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The Style Counsellor
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22.01.2022 Such a fab day out in the @theswanvalley today. Final rugby game of the season (big win), followed by an impromptu lunch and drinks at the @theducksteinbrewery relaxing in the spring sun. It’s been YEARS since I was in the #swanvalley and I cannot wait to go back up there and explore a whole new world just a short drive from Perth. Speaking of driving, I’m driving old trends back into fashion today... I never got to grips with the whole athleisure to utility wear thing when... it was IN in (it’s still in in my book) - but I’ve #madeitmine and made it work for me today with this moss green exaggerated length T-shirt dress (with splits AND pockets!!!!) and added some functional drama (insulation for when that wind gets real and blows up yer skirt!) with the cream jersey culottes underneath. It ticks all my personal style boxes. Super comfy! Athleisure - a T-shirt and track pants done my way - a little drama, a little flamboyance and ALL the elegant comfort. And to be sure I felt like me, I added my large scale jewellery, my fave espadrilles and then added a few drinks, some laughter with some good mates and today was an all round good day! LIFE and STYLE wise... that’s how my STYLE fits my LIFE: LIFESTYLE! When I teach style, one of the big factors we consider is your lifestyle. If you don’t feel comfortable wearing something for doing what you do in a day, there is no place for it in your wardrobe. It has to make you feel like YOU. And there is no point in buying clothes for a life you do not lead... I DEAL in REAL. REAL clothes for REAL women, leading REAL lives. #everyonedeservesastylist #swanvalleystyle #swanvalleystylist #swanvalleystyledshoot @cottrugby @theducksteinbrewery #perthisok #perthstyling #perthstylist #styleforlife #styleforrealpeople #perthmums #bossmumsperth #perthstyleblogger #realrawrelatable #realrawridiculous #styleforreallife #realstyle #newbusinessperth #perthnewbusiness #romanticnatural #athleisure #houseofash
22.01.2022 Buy less, buy mindfully, buy better.
21.01.2022 Current favourite photo. I don’t care about my unkempt hair and lack of makeup. I am sporting my OG favourite accessory: My first born. And these are not ‘pose for photo’ smiles. We were genuinely relaxed and happy. And he genuinely wanted to come spend some time with me today. It wasn’t under duress and I don’t now owe him an extra hour of screen time for the pleasure. Our little world has changed so much these past few months that it’s hardly recognisable. And the changes i...n this guy have been directly proportional. He has gained 10kg of muscle since March (more and more like me by the day! ) grown a fair few centimetres in height, grown his hair out completely and he talks like an occasionally squeaky man. He has taken this move in his stride and as sad as I am that he is growing up and it feels like he is breaking up with me slowly, one day at a time - he makes me proud. And though we have barely spent a moment apart these past few months, I miss him. I have been too caught up in ALL THE LIFE THINGS, worrying and scrambling and constantly tired that I’ve missed just hanging with him. He drives me mental (he’s the most sassy and obstinate person I know- obv after his father... ) but also totally gets me sometimes. And has my sense of humour and well, who better to laugh at my own jokes with than my mini me? And he loves North Street Store pork and fennel sausage rolls as much as I do. So we escaped today and grabbed a couple and headed to the beach. He chose the tunes (hmm much work still to be done there). And talked to me about his idol @davidpocock and how he challenged homophobic and racial slurs and how Conán wants to do that too, but he doesn’t know how. We talked ways. And courage. And ambition and kindness and drive and boundaries and leadership. It was all shades of awesome. But now we’re home and he has his face stuck back in a screen and I’m praying the weather is good again next Sunday so we can do it again. #proudmum #mumofteens #boymum #perthmums #perthmum #perthmumsinbusiness #taketimetochill #talktoyourkids #timeoutwithmyson #teentalk #growingboystomen #growgoodmen #perthkids #rugbymum #preciousmoments #perthblogger #thisisnotastylepost
19.01.2022 I haven’t even read this book. I bought it at Heathrow when we left London in May: it was how I felt then and frankly it’s how I felt today. Literally bought the book for its cover... if you’ve done Personal Style Development with me, you’ll know we ALL do this. Except in real life. And it costs us way more than 12.99. Today was another fecker of a day when we didn’t hear anything about our shipment (containing our entire life belongings) that was due to arrive in #Fremantle... last Friday, another day of rental market rubbish - no new rentals came to market, so we don’t have a house or even a plan for one. Sigh. It’s also the last day of Scott’s employment in the UK. Now I know it could be worse, but in the interest of being real, raw and ridiculous, the frustration got to me. So I took to cleaning. Is it just me that partakes in ‘angry cleaning’? It’s like a workout and therapy and mindfulness all at once except there’s no Deepak Chopra - just the @thechicks (formerly known as the Dixie Chicks) blasting in my earphones and my lardass jiggling barefoot and braless manically around the living room vacuuming like a badass red headed on a mission! My husband took one look at me and said ‘baby do you mind if I head to the gym?’ Boom! House to myself. 6 hours later - not a feckin speck of dust is there to be found in my house. It’s so clean, it’d even pass my Mammy’s clean test! Took the little one (who is still not well ) back to the naturopath and stopped off at @kmartaus on the way home for some new lime and royal purple pjs and a face mask. The evening was sorted. Fresh sheets and new pjs. On a Monday!! I mean, does it get any better than THIS?! #realrawandridiculous #everythingisfucked #perthisok #covidcansuckit #perthstylist #globalstylist #onlinestylist #zoomstylist #zoomstyle #perthisok #perthmums #perthmamas #romanticnatural #professionalstylist #professionalstyle #stylecounsellor #stylecounselling #perthmummyblogger #irishgirlinperth #irishgirlinaustralia
19.01.2022 Love this. Period red Also known as true red - it’s the one colour all of us can (and do) wear!!... Bravo to Pantone for promoting this in such a brave and bold manner.
19.01.2022 I had lunch at Barchetta, Cottesloe with a gorgeous friend today. We talked about the challenges of being a smart and ambitious woman on the dating scene. And about perceptions vs misperceptions. And the language of clothes. Fascinating! And funny - some of the stories were hilarious! But the struggle is real. And I decided to rescind my offer to Jolene to come take my man, and instead decided to do a Patsy Cline for now anyway. If you know, you know. Apologies to those non c...ountry fans who are currently tilting their heads like a puppy confused ... There is nothing new to see here! All worn before. All been on my grid before. Multiple times. But I love it, and I love how it makes me feel! It shows off my character with the swish and vibrancy and cleverly distracts from some of my coronakilos. This is me practicing what I preach. When you know what works for you, your body shape, lifestyle, budget and personality - you’ll find it. And you’ll love it. And it will love you back. Over and over and over. Until it gives you a good return on your investment. Are you dressing to be memorable? Do you wear the same thing on repeat and get bored? Do you feel you’re not yourself in your own clothes? Are you dressing to show off your best assets? Do you wear 20% or your wardrobe 80% of the time? Do you have nothing to wear? Do you buy things and months later they still have the tags on? Is wardrobe boring and dull? Do you want to look better but don’t know how? I can help! #perthsingles #perthstylist #perthimageconsultant #perthisok #perthisokay #sustainablefashion #dresstokill #dresstoimpress #dresstoimpresswithindividualstyle #knowyourstyle #dressyourbest #dressyourtruth #colourpalette #beseen #bememorable #bevisible #dressyourshape #knowyourstyle #perthdating #perthdateideas
18.01.2022 Sometimes words alone can’t express what it is I do. So here is one example of what I do, in pictures. With words, because it’s not Ciara if there’s no story, right?!? Big ups to Romilly for being brave and allowing me to share her awesomeness with you all. Hit me up if you want to chat about how I can help you... I’m here and would love to show you how to turn up to life as your best self - every damn day! I want everyone to look and feel as good as Romilly. It’s easier a...nd more achievable than you think - doesn’t matter where you are. #everyonedeservesastylist #everyonedeservesstyle #personalstylist #stylejourney #bevisible #bememorable #beyourself #knowyourstyle #wearyourwowcolours #perthwomeninbusiness #perthstylist #personalstylistperth #perthonality #everydaystyle #styleover30 #clientlove #clientreview #picturestory #aussiestylist #onlinestylist #globalstylist #zoomstyle #thiscouldbeyou #wantsome #discoveryourstyle #insideout #revealyourbeauty #youcanaffordit @justmethatsall
18.01.2022 As many of you will know, we had to make a difficult decision to move quickly from the UK back to Australia. The cost of moving our family so suddenly as a result of COVID-19 and my husband’s redundancy was way more than packing up a house, booking flights and even doing quarantine. It is far reaching. One unaccounted for impact of this move has been leaving our beloved pup, Phoenix behind (temporarily). And tonight, I went on TV to talk about that. ... I had to employ lots of the skills I teach today when the nation’s favourite news show called and asked to interview us - with an hour’s notice! Be visible Be memorable Be authentic (And for screen or stage - don’t wear anything distract from the key message.)
18.01.2022 You may have noticed, I love getting dressed up and going out. I find Australian style is a lot more relaxed than in the UK and while a big part of my personal style is quite relaxed, I find myself being tempted to fall too far in to the casual too often. I hear voices in my head saying ‘everyone will be super ‘casjz’ Aus stylee in their jeans, just play it down’. But when I do that, I lose a big part of myself - Ciara LOVES to create with her clothes and tell stories about ...herself with them and express herself using them. So tonight, when a good friend @jeysaikip asked us out for dinner for her birthday to a fancy restaurant (as fancy as it gets for Perth), I fought the voices in my head and shouted back ‘screw it! Imma be ME!! LOUD and PROUD!’ and I jumped at the chance to get my #gladrags on and bust out the dusty #stilettoheels. I was feeling a little bold and rebellious and picked this sassy off shoulder jumper and swish-tastic wide leg pants. Yes, I decided to go to dinner dressed as my family’s BYO condiments: mustard and ketchup. In my book it’s a match made in heaven - after all, burgers are my favourite food! I’d never have had the knowledge or confidence to put this together before I studied personal styling and learned to apply it to me - my personality, my body shape, lifestyle and that of all the REAL clients I work with. Now? I love an opportunity to fully engage my personal style and max out with my colours in a big way. My clothes bring me joy. Can you tell? Swipe to play ‘spot the stylist’... #perthstyling #perthstylist #onlinestylist #imageconsultant #everydaystyle #styleforeveryone #personalstyle #romanticnatural #perthisok #personalstylistperth #personalstylistaustralia #virtualstylist #virtualstylistaustralia #perthlove #perthmums #bossbabesperth #perthbossladies #widelegpants #mustardandketchup #autumncolourpalette #realrawandrelatable #realrawandridiculous #virtualstylistaustralia #virtualstyle #perthbossgirls @crownperth @crownhotels @crowntowersperth
17.01.2022 It’s all shades of awesome when you hook up with other women who share your values and whose businesses are synergistic to yours. Smart women who have solid business ideas aiming to do some good, make people feel good, evoke positive change and hopefully earn an honest buck. I had a little mumpreneur rendezvous today with the lovely ladies behind @theexchangeco - they run high end clothing exchange events. They are all about promoting sustainable style, circular fashion, bui...lding confidence, growing a community of likeminded women using clothes as a medium. Sound familiar? We talked about collaborating opportunities and I’m excited to be part of their upcoming event in December. Keep an eye out for more info! Head to toe preloved today! Went for a more demure than normal two neutrals and a pop of colour... but of course I chose red for the statement pop I need. Top: @zara but preloved from @stockexchangesunninghill Belt: @mango but preloved from @thameshospice sunninghill Skirt: @flannel_au thrifted at @vinniesshops Fremantle Boots: @zara thrifted @the_bhf the_bhf Egham #secondhandseptember #sustainablefashion #sustainablystylish #colourpop #thriftedfashion #perththrift #mumpreneur #perthstylist #perthisok #perthimageconsultant #perthmums #perthmumsinbusiness #irishstylist #irishinaustralia #knowyourstyle #bevisible #bememorable #beyourself #workingmums #behaviourchange #secondhandisntsecondbest #fastfashion #slowfashion #circularfashion #makeachangeforthebetter
15.01.2022 What? This old thing? This dress... again! But when I need to work my personal brand, it ticks every box. I attended a fundraiser ladies’ lunch as a newcomer and as a sponsor of a silent auction item (a styling session with me). The ad for the session (swipe to see) also had a pic of me wearing this dress. I debated if I should wear it again but decided that it’s proof I practice what I preach - repeat wears are key for practicing sustainability. ... Plus, in a room full of people I want to get to know, I know this dress makes me look friendly and approachable and stand out for all the right reasons as well as connecting me to the donation. This dress makes me memorable and visible. It’s flamboyant and vibrant. It tells people who I am and it makes me feel like me. It also plays to all my best bits and hides all my ‘not so best’ bits. It’s everything a girl could want in a dress. So I have three of them. In three different colours. Do you know how to dress to be visible and memorable for all the right reasons? Do you know how to dress to suit your personality, your lifestyle AND your body shape? I can teach you. Everyone deserves style. Everyone deserves a stylist. me. #ootd Dress: @newlook Belt thrifted: @rspcawa_opshop North Perth Shoes: thrifted @vinnieswa Necklace: @caterinawills Cuff: thrifted @stockexchangesunninghill #personalbrand #personalbranding #styleisawaytosaywhoyouarewithouthavingtospeak #onrepeat #rinseandrepeat #sustainablefashion #repeatwear #secondhandseptember #thisoldthing #wearitloveit #bevisible #bememorable #beyourself #dresstoimpress #dressyourbodyshape #illusiondress #perthstylist #perthisok #perthmums #perthmummyblogger #stylistperth #mummystyle #mummystylist #forgetfastfashion #fightfastfashion #playtoyourstrengths #dressyourbestself #everyonedeservesastylist
14.01.2022 Life imitating art... Life imitating nature! Three times in one day I found my colour combo in Mother Nature. But let’s be honest, she is the OG and always does it best! ... If you know me, you’ll know I believe we were all born to stand out. So I don’t do ‘blending in’. However, lay me down here and I’d happily submerge into that rich and glorious red earth. I ADORE these colours. I’d happily blend into this background! Do you know your best colours? I can help you find them. #autumncolourpalette #mutedcolors #earthycolours #mothernaturedoesitbest #australiancolours #redearth #redearthbeauty #wearyourwowcolours #colouranalysis #colourcrazyme #perthstylist #imageconsultantperth #connectwithnature #styleinspired #colourinspiration #blendintotheearth #lifeimitatingart #lifeimitatingmothernature #australianredearth #perthstyling #colouranalysis
12.01.2022 Hands up! Anyone else over it? This outfit is entitled ‘hugs and heels’. This jumper dress is my fave for when I feel like microwaved faeces and need to give myself an all day hug. And the heels were to make it look like I hadn’t abandoned all sense of hope. Sigh. I’ve had a bad attitude that not even coffee will fix this morning. I'm angry and I'm tired and I'm overwhelmed. My family members refer to me as ‘Miss Snippy Pants’. ... I want to fight with everyone. I want to fight with the lazy estate agents who don’t call back or who leave homes online when they’re already leased. I want to fight with narrow minded people who don’t understand the global REALity of COVID19. I want to fight with strangers on the internet. I want to fight the government for stranding our dog in England. I want to fight a website too complicated to navigate and the freeway traffic on the way to judo. So instead of all those things I fight with my husband. Lucky him, huh? This morning is a write off. I’ll try again after lunch. And hope a second coffee from @northstreetstore will save the day. No pressure! I'm just tired, you know? I'm tired of things being different and hard. I'm tired of normal being abnormal. I have no patience today for developing "new" normals. I'm tired of all the uncertainty. I'm tired of misplacement. I'm tired of all the pain so many people I love are in. And while I’m at it, I'm tired of making food, I'm tired of washing kits, and I'm tired of cleaning. This I KNOW many of you feel. I'm tired of worrying if my kids are going to be alright. Tired of navigating teenagedom (if that’s not a word, it should be). Tired of sounding like a broken record and always being the bad guy. I'm just tired. And I have an intermittent bad attitude. I’ll be fine after coffee. Promise. I guess I’m just bring real. It’s all I got. #RealRawandRidiculous And I truly believe in calling a spade, a spade. It’s ok to not be ok. This too will pass. But even though I'm still feeling grumpy, I'm also feeling like it's probably going to be alright. I’m putting one foot in front of the other and working towards ‘it’s going to be alright’ because as tired as I am, I’m not a quitter, and well, that’s all we can do, right?
12.01.2022 I’m always talking about Mother Nature being the OG of colour combos. Check this out!! This lady’s living and breathing what I said and she is next level!
05.01.2022 So here’s a dress. It’s a mustard/lime green buffet dress that ticks the boxes of hitting my best colours and my best style . I saw it, immediately I loved it. Open neckline, big sleeve, full swishy skirt - it’s bang on ME. And also fills a hole in my wardrobe. But when I tried it on, I pulled a size 12 and a 14. Both ‘fitted’ but neither gave me the exaggerated volume in sleeve or skirt that I need. So I went up. And up again. And finally, at a size 18, I got the perfect... fit. I added my big belt (I always need to honour my waist or I don’t look like ‘me’) and my chunky jewellery and long boots and then, BAM MY style. Now I feel like ME. There was a time, when I’d have angrily put this back and refused to even buy it. An 18??? I’m not an 18!! But now? Now I know. I know who I am. I know what I like. I know what my body needs. I know what my personality needs. And I know a postage stamp size piece of fabric with some letters and numbers on it does not tell me who I am or what I need. It does not impact my confidence or my self worth, my happiness or the limits of my success. Who cares what the label says? Cut it off. You are so much more than any label, size or price tag. Learn to find pieces to fit you - your body architecture, your lifestyle, your budget and importantly - your personality. I can help. #labelhater #freeyourselffromlabels #knowyourstyle #dressyourshape #dressyourshapenotyoursize #wearyourwowcolours #lookgoodfeelgood #lookgoodfeelgreat #autumnvibes #buffetstyle #romanticnatural #globalstylist
05.01.2022 I just finished a zoom consultation with a lovely Canadian client in London. It was her second session with me and we discovered she needs structure and quality in her clothing as well as some flow and some all important glamour to make her shine. She is in communications management in a male dominated industry and wants to be perceived as a confident leader, comfortable in her own skin. I rolled up my sleeves and tightened my proverbial pony tail. I’ve been there. I OWN that... T-shirt. We talked about personal brand and perceptions and how to dress with appropriate impact. We looked at some basic quality pieces she already has in her wardrobe and did some high and low styling to improve the versatility and return on her investment. We talked about her professional attire and worked out ways to reduce her price per wear on the high end investment pieces. Our next job is to work out the holes in her wardrobe so we can do some purposeful and mindful shopping together. But for now, she left excited about getting dressed and eager to reach some goals dressing in some of her existing wardrobe. #sustainablefashion I love my work. Everyone deserves to feel fabulous and know how to dress confidently and authentically to kick life goals. New do for me yesterday too - thanks to @chook.81 (who first did my mop some 20 plus years ago ). I like it - a little more concave to give a little more volume because if you know me, you’ll know my style - the bigger the hair, the smaller the hips. Still needing to hold on to steady my wee self but this week has definitely been better than others lately. Thanks to those who have contributed to that - my clients especially! I get so much satisfaction and self worth with this work. It literally lights me up. More please, universe. It makes me happy. Earrings by @lovisajewellery Blouse is (back to front and stitch ripped to open the neckline for me)by @hm current Necklace thrifted by @stockexchangesunninghill #perthstylist #globalstylist #onlinestylist #zoomstylist #zoomstyle #perthisok #perthmums #perthmamas #romanticnatural #professionalstylist #professionalstyle #stylecounsellor #stylecounselling #perthmummyblogger
05.01.2022 Out today escaping the kids and the endless cardboard boxes. I prepared and delivered a care package for a good mate and her son in hotel quarantine. I’ll never forget the kindness people showed to me when I was in #fivestarjail (aka hotel quarantine). So, it was nice to be able to return the kindness today. Proud of myself for managing to smuggle in a bottle of wine for her. Her glee was evident from the road as I looked up and saw her happy dancing in the window! No self ...respecting Irishwoman leaves a Celtic friend wineless in quarantine! Then I visited a fellow Irish mum from the boys’ new school to pick up a whole heap of #secondhand school uniform! We giggled about how far we have come with the shame of handmedowns to blatantly saying I prefer sustainable secondhand. Our school has multiple means of buying secondhand uniform - even the uniform shop sells secondhand. I love it. Feeling all the tonal vibes for the second time this week - I love tonal dressing. This time, it’s the rusty reds and chestnuts - all flexible #autumncolours from my wardrobe that I can mix and match with ease. You’ve seen all this before - it’s a total #rewear - except the trousers - they’re ‘new’ by @countryroad but thrifted from @vinnieswa Mosman Park for $12. They are almost perfect dupes of my old @zara thrifted ones but I’ve almost completely worn them out (I easy got 75 wears out of them and PROUD) so it was a win when I found these. Hope your Tuesday is tonally vibing! #wiwtoday Hat: @oasisfashion 4 years ago Jumper: @zara but thrifted @stockexchangesunninghill Belt: @rspcawa_opshop North Perth Duster: @fandfclothing but gifted from @true_style_evolution Trousers: @countryroad but thrifted @vinnieswa Trainers: @dune_london but found @tkmaxxau #irishinaustralia #irishstyle #personalstylist #quarantinestories #secondhandseptember #thriftstorefinds #opshopfinds #knowyourstyle #wearyourownstyle #rewearandshare #repeatwear #perthisok #wearyourwowcolours #bevisible #bememorable #irishinperth #irishinwa #tonaldressing #autumnvibes #romanticnatural #perthstyling #perthstylist #secondhandseptember #hotelquarantine #thriftedfashion
02.01.2022 Tune in to this later today for an introduction to being Sustainably Stylish. 1.30pm London 8.30pm Perth... Look forward to seeing you there!
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