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Strong One Fitness

Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 411 646 994


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25.01.2022 LETS TALK HEALTH! I remember when I first starting training as a teenager one of the key things I wanted to work on was feeling better! I had no idea on how to grow or get stronger but I figured if I can go to the gym and feel better when I walked out of it my job had been complete. That was from both a mental and physical state. After all how good are you really going to feel when you are 16 and a Red Bull, chocolate bar and a puff of your friends cigarette was (sorry mum). I always associated that those fitness/physique models you saw in the magazines felt good? Now I’m not saying that they don’t but I know for a fact that they sacrifice a certain degree of physical or mental or both wellness. Even competing twice in natural devisions I suffered. Mood swings, sleep issues, energy etc. sure I looked great but what use is that really when you feel like shit? Not taking anything away from anyone that competes or wants too but I want to state that looking good and feeling good don’t always go hand in hand! It’s going to vary a lot from person to person. Some can stay at extremely low bodyfat all year round and feel great. I envy you. But stack type 1 diabetes on top of that and the way you feel quickly outweighs the way you look (within reason). So I urge you all to always focus on feeling good. Because no one wants to feel shit. No one. Eat well, sleep well, keep your mind healthy and enjoy life. You can still look good and feel good. Don’t beat yourself up over some veins and abs. Because in my honesty opinion it ain’t worth it. And to be honest, majority of the population just want to be in shape and feel good. Trust me I’ve got thousands of client pre-screens to prove it . Will I compete again? Probably but I recognize I’ll feel like shit from time to time. It’s an amazing feat to achieve nonetheless. But for the rest of the time I’ll focus on wellbeing. Jack. See more

23.01.2022 ACTION IS THE SECRET I’m going to do my recap on my year now. It’s no secret to say that this year has certainly been difficult. COVID, uncertainty, forced changes, etc. The list goes on. However one thing remains the same and that’s the choice to remain proactive in your day to day choices. ... One of my weakest behaviors is procrastinating.. I’m an absolute sucker for it, I think we all are. However amongst the madness I was able to significantly reduce my procrastination by just taking action. On everything. From getting up early, investing and even training. Just a bit of a push to go do things. I know a lot of dumb people who have done some very cool shit and it just comes down to taking action and not thinking negatively about the goal at hand. Just take action. I don’t have any New Year Pleb Resolutions I simply will focus on taking action and improving the things I’m already doing. I feel like too many people try to reinvent themselves every year and to be honest that just sounds exhausting! Hence why people fall of the wagon. Just start doing the shit you want to do. That’s it. Nothing else. No magical philosophy, no fancy whiteboard of goals. Just start doing shit today. Legit today. Your success isn’t dependent on a day of the year to start. It starts by simply starting, remaining consistent, remaining open minded. Celebrate your wins. 80/20 P.s I don’t spell check my posts.. too much passion. So what are you going to take action on? Jack See more

22.01.2022 A CHANGE (FOR ME) Something I’ve been thinking about for some time now. Like anyone, it’s important for myself to have personal goals for me to achieve. So I welcome my next challenge..... I’ve decided to devote my own training completely to powerlifting. That’s right. Powerlifting. For many years people around me have told me to have a crack at it but bodybuilding took my attention. I’ve always enjoyed the big 3; squat, bench & deadlift and I think I’m not too bad at them! Now of course I’ll still continue to do my hypertrophy training as accessory for my powerlifting but in terms of competing in BB will no longer take my priority. I have teamed up with @beaurutherford and have already started to learn a lot about what’s ahead of me. We will aim to reach a competition but no dates on the cards right now. I’m excited to really challenge myself on another physical level. I’ve got a lot of work to do in regards to ankle mobility and my flat bench (after 2 years with no flat bench). This is another great opportunity to learn and achieve some awesome feats of strength. I look forward to the pain, success, failures and experiences. Time to work. Jack See more

22.01.2022 A DAY WITH TYPE 1 DIABETES.. What’s it look like? I feel like there is a lot of misinformation around type 1 diabetes. It’s much more than just carbohydrates and insulin. There is so many aspects of every day to day life that will determine ones blood sugar level and overall health. ... Didn’t get enough sleep? Expect your blood sugars to be more volatile than usual. Trained with weights? Expect rise and fall of sugar levels. Did cardio? Again, expect rise and falls of blood sugar. Dehydrated? Insulin sensitivity goes out the door and sugars will rise. Stressed? You guessed it, sugar levels rise. These are only a few points that can play a role in blood sugars. Not to mention the constant counting of carbohydrates, fats and protein to be able to eat and function. On top change your infusion sites every 3 days to keep insulin free from blockages, charge your pump, test your blood sugars, manage low blood sugars with lollies or some form of glucose (usually happens at the most inconvenient time ) keep spare insulin, needles and supplies on you. It’s not easy! There is no off switch and ask any diabetic and they will say, I just want a day off from it. Even when things are good! Just the ability to not have to count or carry and track anything sounds nice. But with that we have this thing for a reason. To make us stronger, smarter and to lay the foundation of healthier happier type 1 diabetics! What else makes your sugar levels go up and down? See more

21.01.2022 SO HOLD ON TIGHT.. Definitely tough to keep a tight grip on life at times. Especially this year! It’s tested business, fitness, regime and mental health. It’s a scary time to say the least, we don’t know what’s around the bend and any idea we once had has probably changed (hopefully for the better soon).... BUT Now we can adapt. The change has happened and it’s up to you to find the silver lining and make proactive decisions. A part of growth and progression is the uncomfortable uncertainty that lies beyond. I don’t want to sound to Instagram philosopher on you but it’s very true. I’ve spoken to friends, family and clients and during these tough times they have flourished, found new hobbies, directions, relationships etc. Of course there is still a lot of bad in the world but you only attract what you think. Think good, get good. Think bad, get bad. Cliche as it sounds positive thinking will bring progression. If you are struggling with your health a good diet and training regime will be useless unless your mental thinking is in check. Now of course good habits will bring a happier you but you must intent with positive passion first. So hold on tight, dig your heels in and remember all your actions are thoughts first. If you are struggling mentally about your fitness or health please don’t be afraid to reach out to me. See more

21.01.2022 SHRUGGING SHRUGS Always had a problem doing this exercise from the front. Just straight up doesn’t feel right. I’ll never forget someone teaching me this movement and explaining, your traps are behind you!. Makes sense.. Keep the weight moderate so you don’t jack your shoulders up.... Head down. Scapula (shoulders) back. Slow reps, time under tension. Think of squeezing the movement from the top rather than randomly lifting your shoulders. Of course you can do this with dumbbells too but I prefer the bar as I can really ensure I’m keeping my elbows behind me. This exercise with upright cable rows are a sure winner in terms of developing your traps along with deadlifts and rack pulls. Although traps are part of your back I still prefer to put this exercise on shoulder day because I like typical bro splits. Each to their own. Give them a whirl and let me know how you go! See more

21.01.2022 TO TRAIN EFFECTIVELY Have had the pleasure of taking on Tony to help him with his goals. The goal? To grow! Develop lean muscle tissue and reduce bodyfat (compositional) But how do we do this effectively? How do we know what to do? From assessing Tonys posture I can see that his posterior chain needs to be strengthen due to kyphosis (rounding of the shoulders) ... So when planning the workouts I have included a whole lot of posterior work. Deadlifts, rows, face pulls, rear deltoid flys and many more. I often hear from guys who train chest way to much about limited growth and contraction. If your shoulders are rounded forward there’s no room to develop further. Want a big chest? Build a big back! It’s all a balancing act. Regardless of your training you should always be striving for balance in your physique, this will lead to better performance, posture, less chance of injury and better movement. Don’t focus on your weaknesses without addressing what’s around it! Dm me for more information. See more

19.01.2022 BIG LAK Always a pleasure training this gentleman. With a goal to increase lean muscle mass we have been smashing our workout with good old school progressive overload. Selecting the best exercises to suit his movement, keeping our sets minimal and our efforts maximum. Focus on increase load with good form and control while maintaining rep count each week.... If you increase your incline bench press at 1.25kgx12 months for the same amount of reps you will have achieved progressive overload. Simple as that. If you aren’t increasing your sets, load, dropping your rest times, increasing volume or creating some form of new stimuli to your workouts you aren’t progressing. Simple as that. There’s many ways to create stimuli I just prefer to follow progressive overload through resistance. Depending on the person the stimuli can change. Calorie deficit or surplus your training shouldn’t really change, you may increase your TDEE or throw some cardio in for extra calories burnt but realistically your training shouldn’t deviate that far. Consistency is key! Well done today @lakshya13 for smashing the workout, here’s what we did. 4X incline barbell 10,8,8,6 reps 3X Hammer strength press 10,8,6 3X Pec deck flys 10,8,8 Simple, effective. See more

19.01.2022 Something very personal to me. For many years I’ve been extremely insecure about my teeth. After knocking them out on a half pipe when I was a kid to just straight up neglecting my teeth I gave up on the dream of straight teeth and a confident smile. Not only that but I had to overcome a massive phobia of the dentist. Mass amounts of Valium just to do a simple filling.... BUT I always wanted to stay true to my personal goal of restoring and improving my smile. After a couple of root canals, some tough discussions and a shit load of money I can now present my new smile. 8 porcelain veneers and 2 porcelain crowns, whitening on the bottom and a ton of irrational fear here I am. I truly am so happy for what The White Bite has done for me! The tremendous support and reassurance with transparency has made this journey extremely comforting. A big shout to my Dentist At Coomera village for the preliminary work also! Here’s to the future!

16.01.2022 CHRISTMAS & STAYING ON TRACK I think for many people the holiday season has already started so I wanted to share some advice on how to manage this crazy time of the year with Christmas parties, season food, alcohol, change in routine etc. Bring it back to basics! If you are struggling to hit your macros or eating plan then just simply follow your calories. Don’t obsess over your macronutrients or meal timing (irrelevant anyway)... Realize that alcohol has 7kcal per gram. Remember that when your slamming shots on Christmas morning. Can’t train as often? Follow your compound movements in. Get your steps. Quality over quantity. As I say every Christmas..relax. You are been a grinch if you are eating prepped chicken and broccoli on Christmas morning..loosen up. Yes even you Comp preppers out there. Like one salad won’t make you skinny, one bad day isn’t going to mess your shit up. If you need some ideas on training or nutrition during this time DM me and I can steer you in the right way. Jack See more

16.01.2022 11 YEARS (LIVING WITH TYPE 1 DIABETES) January 19th I wanted to find a photo of when I was sick and newly diagnosed but I decided to go with a different approach this year. ... You see as every year passes I realise how lucky I truly am. To be alive in a time where medical technology and education is so readily available. It’s now a part of my life and I can’t imagine not having it. Although I never wish for anyone to have it I can safely say it’s made me the person I am today. There’s a lot to living with this condition but you get a bit better at it every day. You deal with the cards that have been dealt and make a decision to better yourself or remain defeated. Of course there are days where it gives me the shits especially at 3am on a Tuesday morning sitting on kitchen floor skulling orange juice to bring your blood sugars up because your legs don’t work, and you have work in 2 hours (true story). But it allows me to remain humble and to always remember that someone can be dealing with something very significant and not show it to the world. This is why I do what I do. To help people, to relate to other diabetics or anyone who wishes to help their mental and physical health. I don’t preach bullshit and will always remain transparent and understanding because I know the struggles of not only just putting on muscle or loosing body fat or trying to achieve a personal best but I know what it’s like to do all of that with a lifetime condition also. Don’t be afraid to reach out. Community and communication is where the start of your journey is. Jack See more

14.01.2022 TRAINING NOT WORKING OUT Today I put my client Peter through an extremely tough leg workout. With only a 15 set workout we executed the following: Leg extensions 5 sets ... Hack squats 3 sets Leg press 3 sets Romanian stiff leg deadlifts 3 sets Seated hamstrings curls 1 set I believe there is a massive difference between working out and training. Nothing wrong with either. I do both! But the difference to me is training is significant to a goal and purpose whereas working out can simply to move and burn calories. For instance I burnt calories playing tennis with my girlfriend and had a lot of fun! Training would be my weights program that is structured to my goals on what I want to achieve. Well done again to Peter on his efforts on his leg day today. Absolutely smashed it! If anyone else is interested in having a session with me DM me for more information. Or if your interested in my online personal training shoot me a message also. See more

13.01.2022 DON’T BASE YOUR TRAINING OFF INSECURITY! Took me a while to think of how to write this and I still don’t know so I’m just going to wing it and hope it all makes sense haha. Don’t base your training off insecurity..what does that mean? ... Well a few things! Your reason to exercise, the why you want to change! I’ve had a few comments said to me in a nice way of course about how I’ve lost some size and looking a bit softer. Now, I’m very aware off this but I don’t base my training around trying to be shredded all year. The problem I see a lot especially through social media platforms is people are playing you. They are portraying an image of themselves or their brand to make you think that it’s normal to be shredded when in actual fact it’s not. If you are happiest when you are prepping for a show you are preparing yourself for failure long term. Life is about balance, discipline is needed but it shouldn’t rule your life. Eating set meal plans for weeks on end, missing social events and dragging your feet through workouts is a dangerous path to mental health issues. I started training myself for mental health benefits and performance. Those two will always be my main focus. Looks come and go, body fat will go up and down. I was having a chat with @ashleighmaddisonn and we both agreed that competing can worsen your mental state if you aren’t already good with yourself. If you have major insecurities about yourself already please do not think competing will improve them! In fact I’d say confidently it will do the opposite. I’m not saying don’t compete but ask yourself why are you wanting to do this? You throw yourself into strict food plans that will negatively change your view on food if your not careful. Become obsessed with how you look, battle mentally with doubts and negative thoughts about yourself all to have minimal stage time. Sound fun? Wait! And then once it’s over you don’t have the desire incentive, strict plans go out the door and you are left feeling lost. I’ve seen it happen time and time again. Some off the most insecure people I’ve ever met are the ones that are in great shape. Caption continues in comments See more

13.01.2022 DEADLIFTS Should you be doing them? Yes. Obviously clearance from injuries or any other reasons but yes. One of the best movements you will ever do in regards to strength, posture, functionality, muscular development. It’s also a great character builder. There’s no bullshit when it comes to deadlifts. ... You can’t talk shit when it comes to deadlifts. The proof is in the pudding. For a very long time my whole back workouts was just deadlifts and pull ups. I truly believe in terms of building strong foundation deadlifts are a must. Conventional or sumo, both are great and have benefits. If you aren’t incorporating this movement you are seriously missing a big chunk of your potential. Learn the movement, spend time getting it right and increase load over time. For a lot of my clients I will spend a long time just on this movement alone. One of the best. Here’s me playing with 100kg X5 See more

13.01.2022 BENCH It’s not perfect but it’s a start. Kept it light and did what I was told. Looking toward to working on the set up and getting some good numbers on this. Not bad for a bloke with long arms that hasn’t bench pressed in over two years ... 4X6 80kg

12.01.2022 A YEAR BEHIND / A YEAR AHEAD. 2020 on a whole was a beautiful year for me. Understandably on a whole things at times were a little shaky.. For myself, a lot of growth and prosperity was attained in 2020. I got to hone in on new exciting avenues, tackle some personal fears and take fun risk. ... As you all know I don’t believe in New Years resolutions however I do believe in setting goals. But more so I believe action is the man dictator in actual results (see my previous post on action). For me the year ahead is simple. Get better at the shit I’m already doing. Equip my skill sets to be stronger and keep mental and physical health a priority. Keep things super simple, look after my team of wonderful clients. Essentially; take action and have fun doing it. Remember nothing will be perfect the first time. Make mistakes but learn from them. With those lessons keep chipping away towards your goals. Quality over quantity. If it doesn’t bring you any happiness or result for what you are trying to attain then ditch it. This goes for pretty much anything. Keep things simple. Yes, no. No such thing as maybe. Be yourself: Remain transparent, drop the ego and be yourself. Try not to be a dick is also another way of putting it. So I urge you all to continue to just improve in all areas of life. Do things how you want and don’t look back. Have fun, work hard and send it. Jack DM for any coaching enquires. See more

12.01.2022 LETS TALK ABOUT KEEPING THINGS BASIC! I picked this picture because it’s beautifully basic. Water, sun, rock, nature. This can be applied to you. Your fitness should be no different. People are getting way to caught up on the complexities rather than simply just mastering the basics. ... Let’s take this further. Let’s pick weight loss for example as it’s a popular topic. Rather than focusing on tracking macros and getting upset when you go over certain macronutrients lets make it simple! Track calories and protein. Because in all seriousness that’s all that’s going to matter. Find a good coach who understands calorie needs and follow a calorie deficit. Now if you are following a deficit after X amount of weeks and haven’t lost weight. Guess what? You aren’t in a deficit! Drop the calories a fraction more and stay consistent and adhere to your protein and calories. Now on to exercise. I know this will stir the pot but I’m going to stay true to what I say here. If your goal is to truly just loose weight then pick exercise you enjoy! If you like swimming then swim! If you like skateboarding then skate! If you like running then run! If you like lifting weights then lift weights! See what I’m saying here? Pick something that you enjoy and something you can set small little goals like running X amount of distance this week etc. If Karen doesn’t want to lift weights 6 days a week then don’t program typical hypertrophy splits! I’m talking to you cookie cutter online coaches! Increasing your NEAT (non exercise activity thermogenesis) get a fit bit and increase your steps over time. One week 5000 a day, week 2 7000 etc. or if you don’t own a Fitbit like me find a stair master and start moving. But guess what! There’s other ways! Park at the back of the car park and walk. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Find reason to move! It’s that simple! Last thing! Sleep. Sleep 8 hours. Nothing less. If you can’t sleep 8 hours then focus on rest! If you can’t sleep 8 then focus on increasing quality. Turn off phone and electronics at the wall. Black our curtains etc. I see so many people make it hard for themselves but it really not that hard See more

10.01.2022 SACRIFICE! This is a big one. I’ve noticed through social media that it’s led to believe that attaining your fitness and lifestyle goals is easy. You have some influencer posting a photo with some bullshit product with a thousand edits on a pretty picture when in reality it’s got nothing to do with the product or the picture. Let’s say your training to save your money on a fixed income. In order to save more money you have to SACRIFICE your expenses. Therefore giving... up the drinks out, the new handbag or the Netflix subscription. The exact same thing applies to your physical health and well-being. You have to sacrifice a few things. Initially it may be your taste buds, your cravings for food, the extra hour in the morning to exercise and yes sometimes your emotions. What happened to just working for it? It doesn’t matter what approach you take to diet and exercise you WILL have to SACRIFICE something. If I only truly trained on the days I felt like it I wouldn’t train often and that’s the truth. Like saving money sometimes you have to be firm with yourself In order to reap the benefits further down the line. I will always encourage and push people to their limits but realise it’s not going to be comfortable. I get that. Truely I do. Two competitions with 20 weeks of dieting for each show, cutting weight for boxing I know the sacrifice it takes. Enjoy life please, but when it comes down to hustling your result get in and get dirty! You are tougher than what you think you are! Happy Friday! See more

08.01.2022 JUST RELAX AYE! Thought this would be a good topic. It relates to doing the total opposite of what fallacies I see on Instagram everyday. The Oh I’m grinding because I woke up at 4am to take a picture of my coffee with a thousand hashtags. No, you are a fool. Or the hustle but isn’t actually taking any progressive steps to improving just pretending. Let’s make training an example. You have your diet in check. Your training is flawless, you push to failure with your... weights and you get your cardio in. All while maintaining a career, social life and family or whatever takes your time and energy. How are you going to recover? You hear it in business all the time! I’ll sleep when I’m dead! Yeah, well mate you probably will quite soon with that attitude. If you aren’t getting minimum 8 hours of sleep a night you are cutting yourself short. I don’t care what you say otherwise. It’s been proven time and time again. 8 hours. Minimum. You will starve yourself of your goals, health, mental health, strength, metabolism and so much more! This goes for just total rest in general. Take time to relax, play some Xbox, read a book, cook do whatever it is that doesn’t smack your heart rate through the roof and doesn’t stress you out! Success isn’t built on how early you get up and how much you starve yourself of sleep. It’s built on healthy habits and quality productive hours in the day. Not quantity. Sleep more Feel better. Be a better you. See more

08.01.2022 PRODUCT OF ENVIRONMENT This year has had no shortage of surprises! It’s really forced us all to change to our surroundings. For me obviously during Covid I had my workplace closed. It happened quickly. Very quickly.. I had no choice but to adapt to what has occurred. Believe me all I wanted to do was point the finger and blame someone, for someone to take the heat so I could crawl back to that comfortable place in life called complacency. I’ve been a victim of comfort... before and I believe we all do from time to time. The importance is to not get stuck there! I love comfort in food, sleep, days off but I feel like it needs to be earned. As much as we all seek the comfort that a successful brings I truly believe it’s the process we truly desire. Without the process of learning, adapting, adjusting to our environment around us those things become very insignificant. I hope everyone is having a great Monday and is the start to a great week! Need help with training? Online and face to face available. See more


07.01.2022 MY FRIEND VAS (please read) I met Vas just over a year ago, after already loosing such a substantial amount of weight he came to me wanting to improve further, adding lean muscle mass, improving his metabolism and learning how to lift weights. Basically form a healthy lifestyle that he can continue forever. Vas works incredibly hard in all areas of his life, he has a sickening worth ethic regarding career and personal and it’s truly motivating to be apart off. I don’t ...give enough credit to this man. A true warrior. He follows meal plans, doesn’t complain about the workouts just gets it done. Despite working extremely long days with his high pressure job. Even came to my house during covid times just to squeeze workouts in my garage! We know that some weeks are better than others but trust me when I say he will continue to turn up to sessions, work hard and give you his best efforts. The odds have been stacked against him and still pushes through. Here’s some words from the man himself Starting weight 185kg. Was previously unable to stay standing for more than 10 min without experiencing back and knee pain. Losing weight has helped me not only be more healthy and active but has also given me opportunities I have longed for, such as getting a motorbike, self confidence boost which has helped me progress in my career, Feel stronger, younger, look and feel great. - Vas To my friend Vas, you have done an amazing job thus far. The scary thing is I know you have even more greatness to show. Keep grinding brother. Training you and your wog sense of humour has me in stitches and I always look forward to our sessions! Vas is a pure example that anyone of you can achieve your fitness and health goals. Please everyone congratulate Vas on his success so far! Speechless mate. @ World Gym Mt Gravatt See more

07.01.2022 WHY IT WON’T ALWAYS FEEL GOOD I think it’s something that social media proceeds to perceive is that training is some happy, feel good thing that isn’t mentally and physically hard. I wish that was the case. Ever since I’ve trained I’ve always looked to progress in what I’m doing. Education, technical, performance etc. Now, don’t get me wrong I’ve off course had many many wonderful sessions and achievements over the years. The endorphin hit and the excited highs you get... after training. However there’s also many many times where I feel like shit and can’t be bothered training. To be honest if I only truly trained when I felt good for it the frequency would be pretty low. But anything hard is worth doing. The results lie in the hard work and consistency. It’s character building and makes you mentally more resilient. Think of it like the stock market.. when everything is in the red and you are loosing at first it looks like a negative worthless thing doing. However there is opportunities to grow, study and push through those hard times. That time in the red is where true growth will rise. Life is easy when it’s green everything is up and all of a sudden things are easy. But that’s also when you are more likely to let of the trigger and relax a bit (nothing wrong with that). What I’m trying to say is that it will be hard. It will suck. There will be moments you hate it. But remain consistent and you will be surprised how far you can go. Growth is never linear. See more

06.01.2022 ALCOHOL Last year this wasn’t something I even had to think about as I went 10 months without drinking however this year I’m deciding to let my hair down and have a few cheeky ones. A lot of stir up around the topic of alcohol and fitness. But I’m going to come out and just say it how it is. If you want to drink, cool just like food education is what you’ll need. If you don’t drink congratulations you can stir your nose up at this post.... If you are wanting to be mindful this Christmas and New Year season let it be known that clear spirits will be the best in terms of calories. Gin with the least (my favourite). The real damage comes with the mixes. Keep your mixes zero sugar and you will be amazed how many calories you will save! Plus you won’t feel like shit from drop kicking 6 tonnes of sugar up your guts every time you pour a fresh one. Keep in mind your body isn’t going to metabolise the same with alcohol so don’t sink some G&T’s and flog yourself on deadlifts for an hour. It won’t be pretty. Try this one: Bombay sapphire Gin Shweeps diet tonic water 1 lime 1 lemon Mint Calories: 54-110 (variable across gin) Enjoy. Education is a must. See more

04.01.2022 ONLINE TRANSFORMATION! My Online client Jordan @jordishore96 bringing the goods! Dropping approximately 6kg in Just over 4 weeks. Jordan came to me with some injuries and lifestyle factors that needed to be addressed. So with correct programming, macro setting and consistency we were able to start the healthy transformation to a healthier body and mind. ... All while a global pandemic! Adapting to home workouts and increasing energy expenditure while formatting some dietary habits and tricks we have made awesome results in a short time. Extremely happy and proud of you mate. If any of you are interested in my online training please do not hesitate to ask me! @ World Gym Mt Gravatt See more

04.01.2022 ITS JUST CALORIES! The best way to avoid fear and guilt around food is to do two things! 1. Learn about yourself. Learn what certain food does to you. Understand the Calories/macros and what that means. Learn what it does to your blood sugars (my diabetic friends out there). There’s no point forcing something that makes you feel like trash! ... 2. FOLLOW A PLAN! Find and construct a plan that works for you! Don’t get caught up in the macronutrients too much. At the end of the day it’s calories in vs calories out. The only macronutrient that is truly important is protein, responsible for repair and a thermogenic affect for burning body fat. Who cares about how many carbs and fats you are having? Another thing I want to stress and although it will contradict the photo completely is focus on eating wholesome foods. Good food that is rich is micronutrients and not empty crap. I have 1-2 meals a week where I will eat what I want (example in the picture ) will that throw my progress off? No! How? Because it’s not just calories per day. I like to look at averages over a 7 day period. Yes this goes to you Monday to Friday dieters. So if your goal is to loose body fat there’s no excuses as to why you can’t do this. If you are struggling DM me! I will help you! Now with addition of exercise if you are adhering 100% to your nutrition, sleep and exercise routine you will get results. Period. Happy Monday. Crush the rest of the week and I’ll see you all at KFC. See more

03.01.2022 FUEL YOURSELF Let’s talk food. Food is where your results are. Ultimately your calories in vs calories out. THAT. IS.IT No fad diets, Keto this, or carnivore that. Just food (calories). How you you go about that is completely up to you! If you want 8 meals or 1 meal a day it really doesn’t matter. Meal timing really isn’t that important for general weight loss. If you are wanting to build muscle optimally or have athletic needs then your timing and break down of (macros) may vary. Now personally, I’d rather fuel majority of my week with nutrient dense foods that have a high level of micronutrients for wellbeing reasons, I believe everyone should be thinking the same regardless your goals. You will feel better, sleep better and perform better. Not to mention for my diabetics insulin sensitivity and ability to count carbohydrates easier. BUT you know I still love my donuts, KFC and fast food once a week. If anyone has any questions regarding programming and how to workout your calories don’t be afraid to ask. Oh and artificial sweeteners is your occasional Mountain Dew zero won’t hurt you! @ World Gym Mt Gravatt See more

01.01.2022 CHANGE Do you want to change? Want to get stronger? Leaner? More muscular? More confident? More educated regarding your health and fitness? I’m here to help. I provide a service that will work! No false fallacy diets or supplements. Just understanding of you and your goals! ... I can work around your schedule, injuries and concerns. It’s not an easy task to physically change your physique I won’t sugar coat that but I will help you the best I absolutely can to help you get to where you want to be. You will be educated too! We want to change and progress forward! That’s where education comes into play. We can can give you the tools to continue your health and fitness journey for years to come. If you are serious about your training do not hesitate to ask me regarding transformations! I offer online and face to face and I ensure my clients will get the best. You don’t have to be in the gym everyday, you don’t have to have any experience. I will help anyone that wants to change! Strong One Firness @ Upper Coomera, Queensland See more

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