Strong and Courageous Therapy in Gold Coast, Queensland | Medical and health
Strong and Courageous Therapy
Locality: Gold Coast, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 5648 0483
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10.05.2022 Engaging in physical activity or exercise offers children the following benefits: Helps to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight Increases positive mental health and helps children to relax Improves self-esteem and confidence ... Helps to build strong bones, muscles and joints Promotes healthy growth and development Reduces the risk of developing, and helps to manage, chronic disease such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease ALL kids of ALL abilities can and should enjoy the many benefits of regular exercise. Let our team partner with you to help your child find the ways to move their body more! #exercise #physio #kidsphysio #exercisephysiology #PediPT #paediatrics #intensivetherapy #photooftheday #cute #smile #physicaltherapist #therapy #goldcoast #ndis
30.04.2022 Here's part 2 of answering your questions about body orthoses! Again, comment if you've got any more questions! #bodyorthotics #orthotics #physio #kidsphysio #exercisephysiology #PediPT #paediatrics #intensivetherapy #physicaltherapist #therapy
11.04.2022 Getting ready for an intensive here at S&C? Here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind if you have magnesium hydrotherapy in your program! Toilet Warm water + increased movement + warmth + the relaxing effect of magnesium = #2s!... In fact, many kids who are constantly constipated find their problems disappear after a couple of days of magnesium hydrotherapy! We suggest taking your child to the toilet before your hydro session or making sure they wear a secure water nappy for their session. Water bottle + Food Your child will be extra thirsty + extra hungry after their sessions of magnesium hydrotherapy! Make sure they have plenty to drink during and after their hydro session as it is often harder to detect when you are starting to feel dehydrated while in the pool. The effect of water can be deceivingly gentle- the calorie burn is actually huge, so it is handy to have a snack ready for your child post hydro as they often hop out very hungry. Hat and sunscreen Our pool is an outdoor pool and while we try and stay in the shade and under the umbrella as much as possible it is always great to have extra protection. Ear putty/plugs and earbands If your child has grommets or is prone to ear infections there is a wide variety of products available to protect the ear canal from water. We find ear putty tends to work the best for kids because it can be moulded to their ear shape, for extra protection you can also place a water earband on to minimise the risk of the putty falling out. Also... Swim cap or hair tie Dry towel and clothes Rinse chlorine from swimwear Enjoy the amazing effects of magnesium hydrotherapy when your child finishes their session with a super relaxed and calm body #hydrotherapy #physiotherapy #paediatrics #intensives #ndis #exercisephysiology #fun #function #goldcoast
25.03.2022 Here's part 2 of answering your questions about body orthoses! Again, comment if you've got any more questions! #bodyorthotics #orthotics #physio #kidsphysio #exercisephysiology #PediPT #paediatrics #intensivetherapy #physicaltherapist #therapy
16.03.2022 The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has introduced a new plan review process. We've included a quick outline of what to expect. We will be putting out more information in upcoming posts! Text: The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has introduced a new plan review process. Instead of attending a scheduled plan review when your plan is due to end, you will now receive a phone call to participate in a Participant Check-In. ... During this call, the NDIA representative will discuss your child’s well-being and see if their supports are meeting their needs. While the Participant Check-In is expected to occur close to your child’s plan end date, there is no formal timeframe set out by the NDIA. You could receive a call at any time. #goldcoast #ndis #earlyintervention #physio #kidsphysio #exercisephysiology #intensivetherapy #PediPT #paediatrics #therapy #intensivetherapy
05.03.2022 Did you know... Kids who exercise are more likely to maintain an active lifestyle as an adult, but not many children want to consciously ‘exercise’! It’s hard enough for some adults to find the motivation, but as adults, we’re more aware of the importance of moving and the risks when we don’t move our bodies enough. Exercise should be enjoyable at all ages, but it’s especially important that children enjoy moving to build long lasting habits and help them to achieve and main...tain optimal physical and mental health. Exercise is planned, structured, repetitive and purposeful movement that is intended to improve or maintain physical fitness. Our therapists can help you come up with creative ways to engage ALL kids at ALL levels of physical ability, in exercise. #exercise #physio #kidsphysio #exercisephysiology #PediPT #paediatrics #intensivetherapy #photooftheday #cute #smile #physicaltherapist #therapy
25.01.2022 Intensive therapy dates for the first half of 2021 are filling up fast. We would love to join with your family in kicking goals this year in the most effective, time efficient way. Limited spots available for intensives in March, April, May and June. Email [email protected] to book in now.
19.01.2022 We’re all Wonders- book review When you are a kid at school, being different can be a big deal. Having the wrong brand of shoe, or different socks to everyone else can be major, so imagine being Augie Pullman, who has a face that is quite different to his classmates. He has a Treacher Collins syndrome, his face looks different and he has gone through different 27 surgeries. He is an intelligent, funny, interesting kid, who doesn’t understand how people can’t see this, and ins...tead get stuck on how different his face is. The movie version of Wonder is a brilliant watch for all kids in Primary school, and a great one for the family to watch together at the start of the school year. The book version ‘We’re all wonders’ is the movie’s message in a nutshell. We're All Wonders taps into every child's longing to belong, and to be seen for who they truly are. It's the perfect way for families and teachers to talk about empathy, difference and kindness with young children.
14.01.2022 One for the Mums raising a child with additional needs- you can probably find yourself somewhere in this circle. There is hope and joy in the future and if you haven't found it yet... you will. Sending lots of love to all our families, especially all you amazing Mums xx
08.01.2022 Looking to BOOST results for your child in 2021? Join one of our intensive therapy blocks to see the magic of therapy, fast tracked. Email [email protected]
06.01.2022 (10/10) 10 principles of Neuroplasticity Transference Taking a skill practised and applying it to a new skill or activity. For example - A baby who learns to tuck their legs into crawling position in the hydrotherapy pool then takes this new skill and confidence and tucks into the same position in the lounge room at home!
03.01.2022 Lincoln is one of our little champs, currently working his butt off during 3 weeks of BOOSTA+ intensive therapy. He’s doing 4 hours per day (!!!!) of: - Magnesium Hydrotherapy - Functional Physiotherapy - CME and... - Spider cage His family look like any other rad, kiwi family, full of fun, teasing and cheekiness. But beneath the surface, they face big stuff and they do it with strength and courage. Big thanks to OKÉTHELABEL for getting behind this family. Enjoy the vlog!
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