St Therese Catholic Primary Torquay in Torquay, Victoria | Primary School
St Therese Catholic Primary Torquay
Locality: Torquay, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 5261 4246
Address: 50 Grossmans Road 3228 Torquay, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 Welcome back to Remote Learning. I have heard lots of divided opinions is it harder or easier this time around? Well that may depend on the way we are feeling right this minute or the situation that you are in. We know what we are in for and we also might have a better handle on the expectations of learning from home. It is important to be kind to yourself. Remember to look for the positive. ... See below a link for a book called Windows. It is an uplifting book that may give you a different way of looking at the world through our window at home. Take care and look after each other. Jan Windows, by Patrick Guest and Jonathan Bentley
25.01.2022 We held our annual celebration for Mission Day today. This is a day where we raise money for the education of girls in Kontum, Vietnam. The sun shone down on the students as they explored the numerous stalls set up by the senior students. Congratulations must go to all the 5/6 students who organised the stalls and had to 'think outside the box' and be creative due to Covid restrictions. Judging by the smiles on faces, fun was had by all. Well done to our senior students & their teachers for all their efforts for such a great cause.
25.01.2022 Community Day - Friday 4th September - Fun Food Friday This message was shared with students and families on Seesaw: Share your favourite dish/recipe/food that you like to share or cook with your family.... Do you have a favourite meal in your house? How about a favourite cake, slice or other baked goods that are a hit at your place? Is there a recipe that's been handed down from grandparents or other family members? Has your family been doing more cooking together in isolation? We'd love to see photos of these dishes, treats & family favourites. Perhaps you could share photos of you cooking together in the kitchen? Or maybe there's a story behind a particular dish that's special to your family. Upload photos to the Seesaw activity which will be posted on Friday or email to [email protected] The activity will stay up for contributions over the weekend until 12pm Sunday. We can't wait to see what yummy food you love at your place!
24.01.2022 Wellbeing: Hope everyone is getting through this time at home with family relationships intact. It is good to remember that a whole range of emotions are normal and that sometimes we will feel grumpy or cranky. It is also good to remember that these feelings will pass. Sometimes we may need to use a couple of strategies to get us through these harder times. These short 3 minute clips explain one strategy in very simple language, that even adults might find useful. As people s...ent in photos of how they are spending their time in remote learningplease remember that we have to look for the good and we are also looking forward to being back together. Thanks for all your amazing work, particularly looking after your emotional health, like Mojo in the clips.
24.01.2022 To all of our school community, we know you will have questions after the Premier’s announcement this afternoon of the return to Stage 3 restrictions in regional Victoria and to remote learning for all students across the state. As this announcement has just been made, more details will be available tomorrow to school leaders and once the information is clarified and defined, this information will be emailed to parents. As of now, this is what the next few days look like: Mo...nday is a normal school day. Tuesday is a pupil free day for staff to prepare for remote learning. Wednesday, we return to remote learning. See more
23.01.2022 2021 Foundation students first Transition visit Today we welcomed our new 2021 Foundation students for their first transition visit. It looked a little different this year(as with so many things!) with smaller groups of students visiting at separate times. The smaller number of students really enabled the teachers to begin making strong connections with children. They rejoined their parents with big smiles after their visit and hopefully they all can't wait to visit again soon.
21.01.2022 A message from Father Linh for families regarding sacraments this year.
20.01.2022 Please see below for information on Mass times for Christmas Eve & Christmas Day. Booking are required and can be done via the try bookings link here.
20.01.2022 Today is World Teachers Day in Victoria. To celebrate we'd like to share a video of some thank you messages from some of our school families. This year has been challenging for everyone and teaching and learning has had to adapt to become remote, something never before considered in mainstream schooling. We thank them very much for their all their efforts
20.01.2022 Community Day-final one! Friday 18th September-Footy colours day If we were at school this week, our final day of Term 3 would be footy colours day. Just because we are learning remotely doesn’t mean we can’t dress in our team’s colours and show our sporting passion! We invite students, family members and even pets to get into the spirit of our final community day and dress in your favourite team colours. It could be AFL, local footy, NRL, soccer, basketball, netball, etc... Upload a photo to the Seesaw activity on Friday or email to [email protected] by 5pm Friday We even have a message from inside the Queensland AFL hub to encourage you to wear your colours proudly!
20.01.2022 Community Day: Friday 28th August Theme: House colours day We haven't been able to come together for school sports or book week activities and celebrate in our house colours so far this year. So let's show our school spirit and dress in our house colours! Maybe show your true colours whilst completing your PE activity on Thursday's Specialist day.... Let's see which house; red, green, blue or yellow can have the most students, and even family members, show your colours! Upload a picture of you proudly in your house colours to the seesaw activity posted on Friday or email to [email protected] Go Red, Green, Blue and Yellow!
19.01.2022 It’s on again! Beached Duck Race No2 Have a quack by adopting a duck in the Lions Club of Torquay’s Beached Duck Race No 2. When: 9.30am Saturday November 14th COVID Safe... $5/duck, numbers limited. All funds will go to Lions projects serving our community. Please go to our Facebook page or for further information on ticket purchasing and prizes. Lions Club of Torquay
19.01.2022 Here we are at the end of another long term of uncertainty and worry. It is worthwhile reflecting on what we have been through and then trying to put it into perspective. We have been relatively safe in Torquay and we know that all our hard work, abiding by the rules has led to good results even though it was not easy. We wanted to be with our friends, we wanted to visit our families, we wanted to do a lot of things that hopefully we will never ever take for granted again. W...e are beginning to come through the other end and we all need a little uplifting: Have a great holiday and we are all very excited to see you next term.
19.01.2022 St Therese have been focussing on narrative texts this term as part of our 'Big Write' and there have been many wonderful pieces of writing coming through on Seesaw. Here is an example of one such piece from Sienna, in Year 5. She has used many literary devices to engage the reader, most prominently she uses imagery extremely well. She has put a clear idea into the reader's mind of how her character is feeling as well as what they see, hear and touch. All of this makes you connect with the character and want to know what happens to them. Please read and enjoy the story about a very courageous girl who finds herself in a difficult situation.
18.01.2022 R U OK? Day is Today and this could not come at a better time. R U OK? is a national charity inspiring and empowering everyone to meaningfully connect with people around them and support anyone struggling with life. Looking out for one another and lending support is a key life skill for any age group. We're never too young to look out for one another and lend support. In this video, on the website below, Alec shows you how to be a good friend and ask "Are you OK?" ... While children can't be expected to fix someone’s problems, they can be encouraged to listen to what their friend is saying, show they care and tell a teacher, school counsellor or trusted adult if they are worried about their friend. This video shows them how to do that. R U OK? has created a music video to encourage children from Kindergarten to Year 6 to take the time to comfort their friends when they're feeling blue. Watch and share to show the young people in your world that it’s lighter when we share the load! Ask, Listen, Encourage, Action eg get help and Check In are key to looking out for someone you are worried about. Today could be a good day to ask someone: Are You OK?
18.01.2022 Josh McElgunn started as our new principal at the beginning of this term. He has been keen to meet all the members of our community but unfortunately, due to the current restrictions, that has been difficult. Here he sits down with our Grade 6 Assembly leaders, Savannah, Elijah & Ned for a 'get to know you' chat. We hope this gives you some insight into Josh on a personal level and his thoughts on education and St Therese.
18.01.2022 Our school community would like to pay tribute to a well respected member of our parish, Joan Sparkes, who was a tireless volunteer and an important part of our parish faith connection. Our thoughts & prayers are with Joan's family and friends at this sad time
18.01.2022 Be sure to check out this week's newsletter. It has many great ideas/recommendations for home learning
17.01.2022 Last night we celebrated our graduating Grade 6 class of 2020. Of course it was a little different this year but we were able to still send them off in style. The celebration was held at school complete with red carpet arrivals to make the students felt special. The ceremony was beamed live to families and then the students completed their celebrations with loved ones and friends at the beach on a beautiful evening. Thank you to the Grade 6 staff for putting the celebration t...ogether, to our families for their support and to our Grade 6 students who shone, despite the difficult year that they've had. We wish them all the very best for their journey beyond St Therese and please remember you are always a part of the St Therese family. Below are a few of the photos taken but all families will be sent a link to view all the photos via Seesaw. See more
16.01.2022 Grade 6 camp update: Beautiful weather, great friends and fun activities. What more could you ask for? Kayaking, mountain biking, stand up paddle boarding and zip lining. Everyone's having a great time!
16.01.2022 In Visual Art the 5/6 students created these clay masks, influenced by artist Kimmy Cantrell, where they experimented with a variety of tools and explored new techniques. They look fantastic. Mrs Hutchinson
16.01.2022 Here's a lovely, local good news story for your Wednesday.
16.01.2022 Following on from the advice in last week's newsletter, our staggered start and finish times, implemented during Covid restrictions, have finished. We returned to 'normal' drop off and pick up times today. Parents are still unable to come onsite at this stage. Important reminders: - Gates open at 8.30am - Students needing to arrive onsite prior to 8.30am need to be enrolled in 'Before school care' - Classrooms open at 8.45am... - Music begins at 8.50am for students to go to the classrooms to prepare for the start of the day - Teachers begin class at 9am -Only those students on the 3.15pm Anglesea bus are allowed to leave prior to 3.30pm -If you need to pick up a student early for an appointment or other reason, please let the class teacher and office know, email is best. Pick up is only allowed from the office, where students are signed out. Thanks to everyone for their support and understanding during these interesting and unique times.
15.01.2022's a surprise!! Dear Families, tomorrow is the last day of term and it is also Mr. Grant’s last day at St. Therese. We are unable to say a farewell in the conventional way so we are inviting families who would like to, and are able to, do a Drive-By on Friday afternoon. Beep, wave, show your footy colours, hold up signs in the car window. This will be a surprise, but I will make sure Mr. Grant is at the front gate at 1.20pm, farewelling the on-site learners. Hopefully a few people are able make it to ensure that he has a good send off.
14.01.2022 Just a little message for your Tuesday-only 4 days to go!
14.01.2022 A fun idea for the school holidays: FCAC’s ‘Extreme Arts!’ school holiday program engages local artists to bring your children authentic, creative learning experiences in the comfort of your own home. Spread across two sessions each day, primary school kids aged 6-12 explore their creative expression through crafts and movement. Each session is delivered by at least two experienced teachers so every child will receive the attention they need to learn and play.
13.01.2022 Well it seems we have some budding young chefs in our community! Thanks to everyone who contributed to our latest community event. It does appear that truffles and Choc chip cookies are definitely favourites for many! May this inspire some more cooking at your place. Enjoy!
13.01.2022 Here is our final newsletter for 2020. The final few days of the school year are filled with excitement, especially for our Grade 6 students. Information on all activities and goings on in the school are provided in the newsletter, via email, on Seesaw and on Facebook.
13.01.2022 Community Day is back!! After the great community response to these days during our last remote learning period, we've decided to bring back the fun and continue to grow the wonderful community that you are all part of, which helps us get through this crazy time! When: this Friday, 21st August... Theme: Remote learning school photo. Our school photos are scheduled for Term 4 but if they were to be taken this week, what would your remote learning school photo look like? What would your school 'uniform' look like? Who would be your classmates? If you were posing for your 2020 school photo this week-how would it be different to your 'normal' school photo? Use your imagination. We look forward to seeing the pics! How: Students can add their photo in the Remote Learning school photo activity which will be posted on Friday or you can send them via Seesaw message or email to [email protected] Thanks for your support
12.01.2022 Community Day-Remote learning school photos Well it seems our classmates are our siblings, a variety of pets and enough toys to fill a classroom! The 'uniform' is anything from PJs, wetsuits or your favourite outfit. The background is often our beautiful coastline-we are so lucky to live where we do. Thanks to everyone who shared their photos, for the creativity and for the insight into your remote learning environment.... Enjoy! See more
12.01.2022 Dear Parents, As mentioned last week, we will try to add something each week to complement the Health Unit that is being undertaken in all year levels at school. Many of you would have seen or heard of the VIA Character Strengths. I have included a clip here as a refresher or a beginner. It is 8 minutes, but definitely worth having a look and something you can look at with your children. We all have different strengths that we can w...ork on, develop, maintain and build. Our emotional health is vital and is being stretched at this time, so knowing what we can do is the first step. There is a free survey tool for 10-17 year olds and Adults too. It is amazingly accurate and will help when we feel like we are not coping or not able to do anything Again, everything we can do to enhance student’s vocabulary and guide their interactions will build resilient young people of the future. Watch your thoughts, they become your words. Watch your words, they become your actions. Watch your actions, they become your character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny. Frank Outlaw
12.01.2022 A remind about children’s liturgy that will be held online. Here are the sign up details.
11.01.2022 It is easy, at this time, to fall into the bad news vortex. We absolutely need to acknowledge that this is a dark time and that many people are suffering in lots of ways; however this week in the Herald Sun Newspaper, many famous Victorians are lending their voice of support to their fellow Victorians. Neale Daniher, who has raised millions of dollars to defeat motor neu...rone disease since being diagnosed with the illness seven years ago, said it was time for Victorians to draw on their true grit and strength. Right now, more than ever we need to lean into our responsibilities to each other to beat this virus,’’ he said. You might be able to do this activity also, as I did with some of the students who have to be at school. One of our prep students wrote: Remember everyone has kindness in them. We all need encouragement along the way and we also need hope. You might find this hope in the words and deeds of others. Stay strong.
11.01.2022 This will be our second last newsletter for the year. Please make sure you are up to date with all school news.
11.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads, grandfathers and special men of our community. We hope you have enjoyed your day and enjoyed the sunshine. You play an important role in the lives of your children and in our community.
10.01.2022 Catch all the news in our final newsletter of the term.
09.01.2022 National Science Week 2020 is here! Despite not being in the classroom, exploring science can be done at home. This link has some great activities for kids to find out about fun but simple ways in which science works.
08.01.2022 Wellbeing Week 7 I have heard lots of people comment ‘It cannot be Week 7 already’. But here we are, and you deserve a HUGE pat on the back. I am sure there are days that go a lot more smoothly than others and days when you feel low, feel upset, flat, and this is all very normal. It is important as adults and children to acknowledge the feelings we have because they are real. It is good to know that you are not alone. Catholic Education has just released a brochure highligh...ting the partnerships of parents, students and school. Now, more than ever we need to continue those links: As families and the community change, the school responds, always seeking new ways to build and strengthen relationships that support every child to flourish In the spirit of this partnership let us rejoice in the small wins and continue being grateful for this wonderful community. Jan
08.01.2022 Another fantastic Transition Day at St Therese today for our 2021 Foundation students. The children appeared quite comfortable and confident in the classroom, making new friends and getting to know the Foundation teachers. We made bag tags for our school bag with the school motto ‘It’s the Little Things That Matter’ on it. We look forward to seeing you all again for our final transition morning on Tuesday 8th December.
07.01.2022 Covid-19 lockdown! Who says you can't still get in contact with the AFL stars? Yesterday morning, as part of their Phys Ed session, the 3/4 students were invited to participate in a Healthy Heroes Zoom meeting hosted by the Geelong Cats Community. In the presentation, Cats players Becky Webster, Rhys Stanley, Ben Jarvis and Mark O'Connor talked with the students about the importance of healthy choices they need to make as elite athletes. They also gave great advice about gen...eral ways to keep healthy such as eating a balanced diet, keeping active, getting plenty of sleep and limiting screen time. It was a great turn out by the St Therese students who, I'm sure, enjoyed the presentation and also getting to see their friends' faces for the first time in a long while.
06.01.2022 Thank you to everyone who dressed in their house colours, got active and joined in the spirit of our community. It was wonderful to see handmade signs, family members joining in and even some great cheers! It was very close between green and red house for the most contributions but victory goes to red for the number of family members who got involved. Well done everyone!
05.01.2022 Grade 6 camp Day 2: We were all up and at it early this morning, ready to embrace the challenges of the camp activities. A reasonable length sleep was had by most! We enjoyed a night walk last night, in perfect weather conditions and all lay down in a clearing and gazed at the stars while trying to avoid drop bears!!
05.01.2022 Seems we had a few curious locals pop into school today! Not a sight we see every day
03.01.2022 Farewell Mr Grant Thank you to everyone who drove, rode, scooted and walked past to say goodbye to Mr Grant as he leaves us to return to St Pat’s. He really appreciated the handmade signs and was heartened to see some fellow Tigers supporters amongst the blue and white.
03.01.2022 Back to school news: Something we have become quite used to this year is that things can change very quickly! An email was sent to all families today with the very latest information about Term 4. In a nutshell: Term 4 - Week 1:... Monday 5th October: Pupil Free Day Tuesday 6th October: All students return to onsite learning Friday 18th September: Please return all loaned school devices to school for cleaning. Don't forget the chargers!
02.01.2022 Remote Learning 2.0-here we go again! As we return to remote learning today, we'd like to wish all our students and their families all the best for this journey. The teachers have uploaded slides and messages to Seesaw this morning. We're all in this together, we got through it last time and we'll do it again. We are a strong community, who support each other. We've got this!
02.01.2022 Our latest newsletter is out now complete with school and community information.
02.01.2022 Thanks to everyone who joined in for our last community day of our remote learning time. It was great to see everyone's true colours!
02.01.2022 Yesterday our Foundation students celebrated 100 days of learning. Despite learning remotely, the teachers and students got into the spirit and dressed up, with the theme being 'What does 100 look like to you?' They participated in activities around the number 100 and met up via google meets to share their costumes and learnings. Thanks to everyone for taking part in this special celebration
01.01.2022 A message from our parish: Liturgy of the Word for children - Zoom session With the restrictions due to Covid-19, we have all suffered in not being able to gather for the Eucharist, and none more so than our children as they cannot gather for Children’s Liturgy of the Word. ... So, we are moving into new territory and inviting any of our families who wish their children to continue to be able to focus on the Sunday Gospels, to get involved. The more the merrier, as the saying goes! Jesus said: Let the little children come to mefor the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. Mt 19:14 An invitation to children to experience the Word of God. Using prayers, songs and scripture readings, adapted to their own level of understanding, we will seek to help children develop a deeper understanding of the message of the Sunday Gospel. Parents are most welcome to join in as well. Beginning : Sunday 30th August - and each week afterwards Time: 11am How: Email your details (i.e. names and email address) to Lucy Atkin at [email protected] You will be sent the zoom link and login details closer to the date. If you have not yet used Zoom we can help you get that setup as well. Hope to see you there!
01.01.2022 Parents (of Grade 6 students) please check the message sent today on Seesaw regarding farewelling the Grade 6 students tomorrow.
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