Studio Sensuous in Sydney, Australia | Beauty supplier
Studio Sensuous
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Phone: +61 410 388 130
Address: Elizabeth Hills 2171 Sydney, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Refer a friend to Studio Sensuous for facial waxing or eyelash extension you & your friend will receive a free after care kit!!!! DM for bookings! #studiosensous #aftercarekits #freebie #referafriend #aftercare #facialwaxing #eyelashextension #booknow #elizabethhills #cecilhills #elizabethhillsfacialwaxing #elizabethhillseyelashextension #eyelashonfleek #lashmeup #septemberspecial
25.01.2022 Loyal client with beautiful lashes! #studiosensuous #forveverlashes #lashit #loyalclient #lashonfleek #lashextensions #lashsupplies #lovelylashes #elizabethhills #cecilhills #supportlocalbusiness #yaytolashes
25.01.2022 Eyelash on fleek! Hurry and book as there are only limited availabilities left for January! #studiosensuous #january2021 #booknow #eyelashonfleek #lashbae #lashes #lashforever #elizabethhillslashes #sydneylashes #cecilhillslashes #beautylashes
24.01.2022 Something NEW & EXCITING is coming to Studio Sensuous!! Watch this SPACE..... #studiosensous #foreverlashing #excitingnews #whatthisspace #elizabethhills #sydneylashes #supplier #lashartist #lashingislife #lashextensions #forevercool #lashonfleek
24.01.2022 Volume lashes for my beautiful client!! Dont forget for the month of August all full set or infill eyelash extensions will receive complimentary eyebrow or upper lip waxing!! DM now for bookings! #studiosensuous #volumelashes #eyelashextension #elizabethhills #cecilhills #foreverlash #lashonfleek #lashitnow #takingbookingnow #beautiful #loyalclient
24.01.2022 Volume set for this beauty! Remember any bookings for full set or infills in the month of August will receive complimentary eyebrow or upper lip waxing! Book NOW! #studiosensuous #volumelashes #beautifulclient #fluffylashes #elizabethhills #cecilhills #sydneylashes #bestclient #yaytolashes #lashesonfleek #foreverlashes #eyelashextensions
24.01.2022 Happy birthday to my beautiful client! Wishing you a day filled with lots of fun and happiness.. Show off your lashes and get your drinksssss on! #studiosensuous #18thbirthdaylashes #lashlife #lashextension #specialcelebration #milestonebirthday #lashforever #elizabethhills #sydneylashes #lashonfleek #lashartist #lashonpoint #lashcelebrations
22.01.2022 STUDENT SALE! $50 for full set volume eyelash extension! DM now for bookings! #studiosensuous #studentsale #flashsale #eyelashextensions #sydneyeyelashextensions #elizabethhillseyelashextension #lashesonfleek #lashitup #lashitnow #beautifullashest #novembersale #lashartist #lashmemes
21.01.2022 A set of beautiful of lashes for this beauty! DM for bookings in studio or mobile lashing available! #studiosensuous #loyalclient #volumelashes #elizabethhills #life&lashes #foreverlashing #lashlife #lashesonfleek #lashingislife #lashingout #volumelashes #eyelashextension
21.01.2022 Loving this volume set on this bae! Dont forget all bookings for full set eyelash extension or infill in the month of August will receive complimentary eyebrow or upper lip waxing!!! #studiosensuous #volumelashes #elizabethhillslashes #cecilhillslashes #complimentarywaxing #eyebrow #upperlip #lashlife #foreverlashing
20.01.2022 SPECIAL! SPECIAL!SPECIAL! $80 for any full set on eyelash extension only for the month of November!! Hurry and book NOW!! #studiosensuous #novembersale #lashonfleek #lashforever #lashitout #lashitnow #lashextensions #elizabethhillslashes #cecilhillslashes #sydneylashes #eyelashextensionsupplier #lashartist #specialsale #booknow
20.01.2022 Complimentary eyebrow and upper lip waxing for the month August with any full set or infill eyelash extension!!! Hurry and book now!
19.01.2022 Hitting the Cecil Hills letter box today! Look out for the flyers! Dont forget any full set or infill eyelash extension in the month of August will receive complimentary eyebrow or upper lip waxing!! Hurry and book now! #studiosensuous #flyerdrop #cecilhills #doitright #eyelashextensions #lashonfleek #foreverlash #elizabethhillslashes #mailboxdrop #eyelashextension #yaytostudiosensuous #complimentarywaxing #allinaugust #itsallhappening
18.01.2022 Studio Sensuous is now offering Facial Waxing! For the month of August, any full set or infill eyelash extensions clients will receive complimentary eyebrow or upper lip waxing!! Hurry and book in an appointment as spaces are limited!!!
18.01.2022 Lavish lashes for this beautiful client #studiosensuous #lashlife #volumelashes #foreverlashes #lashme #loyalclient #lashextension #lashonfleek #elizabethhills #sydneylashes #homestudio #supportlocalbusiness #lashesfordays
17.01.2022 Another set of lashes for this beautiful gem!! #studiosensuous #volumelashes #lavishlashes #eyelashextensions #lashlife #beautifulclient
16.01.2022 Looking for the perfect gift for the perfect someone! We have home made candles and diffusers! We have a range of fragrances! DM for enquires! #hcandles #candles #diffusers #elizabethhills #perfectgift #fragrances #beautiful #cutegiftideas
15.01.2022 So in love with these fluffy lashes! Dont forget Spring SALE! $60 for full set eyelash extension for any new clients!!! DM for details! #studiosensuous #fluffylashes #elizabethhills #cecilhills #sydneylashes #infills #loyalclients #lashonfleek #springsales #onlysixty #booknow #volumelashes
14.01.2022 BLACK FRIDAY SALE! $80 full set eyelash extension!! hurry and book NOW!! #studiosensuous #blackfridaysale #booknow #elizabethhillslashes #cecilhillslashes #sydneylashes #lashesonfleek #volumelashes #lashitnow #lashitup #lashextensions
13.01.2022 Another volume set of lashes for this beauty!! DM now for bookings! #studiosensuous #volumelashes #lashinfleek #lashlife #elizabethhills #sydneylashes #foreverlashes #lashartist #beautifulclient #foreverbeauty #lovinglashes #lashingislife #lash&love
13.01.2022 Our lash lift kits are now back in stock!!!! Only $25 each!! Hurry while stock last! #lashliftkits #studiosensous #eyelashsupplier #popluarlashlift #hurrywhilestocklast
13.01.2022 Diva lashes for this diva chic! Loving the fluffy lashes on this client! #studiosensuous #lashlife #eyelashextensions #volumelashes #lashesonfleek #lashforever #lashmeup #sydneylash #elizabethhills #lovelyclient #divalashes #lashes #fullsetlash #lashlove #lashonpoint #foreverlashes
13.01.2022 FLASH SALE! Student discount ready for formal season! $50 full set eyelash extension for STUDENTS ONLY!!! #studiosensuous #flashsale #studentdiscount #formalseason #eyelashglam #lashitup #lashitnow #highschool #highschoolformal #schoolformal #makeitwork #lashonfleek #lashitout
13.01.2022 Refer a friend and you and the friend will receive a FREE after care kit!! DM now for bookings!!! #studiosensuous #referafriend #loyalclients #lashextension #lashesonfleek #lashes #elizabethhills #foreverclients #lashesonpoint #freebies #aftercarekits #booknow
12.01.2022 Before and after photo of this beauty! Mega volume and complimentary eyebrow waxed! Dont forget any bookings for full set or infills eyelash extension in the month of August will receive complimentary eyebrow or upper lip waxing! Book us NOW!! #studiosensuous #eyebrowwaxing #fullset. #megavolume #beautybae! #lashesforever #sydneylashes #elizabethhillslashes #lashit #lashonfleek #lashforlife #lashextension
12.01.2022 Throw back infills for this beautiful client! Nano mist in action! #studiosensuous #nanomist #loyalclient #bestclient #volumelashes #infillseyelashextensions #elizabethhills #cecilhills #sydneylashes #lashesonfleek #foreverlashes #eyelashextensionsupplier #localsupplier
12.01.2022 Looking for the perfect gift for a birthday, Christmas, Christening. House warming or a gift for that special someone...... look no further... Studio Sensuous has launch some fragrance candles and diffusers!!! DM us for details to purchase!!! Hurry while stock last! #studiosensuous #homemadecandles #homemadedisfusers #fragrances #perfectgift #christmasgift #housewarminggift #specialgift #ordernow
09.01.2022 Student discount!! DM for bookings!!
08.01.2022 Spring is FINALLY here!! Lets get ready for the beautiful weather! Lets start by having our lashes on fleek! DM for bookings!!! #studiosensuous #springishere #beautifulweather #lashesonfleek #timeforachange #eyelashextensions #elizabethhills #cecilhills #sydneylashes #lashmeout #lashmenow #lashforever #supplierintown #yaytospring
08.01.2022 Infills for this beauty! #studiosensuous #infills #volumelashes #lashitout #elizabethhillslashes #cecilhillslashes #lashonfleek #lashextensions #lashitnow #loyalclient #funtimes #lashgirl #supplier #extensions #beautyonfleekelizabethhills
08.01.2022 Beautiful lashes for our LOYAL client for day one! DM for bookings now! #studiosensuous #loyalclient #foreverlashing #lovinglashes #lashforever #elizabethhills #sydneylashes #lashonfleek #lashextensions #volumelashes #lashes #clientbecomesfriends #booknowladies
07.01.2022 A beautiful soul with a beautiful set of lashes! Spring Sale! Only $60 full set eyelash extensions for ALL NEW CLIENTS! DM for details #studiosensuous #beautifulsoul #beautifullashes #volumelashes #elizabethhills #cecilhills #lashesonfleek #foreverlashing #springsale #springtime #volumelashextensions #sydneylashes #onlysixty #booknow
06.01.2022 Last chance to get your complimentary eyebrow and upper lip waxing today with any full set or infill eyelash extensions!!!! DM us now for bookings!! #studiosensuous #elizbaethhillseyelashextensions #cecilhills #volumelashes #waxing #browsorupperlip #lastdayforfreewaxing #happyday #happymonday #lashitnow #volumelashes #yaytolash #sydneylashes
06.01.2022 Lovely lashes for this beautiful client! DM us for bookings!! #studiosensuous #megavolumelashes #lashextensions #infills #beautyclient
06.01.2022 Another set of infills for this bae! #studiosensuous #infillextensions #eyelashextensions #lashonfleek #lashvolume #elizabethhillslashes #cecilhillslashes #foreverlashes #lovelashes #eyelashextensionsupplier #lashartist #lashfriends #lovelashes #volumeextensions #loyalclients #sydneyeyelashextensions
05.01.2022 3 generations lashing together! Thats what you call LIFE GOALS DM now for bookings in house studio or mobile lashing! #studiosensuous #3generations #lash extensions #volumelashes #lashonfleek #lashlove #foreverlashes #elizabethhills #lashartist #beautifulladies #foreveronfleek #sydneylashes
04.01.2022 Spring SALE!!! Discount on any fullset eyelash extension for ALL NEW CLIENTS $60 only!!! Limited of time only. DM for details. #studiosensuous #springsale #onlysixty #newclients #limitedtime #elizabethhills #cecilhills #eyelashextension #lashonfleek #lashesfordays #lashmeup #lashitoutbeauty #salesalesale #springishere
04.01.2022 Volume lashes for this lovely chic! #studiosensuous #volumelashes #lashextension #lashesforlife #elizabethhillslashes #foreverlashes #infills #loyalclient #bestclient #lashesonfleek
03.01.2022 Beautiful set of volume lashes for this BAE! #studiosensuous #loyalclient #eyelashextension #foreverlashes #lashclient #waxing #elizabethhillslashes #cecilhills #lashonfleek #eyelashforever #lashisgirlsbestfriend
03.01.2022 Prepping for our first client of the day! Happy hump day! #studiosensuous #infills #volumelashes #humpday #lashforever #lashextensions #lashonfleek
03.01.2022 Proud moment! Loving this set on this beautiful client!
02.01.2022 Prepping for last client for the day! Its been a busy busy day at the studio! DM for bookings! In-studio or mobile lashing! #studiosensuous #eyelashextensions #foreverlashing #elizabethhills #sydneylashes #setupforlashing #lastclientforthenight #infills #loyalclient #readyformorelashing #lashitout
02.01.2022 STUDENT SALE!!! $50 volume full set eyelash extension! Spread the news to all your friends and families! Book NOW as there are only limited bookings available! #studiosensuous #studentsale #promotioninnovember #promotion #salesalesale #elizabethhills #cecilhills #lovinglashes #lashesonfleek #lashitout #sydneylashes #booknow #yaytolashes
01.01.2022 Mixed volume set for this beauty! DM for bookings in house studio or mobile lashing!! #studiosensuous #lashingforlife #mixedvolumelashes #lovingthelash #elizabethhillslashes #lovelyclientihave #lashingforever
01.01.2022 Prepping for a busy day ahead!! Dont forget complimentary eyebrow or upper lip waxing with any full set or infill eyelash extension!! Book NOW #studiosensuous #elizabethhillslashes #waxing #eyebrowwaxing #upperlipwaxing #sydneylashes #foreverlash #eyelashsupplier #booknow
01.01.2022 Just made my day! Thank you to this beautiful bae for giving me the opportunity on making her lashes look fabulous! #studiosensuous #clientfeedback #lashlover #lashlife #lashartist #lashbeauty #elizabethhillslashes #cecilhillslashes #sydneylashes #eyelashonfleek
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