Student Tax Buddy in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Tax preparation service
Student Tax Buddy
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 1300 720 599
Address: Suite 717, 1 Queens Rd 3004 Melbourne, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 The 6 biggest tax myths that international students believe Read article compelte #stb #studenttaxbuddy #internationalstudents #taxreturn #taxmyths #claimyourtax
25.01.2022 Attention 3 weeks left before the tax season is over! Claim your tax return easy online ... Contact us to [email protected] Office: St Kilda Rd Towers, Level 7 / 1 Queens Rd Melbourne 3004 Phone: 1300 720 599 Email: [email protected] #taxreturn #claimyourtaxreturn #superannuation #studenttaxbuddy #internationalstudents
23.01.2022 3 Ways to organise your SUPERANNUATION Identify which is your super fund and your membership number Ensure your name is registered correctly as it appears on your passport Register Online... For more information contact us Phone: 1300 720 599 Email: [email protected] #stb #studenttaxbuddy #superannuation #internationalstudents #australia
23.01.2022 Remember that if you worked with ABN you have a tax obligation to report your business income as part of your tax return! If you need assistance to claim your tax refund please contact us Email: [email protected] #stb #studenttaxbuddy #taxreturn #internationalstudents #australia #abn
23.01.2022 Australian residents cannot access their super until they reach a minimum age in retirement. As an International Student and a temporary resident, you can access your super when you leave Australia permanently. This means that you need to wait until you have left Australia and your Visa has expired.... For more information contact us [email protected] #superannuation #stb #taxreturn #accountant
23.01.2022 Get ready to claim your Tax Return 2019 - 2020! We approaching the end of the financial year and have 1 week to prepare for the TAX RETURN.... We suggest you have ready your TFN, ABN and a copy of your passport and Visa. We also suggest you have your payment summary for each employer, the amount of interest earned on your savings, your income for ABN and detail of your expenses for ABN. If you have any questions, please contact us! [email protected] CLAIM YOUR TAX RETURN EASIER ONLINE WWW.STUDENTTAXBUDDY.COM #studenttaxbuddy #stb #taxreturn #claimtaxreturn #australia #internationalstudents
23.01.2022 The super guarantee (SG) amnesty is a one-off opportunity to correct past unpaid SG amounts. Employers have a six-month window, until 7 September 2020, to disclose, lodge and pay unpaid SG amounts for their employees. ... Payments made during the amnesty can be claimed as tax deductions, and payment plans can be arranged. No penalties until 7th September, 2020 Contact Us!... Email: [email protected] #stb #studenttaxbuddy #taxreturn #internationalstudents #australia #scamcalls
23.01.2022 Remember if you are on a student visa you are considered Australian Resident for tax purposes and if you earned from $ 0 to $ 18,200 you don't pay tax but you need to declare. If you need assistance to claim your tax refund please contact us... Email: [email protected] #stb #studenttaxbuddy #taxreturn #internationalstudents #australia #abn
22.01.2022 International students who have been in Australia for longer than 12 months and who find themselves in financial hardship during the coronavirus crisis will be able to access their Australian superannuation. For more information contact us! [email protected] #superannuation #studenttaxbuddy #stb #australia #internationalstudents
22.01.2022 ¿Tienes visa de estudiante, visa de vacaciones de trabajo o eres un backpacker? Si es así y tienes preguntas acerca de cómo reclamar tu superannuation, taxes o más déjanos tus preguntas como comentario debajo del post y el equipo de #STB responderá a estas el domingo a través de un video. Adicionalmente, daremos 4 bonos del COLES por $30 AUD para aquellos que participen dejando su comentario con sus preguntas.... ¡¡¡Se rifarán el domingo a través del video!!! ¡Participa y gana! _________________________________________________ Do you have a student visa, work holiday visa or are you a backpacker? If so, and you have questions about how to claim your superannuation, taxes or more, leave us your questions as a comment below the post and the #STB team will answer them on Sunday through a video. Additionally, we will give 4 COLES Gift Crads for $30 AUD for those who participate leaving their comment with their questions. They will be raffled on Sunday through the video !!! Participate and win! #stb #superannuation #studenttaxbuddy #taxreturn #colesgiftcards
21.01.2022 El superannuation es el fondo de pensiones que conoces normalmente en tu país. El dinero normalmente lo debe ahorrar el empleador por ti, el porcentage de ahorro es del 9.5% del total de tus ingresos. Si quieres saber más acerca de tu superannuation escríbenos y síguenos en nuestras redes sociales. Phone: 1300 720 599 - 0481363890... Email: [email protected] #stb #studenttaxbuddy #superannuation #internationalstudents #australia
20.01.2022 Superannuation Q+A ¡Respondemos a sus preguntas! Gracias a @cristian ramirez por participar con tu pregunta. Ganaste una de las Gift cards del Coles por $30 AUD!!!... Si quieren seguir participando déjanos tus preguntas debajo del post para que nuestro equipo de STB responda. Para más información acerca del Superannuatio o Tax refund no dudes en contáctanos Email: [email protected] #stb #studenttaxbuddy #superannuation #giftcardcoles #internationalstudents #australia
18.01.2022 4 weeks left to claim your tax return The special new arrangement will allow people to claim a rate of 80 cents per hour for all their running expenses, instead of calculating costs for specific running expenses as taxpayers would under normal circumstances. For more information contact us!... Email: [email protected] #stb #studenttaxbuddy #taxreturn #internationalstudents #australia
18.01.2022 Happy 1st of July! From 1st July until 31st October Claim your Tax and Superannuation back the easy way with us!... Ask us how you can claim your tax refund Email: [email protected] #stb #studenttaxbuddy #taxreturn #internationalstudents #australia
18.01.2022 Hidding fees in every SUPPERANNUATION Why this is important to know for you as international student or backpacker? Hidden fees in every SUPPERANNUATION... Phone: 1300 720 599 Email: [email protected] #stb #studenttaxbuddy #superannuation #internationalstudents #australia
18.01.2022 El ABN es un número de identificación que usamos para poder trabajar en Australia de forma independiente. Es decir como contratista, freelancer o small business. Si quieres saber más como obtener tu ABN contctanos: Phone: 1300 720 599 - 0481363890... Email: [email protected] #stb #studenttaxbuddy #taxreturn #internationalstudents #australia
17.01.2022 Tax time is fast approaching and there are no denying things are going to look a little different come June 30. With millions of people forced to work from home, a list of new deductions is available to include in this years tax return. For more information contact us to... [email protected] #superannuation #taxrefund #australia #internationalstudents #supper
17.01.2022 Hurry Up! The deadline to lodge your . Avoid penalties, make sure you submit your Tax Return before 31st of October 2020. To prepare, have your TFN, ABN and a copy of your passport and Visa ready. We also suggest you provide a payment summary for each employer, the amount f interest earned on your savings, your income for ABN and finally a summary of your expenses for ABN.... Get ready and claim your Tax Return NOW! If you need assistance to claim your tax refund please contact us Email: [email protected] #stb #studenttaxbuddy #taxreturn #internationalstudents #australia #abn
16.01.2022 Student Tax Buddy se solidariza con todos sus clientes y entendemos las dificultades que estn pasando en estos momentos debido al COVID-19 El gobierno ha tomado medidas para combatir el contagio masivo de la población en Australia recomendando mantener restricciones de reuniones sociales, conservar una distancia de 1 1/2 metro cuando tenga que asistir a un lugar público y mucha higiene personal especialmente cuando estamos fuera de casa. Si Ud. no se siente bien, tiene fiebre..., tos, fatiga, dolor de garganta o la respiración se le corta visite su médico inmediatamente quien decidirá si necesita hacer mayores pruebas médicas para descartar contagio del coronavirus. Lo que podemos hacer para disminuir los riesgos de contagio es permanecer en casa a menos que tengamos que ir a trabajar, al colegio o hacer nuestras compras de primera necesidad, sino hubiera estos casos mejor permanecer en casa. Los estudiantes internacionales que deseen más información pueden revisar el link: #Studenttaxbuddy aún se encuentra trabajando día a día en forma virtual y atendiendo a sus clientes a través del email: [email protected] Estn seguros y saludables en casa!
15.01.2022 Are you on a Working Holiday Visa? Are you a Backpacker? Are you an International student? ... Then this is for you... For more information contact us Phone: 1300 720 599 Email: [email protected] #stb #studenttaxbuddy #superannuation #internationalstudents #australia
14.01.2022 From 1st July until 31st October Claim your Tax and Superannuation back the easy way with us! Ask us how you can claim your tax refund... Email: [email protected] #stb #studenttaxbuddy #taxreturn #internationalstudents #australia
13.01.2022 Les presento mi pequeño jardín, un poco de lo que he estado haciendo en esta cuarentena. Espero les guste me dejan sus comentarios ¿Qué andan haciendo ustedes? ... #stb #studenttaxbuddy #garden ______________________________________ I share with you my little garden! A little of what I have been doing in this isolation. I hope you like it, leave me your comments What are you doing during this time? #stb #studenttaxbuddy #garden
11.01.2022 to claim your tax return The special new arrangement will allow people to claim a rate of 80 cents per hour for all their running expenses, instead of calculating costs for specific running expenses as taxpayers would under normal circumstances. For more information contact us!... Email: [email protected] #stb #studenttaxbuddy #taxreturn #internationalstudents #australia
11.01.2022 Who we are? Meet the Student Tax Buddy team based in Melbourne. We are a squad of accountants and technology entrepreneurs who want to simplify the tax process and make getting your tax done as easy as it should be.... Learn more -> Visit our office for you tax return and superannuation claim! Location: St Kilda Rd Towers, Level 7 / 1 Queens Rd Melbourne 3004 Phone: 1300 720 599 Email: [email protected] #stb #studenttaxbuddy #taxreturn #superannuation #internationalstudents #taxtime #australia
10.01.2022 #STBNews Many of us can expect a slightly fatter refund this year If you are unsure how to claim your Tax return this year please contact us to [email protected] #taxreturn #stb #claimtaxreturn #australia #internationalstudents
10.01.2022 Recuerda reportar los ingresos con cash que depositaron a tu cuenta bancaria cuando realices tu declaración de impuestos! Si quieres saber más como obtener tu tax Return o declaración de impuestos escríbenos: Phone: 1300 720 599 - 0481363890... Email: [email protected] #stb #studenttaxbuddy #taxreturn #internationalstudents #australia
10.01.2022 Student Tax Buddy team celebrating R U OK Day today A day that reminds people that having meaningful conversations with their loved ones, friends and colleagues could change their lives. #RUOK #STB #ruokday
10.01.2022 Claim your tax return before 31st October But if you need more time, register with us before October 31, 2020 and send us your details, and we can help you with your process until May 2021. Contact us to [email protected]... Phone: 1300 720 599 Email: [email protected] #taxreturn #australia #claimyourtaxreturn #superannuation #studenttaxbuddy #internationalstudents
09.01.2022 The Australian government says temporary visa holders with work rights are being given access to draw from their superannuation to help them deal with the coronavirus economic impacts. For more information contact us Phone: 1300 720 599 Email: [email protected]... #stb #studenttaxbuddy #superannuation #internationalstudents #australia
08.01.2022 El TFN es un número único emitido por la oficina de impuestos en Australia (ATO). Con este número puedes empezar a trabajar oficialmente en tu ciudad de Australia. Si deseas hacer la reclamación de impuestos o tienes dudas de como hacerlos escríbenos y síguenos en nuestras redes sociales. Phone: 1300 720 599 - 0481363890... Email: [email protected] Instagram: studenttaxbuddy Twitter: studenttaxbuddy #stb #studenttaxbuddy #taxreturn #internationalstudents #australia
08.01.2022 If you work as a delivery driver for a food delivery service like UberEats, Foodora, Doordash or Deliveroo, any money you earn is considered assessable income which youre required to report in your tax return as ABN. Its common for delivery drivers to have another job or receive an income from other ride sharing activities. In this case, you should aim to save at least 30% of your income to avoid a big tax bill. If you need assistance to claim your tax refund please contact... us Email: [email protected] #stb #studenttaxbuddy #taxreturn #internationalstudents #australia #abn
08.01.2022 The 6 biggest tax myths that international students believe Read article complete #stb #studenttaxbuddy #internationalstudents #taxreturn #taxmyths #claimyourtax
06.01.2022 Did you know... When you start a new job youll be asked to nominate a superannuation fund. Once youve done this, your employer will put a set amount of money into a superannuation account on your behalf every time you get paid. This money (equivalent to 9.5% of your wage) is then invested by the managers of the fund into things like shares, property, government bonds and cash deposits. For more information contact us to... [email protected] #superannuation #taxrefund #australia #internationalstudents #supper
05.01.2022 Student Tax Buddy stand in solidarity with all our clients: We understand the difficult times we all are going through due to the COVID-19. Tough measures have been taken by the government to combat the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) all along Australia such as social distancing, personal good hygiene, avoid public gathering.... If you feel unwell such as fever, cough, fatigue, a sore throat, short of breath tell your doctor or seek for medical advice. In some cases, your medical practitioner will tell you if you should be tested. What we can do to minimise the risk of contagious is staying home, unless you are going to work or school or to get supplies if not please stay at home. In the cases of International Students, you can access more information going to: We are still working via email and for all your enquiries please forward to: [email protected] Stay safe and healthy
04.01.2022 Common tax deductions for Uni Students include: Course/tuition fees (Not including HECS/HELP) Stationery and textbooks Student service fees... Union fees Amenity Fees Equipment depreciation and repairs (eg. laptops computer, printer, etc.) Car expenses (if applicable) Work-related deductions for people working during studies also include: Uniforms (must have a logo) Travel (only for work-related reasons such as training or a conference) For more information contact us! [email protected] #studenttaxbuddy #stb #taxreturn #workinaustralia #tfn #taxfilenumber #unistudenttax
03.01.2022 The 6 biggest tax myths that international students believe Read article complete #internationalstudents #taxreturn #taxmyths #claimyourtax
02.01.2022 Did you know that every first Tuesday of November Australia celebrates MELBOURNE CUP DAY. The MelbourneCup is Australia's premier annual horserace. It is run over a distance of 3.2km at the Flemington Racecourse in Melbourne and is known in Australia and worldwide as 'the race that stops a nation'. #melbournecup #australia #STB
02.01.2022 Bienvenido Otoño / Hello Autumn #studenttaxbuddy #stb #autumn #enjoylife #taxreturn #internationalstudent
02.01.2022 Happy Labour Day! Remember from 1st July until 31st October Claim your Tax return and Superannuation back the easy way with us! Ask us how you can claim your tax refund ... Location: St Kilda Rd Towers, Level 7 / 1 Queens Rd Melbourne 3004 Phone: 1300 720 599 Email: [email protected] #stb #studenttaxbuddy #labourday #taxreturn #superannuation
02.01.2022 La declaración de impuestos comprende un año financiero del 1 de Julio al 30 de Junio y la declaración de impuestos debe hacerse del 1 de Julio al 31 de Octubre. Si quieres saber más como obtener tu tax Return o declaración de impuestos escríbenos : Phone: 1300 720 599 - 0481363890... Email: [email protected] #stb #studenttaxbuddy #taxreturn #internationalstudents #australia
01.01.2022 Happy Mother's Day May your Mother's Day be filled with love, joy and laughter #mothersday #stb
01.01.2022 Australians are being warned against scam phone calls that appear to be from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). The purposes of these phone calls are to trick unsuspecting victims into handing over their personal and banking details If you need assistance to claim your tax refund please contact us... Email: [email protected] #stb #studenttaxbuddy #taxreturn #internationalstudents #australia #scamcalls
01.01.2022 Happy Easter for all our Student Tax Buddy community Recommendations from our STB Team: Stay at home Keep the social distance 1.5 mts... Wearing mask Wash your hands with soap and for 20 seconds Exercise Eat healthy Keep Safe and Healthy #stb #studenttaxbuddy #happyeaster #easter
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