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St Patrick's Parish Church in Gundagai, New South Wales | Catholic Church

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St Patrick's Parish Church

Locality: Gundagai, New South Wales

Phone: +61 2 6944 1029

Address: 107 Sheridan Street 2722 Gundagai, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Tonight we celebrated First Holy Communion for our parish children. Congratulations and God’s blessings on you all, today and always

23.01.2022 All SOULS DAY - Mass 2nd November 12noon OUR LAST ACT OF CHARITY FOR THOSE GONE BEFORE US It is our Catholic belief that it is our duty and a good and holy thing to pray for the Faithful Departed/the Holy Souls.... Catholics celebrate All Saints' Day (1 November) and All Souls' Day (2 November) in the fundamental belief that there is a prayerful spiritual communion between those in the state of grace who have died and are either being purified in purgatory ('church penitent') or are in heaven (the 'church triumphant'), and the 'church militant' who are the living on earth. All belong to the Body of Christ and we should pray for, and with, all within that Body. All Souls Day Mass will be held in Gundagai on Monday 2 November at 12noon, Adelong at 12noon, Tumut at 8am and Batlow at 10am. Parishioners are encouraged to offer a Mass using the November Masses envelopes at the church entrance. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the Mercy of God, rest in peace.

21.01.2022 November 22 St Cecilia - patron of musicians Saint Cecilia is a Roman martyr venerated in Catholic, Orthodox and Anglican churches. She became the patron of music and musicians, it being written that, as the musicians played at her wedding, Cecilia "sang in her heart to the Lord". Musical compositions are dedicated to her, and her feast, on 22 November, is the occasion of concerts and musical festivals. St Cecilia is one of several virgin martyrs commemorated by name in the C...anon of the Mass in the Latin Church. According to the story, despite her vow of virginity, she was forced by her parents to marry a pagan nobleman named Valerian (future saint Valerian). During the wedding, Cecilia sat apart singing to God in her heart, and for that she was later declared the saint of musicians. When the time came for her marriage to be consummated, Cecilia told Valerian that watching over her was an angel of the Lord, who would punish him if he violated her but would love him if he respected her virginity. When Valerian asked to see the angel, Cecilia replied that he could if he would go to the third milestone on the Via Appia and be baptized by Pope Urban I. After following Cecilia's advice, he saw the angel standing beside her, crowning her with a chaplet of roses and lilies. Cecelia, her husband, his brother and a Roman soldier were martyred under the persecution of Christians in the late second or early third century.

17.01.2022 Happy All Saints Day!!! Today we recognise that holiness is for EVERYONE! As the First Reading from the Book of Relevation tells us...... ...I had a vision of a great multitude, which no one could count, from every nation, race, people, and tongue. They stood before the throne and before the Lamb, wearing white robes and holding palm branches in their hands. They cried out in a loud voice: Salvation comes from our God, who is seated on the throne, and from the Lamb. ... Who are these wearing white robes, and where did they come from? I said to him, My lord, you are the one who knows. He said to me, These are the ones who have survived the time of great distress; they have washed their robes and made them white in the Blood of the Lamb. Saints in Heaven, all you Holy men and women, pray for us here on earth who long to see God’s face!

15.01.2022 ADVENT The Season of Advent begins this Sunday 29th November. It is a time the prepare our hearts and lives for the coming of Jesus our Saviour. Fr Namora will be running an Advent prayer and reflection series each week in the parish office (lower St Pats Hall). Becoming more human ourselves by understanding the Incarnation (God becoming man) and the Passion (suffering and death of Jesus Christ).... Wednesdays 4:30PM 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd December All welcome to attend. Covid restrictions apply, max 12 people.

12.01.2022 November 21: Presentation of Our Lady According to Christian tradition, Joachim and Anne, the parents of Mary, offered their daughter to God in the Temple at Jerusalem when she was a young girl. Mary in the Temple. All her beauty and grace, in both soul and body, was for the Lord. That is the theological content of the feast of her Presentation. Everything in our Lady's life was wholly oriented towards Jesus' Most Holy Humanity, the true Temple of God. The feast of Mary's Presentation teaches us that our Lady belonged only to God, that she was completely dedicated, in soul and body, to the mystery of salvation, which is the mystery of our Creator drawing near to his creatures.

10.01.2022 1st SUNDAY OF ADVENT While Christmas means many things, it is, above all, the mystery of the Incarnation: God became a man, born of a Virgin -, who totally gave herself to the Lord to make God’s plan a reality. How can we give of ourselves so God’s plan to save the world through Christ becomes a greater reality through us? While only our Blessed Mother knows what it is like to literally carry the unborn Christ in her womb, Jesus said, My mother and my brothers are those who ...hear the word of God and act on it. [Luke 8:21] So, to be ‘His Mother’ and bring Him to birth, we must do what all pregnant women should do: we must prepare...prepare ourselves to receive Jesus, nurture Him, and enable Him to come to birth through us. We must better understand how God wants to work now in us by knowing how He worked through others in the past. We presume our Blessed Mother knew the Scriptures, and was attuned to how God worked in the past. With her family, she celebrated the Jewish rituals that made their faith come alive, so she was well prepared to act on her faith when God invited her to do so. We who wish to bring Christ to birth must strive to follow Our Lady’s example. See more

10.01.2022 We have just five copies left of this Advent Reflections booklet, ‘Adore’ - get your copy by contacting the parish here on our page, or email [email protected] Advent commences next Sunday, 29th Nov and Fr Namora will be running weekly Advent prayer sessions during the week (details to come).

09.01.2022 This weekend not just the First Sunday of Advent, it is also a 5th Sunday! Mass will be celebrated at Gobarralong, Sunday 8am - beat the heat!

07.01.2022 11am 11/11. We remember all who have layed down their life in service of others.

04.01.2022 This Sunday is the last Sunday of the liturgical year, and so it is the Feast of Christ the King. Earthly kingdoms and governments come and go, but Our Lord forever reigns as King of the Universe! Fittingly, we end the church year proclaiming Christ as King, and the new church year begins with the First Sunday of Advent, time to prepare the way for the arrival of the King!

04.01.2022 ALL SOULS DAY 2 NOVEMBER It is Catholic teaching that souls needing post-death purification can benefit from the prayers, alms, sacrifices, and Mass offerings of souls on earth. The Old Testament recounts the Jewish belief that the deceased benefit from temple sacrifice made on their behalf (2 Maccabees 12:4246). Continuing this Semitic practice, prayers for the dead were offered by Christians from the very earliest years of the Church. The walls of the Christian catacombs ...of Rome were crowded with innumerable marble plaques in succinct Latin praying for the dead. There has never been a time when the Church has not commemorated, remembered, and prayed for the dead. Few die with their souls so perfectly purified from sin and imperfection that they proceed directly to the Beatific Vision. The soul first needs to be purified. Its sins must first be burned away in the fire of God’s merciful love. This is purgatory. It is the ante-chamber of heaven, the place of waiting and preparation where the soul is readied to enter and absorb the whitest of God’s light. But souls in purgatory have no free will or ability to atone by themselves for themselves. They depend on us. They advance in purification due to our prayers and offerings for them. This is why we pray for the dead and offer Masses for their advancement into heaven.

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