St Xavier's Primary School | Education
St Xavier's Primary School
Phone: +61 2 6742 1136
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25.01.2022 Trophies reflecting some of our Character Strengths will be up for grabs at our Fun Day tomorrow. We are excited!
25.01.2022 This is a great opportunity for all your aspiring artists and writers!
25.01.2022 St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal// Each St Xavier’s class has been given two hamper baskets to collect donations from families. The Vinnies volunteers have asked for donations of festive food this year; non-perishable products like puddings, long-life custards, chips, nuts, crackers, chocolates, candies, tinned fruit/vege, shortbread biscuits, etc. Any donations you can provide will be very much appreciated.
25.01.2022 Our Whole School Grammar Focus this week is on adjectives. Year 3 students enjoyed the delightful change in weather and worked outside to illustrate and then add wonderful adjectives to a noun or proper noun they could find in the school
24.01.2022 P&F Meeting tomorrow night (please note change in time for this month) 6.30pm, in the St Xavier's Year 4 classroom.
24.01.2022 Reminder for Year 4 and 6 parents to join the Real Talk Parent Zoom Session tomorrow night at 6.00pm. An email has been sent with details of the zoom meeting. Here is a short video with more details about Real Talk.
24.01.2022 Please try and support our wonderful P&F!
23.01.2022 Kinder have absolutely loved spending time with their Year 6 Buddies this year. Year 6 have been working hard, writing a "Choose Your Own Adventure Story" for their Kinder Buddy. Last week they got to share it with them.
23.01.2022 Our Kinder 2021 Class had their second taste of "big school" last week.
22.01.2022 A huge thank you to everyone who supported the Canteen Pie Drive. I think you will all agree that Manilla Bakery did an amazing job!!!
21.01.2022 This is a fantastic program and a great opportunity for all parents of children in Years 4 and 6. We strongly encourage you to participate. Real Talk
20.01.2022 An excellent start to our Fun Day!
20.01.2022 Today was our last Kinder Orientation. We can't wait to see you all back here next year in your "big school" uniforms!
20.01.2022 Throughout Term 3, Year 5 have been learning about staying mentally healthy and one way to do this was by maintaining an active lifestyle. Having an active lifestyle has also been a theme during art lessons. Year 5 created three sculptures made from foil, pipe cleaners and wire. The wire sculpture was a portrait of themselves and the foil and pipe cleaners showed figures doing something active. Year 5 hosted a Sculpture Exhibition to show the other grades their amazing work.
19.01.2022 Wishing all the dads, uncles, father figures and friends in our school communities a wonderful #fathersday!!
18.01.2022 Congratulations to the following swimmers who broke school swimming records at our Carnival last week: Jacob Smith 11 years 50m Free (previous record held by Charlie Crawford 2009) 50m Back (previous record held by Charlie Crawford 2009) 50m Fly (previous record held by Charlie Crawford 2009)... Joshua Spinks 9 years 50m Back (previous record held by Jake Bastian 2010) Baxter Knapman 11 years 50m Breast (previous record held by James Clift 2004) Dana Campbell 12 years 50m Fly (previous record held by Maddie Henry 2019) Audrey Hannaford Senior Girls 200 IM (previous record held by Martha Beattie 2001) Senior Girls Relay FATIMA- Audrey Hannaford, Dana Campbell, Eliza Campbell, Tahni Bush (previous record was Fatima 2005) **Pictured are the new record holders (absent Audrey). See more
18.01.2022 Term 3, Week 7 Newsletter
17.01.2022 This week our Character Strength is HUMOUR. Check out our awesome Character Strength Wall.
17.01.2022 SPORTS FUN DAY TOMORROW// Our Sports Fun Day (in lieu of our Athletics Carnival) will be held tomorrow, weather permitting. The day will involve lots of fun events and activities with a focus on house spirit and teamwork. We are very excited! Please take note of the following important information for the day:... -The carnival is classed as a school day and the same rules and expectations regarding behaviour and attendance apply as they would at school. If your child can not attend for any reason, please use the Compass Parent Portal to explain their absence or email the office. -All children must come to school as normal. They will go to class and have the roll marked and then students will all walk to the -Soccer Fields. Students will return to school in the afternoon for normal pick-up/bus arrangements. -NO PARENTS are allowed to attend the event, this includes sitting in your car to spectate. -THERE WILL BE NO CANTEEN. You will need to pack morning tea and lunch. -Children will need to bring plenty of water, as well as sunscreen and a hat. -Children can wear coloured clothes representing their house or school sports uniform with their joggers. PLEASE LABEL ALL ITEMS! See more
17.01.2022 Keep selling those tickets!!
14.01.2022 Year One had some very special and adorable visitors last Friday.
13.01.2022 We start this THURSDAY (except Tots) Get your kids registered now.
12.01.2022 What beautiful weather we have had the past few days! With this warmer weather, students may wear their summer uniform if the want. They must wear either FULL summer uniform or FULL winter uniform (this includes long sleeve shirts and ties)not a mix of both.
12.01.2022 This is the best!!! One of our awesome dads putting himself out there to promote the P&F Raffle. C’mon everyone, sell your tickets, buy a ticket.....make this guys embarrassment worth it!!! You could be $2000 richer!
12.01.2022 Please share- job opportunity for St Xaviers School.
12.01.2022 What a fantastic day (although, very windy). The students all had a great time and their behaviour and participation was outstanding. A big thank you to the Gunnedah and District Soccer Association Inc for letting us use their great facilities. Congratulations to the Houses for winning the following trophies: Maria Goretti- ENERGY Fatima- FAIRNESS... Carmel- TEAMWORK Coolock- LEADERSHIP See more
11.01.2022 This term Year 4 have been studying the work of Australian Artist, John Olsen. They have learnt new art making techniques that include marbling and ink blowing and have created a major work that incorporates these techniques. These artworks are titled Wild Streams and are about a journey around water. This art work tied in nicely with our informative narrative writing topic and Book study, Rivertime by Trace Balla. Amazing work Year 4!
11.01.2022 Year 3 had a great time sharing their spelling strategy stories with Kindergarten.
10.01.2022 Kinder had a great time creating dioramas, using Spring as their inspiration. They were very proud to show off their work when other classes came to visit them.
10.01.2022 Schools from across the Diocese participated in the 2020 Gala Day last week! It was so fantastic to see so many smiling faces on Friday 20th November, 2020, par...ticipating in the Netball & Touch Football gala day in Tamworth. After a year of almost no sport for some of these children, nominations flooded in as their eagerness to participate grew. Students loved the opportunity to play against fellow schools, encourage each other and develop teamwork throughout the day. The gala day catered for those more experienced players, to those just giving a new sport a go, no child was turned away and boy oh boy did we have a blast! The gala day certainly reminded us how important physical activity, social interaction and a sense of camaraderie is for our students. #galaday2020
09.01.2022 This term the Year 6 students have been studying extreme events such as cyclones, volcanic eruptions, floods and tsunamis. They then took charge of their own learning by looking into one extreme event in more depth and presented their information in a range of ways. From creative recounts that tell a harrowing story of how they survived their extreme event, to awesome dioramas and models displaying interesting ways to overcome the effects (even models in Minecraft). They have shown that there is a range of ways we can learn that tap into our many talents.
09.01.2022 Dont forget to jump on and register your children for our Junior Touch Clinic which will be held on the 29th and 30th of September! Cost is $10 per day, per child. Registrations need to be emailed to - [email protected] - with each childs name and age.
09.01.2022 GALA DAY// The Touch Football buses are leaving Tamworth now. Due back approx 3.55pm.
09.01.2022 The parish farewell for Fr John and Fr Vince this Friday, December 18, will now be held at St Mary’s College under cover area due to the rainy weather. The saus...age sizzle will be start around 6pm after the 5:30 Mass in St Joseph’s. A plate of slice or similar would be welcome. Soft drinks, tea and coffee provided BYO other drinks. Those wishing to attend are asked to register with the parish office on 6742 0200. Fr John is semi-retiring and will be a supply priest for the diocese, with Fr Vince appointed administrator of Wuirindi and Werris Creek parishes. See more
09.01.2022 All students are permitted to wear plain clothes tomorrow to celebrate the end of the year. Students must still have closed in shoes and a hat. No singlet tops (for sun safety).
08.01.2022 The NSW Children's Week 2020 Art Competition is open to all children and young people up to the age of 18 living in NSW. Children and young people can enter by ...creating an artwork to show how they are keeping safely connected with their family, friends and community during this time. Artworks can include drawings, paintings, photographs, digital illustrations or videos. Nine winners (three winners for each age group: Under 5, 6-11, 12-18) will receive an award and prize! Entries close Friday 9 October 2020. For more information and to enter click here:
08.01.2022 Excitement plus for our Sports Fun Day!
07.01.2022 Week 7 Newsletter
06.01.2022 Year 6 versus the teachers novelty relay!!!! Nice try teachers
05.01.2022 #RUOKDay on 10 September is a reminder that a conversation could change a life. This years message is Theres more to say after #RUOK. Learn what to say next... so you can keep the conversation going when someone says theyre not OK. R U OK? has resources available for educators to use in the classroom, via virtual learning or in hybrid classroom models. These resources will help students everywhere start a conversation and are free to download: See more
05.01.2022 Not your average school holiday activity! Code Camp is where kids aged 5-14 can code, create and develop their very own app in a fun and safe environment.In a w...orld of smartphones, robots and virtual reality, coding is no longer just a niche skill for rocket scientists at NASA its now a powerful way to innovate, influence and create the world we live in. Not every child will become a developer, but learning the fundamentals of coding gives children the confidence and knowledge to be in control with technology not just as a passive consumer, but as a creator and driving force. Code camp programs are also eligible for the NSW Government Creative Kids Rebate! The NSW Creative Kids rebate allows all families with children aged 4.5 to 18 to claim $100 back on creative pursuits for each child, once a year. This rebate, called Creative Kids is similar to Active Kids and works in exactly the same way. Please note that this rebate is available to NSW residents only.With just two weeks to go until school holidays, this one is worth checking out! Find out more at
04.01.2022 Year 2 have been creating some amazing artworks in Visual Arts this term. They investigated details of places and spaces by creating a variety of landscapes. First they created a collage of a seascape, then an oil pastel landscape inspired by the work of artist Ted Harrison, followed by a cityscape.
04.01.2022 Year 6 made cards for their Kinder Buddies and spent their last session sharing them. Kinder will miss their Big Buddies!
03.01.2022 School holidays are just around the corner, so we have put together a program of events and activities to help keep kids busy over the break. Check it out and head over to to reserve a spot for your child.
03.01.2022 The Infants students had a very fun Christmas Party in the Hall on Wednesday. What a fun way to finish 2020!
02.01.2022 The Year 6 Keepit Bus is due back at 4.30 pm.
02.01.2022 Warming up with House Chants, all ready to go!
02.01.2022 The Canteen is desperate for some helpers this Friday, 18th September. Please contact the office if you can spare a few hours. The canteen also needs regular helpers on the following days: 1st and 5th Tuesdays of the month 1st, 3rd and 5th Thursdays of the month 1st, 3rd and 4th Fridays of the month.
02.01.2022 Congratulations Maria Goretti taking home the Championship Trophy and the Participation Trophy
01.01.2022 GALA DAY// The netball bus is leaving Tamworth now. Due back at 3.10pm. We will post another notice about the touch football bus when we know.
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