Streamwatch | Public & government service
Phone: +61 414 094 495
Address: 2-6 Station Street Penrith 2750
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25.01.2022 Freshwater ecosystems are the most endangered places on our planet. We all have a role to protect them head over to Greater Sydney Landcare Network and sign up to become a member of our network to find out how you can help to protect these beautiful places #streamwatch #greatersydneylandcarenetwork #freshwaterecosystems
24.01.2022 This Thursday happening online free registration
24.01.2022 Celebrating National waterweek !! there is so much we can all do to help with this event to care for our waterways
24.01.2022 Just a quick reminder that registration for this Waterkeeper Alliance closes tomorrow, so if your interested in joining this event on Friday please click the link to register below
24.01.2022 Great clip from the kids at Armadale Primary School one little bit of litter can go a long way, we all have to be responsible for our waterways Great Work Enviroguy
23.01.2022 In Celebration of Streamwatch and its 30th anniversary join us for a Live Stream Forum On Thursday the 3rd of September Streamwatch will be turning 30! Are you a Streamwatch volunteer? Or interested in our program?... We will be hosting a Live Stream forum for all our dedicated volunteers which you are welcome to join. Thursday the 3rd of September at 10am till 12pm online to celebrate 30 years of independent Water Quality Monitoring. Grab a cuppa, a comfy chair and your computer to join us for this free online event. Featuring guest speakers: Greg McDonald's discussion on Streamwatch, Stewardship and Environmental Protection,. Dr Ian Wright will be presenting on two case studies where Streamwatch data was instrumental in putting a spotlight on water pollution. Dr Michelle Ryan will be talking about the results of her pilot study in urban Sydney, using volunteer citizen scientists with Sue Martin, the Cattai Hills Environmental Network (CHEN), and their surprise findings on the elusive platypus. with a Wrap up about the future direction of Streamwatch from the Convenor Streamwatch Subcommittee, Christopher Noon and his polit project with Kirsty Guise, Hornsby Council Environmental Water Scientist. This 30th anniversary marks a celebration of the dedication and preservation by all the amazing volunteers! Which make Streamwatch possible, keeping it one of the longest running water quality citizen science programs across Sydney. To join this special event please register your Interest and RSVP to this online event by emailing: [email protected] for the link address to join. This event will be recorded to stream online after the event. linked for viewing online Hope to see you there! Greater Sydney Landcare Network with Guest Speakers Dr Michelle Ryan, Greg McDonald, Dr Ian Wright, Chris Noon & Kirsty Guise. See more
20.01.2022 Thursday week on the 3rd of September, Streamwatch will be turning 3O! This 30th anniversary marks a celebration of the dedication and preservation of all the amazing volunteers, that make this program possible. Being one of the longest Citizen Science Program across Sydney. We will be hosting a Live Stream Q&A event for all our Volunteers next Thursday at 10 am to celebrate 30 years of Sydney's independent Water Quality Monitoring. Stay tuned for event details.
20.01.2022 Citizen Science, River stewardship, Environmental volunteering, Stream maintenance, Ecological education, community capacity building, oh and Water quality monitoring. What a great crew. What these people are doing, is happening across Greater Sydney. If you think Streamwatch should continue. Share, share, share.
17.01.2022 Greater Sydney Landcare Network had their AGM yesterday what a fantastic day If your not already a member of our organisation please jump over to our website and join up to get involved with all the amazing work we do across Sydney. Yesterday we had guest speakers Dr Kellie Leigh explaining her incredible efforts in preserving koalas from last years horrific bushfires, Dr Michelle Ryan and Sue Martin from CHEN presenting on the eDNA Platupus research and Community Environmental Network with their land for wildlife and Waterwatch programs. Thanks to all involved in yesterday for making such a great event.
17.01.2022 Happy world water monitoring day for yesterday! I was in workshops all day studying water in the landscape. Learning about deferent monitoring techniques, and water conservation efforts here in Australia. Our amazing volunteers know the importance of why water quality monitoring is so critical. They are the eyes and ears of our local creek systems. ... Thank you for all the amazing work you do, hope your out there celebrating by monitoring our freshwater creek systems #sydstreamwatch #citerzenscience #worldwatermonitoringday2020
15.01.2022 With the much needed decent rainfall expected till Tuesday don’t get caught out in the down pour
13.01.2022 The wonderful work of Dr Michelle Ryan & Sue Martin found new evidence of platypus populations in Sydney’s north west fringes in the Cattai River Catchment with DNA tracing while it is exciting that these results were found, continual pressures on habitat confirms the small populations are struggling. Highlighting the essential need for citizen science water quality monitoring programs across our Sydney catchment.
13.01.2022 A live stream happening now online if anybody wanted to watch, the topic is Urban Ecology is a very interesting seminar discussion that can be watch for free here: SWIFFT Seminar: Urban Ecology (23/07/2020)
13.01.2022 Pour a cuppa and listen in to this podcast conversation with Simon where they talk about what makes a river champion and why we need to support those people who are working for better water quality and river management. The people driving change behind scenes of river restoration Conversations over a Cuppa Episode 5 River Champions
11.01.2022 YAY Hannah it was such a pleasure identifying waterbugs with you for your 20page scientific report that won the Australian Water Association sustainable water prize can’t wait to see what you achieve next year !! Aim high, dream big and together we can make this world a better place #streamwatch #waterwatch #waterbugs #stormwater #greenelephant
11.01.2022 Greater Sydney Landcare Network This Morning live on radio talking about Streamwatch
11.01.2022 HAWKESBURY NEPEAN RIVERKEEPER FORUM This is a meeting to raise key issues around the Hawkesbury Nepean River and talk about plans to revitalise a Hawkesbury Nepean Riverkeeper Program. You are all very welcome to participate! There will be a few presentations and then smaller breakout sessions to discuss/plan the future of a Riverkeeper. Community members as well as local government and Sydney Water are being invited. If you know anyone that would be interested, they will be ...welcome. When: 25 September, 10am - 12pm Where: Online, hosted by Western Sydney Uni in partnership with LLS, GSLN, CHEN, HEN & Streamwatch Register here - WESTERNSYDNEY.EDU.AU
09.01.2022 Great online webinar today if anybody wanted to watch it, click the link below
08.01.2022 Being Science Week This Week The 2020 schools theme is Deep Blue: innovations for the future of our oceans Let's look at what the Youth Ambassador for the Parramatter River Catchment Group Hannah is doing to lead the way for Projects around Water Quality to Improve Healthy Rivers "To get the good drains flowing" ... #citizenscience #sydstreamwatch #riverkeeper #parramatterriverkeeper #youthambassador #ourlivingriver See more
08.01.2022 YaY for citizen scientists in Australia
08.01.2022 Be careful this weekend and into next week when walking or testing around creeks, streams and rivers. don’t go alone and avoid being out in heavy downpour as this east coast low could potentially develop into some hazardous conditions. Stay Safe
06.01.2022 Water is vital to all life on earth. It is up to us to be the difference and make a positive change for the next generation and our plant that we depend upon, as it depends upon us
05.01.2022 Celebrating Riverfest along the Parramatta Catchment of the Wallamattagal nation with Our Living River For National Water Week, communities and corporations came together, to share knowledge and skills to others interest to deliver the streamwatch program while monitoring the health of the waterways. The streamwatch team at Mitsubishi Electric are doing an outstanding job. Keeping an eye on their surrounding creek. Thanks for the fantastic efforts put in over the years to keep this program afloat, contributing to the 30years of data collection and leading by example. #parramattariverkeepernetwork #riverfest #ourlivingriver #greatersydneylandcarenetwork #streamwatch #citerzenscience #freshwaterecology #MitsubishiElectric #plasticfreeparramatta
05.01.2022 Highlights of this event include Koala recovery following Wollemi wildfires, Platypus in the Hills and coastal happenings on the Central coast... in addition to updates from GSLNs projects including streamwatch
03.01.2022 For all volunteers that could not attended the 30th anniversary special Live Forum Here is the link from the event. A special Thank you to all the guest speakers and the many dedicated volunteers throughout the years that make Streamwatch possible Our waterways need your involvement now more than ever
02.01.2022 Some inspiration from the Yarra Riverkeeper Association that you might find interesting! This is 3-part webinar series on different models to protect and advocate for our rivers. First one is next Friday! If you'd like to be involved in efforts to protect and improve Hawkesbury-Nepean River and its management (in a group or on your property), comment below or send us a message! #hawkesburyriver #hawkesburylandcarenetwork #yarrariverkeeperalliance #hawkesburynepeanriver #streamwatch #Streamwatchsyd #waterwatch #riverkeeper Hawkesbury Environment Network HEN Wetlands of the Hawkesbury
01.01.2022 Mon 24th Aug Early morning start in the lab to observe equipment calibration and sampling prep with Kristy Guise a Environmental Water Scientist for Hornsby Shire Council then out in the feild to test, monitor, observe and collect water quality at Crosslands, Still Creek. Mansfield Rd, Colah Ck & Glenorie Ck. Beautiful day for collecting data #sydstreamwatch #citizenscience #streamwatch #water #Waterquality #Communitiesforcatchments #naturalresource
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