Strong 24/7 in Wollongong, New South Wales | Fitness trainer
Strong 24/7
Locality: Wollongong, New South Wales
Address: 91-95 Montague Street 2500 Wollongong, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Welcome to the Strong 24|7 coaching team Sam Toleman. Olympic lifting is a discpline we have not explored and it is a privilege to house Sam and his new business. Sam has represented Australia in OL, is an Exercise Physiologist and is currently studying medicine to become a Doctor.... Hell be coaching as Strong 24|7s OL specialist and also utilizing his EP degree. Some of his recent best lifts: 150kg clean and double jerk 150kg clean in comp 120kg snatch DM us if youre interested in coaching with Sam
24.01.2022 Coach @proteinandchemicals hits an all time Bench PB of 156kg. RPE 6.
23.01.2022 Do you have a small Coaching business thats ready to level up? Strong 24|7 is seeking a new coach! This is your chance to be a part of a group of highly creditable coaches specialising in Powerlifting, Strength Training, Body Building, Nutrition, Mindset Coaching, Athletic performance training and more.... Each with their own successful, established businesses, you too could run your successful coaching business from anywhere in the world. Were looking for a coach who is currently wanting to grow their fitness business. Perhaps youve been PTing for a little while and you just dont know how to take the leap into the Online Coaching world. We can help you get there! Strong 24|7 has a unique relationship with Warehouse Gym and Fitness. This alliance offers benefits which include: - Heavily discounted rent for the life of your time with us - No lock in contracts - Flexibility within your business to run it how youd like with minimal restrictions - Access to mature business owners to communicate your thoughts, ideas, ask questions and gain sound advice to help you learn and build your business. - Up to date science based research, information and applications in the health and fitness community. Please DM us for further questions and/or send your resume to [email protected]
23.01.2022 Some great info on progressive overload from coach @sallybassuni of @sbfitness___ This is a big reason why it can be very helpful to have a coach. That is, to take out the guess work and let the coach guide you to gainzzzzzz. "PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD The key to strength and physique gains. WTF is that? Simply, its the gradual increase of stress on the body during training overtime / a program block. It not only promotes muscle gain but strength. This is important because on...ce our body adapts to something we stop progressing. So this is why we implement progressive overload. There a few ways to apply progressive overload... 1. Increase sets 2. Increase reps 3. Increase weight 4. Decrease rest period 5. Introduce tempo to your lift / time under tension They are just some simple ones and no you dont have to apply them all at once and not every week you are going to see an increase, some weeks things just stay the same. Maybe if youre feeling off keep your weights etc the same and just focus on slowing the rep down and concentrating on your technique (point 5). Being systematic and organised with your training is one of the most efficient ways to get the most of your training. Fitter, stronger, leaner...whatever it is, design or get a pro to design a program for you and apply progressive overload, note down your weights, record your times / technique etc to look back on. Rather than doing random stuff every session if you want to see improvements. This is why I have a program set for my clients, check in on them every week, make adjustments to their weight / reps / sets / tempo weekly. Keep it simple! Dont forget to update your program every 6-8 weeks to change things up and introduce new movements, techniques and ways of adjusting progressive overload." If youre wanting to get back into some accountability with your training, one of our 6 great coaches can help! @tsubifit @livleighxo @thecicc @samtoleman_jansson @sallybassuni @proteinandchemicals DM us or them for further details
22.01.2022 In the midst of this pandemic, our new coach, Exercise Physiologist and medical student @samtoleman_jansson sheds some light. A little message to those worried about uncertainties around recommendations for exercise in light of everything going on right now. As gyms and other health facilities may be implementing stricter access and some even having to close for a period of time, doesnt mean it is an excuse to quit exercising altogether ... First and foremost, it is important to follow the policies and recommendations being implemented by the Australian and State Governments and the Department of Health in this time as it is essential we all play our part in managing the detriment of this virus on those who are otherwise unable to adequately protect themselves. The goal of this is not solely to prevent people from being affected by the virus, but to ease the burden on the healthcare system so anyone needing access to hospitals has a better opportunity for care. It is also important to keep looking out for your own health as this plays a part in it all. The cessation of exercise is in no way shape or form recommended and should be continued. The mode of exercise may need to change, the location may need to change, but its not a reason to lose contact with your coach or gym and sit on the couch all day. Whilst we are on the topic of exercise and immunity here are a few interesting facts: 1. Exercise has been shown to increase the function of our innate immunity in the acute setting after moderate bouts of exercise by increasing recirculation of Natural Killer cells and other white blood cells/cytokines. 2. Risk of developing an upper respiratory tract infection are minimised with regular maintenance of moderate exercise and increased with sedentary behaviour 3. Age-related chronic disease in multiple systems is greatly reduced with regular exercise. The crux of this message is to stay smart, stay healthy, and keep exercising. If you cant continue your normal routine, keep in contact with the people who help you out and see how things can adapt for you Resources: 1. 2. @ Strong 24/7
21.01.2022 Getting strong is not rep range or exercise exclusive. This is true for both hypertrophy and strength goals, although not solely what is needed for progression. However, adding weight to a movement is still very important. Good technique is a large factor for movement efficiency and muscle activation. Its imperative to define strength progression in the realms of adequate form (which itself has a range of acceptable error, IMO). For example, doing a bicep curl with excessive... swing on the concentric phase with increased weight is lifting more overall, but you may not have gotten any stronger in your biceps. If the above is on point and youre getting stronger, you are progressing adequately. Some movements will see less absolute strength gains and may even take longer to increase strength. An example is the lateral raise. Due to the few, small muscles being worked, youll hit your limit quickly and halt progress in terms of load. Regardless of the movement, you must add weight overtime to progress. Think about it. If you stayed at the same weight for the same amount of sets and reps, eventually the loading used will cause less effective reps per set. What was once say an 8 RPE is now a 5, thus you should lift heavier to continue to get value for your time spent training. You are now stronger, can lift more weight and those bigger muscles now have more strength potential, and stronger muscles will help grow bigger muscles. #Powerbuilding
21.01.2022 Were bringing an athletic approach to the Strong 24|7 fam. Introducing our new coach @livleighxo, owner of @storm.athletica. With an athletic and Rugby League background, her style of training puts a focus on athletic performance. Having run her business successfully outdoors for the past year, she now has the opportunity to showcase her talent as a strength and coniditioning coach inside the large facility @warehouse_gym_fitness with all the weights, machines and coniditio...ning tools on offer. DM us or Liv if youd like to enquire about her services
21.01.2022 Our longest client of Strong 24|7 @kfthor came in for a session. She was feeling good, so we kept ramping up the singles. This was the end result. Today she hit an all time PB at 184kg at ~71kg bodyweight. Let that sink in. Not bad hey...
20.01.2022 At Strong 24|7, we believe in flexibility, within flexible dieting. Things come up and you wont always be able to stick 100% to your diet plan, or you simply want to "relax" a little more. That doesnt mean there arent tools that can help you out to still achieve a desired outcome. A truly flexible and sustainable diet includes:... Moving macros/calories around to fit a day you know you might want/need more food Eating at more specific times of day to accommodate your schedule, religion, hunger, etc Preparing yourself for special events/times you will be eating more Going from strict protein, carbs and fat targets to a protein target with remaining calories from a preferred mix of fat and carbs. Yes, there are benefits to more meticulous practices such as protein timing (bolus every 3-5 hours), protein dosing (30-40g high quality protein), carb timing and dosage (10-20% total carb intake 1-2 hours pre workout). Its important when to know to be more strict with your plan. Ironically, being too rigid in a flexible diet can be problematic at times. Above all, your diet needs to be realistic, sustainable and flexible within reason at times. If you are interested in learning more on how to do this with your nutrition while still progressing towards getting stronger, adding muscle and dropping bodyfat, message us!
20.01.2022 A nice double PB for coach @thecicc of @teamcicc at 122kg x2 at an 8 RPE. Strength is building very nicely for this stallion.
19.01.2022 Deloads vs Tapers While both have the goal of lowering fatigue from highly demanding training, the intent of each does differ. A taper... is a period of time where the aim is to peak on competition or retest day. Its common for intensity to stay relatively high while lowering the total volume to reduce with systemic fatigue. The goal is to maintain the strength adaption and possibly, to maintain confidence in shifting heavy weight. The end result, ideally, being large...r retest numbers and PBs.Trial and error willnbe useful to measure how much of a volume drop and/or intensity drop is needed. Deloads... are microcycles of training also used to help the person recover (mentally and physically), which in turn sees further progress in the proceeding mesocycles. The reason for a deload can be for many reasons such as: - A period of unintentional lapse in performance due to fatigue (lack of sleep, increased fatigue, sickness) - Lack of motivation - Injury - Transitioning between mesocycles (The deload can serve as an intro phase into the next block of training) - Progression has plateaued. In short: Deload = A reduction in intensity and volume for recovery due to many external and internal factors. Taper = Dropping volume as the focus (intensity usually stays high but not always), before a competition/retest day for peak performance. Ask below if you have any questions about deloading/tapering, or DM us to see if we can offer you some advice with your plan
18.01.2022 Over the next couple months well be introducing a few new Strong 24|7 Online coaches. This is an exciting new venture as we continue to grow our brand in the online space! The coaches Strong 24|7 are bringing on all fit Strongs model, mindset, expertise, morals and the human connection skills in which we stand for.... Firstly, welcome on board to @jaimebow_pt Shes been a PT for 8 years now and runs a very successful PT business in Bowral, Southern Highlands, NSW. Shes also has been and is currently being coached by @proteinandchemicals towards her next goals. A former mutliple Australian record holder as a 72kg Junior lifter, as follows. Record Squat - 147.5kg (Best lift in comp is 157.5kg in the 84kg class) Record Deadlift - 177.5kg Record total - 382.5kg Spots are now available to work with Coach Jaime, online for both programming and nutrition. Check her IG page for further details. Welcome to the Strong Fam, Jaime
18.01.2022 Some of the Strong 24|7 fam from Sundays comp @citystrength_hq
18.01.2022 Online client @kfthor makes 190kg x2 look OK. This is a PB. RPE 9...
17.01.2022 Your Online Strong 24|7 coaches Here's a little bit about their niches. @run.lift.icecream - An accredited nutritionist by the years end. Focusing on getting the best of both aerobic and anaerobic disciplines, both training and nutrition wise. Being jacked and fit is Theos forte.... @sallybassuni - Younger females who may be a little intimated by the iron or gyms in general. She'll help you change your perspective on lifting weights and shift your focus to a performance mindet. @jaimebow_pt - A very successful trainer for 8 years. She has personal experiences in Powerlifting, who's set multiple Australian records. Try something different like combining strength training with improving your body fat levels. @proteinandchemicals - This is me writing this and it's weird writing about me in 3rd person. This coaching gig isn't my first rodeo Find out more about me through our website If you'd like to connect about working with one of us, please head to your website to book in your free Video Strategy Session.
17.01.2022 This Saturday, the 13th of June from 9am, Strong 24|7s physical location starts lifting again @warehouse_gym_fitness We are looking forward to re-connecting in person with our members, meeting new members and continuing to grow with all involved in our Strong community. If youre interested in checking us out, DM to organise a visit and to meet IN PERSON, FINALLY
16.01.2022 THE PREMIERSHIP Team Strong 24|7 wins the Mens A grade grand final in Wollongong Tonight, we went up against the team we've lost twice to. A strong performance from these men saw us get the win, 7-4!... Thank you to these great men for a awesome comp. @joshua_pettit @jaymemc__ @charlesscib @_alecreid @_k_fraser @thiccy_mouse89 @corey_mcdonald__ @brocksep @nathanmateer @kadesampson Also absent due to injury is: @brock_caton @budgies_barbells_burgers The win is for you guys xx Thank for putting your athletic bodies on the line for us. Big thank you to our sponsors @storm.athletica @tsubifit @prawnstarseafood_platters @pettitconstructions Summer comp soooooon!
16.01.2022 @leannejackson_ hits a 3RM PB of 150kg, 10kg higher than her previous best! Weighing 70.5kg at 20 years old, shes got her eyes set on Junior Nationals in a few months time. She is also very jacked
16.01.2022 Enter Attentional Focus This refers to what your focus is on during the movement of lifting weights. This can be separated into two forms. Internal - Feeling the muscle working and contracting during the movement. External - Putting emphasis on the action itself by simply getting through the movement, albeit with decent form.... There are movements that are probably more appropriate for either one of these cues. The answer depends the on what your intentions/goals are. If your goal (for the movement) is to add muscle, then research suggests youll get better results by visualizing (internal focus) that muscle actually working. For example isolation movements like a bicep curl, may be better suited for this method. If youre trying to maximize performance and strength, using an external focus is likely to be better, especially for heavy, compound movements. This is particularly true for strength athletes in movements like our beloved squats and deadlifts. However, we think there are still elements which crossover between the two focuses. An example is the deadlift. You want to create tension through your body, pre lift, by using the bar as leverage, squeezing your lats to lift the weight as fast as you can. Are you doing deadlifts to build lats or to get stronger? Notice the internal cues needed to maintain good form, to move the weight efficiently and idealy get stronger. So, its important to think what your intent is when performing an exercise to optimize the outcome.
15.01.2022 Rate of Perceived....Pain? Injuries for strength enthusiasts (physique fanatics too as theyre still somewhat strength focused) are inevitable. Id like to be optimistic but Im being realistic. Theyre going to happen. Weve worked with specialists such as @baimedperformance @baimedphysio and @powerlifting_physio to help us get back to our best asap. During this professional relationship, weve learned quite a lot on injuries and recovery. Thanks guys!... This is where the "concept" of Rate of Perceived Pain (RPP) comes into it. RPP means to simply lift weight to a subjective pain rating accepted by the Client/Coach/Physio. We recommended to lift at a level that is ~3/10 pain. Its important that ego does not get in the way of this as lifting further up the pain rating can be more likely to cause more damage. Rather, we are using this as a means to have you back to lifting normal intensities ASAP. This has worked very well for a number of our clients and athletes. A crucial factor of lifting is confidence, and a common issue when getting back into training after an injury is a lack of confidence in that movement (or at specific intensities) where the pain is felt. The more uncertain we are going into a lift, the higher chances of form break down, injuries and missed lifts. Its common and somewhat a goal, that as confidence levels increase, so to does the weight on the bar at or below 3/10 RPP. There are obviously more and many further ways to treat/assess injuries and you should always work closely with your physio, EP, Chiro etc as well as triangulating feedback with your coach if you have one.
15.01.2022 Coach @proteinandchemicals trying to keep up with many of our Strong clients and coaches, squatting 200kg x5 reps. If youre looking to change up your training and focus on some strength progression, DM us for further info.
15.01.2022 Its nice (and releaving) to see everyone getting hyped to return back to their gym communities. Especially the business owners of these facilities! Strong 24|7 is a world wide online coaching business (hello to our online Strong 24|7 Fam) and we also have our physical location here in Wollongong. Im really looking forward for us all to commence training in a team environment very soon.... @warehouse_gym_fitness See more
14.01.2022 Body weight is A variable, not THE variable. This is a topic thats (thankfully) continuously being spoke about which is great! Heres my take on it. Its unfortunately still common to have a bit of a freak out when we see a number on the scale that we dont like nor expect. In reality, were probably being a little too hard on ourselves and not fully accounting for the things that affect the scale reading. Factors like:... Sodium intake Carb intake variations Total calories Energy output Quality of sleep Hormone levels Stress levels All of these as individuals and in summation WILL dictate the scale reading. Basically if you are alive, you eat, drink, move and sleep you cant get away from weight moving up and down daily. Weight fluctuations are completely normal and expected so try not to stress about transient peaks and valleys of scale readings. If we focused solely on acute weigh-ins, we dont give ourselves enough information for true indications. So, collecting several days of weigh-ins to get an average, will help wash out the white noise of normal life and provide more accurate readings. This, with all other data points collected, will help make more of an informed decision of the next steps towards a goal. For some, weighing in often messes with their emotions too much that it negatively impacts their overall well being. This is where I advise against it and more so to work with your coach/professional to help improve mindset around certain issues. While bodyweight over the long term is correlated with fat gain/loss, muscle gain/loss, its important to understand that theres other data points to equally focus on. Performance in the gym Calipers Visual monitoring Strength in various rep ranges Strength for various exercises Muscle gain Better nutrition habits Ability to remain consistent overall Learning and new understanding Quality of life...are a few examples. As I said, weight is A variable, not THE variable.
14.01.2022 Our new athlete @brock_caton smashing out 8 beautiful muscle ups, with ease! He plays Rugby League and is in the local rep Oztag team for Wollongong. 90kg of pure muscle and he moves so swiftly. This guy can do it all!
12.01.2022 We welcome @tabbyhudsonfitness from @bodybytabs to our umbrella group of coaches. Tabby has a focus on strength training and body re-composition with her clients. Shes also competed in Powerlifting herself so we look forward to seeing her in our combo racks. Shell be operating her PT business as of Monday out of @warehouse_gym_fitness
11.01.2022 Welcoming the new Australian deadlift equipped record holder of 293kg at 91.7kg bodyweight!
09.01.2022 "Me time" It is time spent on yourself, for you and you only. Time focused to help reduce stress, improve self-connection and to simply, chill the fuck out. I think we could all use a little more "Me time". As of late, Ive brought this back to light and have been highly recommending this to our clients who we feel need it. In such a busy world with our own endeavours, its very important to treat yourself with this gift.... It can be in whatever form you like. Some examples are: Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner by yourself Watching movies by yourself A relaxing bath or day spa for yourself Scheduling time through the day to train yourself walk etc, without interruption A night in with yourself A holiday on your own or time on a holiday spent by yourself Camping out on your own Meditation in ANY form that helps you de-stress, clear your mind and feel better. Remember, the most valuable gift you can give anyone is time. So, give YOURSELF this gift more often than not! What do you do for me time?
09.01.2022 A warm welcome to our Strong 24|7 online coaching team to a familiar face, @sallybassuni Weve personally watched her business boom over the past year in Wollongong. She already has the people skills we admire and builds great connections with her clients. Now we happily extend the opportunity to further develop as a coach as part of our Strong Fam. SB brings her unique approach to our online services. Shell continue to focus on the younger generation to help build confidenc...e in themselves and strength. But now, in the powerlifting scene! SB is currently being coached by Strong 24|7 using its methods for both aesthetic and powerlifting goals. Shell now also adopt this approach for her new Powerlifting clients and enthusiasts. Sally will be offering: - Online coaching - Online coaching + one semi private coaching per week. If youre interested in working with SB, DM us or Sally directly.
08.01.2022 The new Strong 24|7 merch has arrived. Due to the current situation, peoples apparel orders will be personally delivered to them (if within the Illawarra region). A little sign of appreciation to our members who have supported and are continuing to support us through this rough patch. ... Stay Strong 24|7
08.01.2022 Yesterday we had 2 athletes compete @spc.performance.lab @jasonnguyen_ walked away adding a large 23kg onto his Total at 403kg in the Junior 62kg class. @budgies_barbells_burgers came back to Wollongong having hit the 300kg milestone to secure a new Aussie u94kg equipped deadlift record.... Thank you to @leannejackson_ of @tsubifit who came to co-coach.
07.01.2022 By @tsubifit S L E E P Ive seen people rave about "the grind" and this couldnt irk me more. The older you get the more you value rest and recovery.... Dont get me wrong, I remember getting home from work at 11pm, eating, showering, attempting to wind down and sleep only to leave for work again at 4am. Or worse still, be up late doing updates or research, look over at the time and its 3am. Getting that gut wrenching feeling knowing I had a class to teach at 5am. "May aswell not even sleep". Gosh, so dumb! That mentality is not advantageous for anyone in the long run. Some tips for an epic sleep; Dim the lights/minimal lighting and warm light if possible, candles are perfect No use of technology devices for ideally an hour before bed I use this time to do my skin care routine and maybe read a book Caffeine does not affect my sleeping abilities, but it might for you. So try not having any for 6hrs before bedtime I wee before bed to prevent me from getting up during the night to go No TV or phones in the bedroom! Diffuse some lavender (actually proven studies that this works on Play some tunes (I prefer no words) Have a clean, decluttered room Try to sleep in a cool room Jump into a pre made bed with bedding that suits you Sleep in minimal clothing Get your pillow just right for YOU, I like a soft one for my head and a firm one between my legs if Im sleeping on my side or behind my knees if Im sleeping on my back. Breathing sequence, doesnt have to be long. Even 8 breaths helps! If Im having a bad night and I have lots on my mind, I get up and journal about it. Getting it down on paper removes it from my mind. Sometimes I turn upside down for a change of scenery, that usually does the job Upon waking, take some time to lay in bed and just be, giving yourself time to wake up in a calm state. It might mean setting your alarm early. You can repeat a lot of the above sequence in reverse to get you ready for your day. I honestly dont do all of these because Im out by the time I read a book . Try some of these and just pick the ones that are enjoyable and effective for you. Sleep well, child
07.01.2022 Here is long term client and friend of Strong 24|7 @matt_evolution_pt owner of @evolutionstrengthfitness After some time off with a niggle and focusing on his businesses, today he squats 270kg. 5kg off his all time PB. He hasnt touched a weight of this intensity since he hit 260kg over a year ago for a national record. With the main focus as of late being high volume training (sets of 9 and 6 for squats alone), todays result is very promising for future blocks. ... The main wins out of this was form efficiency at this higher load with no pain. Great work man! Thank you to @francis.pike and @harryisbrown for the great spot and @leannejackson_ for checking depth. Also thank you to some of the @warehouse_gym_fitness fam for showing their support
05.01.2022 Some extremely wise words from @tsubifit. Worth the read! What you WILL NOT find Tsubifit doing: Trying to stay afloat by selling you shit you do not need like a cookie cutter Home Workout Program Ebook. Pushing for you to do randomised at home workouts. If the time comes where we need to be locked out of our gyms we have been busy making individualised programs for each and every one of our dear, paying clients. We boast that we program with individualised progressive over...load so nothing changes here. Slashing our prices. Now more than ever is when we believe our clients need us. Support will always be our greatest asset to our clients and we value every cent charged. Instilling fear into our clients hearts by catastrophising and adding to unhealthy, unnessessary conversations. What you WILL find Tsubifit doing: Being proactive about the situation rather than waiting around and being reactive. Weve come up with a robust plan moving forward that will continue to support our clients to achieve their goals or at the very worst right now, maintain everything weve worked so hard to achieve. Being opportunistic in an ethical way. Yes we may alter business for a short while to adapt to the situation but in no way will we sell our souls. We will continue to assess and reassess all situations daily so that we can stay on the most efficient and most effective road possible. Regular communication with our clients to pass on a sense of ease at a possible time of anxiousness. Encourage movement, be it structured exercise, dancing, free flow. Abide by standards set by our governing bodies to ensure your utmost health and safety. This goes for physical, emotional and spiritual health and safety. Promote using this time to come back to your roots. To strip back the accumulated crap and remember what is truly important. Sharing Happy Days, always.
05.01.2022 Here we see #Ciccschicks. His group of chicks showing their continuous support to eachother as strong women. Well done to @tash.likes.lifting who yesterday hit an 83kg Squat which is a 7kg PB at 5kg lighter bodyweight. Coached by @thecicc of @teamcicc
04.01.2022 My opinion on beltless and belted training - Belted work should make up the majority of your training. - Beginners can use a belt pretty soon after they start lifting given theyve learnt to brace as optimal as possible without one. - Lighter, beltless work can be used for technique purposes. - Beltless work should be used where the limiting factor is strength ie an injury such as knee, ankle or hips issues.... Ive done cycles of beltless work (in particular for squats) and I dont feel it made me stronger anymore than using a belt. Where it does and has helped is with consistency and motivation to train through trying something new. Beltless can be used for variety to simply add more "fun" to a cycle. Id use it (and without sleeves) on my 2nd squat day (in an "off season") because it adds more additional volume without wanting to "push" harder, until that time comes for more of a need to do so. There are many other benefits for both the use and non use. Many expressed in the article, The Belt Bible ~ @gregnuckols Feel free to state your thoughts/experiences.
04.01.2022 Meet @harryisbrown of @tsubifit. Harry is a surveyor by day, and inventor by night. Harry has a will and has a way. As seen on Shark Tank, heres Harry with his DIY makeshift Bench Press Hash Browns Bench.... "You got a galvanised steel bar from bunnings for $30, filled crates with pavers, a step ladder and a box, you got a gym!"
03.01.2022 New Strong 24|7 Online coach Welcome to the coaching team to Theo @run.lift.icecream Theo has been a member of Strong for 3 years now. You probably don't know him because he's never had IG until now, and is a very quiet achiever.... With a personal interest in both aerobic and anaerobic disciplines, he's quite the concurrent athlete. He also is a fairly jacked human who is an interesting site to watch run. He's in his final year of Nutrition Science degree, who will then be a qualified Nutritionist. He's ran 2 marathons and 7 half marathons along with countless hours of running preparation that come with it. With his level of knowledge and experience, we're exicted to put his brains to work with the new Strong 24|7 Online coaching position. He is now taking on new clients. You can get in contact with Theo through us or directly through him.
02.01.2022 300kg. The new Aussie u94kg equipped deadlift record by Matthew James
02.01.2022 TIGGHHTTT Cues in Powerlifting serve 2 purposes (from a coaches standpoint) 1 - To increase confidence for the lift (before and during) 2 - To increase movement efficiency and power.... The movement itself is over in a few seconds. Saying too much could overload the persons thought process causing them to overthink and possibly a lack of performance For example, if you want them to "brace into your stomach, push against the belt, ribs down and stay tight", saying all these cues could throw them off. This could be condensed to "brace, ribs". Or if you want them to "feel pressure through your mid-foot, activate your lats, pull tension on the bar" this could be "lats, tension, midfoot". "Potato!". You could use any word really and regardless of what it is, the client resonates that word to a specific technique, adjustment, thought or hype. So, develop words/phrases with your client that aids in their individual personality, mindset and needs I think its common (and Im guilty of this in the past) of coaches throwing out words for the sake of it. My advice is speak with intent. Be concise and direct using short and sharp cues that get straight to the point.
01.01.2022 Yesterday we had @coach.moey compete @adonisathleticscampbelltown In the u74kg class, he went: Squat - 212.5kg (+17.5kg)... Bench - 132.5kg (+5kg) Deadlift - 232.5kg (+2.5kg) Total - 577.5kg (+25kg) Big thanks to current client @hussyy_a for handling Moey on the day. You both did great! Were very proud of both of you. Moey has utilised our online coaching service for the past 9 months with amazing results, nutritionally, physically and mentally. If youre interested in branching into online coaching, DM us for further details. Or, head to our new website
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