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25.01.2022 Time Management!!! "I don't have enough time to exercise" Is this something that you say regularly to your friends, family or even yourself? Its time to make a change. Remember this - There are 168 hours in a week and we are looking for a minimum of 30min a day 5 days a week. So thats 2.5hrs a week out of a posible 168hrs.... Finding time to exercise can be easy. Start by prioritizing your workouts whether that be blocking out some time in your day that is just for exercise and work everything around that. Cutting your workout times down do 45min. More often than not I see people in the gym for much longer than an hour. There is no need to be in the gym for that long. Keep your exercisers simple and work to a program that is time efficient. We can always find time to exercise. Start putting it at the top of your to do list. If you need that extra guidence, someone to set you on the right path then please don't hesitate to contact me. See more
25.01.2022 Here's some mid week Motivation, sometimes you just need to order your priorities right How badly do you want your goals? Sacrificing 4% of your day to your own health and fitness is possible by anyone
24.01.2022 Something I explain to my clients every day, health and fitness is all about mindset, achieving goals is all about mindset. As the saying goes, if you think you can or you think you can't, your right! Every single person should read this ... Happy weekend #teamraisethebarfitness
23.01.2022 Goals are important in all aspects of life, both fitness and general. What are your goals, and how will you achieve them? Need help making the steps? Contact me for a one on one obligation free consultation TODAY! And let's get you kicking goals
23.01.2022 I would love to announce that RAISE THE BAR FITNESS will be introducing not 1 but 2 new members to the team and family late September. You guessed it, Hayley, Macson and myself will be introducing 2 little bundles of joy into our family later on in the year. We are over the moon and cannot wait!
23.01.2022 Who doesn't love a good old guessing competition! Yes health and fitness is important but there is always time for sharing chocolate eggs around with your family over the long weekend, life is all about balance, enjoy it! Competition will be running until Good Friday and will be drawn Easter Saturday just in time for the bunny to come! Get sharing and guessing guys! Whoever wins will receive this huge bowl of chocolatey goodness and 2 x half an hour personal training sessio...ns to work it off FIRST person to SHARE and LIKE this post AND CORRECTLY GUESS the amount of eggs wins !
23.01.2022 ATTENTION! Congratulations to my awesome client PHIL BROWN who has Won Genesis Cessnock Male YNB 12 Week Challenge. He is now in the running for the National People's choice award to WIN the National Prize. Please get behind Phil by voting in the link below.... Please share this post with every single person you know. Phil is a local man, who had changed his complete life around and has now WON VOTE BELOW PHIL BROWN GENESIS CESSNOCK
23.01.2022 Our little family is about to get a whole lot bigger with 2 BABY BOYS on the way We couldn't be happier, they are very healthy and mum and bubs are all doing well. Macson is super excited to become a big brother to not 1 but 2 baby brothers Might have to start a sports team soon
22.01.2022 This is the passion that drives me, seeing people's lives change from discovering a healthier, fitter life. Please everyone share this and vote for my client Phil Brown who has won the 12 week body transformation challenge!
22.01.2022 What will you do TODAY to improve your quality of life and to live the way you always dream of? We think we are made of numbers: Percentages on tests, Kgs on the scales, calories on our plates, likes on a photo, price tags on clothes.... But we're not... We are made of happiness, laughter, memories, adventures. So my goal for you this week, is to create habits in your life that give you a feeling of fulfilment. Exercise to take care of your body, not to punish it. Eat well to fuel your body, not to starve it. & make every moment count with good people. Forget what happened yesterday and plan to make TODAY amazing! #strongbodies #strongminds #strongcommunity
22.01.2022 It's saturYAY! Great start to the weekend with a early boxing session with Sammantha Hindmarsh! Got to take some frustration out which was awesome, thanks! Now having a breakfast date with my little man while we wait for mummy to finish work to head to Sydney for our weekend away Enjoy your weekend, focus on your goals, enjoy time with loved ones and if you get a chance to, get a good workout in
20.01.2022 Awesome experience today to have a chat with one of the best in the world in this industry, many people have opinions, but my one word for explaining this man is "Humble" an absolute wealth of knowledge and willing to explain everything he has done and what's he's achieved. Made me think things differently. Defiantly can't judge a book by its cover, no matter what you may have heard. Awesome guy!
20.01.2022 Another amazing clients result! This is Raise The Bar Fitness's 2nd National Winner! Super Proud Trainer! Phil Brown, You have worked so hard and have continued to work hard since the challenge has finished! I get to the gym in the morning and your there training, I leave at night and your there again, you put everything I've taught you into practice and you haven't given up. Hard work pays off buddy and it definantly has! Keep up the good work and let's smash this next goal... of another 20kg! You have changed your life and you should be so proud of your achievements, both physically and mentally! Everyone share this around and show PHIL your support! Or come along to our YNB AWARDS NIGHT tonight @ 6.30pm Cessnock Leauges Club, because Luke from Raise The Bar Fitness has another surprise for you all See more
20.01.2022 Before you overindulge over easter this weekend remember the hard work you have put in to get where you are now. But if you are planning to have a couple of chocolate eggs, the picture shows how much exercise it would take to burn off the even the smallest of treats. So remember be smart, enjoy time with your family and let loose a little, but be smart with your choices ... Have a great easter everyone!
20.01.2022 Please fill out this survey to go in the chance to WIN A FREE PROGRAM, designed specifically to your fitness goals. For people that don't train with Raise The Bar Fitness. ...
20.01.2022 Nothing better than a good stretch!
19.01.2022 Tomorrow is the day we find out the sexes of the twins we are so excited! Who do we think is joining the Raise The Bar Fitness Family? Boy/Boy... Girl/Girl Boy/Girl Comment below
19.01.2022 Enjoy your long weekend everyone, stay safe on the roads, make lots of memories and laugh with loved ones. Then get ready for another week of smashing goals because next week is assessment and goal setting week for all my clients. Enjoy and I'll see you all Tuesday
19.01.2022 WINNER WINNER, Easter Egg Dinner! You have WON this bowl of chocolatey goodness, and 2 personal training sessions to use for yourself or a friend You correctly guessed the amount of 129 eggs ... Contact me to collect your prize Thank you to everyone for being apart of the competition and keep your eyes peeled for many more to come throughout the year. Have a happy Easter everyone
18.01.2022 Only half way through the week and we are already seeing some amazing achievements! Last week was accountability week, measurements, fitness testing and resetting goals. This week has been the start of another strength block in most clients programs depending on their goals. Yesterday we got 2 PB's! Kara Hadley with an impressive 70kg for 3 reps on the Deadlift. Previously 50kg.... Cat Boorer with 90kg for 3 reps! With a previous personal best of 60kg Only slight things to work on with the starting positing of the lift but both extremely impressive numbers! Not only the number lifted, but the determination and mindset of these ladies since starting with me has dramatically changed to be more positive, their achievements are something they should be very proud of! Looking forward to the rest of the week and working towards everyone's goals See more
18.01.2022 2 Days to go, comment on the original post to WIN :)
18.01.2022 Sometimes things get over complicated, so today is a day to reflect on your life, and simply make it simple. Exercise, Eat well in moderation and have fun. Enjoy times with the people you love and make life long friendships. Make a commitment to your health and fitness today that you will love your body, take care of your mind and treat yourself well. #strongholdcollective #strongbodies #strongminds #strongcommunity
18.01.2022 ATTENTION: Supplement Seminar, Body Fat Scans. Tommorow Night @ ASN GREEN-HILLS 6pm. If you can let me know by commenting that you will be attending. If you would like to come along to find out the best information from the best in the business then message me to reserve your spot, limited spots available!
17.01.2022 Another great week here at raise the bar fitness, making some amazing progress with clients, entering new styles of training such as suspension training. Excited for what the next phase of their programs will bring #teamraisethebarfitness
17.01.2022 Hope everyone's having a good weekend, thought I'd share this yummy treat without the guilt from the guys at ASN, have a go at making it this weekend and let me know how it is
16.01.2022 Hayley Kaye 28 weeks pregnant with twins and just did a 45 minute session to provide some relief from mid back pain and leg cramps. Foam rolling, upper back activation and pec minor stretching and feeling better already. Did you know im Pre & Post Natal qualified. Enquire today to find out how training during pregnancy can benefit you. I have a FREE seminar coming up shortly with dates to be announced soon.
16.01.2022 A massive thank you to everyone that came along to my seminar today on women's strength training & pregnancy training. We unlocked a lot of myths surrounding both areas and I hope you took something away from the session. I look forward to running more sessions like this in the future and love your support. Thank you to everyone that donated towards Jodie's place today as its a cause I strongly believe in and appreciate all the support you raised today.
16.01.2022 Happy to be working along side with ASN GREEN-HILLS. Picking up the prize pack yesterday they put together for my 2016 new you challenge. Thanks for always being awesome support in what I do with my clients and my business, looking forward to the partnership!
15.01.2022 Come along and help us raise awareness with all proceeds going to charity. Everyone is welcome, wear your best beanie. Sam Hindmarsh will be running a charity bootcamp in the morning. I will be also running GenFit at 6.30pm which is free to all members, you just need to register and book in via reception.... See you all there guys!
15.01.2022 Big shoutout to Tom on working hard and being consistent with his goals! Should be proud of your efforts buddy, pleasure to help you get there
14.01.2022 What's your excuse again?
14.01.2022 I always hear ALOT of people saying that they would eat healthier but it's way too expensive. This article is a great read! Love it.
13.01.2022 Here's your Monday Motivation! Trust the process, put in the work and you will see the results. It's all about consistency. Work hard, the results will come ... #teamraisethebarfitness See more
13.01.2022 After a weekend of spending quality time with my beautiful family and friends, this morning we payed our respects to those that have given us this privilege of being able to live the way we do, to enjoy the qualities in life that we possess, of having family and friends around us. To those that have fought, and those that still keep fighting to let our country remain the amazing place it is today, I thank you. Lest We Forget. I ask that everyone takes a moment today to take a deep breathe and realise what's around you, the incredible opportunity you have to live to your full potential and become everything that you dream of being, it's because of these brave men and women that we have this gift, don't waste it.
13.01.2022 Online store LIVE NOW! Head on over to:
13.01.2022 One of my amazing clients new blogs. She is an inspiration and a pleasure to train as this is exactly the type of mentality I love to work with, it's okay to enjoy life. It's all about balance, work hard for what you want but enjoy life with your family as well Awesome work Naomi! #teamraisethebarfitness
12.01.2022 Just a shoutout to this awesome chick! Laura has been with Stronghold Collective for a fair while now and has achieved some amazing results and been an awesome member of my team. This is a sad post though, as Laura is venturing away to America for 6 months soon to chase her dreams and travel more. She will defiantly be missed and I hope she has an awesome time, eats lots of bad food and will be back after her awesome holiday to come and train again Thank you for the opportunity to train you Laura and I hope you have an amazing adventure (You knew that photo would get used one day )
11.01.2022 You could go to the effort of doing this but don't cheat yourself! Everything is okay in moderation but make sure you keep yourself on track and your goals insight. I hope you all have a great weekend!
11.01.2022 IT TAKES TIME!!!! When starting on your fitness journey remember it doesn't happen over night. When starting or changing your program it can take up to 2-3 months for your body to fully adapt and start increasing muscle or decreasing body fat.... 1.Being consistent is the key. 2. Work with a qualified professional to get the basics right. 3.Set up a good nutrition and fitness regime that doesn't feel forced. Remember it is a lifestyle change not a quick fix. 4. It takes time for your body to adapt to the changes. 5.Work hard to achieve your goals. The hardest part sometimes is getting started, but it doesn't have to be with the right guidance and plan set in place. If you are needing more help or just not sure how to start then dont hesitate to contact me.
11.01.2022 NOW QUALIFIED IN... ADVANCED SUSPENSION TRAINING Offering 1on1 Sessions ... HAVE YOU TRIED IT? As we exercise and subject our large muscle groups to intense workout routines, our limbs gain strength, tone, and sometimes mass, depending on our approach. Our core muscles also develop, and while this happens we build endurance, stability, and six pack abs. But if we exercise using our own sense of balance or our own body weight to generate resistance, additional changes are also taking place. The reduced structure of this type of exercise allows us to develop the subtle supporting groups of smaller muscles that are sometimes called the rails. These muscles, and this kind of workout, can also cultivate the nerve impulses and reflexes that contribute to balance and coordination. If you’ve ever walked along a straight line painted on the floor, and then walked along a balance beam suspended in the air, you understand how the same essential set of movements can challenge the body in very different ways. The second exercise is far more complex and engages the limbs and core on entirely different levels than the first. The same principle applies to suspension training. It’s one thing to perform a simple exercise like a push up. But we turn a push up into a far more complex workout when our arms are suspended from straps. With the added challenge of suspension training, the body must stay in balance and under control while completing the same basic move. This doesn’t mean the move is more difficult or requires greater technical expertise, since most of the muscles that contribute to control and balance are involuntary. But by the end of a suspension training workout, our bodies have unconsciously been pushed to many places that a simple floor exercise just can’t take us. #crankitfitness #australianinstitueofkettlebells #teamraisethebarfitness
10.01.2022 HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my main little man! You are honestly the most amazing human in the world, there is not a thing in the world I wouldn't do for you, no matter how old you get I will only love you more and more! Can't wait to see you at lunch time to open up your presents 4 Years old and can squat better than half the worlds population can't wait to see what he's capable of when he gets bigger
10.01.2022 Enjoy your cheat meals, prepare for the start of your new beginning. Tomorrow marks the start of a new lifestyle. No excuses, nothing is unachievable. Write down your goals, and create a inspiration board you can look at every day. When you first wake up of a morning, spend 5 minutes to write down what you want to achieve that day and make sure you achieve it. The journey won't be easy, you will want to give up. You will be sore and there will be temptation. But I promise it will be worth it. Make Tomorrow the day you say goodbye to your old lifestyle. Let's do this team! #teamraisethebarfitness
09.01.2022 ESSENTIAL PRE-WORKOUT MEAL TIPS TO MAX OUT MUSCLE Choosing the right foods to implement into your diet is essential for gains. For those of you looking to make major muscle gains and burn fat during your training session, your pre workout meal plan is essential on your quest to obtaining a better physique. Your body needs the right nutrients in order to see the benefits of a hard session in the gym. Check out some of the foods you should have an hour or two before working out.... Broken down by the essential elements your body needs for a workout. Carbohydrates Carbohydrates, or to be more specific, slow digesting carbs are a great fuel source for any hard workout. Eating carbs before a training session is important to avoid muscle energy being used. Oats, brown rice, and even whole wheat pasta are all great sources of energy for your pre workout meal. Fruits Now we all know that fruit is sort of a double edged sword. Many bodybuilders avoid fruit because of the simple sugars they contain. But fruits also contain some essential carbs that can be essential to your pre-workout diet plan. Fast digesting carbs are also needed as a quick energy source right before a workout. Oranges and grapefruits, acidic based fruits, and bananas are great for some quick energy. The vitamin c and electrolytes in oranges offer substantial benefits. These fruits also work as great fat burning sources when eaten a half hour before a workout. Proteins There’s no muscle growth to be had without protein synthesis and a great way of triggering and maintaining this muscle gaining state is by consuming, you guessed it, a ton of protein. To maintain an adequate anabolic state, a correct amount of amino acids must be ingested. Egg whites, chicken, turkey and protein shakes are all great sources to promote muscle gains. Take these tips under consideration to make sure you’re properly fueled when you get into the gym and watch your muscles grow. #teamraisethebarfitness
09.01.2022 If Justin's Bieber were to write a song about Tyre Flips
08.01.2022 Are you expecting a little bundle of joy? Not sure what you can and can't do for your fitness during pregnancy? I know first hand as my partner is expecting TWINS! This area is something i am very passionate about ensuring mothers to be get the most enjoyable and beneficial experience during their pregnancy. Why not contact me today to discuss the best option for your individual needs.... Did you know i specialise in PRE & POST Natal Exercise? Training during your pregnancy... For YOU, for your BABY, for your FAMILY. There are a extensive list of benefits, such as: - Learn SAFE & effective exercises - Improve your labour - Enhance your child's HEALTH - Help REDUCE Back Pain - Reduce the risk of GESTATIONAL DIABETES by up to 37% - Improve your MENTAL WELLBEING - Bounce back up to 73% faster after pregnancy to be able to enjoy your new life as a mum.
08.01.2022 For all the REAL ladies out there, you don't need to try and look like someone in a magazine, just make today healthier, more self empowering than yesterday Keep working hard everyone, inspire someone beside you today to better themselves
08.01.2022 Thank you everyone that came to bootcamp this morning for the first one of the 12 Week YNB Challenge, should be proud of the awesome effort you all put in Looking forward to seeing your journeys over the next 12 weeks and beyond Also, VALENTINES DAY SPECIAL is drawn tommorow, so if you haven't left a review on my page yet, make sure you do so to go in the draw to win 2x 60minute Coaching Sessions for your partner or someone you love
08.01.2022 "Is a few drinks of the weekend that bad?" A question I hear all too often from clients. If your serious about your training and you want to achieve results, there's no easy way around it. You can make it fun, but you need to eat well, train hard and make a few small sacrifices to achieve the result you are wanting. There's no magic pill, dedication, hard work, motivation and the willingness to listen to your trainer, go through the process and trust it.
06.01.2022 CLIENT TRANSFORMATION A massively proud shoutout to my client and awesome friend Cat. Over the last 8 months since having her beautiful baby girl, she has lost 45kg. This is only one of her amazing achievements, she has kicked so many goals both in career, fitness and life in general. She is a incredible roll model to her daughter and to other mothers to know with the right guidance, support and mindset you can achieve anything imaginable!... Cat had been training for 3 months since having her little one before she approached me about training her. She was already experienced in the gym and had been doing an awesome job by herself but was looking for motivation and guidance towards the correct style of training for her. I went through my consultation process and with some testing started introducing Heavy lifting to her training program, along with her cardio she completed every day by herself, she was then also completing a weights program which has now become a massive reason for the great results you see in the photos. 5 months of training with raise the bar fitness and introducing the new style of training that cat has started to love has gotten these amazing results, nutrition has been a major component and the incredible effort and dedication cat has put in day in day out. 45kgs of body fat down, we have then added 7kg of muscle and remained with the same waist line measurement even when 7kg has been added. Just goes to show, being strong is incredible for women, both physically and mentally. Awesome work Cat, absoloutly love training you and looking forward to achieving more and more goals with you Give Cat a shoutout and share her amazing progress around
06.01.2022 I'd like to give a massive shoutout to Cameron, he has been a member of my team for over 6 months now and has achieved some amazing results in body composition and also athletically, he is competing at the Royal Easter Show this week at a national level and want to wish him all the best, love having you on the team and keep on Chopin son!
06.01.2022 If only it were that easy!
06.01.2022 Big HAPPY 18th to the legend Cameron Marsh for coming in last night on his 18th, it's safe to say I had a good one planned for him. 18 Exercises, 18 Reps Each Thanks for the dedication to your training mate!
05.01.2022 VALENTINES DAY SPECIAL For my current clients only. If you have enjoyed your time training with me and what I offer, then please write a review on my page under the review section to go into the draw to win: 2x FREE 1 Hour Personal Training Coaching sessions for your partner or someone you love. The first session to discuss goals and what they are wanting to achieve and the second session to put them through a session ... I know it's a Valentine's Day present but if your smart some of you may use this as a revenge present to let your partner do legs day with me Be in it to win it guys Like, Share and Write a Review to WIN
04.01.2022 Awesome result from one of our clients from the weekend. Smashing goals worldwide! Currently number 1 in New Zealand and Number 2 in the world. Keep up the awesome work All those sessions are paying off
04.01.2022 Client Transformation I'd like to introduce everyone to one of my amazing members Kara. Kara isn't doing a 12 week challenge, or looking for short term results, she has been with me for 6 months with the goal to lose weight, unlike "challenges" we haven't put an end date on kara's success. I believe that health and fitness needs to have a balance of wellness as well, you need to train your body and your mind. Adopting my mindset and coaching skills, Kara has been able to do ...just that. She has lost a considerable amount of weight and over 30cm of body fat, but more importantly, she has changed her mindset of what exercise is. Kara now enjoys coming to the gym, learning new ways of training and seeing just how strong she really is. It is a pleasure to train her and can't wait to see what the future holds. Everyone give Kara a comment to show just how hard she has been working See more
04.01.2022 I want to work with people to inspire and motivate them to be their best selves, I've been looking into working with other businesses to collaborate with, but until I find one that aligns with my values and beliefs in the health and fitness industry. I will not be endorsing any program/product unless I have 100% trust in the program. I am in the industry of helping people and I pride myself on my integrity and transparency. My focus is your health and wellbeing. I want to cre...ate a community of people that support each other, motivate each other and push each other to be better each day, and have systems in place that I believe in ato reach their goals and their dreams. Some decisions are hard, but every day we learn new things and need to keep driving for the bigger vision. Thank you for your amazing support to all my followers and keep your eyes peeled for some exciting times ahead See more
04.01.2022 I go for Queensland... Have I got your attention? May the hardest working team win. With anything you come against in life, you need to have the attitude and drive to win and conquer the challenge. So my question to you, what's your challenge and do you have a game plan on how to win? Contact me for a FREE Fitness Assessment and Goal setting session and let's conquer your challenges together ... #strongholdcollective #strongbodies #strongminds #strongcommunity See more
03.01.2022 Ever wondered what's a better option? Here's just a few team
03.01.2022 Hope your all having a awesome weekend and getting prepared for another week focusing on your goals and enjoying life. I've just spent this weekend in Sydney with the Australian Institute Of Kettle-bells gaining my qualification as a advanced kettlebell coach. I'm looking forward to bringing this new style of training to raise the bar fitness and providing you with even more of a quality service.... Here's some of the major benefits of brining kettlebell training into your workouts Movements are simple and you can start using them right away. No matter how old or out-of-shape you are, everyone can do it and should be doing it. KB’s can help you lose weight, build muscle, enhance sport performance or maintain fitness level, as well as improve quality of life as you age. All with one simple tool. KB training will make you re-think what your max heart rate is! KBl training is perfect for the advantages popular with HIIT (high intensity interval training) as opposed to long-slow cardio. It is the most effective overall fitness regimen available.
03.01.2022 And The WINNER is... Jenna Sandeman Message me to let me know who you would like to give your prize to :)
02.01.2022 Shoutout on this impressive display of strength by my client Tom. His goal is to return to football next year and so far he last lost over 15kgs, a massive amount of body fat and his strength is increasing in all areas every week. We have been focusing on fitness and endurance style sports specific movements that require a high amount of power for a extended time. Massive congrats on a 300kg sled push for 2 laps mate! Should be proud with that sort of determination. For those... who have attacked the sled before you will appreciate how hard this is. #strongbodies #strongminds #strongcommunity See more
01.01.2022 Massive congratulations to my clients Phil & Dave. Dave coming away with Club Male Runner up after winning national people's choice last year. Phil coming away with Male Club Winner & National People's Choice award this year! Incredible to think that's 2 national winners from my team in the last 12 months! I am so grateful to be able to meet people everyday that inspire me to become better and provide better service, to all of my clients past and present, I appreciate you tru...sting in me to guide you on the journey of achieving and maintaining your goals! I'm so excited to announce a few things over the next few months so keep your eyes peeled as Raise The Bar Fitness has a lot more coming up
01.01.2022 Get started TODAY, no better time than the present and i have just had some prime session times become available, extremely limited spots so if you have been thinking about getting started on a program to hit your goals 5x faster then enquire today!
01.01.2022 I want everyone to choose 3 quotes that will get you through the next few weeks every time your feeling down. Please put them in the comments below
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