Strength Precinct in Toowoomba, Queensland | Gym/Physical fitness centre
Strength Precinct
Locality: Toowoomba, Queensland
Phone: +61 418 637 973
Address: 86 water street south 4350 Toowoomba, QLD, Australia
Likes: 2238
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25.01.2022 Few members testing their openers for this weekends novice comp. Trent with 190kg squat Zeke with 160kg Sam with 140kg And lizzilla with a smooth 117.5kg deadlift... Lifting starts 10am Sunday, beer and food available all day. Come down and see why we love this sport so much See more
23.01.2022 Our circuits are built around your common gym exercises, exercises that are easy to execute and provide the most stimulation. Our goal is to get members as much contact time as possible with a coach so they feel confident when training on the own. Our coaches will guide you through the exercises as you go, ensuring proper execution and weight selection. Our facility is one of a kind, boasting 24hr access, the regions biggest selection of the best equipped strength training as well as pin and plate loaded equipment from the best brands in the industry. All this for just $40 per week!
22.01.2022 With 23 classes, 24hr access and near 500m of floor space filled with industry leading brands we have all your needs covered. Our clients range from every day people wanting to make changes to world champion body builders and world record powerlifters. There is no other gym in Southern Queensland that has our range of equipment, and no other gym in Toowoomba with coaches that share our experiences in the industry. Call, message or drop in today and take your results to the next level
21.01.2022 Our new timetable is live! Now you can get coaching in your squats, bench and deadlifts, do your programmed accessories then finish on a few laps of our circuit. Our combination of powerlifting equipment and fully equipped gym floor allows us to offer a combination no other gym I've been inside can. Our coaches are there to ensure you use the heaviest weight possible whike still maintaining correct form, taking out the guess work and putting you on the express train to Gainesville
21.01.2022 New year, new Strength Precinct! Over the last few years we’ve build a reputation for our powerlifting coaching, but now Chris is getting bored. So now, to curb his boredom, we have expanded our group coaching to circuit based coaching! Strength Precinct will now offer you the ability to get powerlifting coaching, move on to your accessory movements, then finish with a coached circuit. Our circuits have no definitive start or finish time, jump in whenever you’re ready! Say go...odbye to boring machine based cardio and hello to Chrisfit! Below are the updated coaching times, with more to be added when we find another high level trainer to help us. Group coaching, programming and 24hr access just $40p/w! MONDAY: 530am: circuit 330pm: powerlifting 530pm: powerlifting TUESDAY: 9am: powerlifting 330pm: circuit 530pm: powerlifting/circuit WEDNESDAY: 530am: circuit 330pm: powerlifting 530pm: circuit THURSDAY: 9am: powerlifting 330pm: circuit 530pm: powerlifting/circuit FRIDAY: 530am: circuit 330pm: circuit SATURDAY: 7am: circuit 9am: powerlifting 10am: circuit
19.01.2022 We have been swamped with messages over the last 24 hours regarding the forced shut downs due to the coronavirus. Yes Strength Precinct will have to shut it’s door for the foreseeable future, there is no way around this. I have spent every waking moment of the last 5 years getting the Precinct to where it is today, and it is disappointing to have to close so recent to our renovations. However, while you no longer have a gym to train at, I’ve been forced to close my doors a...nd live in complete uncertainty, and while I try to figure something else out there are 12,944 people in this world who have lost their lives, and tens of thousands of people who are grieving their loss. A bit of perspective goes a long way. I don’t know what the future holds, but we will need your support to get through this and get back to business post shut down. If you are still able to we are putting out the call to send us a message to continue your debits to ensure the future of the gym, and at the very least, some kind of financial support for the foreseeable future. I will also be offering in house personal training sessions, where and how we are yet to figure out. Exercise is such a critical part of peoples wellbeing, and at this moment in time we keep to keep our spirits up. Not only am I a great coach, I have funny stories and can dance like MJ, all qualities to help you stay active and positive/ Maybe this is a good time for everyone to stop and think about the insignificant things you have been complaining about your whole lives and grab a bit of perspective on what real problems are like. Realise how fucking good most of your lives have been and what’s really important. To me all that matters is having my family and my health. You got those two things you’re gonna be alright no matter what happens. See more
17.01.2022 REMOVE THE FLUFF TO GET BUFF One of the biggest mistake I see with people training without a coach (or just with a standard trainer) is the over complication of their workouts. Powerlifting has taught me many things over the years, but the one most relative is that there are exercises that work great, some that work ok and some that are just fluff. Powerlifting is very specific, and for the most part the rest of the industry loves the fluff. I understand fluff, fluff keeps ...things interesting and if it keeps things interesting then you’re more likely to keep going. I however spend A LOT of time in a gym, I don’t want to spend any more time here than required. I’d much rather be out in the countryside staring at trees or something, but I still have to train or old age will catch up real fast. With all my clients there are two things that matter most, execution and volume. Combining the two makes for effective workouts that don’t require 8 different exercises. These three exercises are just about all you need to build a booty that can crack a walnut. They don’t require much weight just a few simple cues and a bit of focus and you won’t enjoy sitting for a week.
17.01.2022 FREE FOUR WEEK GYM ACCESS!! To celebrate our renovated facility and new coaching timetable we have decided to run a free four week challenge! You'll get access to all our circuits as well as easy to follow meal guide for free! Our circuits range from muscle group orientated to cardio specific, and our coaches will coach you through them with specific weights suited to your experience. Register and change your views on exercise and healthy habits today!
16.01.2022 Smarter training chronicles. Rest periods. How long you rest for when you’re training comes down to your goal. If your goal is to drop a few sausage rolls your rest time will be different to someone who is looking to pack on muscle or get stronger. Before I start rambling too much we should look into what rest periods are rest. Whooaaaaaa.... We have rest periods in our training to allow our cns to recover enough to allow us to keep training at an optimal level. The shorter the rest period the less recovery for our nervous system. If our nervous system hasn’t recovered enough to complete the following task you are sure to be exerting your other systems less than what they are capable of. Shorter rest periods will make you feel trashed after a workout, but if you are training for anything besides endurance your short rest periods are only holding you back (and feeling trashed is one of the worst measures of a good workout). If your goal is to build quality muscle your focus should be on lifting the most amount of weight possible. Lifting heavy stuff is hard, it takes its toll on the system. You should be aiming for 6-8 reps, with at least 3 minutes (sometimes up to 5!) rest between sets. Shortening your rest period for a sick pump may make you look good, but it’s limiting the load you can put on the muscle. Save the pump sets for the very last exercise you do. If your goal is to get leaner you should be aiming for as long of a rest period that allows your heart rate to drop sufficiently to exert a maximal effort for the following set/round. How long this is will be based on your level of fitness, but a good rule is however long your set/round went for double that time for your rest period. If you want to increase aerobic capacity and nothing else, go as hard as you can for as long as you can, throw up in a bin after, rest a day or so and go at it again. Remember, feeling trashed after a workout is ok. Feeling trashed the day after your workout is a sure sign your nervous system is crying out for a break and you are only hindering recovery and output by not resting. Don’t just come to the gym out of habit, come to exert as much effort as possible in everything you do, there’s more important things in life than selfies in gyms.
13.01.2022 Still time to enter this huge giveaway! With more classes, more coaches and more space there's never been a better time to join!
13.01.2022 Smarter Training chronicles... How often should you change your gym routine? Very rarely, I’d say maybe 4-5 times a year.... If you are a weights based trainer it will take at least a couple of weeks to dial in a movement, and if you are training optimally (balls to the wall heavy sets) it’s going to take a further few weeks to learn how to load up those muscles with a load that challenges the muscle fibres to their full capabilities. Remember the sweet sweet rapid gainz you made on exercises when you first started them? Going up in weight for nearly every new exercise for the first few weeks? If this were hypertrophy gainz you would have added 4-5kg of lean mass in a matter of weeks, if this were the case we could switch exercises every 5 weeks and continually pile on muscle, aint that the dream. Unfortunately this cruel world doesn’t work like this, that increase in weight you see in the initial stages of any program is skill acquisition, your body learning how to do things more efficiently. Eventually your body will be as close to as efficient as it can be and will require external stimulus to create progression. We create this external stimulus with the weights we make our muscles move, the more weight we can safely handle, the more stimulus and adaptation we can create. You need to give yourself time to learn how to create the maximum amount of load with the correct stimulus (proper form). This could take weeks or even months, but the reward of time invested will be worth it. After all, the results you get after 10 years are more important than the results of 10 weeks.
10.01.2022 Taylah with an impromptu 150kg squat in knee sleeves today. Our eyes are set firmly on GPC nationals in July this year. With plenty of time to build and perfect she's in for her best showing yet.
09.01.2022 Our memberships: Basic 24hr: $14.50 per week. This is your standard come and do your own thing gym membership. All new members get their first program for free on sign up so you know what you are doing for a few months. (12 month minimum) Standard: $40 per week. This comes with 24hr access, programming for the life of your membership as well as access to group coaching sessions. Currently we have 10 group coaching sessions per week which are focussed on the squat, bench p...ress and deadlift. (4 weeks notice to cancel) As a coach I noticed that programming was getting great results, but when the time came to test the had been a breakdown of form in most clients. Nearly every athlete needs solid contact time with a coach, but very few can afford or can warrant spending $70 or more per week on one on one sessions. For a fraction of the price you get quality contact time with a coach each week to allow you to keep the bad habits from creeping back into your training. The accelerated results we are seeing from our athletes speak for themselves. No matter what your goal is, having the ability to lift the heaviest weights possible without the risk of injury is going to get you there faster (unless you’re a marathon runner, in which case we probably aren’t the gym for you). See more
08.01.2022 Bullshit excuses to why you can’t lose weight number 1 Time. Every trainer has heard it before when someone finds out what the do for a living, I need to get to the gym but I just don’t have the time. I call bullshit... There’s 168 hours in the week The average person works 40 hours a week There’s now 128 hours left in the week The average person sleeps for 56 hours week There’s now 72 hours left in the week. The average person travels 4 hours to and from work each week There’s now 68 hours left in the week. 68 fucking hours left from the essential parts of living each week and you can’t find 3 hours to go to the gym, an hour to go grocery shopping and 3 hours to cook all your meals and clean the kitchen? Bullshit Meanwhile the average Australia spends 14 hours a week watching tv, a further 11 hours on social media and you keep telling yourself that you can’t find 8 hours a week to exercise and prepare healthy meals? Hmmmmm, I smell bullshit. Now I understand children can factor into this, but most big fancy pants gyms will have a creche service available, you just need to look for one. Even if there isn’t one available, if you really want to change where your life is headed you will find a way.
07.01.2022 Want to take your training to the next level next year? Register now for our first non sanctioned comp of the year and push yourself harder than you ever thought! We run these comps the same as federation events, just without the extra fees. Huge cash prizes at the final event!
05.01.2022 photos are now available from our novice 3 lift comp yesterday! write up to follow!
03.01.2022 Circuits are in full swing for 2020! Over the coming weeks we will be releasing our new and improved group timetable. We have 15 more sessions planned, while still delivering our quality coaching. You will be able to get powerlifting coaching, move to a circuit, then finish off using the fully equipped gym. That's the best of 3 worlds! All from just $40 per week.
03.01.2022 5 tips to making your fitness journey a successful one 1. Building habits take time. Studies show that it takes on average 66 days to build a new behavior, stick with it and eventually it wont feel like a chore. All you need to do is set an alarm for 90 minutes earlier, or pack a gym bag and head straight to the gym after work 4 days a week. The law of averages will eventually have you programmed to go to the gym, getting to the gym is 70% of the battle.... 2. Keep it simple. Don’t confuse yourself with complicated exercise or routines, get to the gym, get your heart rate up and results will come. Focus your energy on learning the staple compound exercises (squats, dumbbell anything, bent over rows etc), use the most amount of muscles in the least amount of exercises for the maximum stimulation. Better yet, invest in a decent program from a decent trainer/coach, thinking for yourself is overrated. 3. Find a decent coach first. Some people call themselves trainers, others coaches. A good coach will invest time in teaching you how to do things properly, allowing you to push the limits safer in the future. A trainer will just yell at you and make you do more. Both have their place, but learning how to do things properly from the onset will set you up for easier progression as your body adapts and limits are pushed. 4. Accept the fact. Don’t kid yourself, it’s gonna be fucking hard. If it were easy we’d all be walking around with abs and spare muscle. Initial results may come easy, but sure enough it will eventually get harder and harder. There will come a time where giving up or working harder are the only two options, just remind yourself why you started in the first place and giving up won’t ever be an option. 5. Keep your meal plan interesting. Boiled chicken and greens is not tasty, nor is it how you need to eat. There’s thousands of quick and easy recipes a few clicks away on the interweb, it will only take a few minutes of your time to make your meals interesting. Trying to save half an hour of prep time by eating bland meals is one of the fastest ways to fail.
03.01.2022 Still time to register! Great day to be had pushing limits and drinking beer!
01.01.2022 Hypertrophy training tip. One set of balls to the walls effort with proper execution is all the body wants to train for hypertrophy. If you can do 3 sets of the same weight you're just wasting time and missing the gainz. It might take 5-7 sets to find that max effort set, but this 100% effort is what the body craves for progression. Forget bro science pump workouts, make your muscles actually work
01.01.2022 Bianca benching 82.5kg for a triple. This is her current comp pb Want to get stronger, move better and build quality muscle? Our group sessions are designed to give you the most contact time with a coach for a fraction of the price of one on one training. Our standard membership has 14 circuits and 9 powerlifting sessions available each week, 24hr access and programming for just $40 per week
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