Strong Stable Seat | Sport & fitness instruction
Strong Stable Seat
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25.01.2022 I had the pleasure of sponsoring Maryborough Active Riders Club Inc hack day yesterday. Lovely to see so many lovely horses and smiling faces in such a supportive, relaxed atmosphere. I'm looking forward to helping those who received SSS membership gift vouchers improve their riding! Thanks to Bronwyn from Brand House Communications for designing and organising the printing of my lovely banner.
24.01.2022 Christmas all over again today when a few of my fav products arrived!!! Pleased to announce I'm now stocking HSE products. The best products if you're serious about having a healthy and glossy coat
23.01.2022 Polly had her first introduction to the Maryborough Showgrounds & Equestrian Park this morning. For an OTT she managed herself quite nicely. Very happy with her progress
23.01.2022 Fabulous morning with Karen Crommelin Dressage preparing for the Activate Your Core clinic. Still some spots available
22.01.2022 When I think back to things I've done in the past with my beloved horses I feel ashamed and embarrassed, wondering how I could ever have been that insensitive and cruel. Especially now with the understanding that many issues arose from miscommunication or lack of appropriate education rather than simply being 'naughty' or bad mannered. These days I feel it is my duty as a responsible horse person to learn as much as I can about how to listen and to better communicate. The SSS method stems from my desire to help horses have safe and healthy relationships with their riders, helping the horse to remain sound and injury free by helping the rider to become a better load to carry.
22.01.2022 Sorry if I sound a little horse crazy It's just true
20.01.2022 Horses are such great teachers and levellers. If you're ever not sure about who you are - take a few moments to see your horses mannerisms, reactions and behaviours. They will tell you immediately what areas you could improve both on the ground and in the saddle.
20.01.2022 We all know if we ride, we are probably going to fall at some why not be prepared?? Fall Safety Training is a great tool to minimise risk of injury. For more info click this link
19.01.2022 Does your saddle slip to the side, or maybe you tend to lose one stirrup frequently? The saddle slipping to the side can be caused from numerous issues such as an incorrectly fitting saddle, or asymmetry in your horses back. So, for this post I am assuming that you have firstly had a qualified saddle fitter assess and fit your saddle to your horse to rule out that issue. It is interesting to note that frequently a horses’ spinal asymmetry can be attributed to rider asymmet...ry as the horse adapts its posture to find his balance with the rider. For now though, we are looking at rider asymmetry causing the saddle to slip sideways. None of us carry our weight entirely evenly between our left and right feet, where our weight is distributed whilst standing also translates to how our weight is distributed when we ride. If you carry more weight on one side compared to the other, even with a correctly fitted saddle, your saddle could still slip especially if your horse tends to have a round barrel with a small whither. Take note of how you stand when you are relaxed do you tend to stand with more weight on one foot compared to the other, especially when standing still for a length of time? If you have had children, what hip did you hold your child on most frequently? What hand do you usually carry the groceries, or feed and water buckets? If you kicked a ball, which leg would you stand on and which leg would you use for kicking? If you jumped a puddle, which leg would you take off with? All of these suggest which is your most dominant weight carrying side. Usually your dominant weight carrying leg on the ground will also be your dominant weight carrying leg whilst riding. Try this simple exercise to assist with re-distributing your weight whilst riding: Step 1. Ensure your saddle is correctly positioned and straight on your horse and use a mounting block rather than your stirrup to keep your saddle in place. Step 2. Take up your stirrups, and check that your belly button is directly in line with the middle of your pommel. Ask someone to stand behind and assess that the middle of your buttocks and back is aligned with the centre of the cantle. Step 3. Commence to walk in a straight line, taking notice of what it feels like to be sitting straight. What differences do you notice? Step 4. From a halt, reposition yourself to become straight using Step 1 and 2, then take the stirrup away from your dominant leg (the side the saddle slips to). When you are ready, proceed to walk firstly in straight lines, taking time to notice the difference in your body and being aware when you begin to slip off centre. As you progress, begin walking 20m circles in each direction keeping your body centred on the saddle. It takes time to address old habits, however regularly repeating this exercise, and then progressing to the trot and canter will assist in improving your body awareness and even weight distribution.
19.01.2022 Setting up for tomorrow's Better Balance with Bands 1 day clinic at the lovely Glen Seil Farmstay What an amazing view for a clinic With a lovely indoor arena & stable block we'll be dry all day!!
17.01.2022 Sooo many people to thank for these past 2 days of coach training. We were blessed with many patient riders volunteering their time so that we could be assessed by Coach Educator Karen Crommelin Dressage. It is extremely humbling to have you all bring your lovely ponies and take time out of your busy lives for our coach assessments. Thanks to @Karen Crommelin for your guidance and imparting your wealth of knowledge to assist us to learn.... Special thanks to my ever supportive husband Andrew for accepting our wedding anniversary would be spent doing coach training and Bronwyn & Keira for sharing this journey with me.
17.01.2022 I always learn so much with Karen Crommelin from Karen Crommelin Dressage. This morning we fine-tuned our Activate Your Core clinic which will be held on 8th Nov at Tallowood Park Equestrian Centre. Such a fun morning with lots of laughs!! And lovely Redman patiently allowing us to trial and work through a range of bands and riding postural devices. Still a couple of places left, DM if you're interested in improving your riding
17.01.2022 When things don't go according to plan, it can be easy to become caught in the blame game, however that is counter-productive and lowers your confidence for next time. Instead of beating yourself up, ask yourself what is the learning in the situation, and put a plan in place working towards improvement.
16.01.2022 2 Spots left at this Saturdays Better Balance with Bands 1 day Clinic. Kickstart the new year improving your riding posture. Assess your dynamic stability including how well your core activates and take home a toolbox full of tips, techniques and exercises both off and on the horse to improve. DM or head over to the event page for more info for this brand new clinic.
15.01.2022 I've been waiting for this little baby to arrive The next toy to add into the toolkit. Added bonus of better quality SSS sessions for members to view!!
14.01.2022 Shout out to Ranelle Running Wild Equestrian Entertainment for making our lovely training halters. I wasn't planning in riding in them, however sometimes it's good to roll with unplanned opportunities.
13.01.2022 A different colour to our show team today with Danee bringing the beautiful Connemara pony Quest out for a look.
11.01.2022 The afternoon ridden section of yesterdays Better Balance with Bands 1 day Clinic taken by EA Lev2 Dressage Specialist Coach Karen Crommelin Dressage at Glen Seil Farmstay. Spectacular scenery all around the indoor arena, even the spectators stayed dry on the viewing deck! Thank you to all of our lovely riders who listened and worked so hard!! I hope you have a toolbox full of new tools to apply next time you ride. Don't forget to activate your Strong Stable Seat voucher t...o continue improving your riding posture! The riders focussed on improving their body awareness and riding posture after the mornings off-the-horse session by using a range of techniques including bands. Fabulous to see the immediate improvement in the riders as well as the horses simply by changing the riders posture. We are currently planning our next clinic, DM your email address if you would like to be kept informed for when registrations are opening.
10.01.2022 So true!! I remember being a young child and dreaming about having a pony. The first pony who was actually my own and I didn't need to share him with my sister was a pony called Blaze. He was given to me as he was the typical naughty pony - first you had to catch him, and then you had to have enough grit to stay on him. Many times I landed in the dirt What is the story of how you met your perfect pony?
08.01.2022 I am not an equine communicator or body language expert, however what I have noticed as a horse person and a bio-mechanics enthusiast is that the art of horse riding is in the simplest terms all about effective communication between the horse and the rider. An experienced rider and a novice rider can ride the same horse and have totally different outcomes. The main difference is the experienced rider has better communication skills when compared to the novice rider. The exp...erienced rider can communicate clearly with correct timing. Often, we think we are giving clear signals; however, we may not notice our legs or heels are moving, or hands bumping, or weight imbalanced, or upper body is behind or in front of the horses centre of gravity, or how often you look at your hands. We think we are using the correct aids, when in fact it is like having a whispered conversation at a music concert you may hear the odd word, but then must make up the rest of the sentence! Spending time off the horse to correct your own postural imbalances and to improve your body awareness is important if you wish to improve your communication with your horse. A soft rider is a rider who is balanced, supple, stable, and aware not only of their own body, but also of their horses’ body without having to think about it. Yes, it takes time, there are always improvements to be made, however I am sure a healthy, happy horse is worth the effort.
06.01.2022 Polly had her first outing yesterday at the Maryborough Active Riders Club Inc t-shirt hack day with our mates Danee & lovely Lola. Whilst Polly did keep all 4 feet on the ground, she couldn't quite make them stand still! We've a long way to go but for an anxious OTT she settled outside the ring very well and did take home her first blue ribbon. It's nice to have the opportunity to attend smaller club days like this surrounded by lovely supportive riders to boost your confi...dence. If you're not currently involved in a club, I'd highly recommend it!! See more
05.01.2022 What an fun day yesterday at out Better Balance with Bands 1 day Clinic with Karen Crommelin Dressage at Glen Seil Farmstay. We had a fabulous group of participants, lots of laughs, great food (thanks to Jenny for her amazing catering!!) and stayed dry with everything fully undercover at these lovely facilities. I really enjoy spending time to work through rider problems, thank you to all participants who put in so much time and effort to attend, and come with open minds to l...earn something different. Don't forget to activate your vouchers and jump into the Strong Stable Seat online sessions to continue cementing your improvements. Thanks to Karen Crommelin who hosts these clinics alongside me for imparting her wisdom as a dressage coach, to Catherine and Bronwyn Woods for all you hard work keeping things running smoothly, and my super supportive husband Andrew who does more than any of us realise. A few pics of our morning sessions, afternoons pics to follow.
05.01.2022 What could breast size have to do with correct riding posture?? It probably comes as no surprise to learn that research suggests 40% of female equestrians experience breast pain whilst riding, especially during sitting trot. Apparently larger breasted women are more prone to pain I’m guessing you didn’t need a science degree to work that one out either! Basically, as the horse moves, the only way to reduce riding discomfort is to harness the motion of the breast, in additi...on, breast tissue can become irreversibly damaged by the movement that occurs through horse riding. Sports bras have been designed to provide support and reduce breast movement, however more than 75% of women wear incorrectly fitted bras. What is interesting to note is that 80-90% of marathon runners wear a sports bra irrespective of breast size compared to a mere 15-20% of equestrians. In terms of riding posture, if your breasts are moving then this will affect your balance and stability. Let’s face it, if your breasts are going up whilst your body is going down, then you will have difficulty engaging your upper back muscles and core to adequately go with the forward movement of the horse as your centre of gravity is not under control. A bra which is incorrectly fitted, or lacking support irrespective of breast size will also increase upper back pain which in turn creates tension in the riders’ body including a deactivated core, slumping and rounded shoulders. So, what can you do about it? Firstly, irrespective of your breast size, ensure you are correctly fitted with a quality sports bra for riding and ensure you wear it when you ride. Secondly, it is important to strengthen your upper back muscles and understand how to correctly engage them for good posture. This will not only help your riding, but also assist with your health and alleviate ongoing back pain or issues in all areas of your life. What brands of sports bras have you found works best for you?
04.01.2022 We all know equestrians need a strong and active core, however many ab exercises like crunches do not assist in training your core to activate for riding. I look for exercises that are functional for riding and assist in activating groups of muscles necessary for postural stability such as the plank with an alternating shoulder tap. This exercise not only encourages an active core, but also pelvic and thoracic stability as you shift your weight from hand to hand.... Focus on engaging your core, keeping your hips still and shoulders parallel to the floor. If you tend to round your shoulders whilst riding, take special attention to avoid rounding your back by engaging your upper back muscles. Begin with 5 shoulder taps each side, building up to 20 taps each side. Enjoy!! Let me know how you go
03.01.2022 As usual Bronwyn from Brand House Communications has waved her magic wand to deliver some lovely marketing materials. I simply can't recommend them highly enough!! I'm excited to now have Gift Vouchers for Strong Stable Seat membership ready for Christmas as well as for event sponsorship such as the upcoming Maryborough Active Riders Club Inc t-shirt show & the @Burrum District All Breeds & Hack Show.
02.01.2022 A new year can be like a brand new's beautiful, exciting, unmarked and sparkling clean. No sweat, scratches or stirrup leather marks. And as beautiful as it is to ride in, we want to keep it in perfect condition so we only choose the days when the sky is clear to ride, when our horse is behaving and the conditions are perfect, then we put it back in the saddle bag where it is safe until the next time. But if you do this, you don't grow as a rider - sure you m...ay be able to look pretty when the conditions are right, but when the going gets tough you come unstuck! Living and experiencing life is about getting that saddle dirty, taking a risk, installing a monkey strap and hanging on for dear life, losing a stirrup here and there, and when you pack that saddle away each day it smells like heavenly horse sweat, the memories linger of your lessons in that smell... and sometimes you need to leave it out of the saddle bag because it got a little damp in the rain! This year I encourage you to make mistakes and wear this year in until it feels like your comfy well-oiled saddle!!
02.01.2022 Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. Mahatma Gandhi As we slide into 2021, there is time for reflection on the past year. 2020 granted us the opportunity to develop and launch Strong Stable Seat as a full business.... With the assistance of Brand House Communications we built a new membership website delivering live streamed and recorded sessions. We formed a new friendship and business relationship with Karen Crommelin Dressage and have launched exciting new clinics. Karen is also my coach educator for Equestrian Australia Intro Level coach accreditation which is still underway (watch this space!). And somehow I am now halfway through Bachelor of Exercise & Sports Science of which I have been studying fulltime. Above all, I have met some amazing new horse friends and clients for which I will be forever grateful. Thank you for your support this year, it has certainly been full of opportunities for growth! Happy New Year!!
02.01.2022 Shoutout to this amazing combination who were brave enough to step outside their comfort zone yesterday!! Having only ever attended one show before many years ago, yesterday Danee & Lola stepped out, put aside significant anxieties and had a go....and brought home Reserve Champion Novice Hunter Galloway You girls are awesome!!! The possibilities are endless once you let go of your fear long enough to have a go. I feel privileged to watch the growth in confidence in this... pair yesterday, it truly was amazing to see. Thank you once again to all those riders who offered support and encouragement, there's nothing better than being surrounded by those who lift you up
02.01.2022 Big day today at the 2020 ALL BREEDS AND HACK SHOW. A really nice friendly and well run event to take a green horse out. Thanks to the Burrum District Active Riders for hosting the event, the judges and sponsors. Polly found the proximity of the race track and the white fences challenging, especially with many horses around her, but to her credit she really tried hard - she does love posing!! 1st TB mare and Champion TB, blue does look good on her!
01.01.2022 Massive thanks to all the wonderful riders who volunteered today to assist us in our journey in becoming EA coaches. Today for me was nerve wracking and a steep learning curve as whilst I've been a coach for many years I haven't been an equestrian coach. Coach Educator Karen Crommelin is wonderfully knowledgeable and readily imparts her wisdom, for which I'm forever grateful.... And tomorrow we have another day of assessments and learning at the beautiful Glen Seil Farmstay
01.01.2022 Has your weekend plans been cancelled with this lovely rain?? Tomorrows Better Balance with Bands 1 day Clinic is still on as we are undercover!! 1 spot left if you would like to take advantage of this weekend to kickstart your riding for this year!! DM or ph 0401 940 862 so we can book you in!
01.01.2022 We know horse riding is a dangerous sport, and most of us are concerned about injuries from falling off. However, many horse related injuries aren't necessarily from a fall, many are sustained from lifting heavy or awkward objects such as hay, feed or even saddles. On the other hand, thanks to the aging process, bodies tend to breakdown and this can affect the way we ride, or even how frequently we can ride especially if riding is creating more discomfort. Bodies also tend t...o become stiffer and less flexible as we age. This contributes to a higher risk of injuries as well as pain. Even if you are very tight and stiff, a small increase in your flexibility will reduce your risk of injury and improve your daily life. You may even find you can ride longer with less discomfort. A brief 5 minutes of stretching each day won't allow you to do the splits, but it could mean you can ride and care your your horses for many more years to come! Head over here to download a free 5 minute Fast Focus Flexibility session for equestrians.
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