] for enquiries
18.01.2022 Special props to Pepper's and Boy 4's owners for braving literal hell'n'high water to visit them today! Those who visited yesterday will know the driveway and lawn were soggy as heck even then. Well they're under an inch of water now and it's still raining Certainly putting the 'storm' in Stormview!
18.01.2022 Quick message to all our Christmas puppy families. Give the babies a dose of worming medication this weekend. We use Drontal and Fenpral here and have had no issues at all with negative reactions. Picture of our keeper. STILL yet to get a name because nothing has jumped out at me yet. We affectionately call her Potato :P
17.01.2022 Ranger is off on his biggest adventure yet to his new home and his family are totally thrilled to have him! This boy is personality plus and will surely have some amazing stories to tell <3 Be a good boy!... . #StormviewKennels #BorderCollie #BorderColliePuppy #RedAndWhite #RangerStormview #AwayHeGoes #HotChildInTheCity #CutePuppy #PuppySpam [email protected] for enquiries See more
16.01.2022 We are 5.5 weeks old and ready to conquer the world! . #StormviewKennels #BorderCollie #BorderColliePuppy #RedAndWhite #CairoxJack2019 #CutestBoy #PuppySpam #PuppyLove [email protected] for enquiries
16.01.2022 The type of content we all need on a Friday . #StormviewKennels #BorderCollies #AustralianShepherds #SleepingPuppies #PuppySpam #CuteBabies #ItsAMiracle #AtFuzzDesignHQ #BestTimeOfDay #NapTime [email protected] for enquiries
15.01.2022 Since things are going to be pretty quiet around here for a while after these two litters, we thought now would be as good a time as any to let everyone know that our gorgeous boys, Bear & Jack, will be available for stud over approved, DNA tested girls. Both these boys are exceptional dogs both inside and out and we are excited to see what they can do to help further the breeding programs of other kennels. Please contact us via private message, email or our website for more and pricing. We also have a chocolate and white male Border Collie from a previous litter available too if anyone is looking for a non-merle Border Collie stud. . #StormviewKennels #BearStormview #JackStormview #BorderCollie #AustralianShepherd #BorderCollieStud #AustralianShepherdStud #StudDogs #Sydney #BlueMerle #BlackTri
15.01.2022 Happy 5th Birthday to an absolutely amazing girl and one of the great loves of my life. You're one in a million Zara <3 We absolutely adore you! . #StormviewKennels #ZaraStormview #HappyBirthdayZara #AustralianShepherd #AussieShepherd #BestGirl
12.01.2022 We are almost 8 weeks old now and have grown so much. Even though we certainly weren't expecting to get 3.5 deafies out of 5, we love them tremendously and will make sure they get only the best homes who will give them rich and fulfilling lives in another month or so. Over the next few weeks we'll be working on their sign language skills and getting them really well socialized before the search for forever homes begins.... And for anyone wondering, NO they are not double merle. Their mother is black and white, so that's quite impossible. . #StormviewKennels #BorderCollies #BorderColliePuppies #BlueMerle #BlueMerleTri #RedAndWhite #CutePuppies #PuppySpam #DeafPuppies #DeafDogs #NotDoubleMerle #CairoAndJack2019 [email protected] for enquiries
09.01.2022 Dear anybody-who-is-interested-in-our-babies, Each litter gets their own dedicated page on our website which contains all pics and pricing info. Cairo x Jack... Zara x Bear And all our process for raising the babies, and "how it works" with getting a Stormview puppy, is on our "Puppies" page :) You can request a puppy questionnaire via email, the website, or by sending a message to this page. Of course, ask any questions you have. But the bulk of them are already answered extensively on the site Much love, Ellie & Steph xoxo
09.01.2022 Scout's mum Charlee made the longhaul round trip from Canberra to Sydney today for her girl and then turned right back around and got on the highway home. That's dedication! We can't wait to see what Scout gets up to with the long list of plans set out for her <3 I would say "be good", but you always are!... . #StormviewKennels #AustralianShepherd #AussieShepherd #AussieShepherdPuppy #BlackTricolour #ScoutStormview #AwaySheGoes #RoadTrip #CutePuppy #PuppySpam [email protected] for enquiries See more
09.01.2022 A few more super cute Aussie pics to get you through the day! . #StormviewKennels #AustralianShepherdPuppies #AustralianShepherds #AussieShepherds #BlackTriAussie #RedTriAussie #CutePuppies #PuppySpam #ZaraAndBear2019 [email protected] for enquiries
09.01.2022 Girl 2 from Cairo & Jack's litter went home with her new family yesterday. She now goes by Mabel and has a brother and sister named Maxi and Mini. Have the very best life, sweetheart <3 . #StormviewKennels #MabelStormview #BorderCollie #BorderColliePuppy #BlueMerleTri #CairoXJack2019 #UnilaterallyDeaf #PuppySpam #CutePuppies... [email protected] for enquiries See more
08.01.2022 B1 (Katie & Lucas' boy) from Cairo & Jack reminding everyone to be patient for updated photos, and that they'll be worth the wait! These little ones are flipping adorable . #StormviewKennels #BorderCollie #BorderColliePuppy #RedAndWhite #CairoxJack2019 #CutestBoy #PuppySpam #PuppyLove [email protected] for enquiries See more
07.01.2022 Comet set off early this morning for his new home in Townsville and was greeted by the eager and endlessly loving arms of his mum Brit and dad Shaun. To say this little dude was anxiously waited for would be an understatement and I've been told they're already absolutely in love with him and that he's perfect <3 What more could we want? Comet has an Instagram account for any who want to follow him. . #StormviewKennels #AustralianShepherd #AussieShepherd #AussieShepherdPuppy #BlackTricolour #CometStormview #AwayHeGoes #JetsettingPup #CutePuppy #PuppySpam [email protected] for enquiries See more
07.01.2022 We are 3 weeks old and very much in the dreadnaught phase! We charge around like we own the place and leave a trail of filth and boobie milk in our wake. We love playing with each other and anything we can get our mouths on. Soon we will be spending our days outside playing with our cousins. . #StormviewKennels #AustralianShepherdPuppies #AustralianShepherds #AussieShepherds #BlackTriAussie #RedTriAussie #CutePuppies #PuppySpam #ZaraAndBear2019... [email protected] for enquiries See more
06.01.2022 Rambo made the massive voyage to Toowoomba this afternoon to meet up with his dad. There should be some amazing photos and tales from his adventures in Queensland. . #StormviewKennels #AustralianShepherd #AussieShepherd #AustralianShepherdPuppies #BlackTricolour #CutePuppy #PuppySpam #RamboStormview ... [email protected] for enquiries See more
06.01.2022 Two of us have also met with our families this weekend and they love us to bits! Three will be hanging out at Stormview for a bit longer to pick up some special life skills, then they'll be looking for the very best families too in another 6 weeks or so. . #StormviewKennels #BorderCollies #BorderColliePuppies #BlueMerle #BlueMerleTri #RedAndWhite #TooCute #BeautifulPuppies #CutePuppies #PuppySpam #6weeksold [email protected] for enquiries
03.01.2022 Oh lawdy they're growing! Zara and Bear's crew at 5.5 weeks old <3 . #StormviewKennels #AustralianShepherdPuppies #AustralianShepherds #AussieShepherds #BlackTriAussie #RedTriAussie #CutePuppies #PuppySpam #ZaraAndBear2019 [email protected] for enquiries
03.01.2022 Flirt left the building. She'll be living with Sarina and Jeremy who will train her as a therapy dog for mentally unwell teenagers <3 We can't wait to see how she matures both inside and out! . #StormviewKennels #AustralianShepherd #AussieShepherd #AustralianShepherdPuppies #BlackTricolour #CutePuppy #PuppySpam #FlirtStormview #FutureTherapyDog... [email protected] for enquiries See more
03.01.2022 The babies will be going for the first photographer visit this Saturday Keep an eye out on Sunday, everyone! And approved puppy families, there should be some short videos sent you tomorrow of us interacting with your preferred puppies for you to see what they're like. The babies are 4 weeks old today and bursting with personality!... . #StormviewKennels #PupDate [email protected] See more
03.01.2022 If you haven't received YouTube links yet and think you should have please get in touch!
02.01.2022 We all have families waiting for us to come home in the next week and they're getting soooo excited! We're an adventurous bunch and super affectionate. I hope the world is ready! . #StormviewKennels #AustralianShepherds #AussieShepherds #AussiePuppies #AustralianShepherdPuppies #BlackTri #RedTri #CutePuppies #PuppySpam [email protected] for enquiries
01.01.2022 And some happy snaps of the Border's too in case the Aussie's aren't quite your style! . #StormviewKennels #BorderCollie #BorderColliePuppy #RedAndWhite #CairoxJack2019 #CutestBoy #PuppySpam #PuppyLove [email protected] for enquiries
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