Strathlea Hills | Community
Strathlea Hills
Phone: +61 421 351 960
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25.01.2022 3 weeks in the planning and today it finally came to a fruition. Driving halfway to pick him up from his foster careers this boy has finally made it ‘home’ If it wasn’t for those behind the scenes who helped Reggie from ‘who knows what’ - who knows what his future would have held for him. Landing on his feet here at Strathlea he wasted no time in introducing himself to his flock of nine girls Welcome Reggie to Strathlea Hills
24.01.2022 I like to think of this tree as the chicken gym. They love it. Every morning they gather around it. They do stretches, yoga. I catch some doing palates. Then they head into the base for a dust bath, a nap, and then they get about their day .... Not everyone is invited though!
24.01.2022 Norman, Alluna & Solo have ZERO manners when it comes to eating!!
24.01.2022 Monty just wanted to look more like his yard brother Archie
24.01.2022 A beautiful captured moment with the boys.
24.01.2022 Off you go This brown snake was safely escorted off into the bush. #snake #snakesofinstagram #seconddeadliestsnakeintheworld #brownsnake #leavethemalone #respect #nature #livingwithnature
24.01.2022 A fledgling Currawong needed a little help today. Wildlife will be contacted tomorrow. In the meantime, eating and drinking. #felicityanderson #lifeisprecious #currawongs #care #help #compassion #kindness
24.01.2022 We have been away, but how nice it is to be back home and to see everyone so well looked after. Bernie, again you have been the most wonderful helper here in caring and looking after the place. Thank you for EVERYTHING and thank you for allowing us to takes these breaks while we can....
24.01.2022 As you can see. Cows get as excited at being served breakfast just as much as we do, our dogs do, our cats do.. No different
23.01.2022 Coming in after a days walk-a-bout.
23.01.2022 Michael the Magnificent has gone hippy
23.01.2022 Misia, who’s totally taken being broody to another level, climbs into Banksie’s nesting box where she’s trying to lay an egg and settles her under her wing #chickens #chickensofinstagram #sanctuary #sanctuarylife #silkiesofinstagram #birdsofinstagram #clucky #broodyhen #animalsofinstagram
23.01.2022 Buy a statue of a hen for the garden and Mad Dan Morgan puts on his best stance and starts to serenade.
23.01.2022 I don't need to see you to know that you're beautiful. And beautiful you will always be. We are sad to have lost a beautiful soul over night.... Missing from the herd of his friends, he had taken himself away from them, so as not to worry them, and peacefully went to sleep beside a tree. He came to us from Edgars Mission at just 6 months old and we were privileged to have had him in our care for 5 wonderful years. He guaranteed a smile whenever you were near him. He was our friend. R.I.P Red. The paddock seems somewhat emptier without you .
22.01.2022 Morgan loves nothing more than sunbaking on hot days giving me a little heart attack every time!! Hopes he has slipped, slopped, slapped!!
22.01.2022 Our two seniors here at Strathlea Morgan (the rooster) and his friend Roy
22.01.2022 Not an uncommon sight around here
20.01.2022 Woolies enjoying the spring flowers
20.01.2022 Did a call out and collect around Castlemaine for Xmas trees for the goats and sheep. Had about 7 to pick up. They are loving it, in fact the sheep couldn’t even wait for me to unload it off the trailer!
19.01.2022 It was all happening in Johnny the roosters paddock today. I don’t think Monty got the gist of shade sails though ....
19.01.2022 We welcome Poco & Banksie who arrived yesterday. These tiny, and I mean tiny girls need a little encouragement to join the flock. Although currently separated within the flock, but where they can be seen, I’ve introduced Pavarotti to them this morning where hopefully they will bond and he can lead them.
19.01.2022 Pedicure day here today for the goats. Rissy treated while I trimmed. Thanks Doc Rissy Monagle for your help today.
18.01.2022 Volunteer call out Saturday December the 7th We are organising a volunteer day to help out here at the sanctuary in readiness for the fire season.... Please let me know if you can come out and give a hand here in helping us help the animals. Kind regards Julie p.s - please contact me via email if you are interested in coming up - lunch will be provided
18.01.2022 We lost a relic here today. Pavarotti aged 6-7. It’s funny, but we are not sad, well maybe just a little as I will miss his crows and presence here at the sanctuary. But I’m celebrating to know he lived his life full and was loved and cared for. No fear, no uncertainties as to his fate. Just his life lived out till he was a wee old gentleman. And a gentleman always knows when to leave.... RIP Pav. I know you’ll love that spot picked out for you in the forest where you can sleep eternally.
18.01.2022 Trapped. And awaiting bum trims which is happening on Monday with the shearer. I know guys, a long wait - but trapped is trapped and you’re not getting out until done!
17.01.2022 Asgor & Tori chilling out after a big hay feed, a nibble on their goat brick and a lap of seaweed meal. Also got their trough cleaned today, so the herd is delighted in their apple cider tasting fresh water
17.01.2022 I hardly get my photo taken, but this pretty much sums me up. No makeup, no airs and graces. Being around the animals brings me much joy, amongst good people. A glimpse into a day at Strathlea Hills.
17.01.2022 Weetbix is the root of all naughtiness #cows #cowsofinstagram #rescuedcows #sanctuary #sanctuarylife #laughter #funny #friendsnotfood #weetbix
16.01.2022 The royals from Cluckingham Palace arrived yesterday. Much loved pets who were raised inside, allowed on furniture, had their own pillows to sleep on, went to bed at 11:00pm and awoke at 10:00, got bathed once a fortnight and got baked (not the tin ‘stuff’) corn cooked for them, but like many roosters raised from babies, once they start to crow, they’ve got to go.... Life will be a little different for these two spoilt loved birds. Here they joined a flock of girls, they will and did roost on night bars last night, they will get to free range in the garden, dust bath at their leisure, peck at the ground, eat blades of grass, bed themselves at sunset, rise with the sun and look for insects. Here, they can live freely but still very much loved. Welcome Misia and Pantalones.
16.01.2022 Please help if you can. I, and all at Strathlea Hills would surely appreciate it
15.01.2022 Sheep politics. Pickles believes just because you look different, doesn’t mean you ARE different. I believe Pickles. #FriendsNotFood #sheep #sanctuarylife #livesmatter #rescuedsheep
15.01.2022 The grass is greener on the side where your friends are."
15.01.2022 Twice a day the feeds for our feathered friends are the best times. Enjoy this short (unprofessional) clip of our funny friends who always give us a giggle.
15.01.2022 Goodbye Morgan You were a relic here at Strathlea giving us all the pleasure of your company over the last couple of years. In the words of Pam from where you came from after hearing you were still alive that boy needs to be carbon dated made me laugh. You were getting on in your years and only last night Roy was concerned about you saying you seemed ‘a bit off’ as he was putting you to bed. We even spoke about getting you back on your B complex injections as they seemed to give you a boost and extra enthusiasm regarding life. But you decided to leave us in your sleep. I’m sorry you are gone, but know we did our best in making sure your senior years were your golden years. RIP old boy.
15.01.2022 There is something mystical and majestic about roosters. Their duty to lead and protect are to be admired. Jimmy (pictured here) and his harem are just one of the the few flocks we have here at the Sanctuary.
14.01.2022 ‘Old’ Nine who now has no teeth gets his warm mix both evenings and night. He literally waits at the gate in anticipation for his favourite meals.
14.01.2022 He’s acting all creepy for Halloween #turkeysofinstagram #rescuedturkeys #turkey #halloween #sanctuarylife #sanctuary #funnyanimals #friendsnotfood #birdsofinstagram #birds
14.01.2022 It’s a chicken kinda day. These little beings always lift you when you’re down. So therapeutic
14.01.2022 Temperatures reached as high as 44 degrees here today and what better way to try to cook off. Michael absolutely hates getting a cold hose run on him, although on days like today, it’s a must. But he doesn’t mind getting his tootsies wet in a tub of cool water.
14.01.2022 We love Autumn days No matter how hard your day’s been - there is always time for a chill ....
13.01.2022 I don’t know about this banana. It looks suspicious
13.01.2022 Editable cut offs from pruning are thrown into what will be our ‘burn pile’ The sheep help with the foliage and leave only branches. They get to eat some roughage and my pile becomes smaller leaving only the hard stuff - I’d say that’d be a win win.
13.01.2022 WEETBIX!! #cows #cowsofinstagram #animalsofinstagram #animals #weetbix #sanctuary #sanctuarylife
13.01.2022 There is nothing like the peace and calmness of a trusting animal to bring a smile to your face #oldgoats #goatsofinstagram #goats #peacefulslumber #relaxing #sanctuary #sanctuarylife #animals #animalsofinstagram #seniors #senioranimals #friendsnotfood
12.01.2022 The house yard flock decided today was a great day to all get on and chill a little
11.01.2022 A little morning jog before breakfast doesn’t hurt anyone ....
11.01.2022 The ‘yard’ chook area as I call it has a new feeding station. Made up from what I had laying around, they now get to eat their greens, corn, cabbages OFF the ground. Here we have Dianna, Isa, Aretha, and Pavarotti A nice clean eating station
11.01.2022 The goat herd doing their best impersonations of a swarm of locusts
11.01.2022 Aretha really is a sassy gal.
10.01.2022 Happy goats, Happy life.
10.01.2022 Monty acts like quite the movie star when there are girls around. #cows #cowsofinstagram #sanctuary #sanctuarylife #friends #animals #friendsnotfood #carajade #feelingsafe #loved #rescued #relaxing
10.01.2022 Oh how I love Harmony. 5 girls arrived 2 days ago, and there was a little bit of a ‘commotion’ going on in Jimmys coop (In his honour named after him after he died) Jonny has since taken over the living quarters and only had 3 girls. Well, he was beside himself when the other 5 arrived having had his harem suddenly expand! The new girls were a little unsure of their new surroundings and who this white male bossy figure with the long tail feathers was. Today, they adhered to his calling and knew, this man had their backs
10.01.2022 A big thank you to Sarah & Amber for volunteering here today. It was very much appreciated as we get to other things needing done (as I did today) in weeding out a garden bed in readiness for planting greens for the chickens. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
09.01.2022 Pickles nearly 4 years on. His resilience is admirable. His trust in humans, has scarred the bond that we could have. I’ll wait though .... He has been through much in his early months of life, left with a leg so infected it had eaten his bone away. But look at him today!!
09.01.2022 Hay makes me happy. Nine’s happy face. Because there is just too much ugly going on in the world of late.
09.01.2022 Who’s in a playful mood?.....
08.01.2022 Mr G flew in and onto our property and hearts about 3 years ago and has never left. It is suspected he flew in from a farm of fowls about 7km away. He wonders about the place incognito and here I caught him pretending to be a turkey.
08.01.2022 5 girls arrived here at their forever home today. A huge thanks to Melbourne Chicken Rescue and to their Uber driver Ruth Parramore for delivering them to us. Welcome girls and enjoy the rest of your lives
07.01.2022 Shhhhhhh The Do Not Disturb sign is out #cows #cowsofinstagram #sleeping #sanctuarylife #sanctuary #friendsnotfood #lazyday #animals #animalsofinstagram
05.01.2022 Some wines with me mates. Big day working and now it’s some chill time ...
05.01.2022 Goats are comical. With just being themselves. I ain’t going no-where
04.01.2022 Spring is certainly in the air.... Archie ‘really’ taking a liking to Roy, or he’s just so appreciative of the wonderful clean paddock Roy keeps for his bovine friends
04.01.2022 Bert was old and he was tired, and yesterday he let me know. He was arthritic and his joints when he walked, sounded like creaking planks of an old boat sailing at night. But he was loved and by so many who will miss his face and gentleness. The last few mornings we have needed to help him up on his feet as he was unable to do so by himself, this was not a good sign, but we never gave up, keeping an eye on his eating, which over the last few days was dwindling. Yesterday,... he laid down and even with all my efforts, he would not get up. I sat with him trying to figure out what to do, and as he laid his head on my knees and closed his eyes with my gentle pats, I knew he was ready. Thank you to Vets All Natural for assisting in his transition to his forever sleep. Bert will be laid to rest where he loved to lay in the sunshine. In his paddock where we can still say Good morning Bert
03.01.2022 Happy feet. Happy goats. Pedicure morning. All done
01.01.2022 "Come on old man... Let thy step be slow and steady, that thou stumble not"
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