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Strathfield Independents Fact Check | Political organisation

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Strathfield Independents Fact Check


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22.01.2022 The community owned land at 1 Loftus Crescent Homebush is again at risk. The proposal to lose this was initiated by Cr Blackmore in 2018, then he noticed that the community was against it and voted against the proposal in October 2019 (after council l had spent $70000 on the process) A rescission motion is being considered on Tuesday 1st December and rumour is that Cr Blackmore is swinging again and this land will be lost permanently. The motion is being put by Cr K...okkolis - first one ever I think. I suspect she is the bunny to take the blame but all who vote for it will be responsible. I will be delighted to delete this post on Wednesday if Cr Blackmore has the cojones to stand up to the Liberals. I have attached his Facebook post from May where he claims that only independent councillors can protect open space. Here is one independent councillor who won't protect community land but luckily there is one independent councillor, Nella Hall, who is standing up for the retention of community land - not doing deals with developers. Cr Blackmore is back in real estate after serving time in the sin bin so this may not be the last we see of selling off community assets for development. Might have to get a new photo for the site - Flipper perhaps? Just who are the other 2 councillors?

18.01.2022 Strathfield independents are recycling an old story about multilingual signage in Strathfield. Reported in the Daily Telegraph (David Barwell reporting again - no surprise there) in 2018 with a quote by Sue Macdonald the "Secretary of the Strathfield Chamber of Commerce" - the chamber was actually deregistered by Fair Trading in 2017 as no required records had been submitted since 2011. Implying support from the Strathfield business community?? Surely not! I'm sure the "ele...cted representative" was also completely unaware that his party boss was still masquerading as the Secretary to the Chamber of Commerce!! More facts and documents re the deregistration elsewhere on this page. The fake "chamber" Facebook page is still up! A few more edits for Sue to screenshot - fishing might start to improve again See more

14.01.2022 Screen Shot from the fake Chamber of Commerce Facebook page showing only Cr Blackmore has signed the bullsXXX Committment to the Strathfield Community. Perhaps it's because the rest of the councillors and the council staff know the Chamber is a fraud - the comedy continues. From the Cambridge Dictionary - FRAUD - "someone who deceives people by saying that they are someone or something that they are not"... Fraud is not only associated with financial misdemeanours if you get my drift!! An internet search with "fraud + Councillors name" may help.

11.01.2022 When it comes to ignoring the outcome of a legal process, Donald Trump is an amateur compared to Matthew Blackmore and Susan Macdonald, Strathfield Independents. Election 100+ days ago, (even Donald Tump has conceded defeat in his election and has walked out the door) but Cr Blackmore is still claiming to be Deputy Mayor on his Facebook page. Deregistration +1200++ days and the Strathfield Chamber of Commerce is clinging to life with the support of Blackmore and Macdonald. ... That F word again - claiming to be something you are not! Maybe someone will tell them eventually. See more

10.01.2022 Meeting 3rd February 2021 FLIPPER BACKFLIP FLOPS!!! (Headline worthy of the Telegraph - serious subject doesn't deserve a flippant headline- sorry) After supporting the Libs from the beginning in this process to replace existing parkland with a council depot, Matthew Blackmore read my post (or maybe just exercised his brain! ) and now agrees that the Hudson Park Crown Land should be preserved....Continue reading

10.01.2022 Interesting Council meeting last night for those masochists who have the time. Copy from minutes:- "6.2 Mr Andrew Soulos - proposed by Councillor Matthew Blackmore That Council congratulate Mr Andrew Soulos on being elected as the new President of the Strathfield Chamber of Commerce and that the Mayor send a letter of congratulations on behalf of Council to Mr Soulos on his appointment." ... Perhaps Cr Blackmore has not been paying attention - his Facebook page still calls him the deputy mayor so the answer is he must not be paying attention. He has not noticed that the Strathfield Chamber of Commerce was deregistered in 2017 for failing to submit required returns since 2011. "Chamber of Commerce" usage is subject to Federal or state regulation requiring ministerial consent to use the name. Use of the name requires your integrity to be verified! I have put the docs here elsewhere on the page but happy to reinsert, The" Chamber of Commerce " Facebook page has a link to a nonexistent Web page and a "Hotmail" email address. Would anybody trust a business whose only contact detail was a hotmail email address and a non existent website??? I would be surprised if the Mayor writes that letter - will let you know. The other issue was giving up Crown land, community land, part of the old Hudson Park golf course for "Operational Land" possibly a Council depot. What happened to protecting inner city community land?Sounds like 2017 again almost losing Bressington Park and Elliott Reserve - giving away community land for commercial purposes -M Blackmore was absent from the months of discussion then - but happy to claim credit retrospectively. The rezoning of Water Street form industrial to residential is a completely different matter. The residents deserve it but it will take effort and participation by people who care and there are three councillors who do care. Our submission to the parks reclassification project involved creating a wildlife corridor along the Cooks River to Rookwood. Not a massive unit development in the Water street area, Haven't seen a submission on the parks reclassification from strathfield independents and Cr Blackmore. I will expand on this over the next week or so when time permits. Strathfield Independents are avid screenshoters of this page - I'm sure they will be able to keep up. Maybe they will be able to explain a few things? The "watcher"has read it already so I should have clarification soon

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